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Assignment - Unit 2 The Study of English

Module 1 Grammar

Submission of Unit 2 Module 1 for Assessment (180 hour)


In order to help us to assess your level of English, and therefore your needs, please complete the
following. If you cannot understand a question leave it out. Do not ask anyone for help and do not
use a dictionary or any other book to help you.


Write the correct answer in the space provided.

1. Sally often ...has...................... her lunch in a restaurant.

a) has got b) is having c) has d) have

2. My friend is going shopping .at...................... 3 o'clock.

a) to b) at c) in d) on

3. John plays badminton ..worse....................... than Sam.

a) worse b) badly c) bad d) worst

4. The girls have been students ...since...................... 1990

a) during b) by c) for d) since

5. I believe you went to the party. Did you both enjoy ...yourselves........?
a) yourself b) ourselves c) yourselves d) you

6. Adam speaks excellent French, but he doesn't speak very good...... English.
a) better b) good c) well d) best
7. There aren't ....enough..................... biscuits on this plate.
a) too much b) a lot c) enough d) some

8. I wanted to go out this evening but I haven't . any........ money.

a) any b) many c) some d) no

9. Before the film begins all the tickets ..will have been.......... collected.
a) had been b) will have been c) are being d) were being

10.The test was quite easy. although................ he got a few wrong.

a) because b) in spite of c) although d) nevertheless

Look at the 10 multiple choice questions above. This is part 1 of a level assessment which is sent
out to our overseas students. You will obviously have no problem in finding the correct answer, but
explaining your choice can be more problematic.
What do you think is being tested in each question? Explain in your own words or use grammatical
terms if you know them.
That is, do NOT write what the correct answer is. Only write what students are being tested on in
each multiple choice task. Your answer could be like this, for example: 'This tests students'
knowledge of the difference between the second and third conditionals' or, if you don't know the
terms, 'sentences with 'if' referring to the past and imaginary future'.

I. think the answer is has as it is the correct form of the verb ‘to have’ in the third person singular.

2. This question is designed to test students’ knowledge of using preposition of time.

3. This question tests students’ knowledge of using degrees of comparison of adjectives,

4. This question test students’ knowledge of using Present Perfect Tense.

5. This question tests students’ knowledge of using reflexive pronouns.

6. This question test students’ knowledge of using .

7. This question test students’ knowledge of using determiners with countable nouns.

8. This question test students’ knowledge of using determiners with uncountable nouns.

9. This question test students’ knowledge of using Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
10. This question test students’ knowledge of using conjuctions.

Bear in mind that the situation/circumstances are important. In number 9, either b) and c) can be
the correct answer. Under what circumstances is c) possible? Explain.

Option C means the tickets are being collected now, at the time of speaking.

Use an example of each of the following in a sentence and underline it.

1. an adjective

1. Sarika gave a brilliant reply.

2. an adverb

2. Samir got injured badly.

3. a countable noun

3. There are only five chairs left.

4. an uncountable or mass noun

4. She often eats only rice in her dinner.

5. a conjunction

5. They rushed to the airport, but they were too late.

6. a preposition of time

6. He will come back by five o’clock.

7. a preposition of movement

7.He jumped over the wall.

8. a question tag

8.Jennifer is a doctor, isn’t she?

9. an auxiliary verb

9. We must reach there on time.

10. a gerund (as subject of a sentence)

10.Cooking is great fun.


Write an example for each of the following:-

1.a positive statement

1. He goes to school.

2. a negative statement

2. I do not like to play tennis.

3. an interrogative

3. When are you leaving today?

4. an imperative

4. Please help me clean the cupboard.


Write as many ways of using the definite and indefinite articles as you can find in your grammar
and explain each one.

the definite article

1. To talk about a particular person or thing

 The book you want is out of stock.

2. To talk about a person or thing that has already been referred to

 I saw a girl in the park. The girl was crying.

3. With adjectives, to refer to a whole group of people

 The French enjoy cheese.

