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DSU collaborates with

IISc to develop photon
Climate change occupies
DSU’s Sensor Lab has developed a light
centerstage at convocation
weight Photon Detector in collaboration The fifth annual convocation 2021 of the
with Indian Institute of Science. Daynanda Sagar University (DSU) was held
on December 29, conferring degrees to 1428
Dr. Baishali Garai, Dept of Physics and her graduates, including gold and silver medals
to 62 rank holders.
team of researchers have now published
their research on sensor development in the Eight research scholars were also awarded
Springer Nature journal Applied Physics A PhDs at the convocation held in virtual
on October 22, under the title, mode under strict government guidelines.
“Investigations on rGO on silicon based UV
photon detector”. The device has been Chief Guest, Padma Bhushan and Padma
Vibhushan awardee, Dr Vasudev K. Aatre,
former director general, DRDO, former
scientific advisor, Ministry of Defence, Govt
of India delivered the convocation address.

Tracing the different epochs of human

history Dr V.K.Aatre recalled that humans
had lived in harmony with nature for
thousands of years, learning, mimicking but
always respecting nature. As science and
technology evolved we deviated from this
harmony and have created the new
Anthropocene epoch.

Some argued that the beginning of this new Dr Sagar also reminded that the year had
fabricated from scratch in the Sensors lab epoch should begin in 1780 with the indeed been special because the Dayananda
set up by Dr. Baishali. The research article Industrial Revolution when we started Sagar Institutions and the university also
discusses the fabrication and performance mining, factories and mills creating a celebrated the centenary of its renowned
of a graphene derivative based UV photon demand for coal. Of course, the benefits of founder, Late R. Dayananda Sagar, who was
detector. The device is of 1.5cmX1.5 cm size, the industrial revolution for human much ahead of time in envisaging
extreemely light weight and has an betterment can hardly be questioned. institutions of education of the highest
architecture of a field effect transistor. quality.
Subsequent developments had put the
biosphere to the risks of climate change, He said the Indian education had three
It has successfully detected UV photons in ozone depletion, chemical pollution, shortcomings: inadequate competition,
the wavelength range of 200-280 nm. Some deforestation accelerated extinctions and inadequate experimentation and
of the preliminary results of this work has global warming inadequate measurement of outcomes.
already been presented by Dr. Baishali at the “And as the world gets more automated the
2019 IEEE Photonics Conference, held at Clearly, notwithstanding the outstanding Indian graduates are going to be
San Antonio, Texas, USA. progress made, humanity faces the issue of challenged”, he cautioned.
very survival. We now face the twin
challenges of improving the quality of life Hon’ble Chancellor, DSU, Dr Hemachandra
The device will be soon taken to U R Rao
and human population. Sagar delivered the presidential address.
Satellite Centre, ISRO for testing with X-
rays. The work is DSU’s collaboration with Science and technology have sowed the “Degree is just a seed. You need to sow it,
Indian Institute of Science and Indian Space seeds of some of these problems. Can we water it and nourish it to grow. You have 25
Research Organization, Bangalore. now use their power and knowledge to years of active life. You have to make them
reverse these effects? count in order to achieve and serve the
great community of India”, he emphasised.
There was a need to reorganize education
INSIDE with ample emphasis on environmental Earlier, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr K.N.B.
education, he said. This requires Murthy presented the annual report of the
Infosys Founder Sets Roadmap for participatory and coming together of many university. During 2020-21, close to 150 top
DSU in Building a Vibrant India 2 disciplinary areas. We have never faced the companies visited the campus, recruiting
existential challenge like we today but never 514 job offers including international
been better equipped to counter it, he placements, he revealed. Besides funded
concluded. research, DSU faculty had also contributed
Students Told To Examine Farm 3
Realities Beyond TV Screens 237 scholarly research articles, published in
Thanking the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Pro 70 national and 138 international journals.
Chancellor Dr D. Premachandra Sagar
CJMC student invited to Harvard to congratulated the graduating students. DSU signed 15 MoUs with reputed
attend conference 5
organisations. Besides giving birth to start-
“It was the day to celebrate and to reflect,” ups, the university was also bagged the Best
he said. Two years of covid had affected Emerging University award at the Times
DSU Students Win Honourable people and organizations in previously
9 Group’s Times Business Awards 2020-21,
Mention At NASA's Global challenge
unimaginable ways. he said.



