What Will You Do When You Finish School - 6th Year

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NAME: __________________ 6TH YEAR

* MISTAKE : in the last paragraph (last line exactly), it says “ … so you can consider want to do” x

It’s wrong! It should have said: “…so you can consider WHAT to do” √

a. Check the meaning of the following words in the dictionary / translator:

- acting - degree
- apprenticeship - drama
- apply to - job
- brochures - join
- tough

b. Answer the questions with the correct name (CIARON – SIMON – JAMES – PAUL – NIALL)

* wants to be a fireman ? ……………………………..…

* does sports? ………………………………………..

* wants to do something similar to a family member? ……………….…………

* likes art? ………………………………………

* wants to perfom in a play? ............................................

* doesn’t like school at all ? ………………………………

* thinks that doing research is important? ……………..………..…….

* wants to earn money while studying? ………………………………

* doesn’t like maths? ……………………………………..

c. Indicate what the following words refer to:

a) ‘ it sounds good when I talk to him’ :

b) ‘ I’d prefer to study here’:

c) ‘ I think it would be really interesting’:

Write a text similar to the ones you read above. Include details talking about what you would like to do after you finish

 I would like to… / I want to be a / an ………………

 I’m really into…. / I really like…..
 I think it would be ………. because…….
 I had thought about…… but I lose interest because it’s …………….
 I really like the idea of ……………..

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