4. Before the names of objects that are unique

 The sun rises in the east.

5. Before musical instruments

 He can play the flute.

6. Before the superlatives and ordinal numbers

 This is the highest building in Tokyo.
 This is the third time I have called you today.

7. With decades
 He was born in the seventies.

8. With names of geographical areas, rivers, mountain ranges, group of islands, canals and
 They are travelling in the Arctic.
 They will go on a cruise down the Nile.

9. With the names of famous buildings, museums or monuments

 I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower.

10. With the names of families

 The Smiths are going to play with us.

The indefinite article

1. Use a to refer to something for the first time.
 I’ve finally got a good job.

2. Use a with names of jobs.

 John is a doctor.

3. Use a with nationalities and religions in the singular.

 Kate is a Catholic.

4. Use a with the names of days of the week when not referring to any particular day.
 I was born on a Thursday.

5. Use a to refer to an example of something.

 The elephant had a long trunk.

6. Use a with singular nouns after the words ‘what’ and ‘such’.
 What a shame!

7. Use a/an meaning ‘one’, referring to a single object or person, or a single unit of measure.
 I’d like an orange.

Write 2 sentences in each of the following tenses:-

Try to give an example sentence that has a clear context and time reference.

1. present simple

a) Any speaks French very well.

b) My cousin lives in a very small apartment.

2. present continuous or present progressive

a) ‘You are working hard today.’

b) The population of the world is rising very fast.

3. past simple

a) Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

b) The police stopped me on my way home last night.

4. past continuous (progressive)

a) This time last year, I was living in Italy.

b) What were you doing at 10’o clock, last night?

5. present perfect

a) I have forgotten his name.

b) They have posted the letters.

6. present perfect continuous (progressive)

a) The baby has been smiling since her mother returned from office.

b) The patient has been waiting for the doctor for three hours.

7. past perfect
a) My mother had cooked dinner when my father reached home.

b) The flight had landed when I reached the airport.

8. past perfect continuous (progressive)

a) The mountaineer had been trying to climb the mountain since last year.

b) The girl had been flying the kites since childhood.

9. future simple with 'will'

a) The maid will come in the evening.

b) I will bring some water for you.

10. future simple with 'going to'

a) I am going tobuy a new dress for the party.

b) Are you going to watch television this evening?

11. present simple used as a future form

a) I promise I won’t be late.

b)The IPL matches begin tomorrow.

12. present continuous/progressive used as a future form

a) The children are going on excursion this Sunday.

b)I am working tomorrow.

13. future perfect

a) I will have finished this novel by evening.

b) She will have fallen asleep by the time we get home.

14. first conditional (probable condition)

a) If it rains, I will stay at home.

b) If Mary is free tomorrow, he will invite her.

15. second conditional (improbable condition)

a) If I were a plant, I would love the rain.

b) If I knew where she lived, I would go and see her.

16. third conditional (impossible condition)

a) You would have passed your exam if you had worked harder.

b) If I had known you were coming I would have baked a cake.


Change the following from active to passive voice:-

Please note it is not always necessary to include who carried out the action.

1. We keep the milk in the fridge.

1. The milk is kept in the fridge.

2. The boys kicked the ball through the window.

2. The ball was kicked through the window by the boys.

3. The workmen are repairing the road.

3. The road is being repaired.


Change the following from indirect to direct speech.

1. Jean said that she had lost her shoes.

1. Jean said,” I have lost my shoes.”

2. Fred insisted that he would be driving his own car in the rally.

2. Fred insisted,” I will be driving my own car in the rally.”

3. Sally shouted that she would be on the train.

3. Sally shouted,” I will be on the train!”

Change the following from direct to indirect speech

1. She said, "I'm cold."

1. She said that she was cold.

2. The officer said, " They look like fugitives from Alcatraz."

2. The officer said that they looked like fugitives from Alcatraz.

3. "What are you doing?" asked Sally.

3. Sally asked what I was doing.

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