Internship for SoE

students at Bosch
Rexroth lab

Infosys Founder Sets Roadmap for

Bosch Rexroth Innovation lab conducted a month-
long internship program for B.Tech Electronic and
telecommunication engineering students from
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering beginning

DSU in Building a Vibrant India Oct 6.

The internship program was designed to provide

students a practical experience of industrial
Chairman Emeritus of the technology giant, Mr Murthy quoted from his recent readings automation technology. Students also carried out
Infosys, delivered the DSU Foundation saying that it is important to recall that the their Project work during the Internship Program in
Commemorative Lecture 2021 on Oct 8, foundations of 'useful knowledge' originate, in the Bosch Rexroth Center, DSU.
addressing the “Role of DSU in building a vibrant exploration of 'useless knowledge.' He said we
India”. must overcome our scepticism about the so- The internship program set its primary focus on
called useless knowledge and encourage our Programmable Logic Controller.
He said in order to embrace the grand vision for youngsters to pursue fundamental science
to make DSU a top-quality university in Science, enthusiastically. He extolled youngsters to stay Seven students actively carried out Ladder
Engineering, Law, Medicine and Liberal Arts, curious and teachers to follow the Socratic programming with the Programmable Logic
DSU should lay the foundation for sowing the method of teaching. software.
seeds of observation, curiosity, discussions,
questioning, meritocracy and pluralism in solving Talking about India’s contribution in music, Students called the program “Excellent”.
Ms.K.Sudha Deepthi, Asst. Manager and Certified
real world problems. literature, philosophy, science and mathematics,
Trainer of Bosch Rexroth Innovation Lab
Mr Murthy recalled the works of Thyagaraja,
conducted and trained the students.
It should also provide an environment of deep Shankara, Ramanuja, Aryabhatta and
thinking, of imagining the unimaginable, Bhaskaracharya.
collaboration and data and fact-based orientation
in research. India is beset with huge population, low Human Pharmacy College
Walks for Stroke
Development Index, degraded agricultural
"We must embrace analytical and critical thinking productivity, polluted cities, inefficient ports,
and begin to solve real world problems", he said. migration to cities and various other problems

Taking a leaf out of ancient Nalanda we must

and solutions for it.
impart modern education. He recalled that John "Youngsters should be encouraged and equipped
Hopkins University, the first US University to to become contributors to solving these huge
focus on research as it’s the primary objective. problems and it can be done only by educating PUBLIC HEALTH
the young to think independently in order to find
The objectives of a university like DSU is to guide scientific and technological solutions", he said.
the students to reach the frontiers of knowledge
in any branch of study and integration of both DSU thus can play a pivotal role to transform
the teaching and research models. fertile minds into confident, knowledgeable and
independent thinkers.
The importance of science and research is that it
makes the youth capable of original thinking, if Mr Murthy said he wanted DSU to be an
an environment that encourages such adventures expression of an age as well as an influence,
of mind is created. Science is about exploring operating upon both the present and the future.
secrets of nature and understanding reality, he He wished DSU fraternity the best in this
said. endeavour.

He elaborated on how the earlier research and He thanked Dr D. Premchandra Sagar, Hon'ble
inventions by scientists like Neil Bohr, Max Pro Chancellor, Dr KNB Murthy, Hon'ble Vice October 29 is observed as the World Stroke
Planck, Albert Einstein, Newton, Heisenberg and Chancellor, K Jairaj, Group Advisor and former
Day to create awareness about early warning,
others had served the mankind. He suggested a Additional Chief Secretary, GoK, Rohan Sagar,
diagnosis and the medical emergency caused
book, named “Usefulness of Useless Knowledge”, Board Member, Galliswamy, Secretary, DSI,
authored by Abraham Flexner, on how useful Prof. R. Janardhan, Pro-VC and the entire by a strokes.
fundamental research is. fraternity of DSU.
To mark this day, more than 35 students from
the pharmacy practice department from CoPS,
Rajyotsava Celebrations at CoPS along with faculty members, doctors and
health professionals participated in the Stroke
The College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (CoPS) organized Awareness Walkathon, organized by the
week-long competitions to commemorate Karnataka Department of Neurosciences, Sagar Hospital,
Rajyotsava beginning November 8. Bangalore.

