High School Resume - Antonio Perez 2

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Perez 166 Paradise Drive Apt 9

Hercules, CA 94547
Student Resume (925)308-0433

Skills Passionate student with an upbringing through highschool, someone
who’s willing to put in the effort when it’s applicable. Seeking to push my
understanding of marketing and the digital business medium as a future
career, and someone who takes in others experiences to my future
endeavors. Also lots of experience with hard lifting and cleaning and
customer service.

Experience Boys and Girls Club
November 2018 - February 2019, El Sobrante, CA
● Volunteer experience for longer than 40 hours after school
● Tutored kids and better helped them on any school activities
● Practice with lifting and cleaning work
● Worked with parents to inform them on kid’s progress

CB’S Pontoon Boats Rentals & Cruisers / Crew Member

May 2021 - August 2021, Discovery Bay
● Worked with renters to get them on and off pontoons quickly
● Earned lots of experience cleaning thoroughly for best renting
● Experience with working with managing revenue

Additional Experience
● Great deal of experience with working on technology
○ Creating custom websites using HTML coding
○ Lots of experience with physical hardware, whether it be
fixing or creating hardware for any technological
○ Great experience and understanding of creating text
documents digitally, especially spreadsheets
○ Lots of experience on creating digital media with apps
like Photoshop
○ Large versatile understanding of software and
digitalized apps
● Developed skills for marketing and population understanding to
better advertise to any potential audience
● Three years of Spanish in High School
● A year of Culinary in High School

Education Liberty Union High School / Senior
Brentwood, CA, Graduated June 10th 2022

Awards ● Semi-annual award of swimmers excellence in 2017-2018

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