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Assignment 1.A.

) Employee Virtual party plan-

a. Take suitable time to party as per respective department’s availability.

b. Design the plan and execute it accordingly.
c. Schedule it on Online platform (Google meet, Zoom, or any other) and share its link
with all the employees.
d. Invitation schedule must include all the necessary details in it like –
 Party Agenda,
 Time- start and end time or party,
 Theme of the party, Props (if any),
 online games installed in their mobile (if any),
 Speaker of the party,
 Snacks and beverage details and instructions.
 Activity list to be done accordingly
 Instructions for Games app to be installed beforehand (if any)
e. It’s not possible to book snacks for each and every employee irrespective of their
different locations hence snacks coupon should be added to the employees so that
at the day they can avail and ordered by them.
f. Need to send reminders to all before party so that it can get started at time.
g. Need to follow the plan as per time has decided to complete
h. Once we have finished all the activity and call off the party with good note.
1. B.) Invitation must include all the above points, and along with the details one invitation
card should also attach to make it more beautiful and shows our good intent to party.
Assignment 2) Training Calendar-

1. Training calendar must divide into few sub-parts to design, those might be-
a. Training Module for New Joiners
b. Training Modules for Existing Employees
c. Training Module to introduce new software/New policy
2. As per training budget start design your training module for each category.
3. Prepare all necessary training related inventory or material to introduce and for
4. Make all necessary related presentation to start your training module.
5. Assign Trainer as training session. Trainer could be in-house employee or freelance
6. Prepare post training assessment for all training modules.
7. Prepare post training feedback form.

Month days
2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan New Joiner T& D Soft skill training to ALL

Feb PO SH Training

Mar New Joiner T& D

Apr Cross development training

Jul New Policy and development process

New Joiners
ALL Employee

8. According to training calendar, set training dates on respective employee’s google

calendar, also set remainders on that with proper training details in it.
9. All training related material should be verified by the trainer itself or it must create
by the trainer itself.
10. Post training assessment questionnaire must be designed by the trainer itself.
Assignment 3) Recruitment Plan must include all necessary steps-

1. Analyze recruitment needs and skill gaps as per departmental survey for

2. Create a hiring plan and recruitment calendar as per availability of interviewers.

3. Identify the tools to post our vacancies (Naukri, indeed, linkedin, iimjobs, updazz,
glassdoor, timesjobs,, employee referral scheme etc) you need for a
scalable recruitment process.

4. Determine the number of candidate requirement for each position

5. Build out a budget for recruitment costs as per experience and position.

6. Start with a compelling job description for all and post it on various platforms.

7. Establish a candidate selection process – Screening, Technical (if any), and skills
related round, written round, HR Round, Departmental manager’s round.

8. Conduct background and reference checks after the candidate has been selected for
the position.

9. Make an offer to the chosen candidate and close it with proper and fair negotiation.

10 Start induction and on-boarding process.

11. Need to arrange 2 or 3 dates for all new joinee on-boarding together in a month in
order to arrange proper training, induction and orientation together.

There are few KPI’s through which we can analysis the trend of our recruits and can improve
it accordingly, these are:-
a. Cost per hire- All recruiting & staffing cost(internal+external) / No. of Hires
(This gives me exact cost that we have while recruiting the new staff)
b. Time to hire- Start date of first interview – date of the candidate has cleared all
c. Time to fill- number of days between a jobs has opened to the day we hire a
d. Offer acceptance ratio- No. of offers accepted/ total no. of job offers extended
e. Percent of open position- total no. of open position / total no. of position in the
f. New hire fail rate- No. of new hires that quit, absconding or fired / Total no. of new
hires in that time frame.
g. Sourcing Channel effectiveness- No. of applicants are applying, appearing for
interview and got selected. It shows the effectiveness of that sourcing channel.
h. Selection ratio- no. of hired candidates / total no. of candidates
Assignment 4) On-boarding plan-
1. On-boarding day is new for every new employee, it should be very easy process.
2. Divide all the related process equally for 1-2 weeks, which includes all induction
process, training modules, post training assessment, documentation etc.
3. For instance, we divide the whole process in One week program.
4. Day 1,
a. On the day we can send them welcome card. For fist one hour we will introduce
all new joinee with each other and will have light conversation with cup of
b. collect all the employment related data online,
c. give then to fill-up employee enrolment form,
d. give them HRMIS login to register their attendance from the day 1,
e. Assign official email login details to communicate all the information officially.
f. Flow an official welcome Email to all the employee about the new joinee, it must
include their name, designation, department, their key strength etc. And every
employee must welcome to the new joinee.
g. Welcome email note will circulate the information about the new joinee among
all existing employee and also new joinee will feel good after receiving so much
love and welcoming from the team mates.
h. Give then Induction presentation- which must include company details, company
history, all departments details, necessary policies and all related documents to
the new joinee to read and understood about the company and their policies.
5. Day 2 – to Day 6
a. Start Training Module, related to their work and department.
b. Training calendar will help them to navigate their each session.
c. Trainer will start their training module for coming 5 days.
d. Every training must be 2-3 hours long only.
e. After training session, every employee will assign to join departmental cross
functional training.
f. Every new joinee will get connect with all the departments in the company in
order to understand about the company work process.
g. We also assign them one BUDDY from existing respective departmental
employee so that they talk with them and can also clear their doubts.
h. BUDDY will help the new joinee to feel comfortable and will help them
understanding the process during their probation period. That BUDDY will be act
as their mentor.
6. Day 7
a. Post training assessment related with the understanding during each training
module and departmental cross functional training.
b. According to the result we will discuss about the doubts and clear their thoughts.
c. Discussion about the training assessment questionnaire.
d. Revision of training module will be done.
7. Day 8
a. New Employee will hand over to the related department to start their actual
work process.
Assignment 5) 360 degree Appraisal Form

Kindly find attached excel sheet.

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