Competitions included essay writing, elocution, debate, The walkathon was held as part of the World
shayari, quiz, singing and anthakshari at the CD Sagar Stroke Awareness Week, which culminated on
Auditorium, Campus 1. S.S. Maini Girija was the Chief Guest. October 29. The walkathon was flagged off by
She was felicitated by Dr Pushpa Sarkar, Dean SAHS, and Dr medical superintendent of Sagar Hospital,
V. Murugan, Principal, CoPS. Prize distribution followed. The Tilak Nagar. Dr. Kalyani Dilip Karkare,
staff and students also looked like they were dressed to kill on Consultant Neurologist Sagar Hospital DSI
the Ethnic Day. coordinated the event.



DSU scientists develop

new composite using
rural waste

Students Told To Examine Farm

Banana-baggese fiber is a composition of rural
waste-banana peel and urban waste-plastic
component powder. But who would have thought
that it can be used to produce car windshields, floor

Realities Beyond TV Screens

tiles and composite walls?

In fact, with an objective of using rural and urban

waste to produce a composition DSU investigators,
Dr Rammohan Bhanumurthy and Prof. Raviteja Y. This is likely to happen in India, had the farm bill
P. have discovered how the fibre can replace some The College of Journalism and Mass
Communication organized a national webinar on not been withdrawn, he said. Journalist need to
of the expensive materials used in construction. The focus on how economic reforms are affecting people
product is used along with bauxite composition. policy issues concerning sustainable agriculture,
hunger, farm incomes and food security on rather than the GDP numbers put out periodically.
A reinforced composite of banana, bagasse fibres November 23.
At the end of the session, Mr Sharma advised the
and plastic powder was first fabricated using hand aspiring journalists to move out of textbook culture
lay-up technology. Prepared composite lamina was Distinguished food and trade policy analyst,
Devinder Sharma, was the guest speaker. In his and report on the field situation, question the
tested for tensile strength, hardness, impact, shear, dominant thinking and start examining the realities
bending, delamination studies and microstructural hour long interaction with the students, guests and
faculty members, he discussed the issues faced by beyond the television screens.
farmer communities, the recent repeal of farm laws,
the future of farm laws and the road ahead. This webinar helped the students to know about the
Prof. Raviteja, who had earlier worked on a paper current agricultural crisis in India and the ways to
about banana baggese, came up with an idea of address it. After all, farmers are the ones who drive
adding plastic powder to produce a new Terming the recently withdrawn farmer’s protest in
India as one of the largest protests in years, he the agricultural economy and help lead sustainable
composition. The added advantage is that the new development in a country.
material is not only rustproof but stronger than the discussed how important the repeal of the three
material currently in use. Obtained properties from farm laws were and why minimum support price
(MSP) is a very important demand fuelling farmers' Prof. Rakesh Katarey, who organised the webinar
the natural fibres and plastic polymer matrix said, "Along with P. Sainath, Devinder Sharma is
composites were validated by modelling and protests.
perhaps the most prolific and published writer on
analysing Dassaults Systems’ products like CATIA agricultural policy and livelihood of farmers. His
3DS, ABAQUS and BIOVIA tools. Farmers have rejected the market "reforms" in
agriculture, but privatisation is not the solution. To perspective was filled with astounding data and
solve this, MSP should be made legal and direct students received deep insights into national and
Tests were repeated for the composites prepared by global policies governing farmers lives".
allowing different orientations of the banana and income source for marginal farmers should be
bagasse fibres (i.e. 0,30°,45°,60°,75°,90°). The test assured. Calling the withdrawal of farm laws as battle
half won, Mr Sharma said that there is no respite Meghana HR, Assistant Professor, said that these
result of both were compared with each other and webinars are important for students to access the
the influence of fibre orientations was evaluated. from the severe farm crisis the farmers are living
with. views of outside world, and especially of the experts.
The best combination and orientation angle of For quintessential part of learning, CJMC has always
reinforcements (Fibres) were fabricated, machined brought in eminent speakers like Mr Sharma, who
and used for different applications like chimney One of the critical questions addressed at the
webinar was, if the USA and Europe have failed to interacted and took direct questions from the
liners, composite doors, composite tiles and students.
composite boards achieve the same goals envisaged by the recent
farms laws, then how was the Indian Government
expecting any better through its reforms? For Apurav, a second-year student, this webinar was
The two scientists, who published their work in the very helpful in making him understand about farm
journal, Applied Physics A, say this could be an laws and what impact it would have on agricultural
excellent way of managing waste. Discussing the Economic Survey-2016 findings, Mr
Sharma said that the average income of farmers in sector. It also made him realise the significance of
India is just Rs 1700 a month. He also said that farmers protests.
This is the first time a composition is formed using
government’s aim of doubling farmers income by
rural and urban waste. Practical composite walls and
tiles have been lined up for further testing and 2022 is impossible. According to a study, between CAE Simulation Workshop
research. 2000 and 2016, the Indian farmers have lost Rs. 45
lakh cr due to stagnant farm policy. Even media do
not pay heed to farmers issues, he said
Using Fusion 360 Conducted
DSU explores eco-friendly WORKSHOP
According to Mr Sharma, the solution given by
material for foundries various economists for higher farmers income like
The Autodesk Design and Innovation Centre, DSU,
aggregation of farm lands, less number of people
DSU scientists, Dr Rammohan Bhanumurthy and held an online workshop titled "Simulation using
dependent on agriculture and raising the
Prof. Sandeep. M.J. have worked on the partial Fusion 360" on November 23 for students of SoE.
productivity by applying technology and inputs, is a
replacement of sand with eco-friendly sustainable
flawed concept and that is what the modern
material for foundry applications. Rajesh Yadav, Education Account Manager,
countries did and failed. Providing minimum
The project aims at conversion of industrial waste to Autodesk and Abhinandan, Manager, Autodesk
support price for the crop is the most important
use by replacing it partially with sand. The two Innovation Lab, DSU were the resource persons.
measure to increase farmer's income.
scientists aim to use optimization tools such as CAE simulation using Fusion 360 is essential for
Abaqus® which finds the best possible way for engineers and designers to make the right design
Taking the example of agricultural distress in
reducing wastage and improving efficiency in the decisions, improving product functionality and in
France, he pointed that how young grooms who are
foundry industry. identifying critical areas in design with real life
employed in farming are facing difficulty in finding
applications in areas like designing machine
brides for them. They put up suicide dolls on trees
Since eco-friendly materials are used human health components in automotive, aerospace, civil
and protested. A similar protest was going on in
hazards are reduced, the scientists say. structures etc.
India for a year. The collapse of dairy industry in US
The project also uses forward modelling to predict
by the mega-farm industries has killed the dairy
the sand mould properties for a known set of input twenty eight students underwent the workshop with
sector. The big farm dairies operated by
variables like industrial waste, resin, hardener, key learnings in analyzing Fusion 360 using FEA
industrialists has also killed jobs of small scale dairy
setting time, and degree of ramming by using simulation, setting up and running linear static
farmers by bringing the overall price of dairy
experiments, neural networks, genetic algorithms, stress and modal analyses in addition to visualizing
fuzzy logic and their diverse combinations. and interpreting results.



Different Strokes
How do different winners reflect on their success? Do they rest on their
laurels or set new goals? Is it time to pause or press the throttle? DSU Pulse
met a few gold and silver medal winners after the convocation to find out
what helped them win and how they want to take their success forward.

“One of the most interesting stages in life that “Although these two wonderful years seemed to skills I have learned at DSU have opened
gives you an opportunity to explore is the college end within a blink of an eye, they left behind with many doors to opportunities. DSU always
phase. My experience at DSU has taught me one me enormous amount of learning, says Jyotsna, reminded us that life is unpredictable and that
fundamental thing – life is unpredictable. It is a another medalist. “Completing the degree was not you can never stop learning”.
perfect blend of joy and hardships. You meet just studying and chasing marks, it was more like
different people, you interact with them, you a game of balance, dedication, commitment, grit “DSU gave me a wonderful experience to
learn about their cultures and grow as a person”, and resilience. The air of DSU is filled with learn and grow as a student as well as to be a
says Aishanya Kushwaha, silver medalist, positivity and good hopes, this kept me responsible citizen. It taught me to observe
Computer Technology. “With all the knowledge determined throughout my journey”. and comprehend the real world challenges
and skills that I have gained from DSU, I aspire to and discover ways to solve them using latest
become an entrepreneur and work for welfare”, “My college life in DSU is one of the most technologies”, says Pinky B., silver medal
she says. amazing and have unforgettable collection of winner, CSE. “At DSU they taught us to be
memories. DSU made me confident, hardworking authentic, believe in yourself and focus on
“My experience at CJMC has been full of learning and compassionate”, says Karthik, a medalist from gaining skills”, she says.
and fun. Guidance from my professors has been M. Pharm. “My aspiration in life is to endeavour
very valuable to etch a career path for myself. to transform society”. “The journey has been transformational. If it
DSU helped me discover my passion” says weren't for my professors at CJMC and the
Vennela G.S., gold medalist. “I aspire to serve “I am proud to call myself a student of College of wonderful classmates, seniors and juniors I
smaller, less privileged entrepreneurs Pharmaceutical Sciences, DSU. College was a had, I don't think I would be who I am today.
communicate about their products and services beautiful period of learning, freedom and I'm grateful for everything I've learnt and for
to a larger audience using my communication enjoyment. And I feel each and every moment I how much I've grown”, says Aadya
skills”. spent here is worth remembering,” says Niveditha Chidanand, silver medalist. “Aspirations are
Shenoy, silver medalist, CoPS. “We sailed through dynamic. But if there is one thing that's
“The undergrad program at Dayananda Sagar the pandemic smoothly finishing our projects always been constant, it's that I aspire to be
University was truly challenging, but the colossal without a problem. And thanks to the fantastic free. Freedom is a hard earned nickel and I
support and opportunities I received through placement wing, I have the chance to work in a would never let go of mine”.
teaching, counselling and research here energize renowned organization. As the college taught me,
the student and last for a lifetime. I couldn’t have the harder you work the luckier you become”.
asked for a better group of people to enjoy
learning with!” says Suhiepha Sameer of ECE. “As “I want to thank all of my professors who are
a technology professional. I aspire to invent, present at this institute. Because of their love, care On a parting note, Ketineni
prosper and be sufficiently capable to venture to
every part of the globe. I want to understand and
and support, I achieved my goals and helped me
get to second rank in this course which is a very
Himabindu, silver medalist,
contribute to the wellbeing of the planet”, the
medalist says.
valuable thing in my life”, says Rachana, silver CSE, has a few words of
medalist, M. Pharmacology, College of
Pharmaceutical Schiences. “The hardest part of advice for DSU freshmen:
“I would like to thank my parents who helped me college life was my last days of college, knowing
join the ECE department at Dayananda Sagar that I would soon be leaving my beloved
University. I wouldn’t have achieved without
their support. Today if I have received a gold
professors, friends and the beautiful campus”. “Talk to people. Everyone is
medal and placement in a reputed company it’s “I learned a lot. I gained a new perspective on the new and a little nervous, so
because of the faculty support. I thank everyone”,
says Mamatha D, another medalist from ECE. “I
world and on people that I'm so thankful and
appreciative for”, says Kriti Naik, a gold medal
take that leap and be the first
aspire to be a business women, no matter what. I
just have to believe myself and my abilities to
winner, BCA. “I just aspire to be the best I can be”. to speak up; Ask for help. If
achieve what I have set my mind to” she adds. “Innovation is most welcome at Dayananda Sagar you’re struggling in a class,
"It was about making great memories, exploring,
University. The college provided us with several
learning possibilities, such as workshops, national
get in touch with the
having fun-filled interactions with the faculty and
learning new skills. In the process, I evolved," says
seminars, and industrial tours. During the professor. Most professors in
pandemic, college provided us with the greatest
R. Sreelakshmi, silver medalist, CJMC. " I aspire to possible academic assistance and assisted us in fact are delighted to see you;
be a great professional in event marketing. I
would also like to establish my presence in
planning and completing tasks in a timely
manner. The gold medal as a symbol of academic
Keep track of events. DSU
cinema and performing arts. I guess it is not too
much to ask for in one life!"
achievement would be only possible due to the campuses offer a unique range
sheer support of mentors, friends, and family,”
says Vaibhav Gokhale, a gold medal winner. “I of event opportunities that you
“In these four years of my course at DSU has
provided me with best opportunities that has
waited for a suitable chance to pursue my passion
in research and am currently working as a trainee
may never get to experience
helped me to grow and develop. It was a perfect
blend of learning and joy”, says Bhanupriya S., a
at Biocon Research Centre in Bangalore”. again; And finally, read DSU
medalist from ECE. “I desire to follow my “It was a wonderful experience at DSU a memory Pulse and keep track of what’s
passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice.
And keep learning, keep trying to drive towards
to cherish for lifetime. I am thankful to all faculty
members and management of DSU” says
going on across different
my dreams”. Adityavardhan Singh, gold medalist, CSE. “The campuses”.



SoE students visit CJMC student invited to Harvard

HAL museum

Industrial visit help transcend the In a landmark achievement for the College of
Journalism and Mass Communication (CJMC),
printed word in books, making its undergraduate student Vennela GS has
the imagined objects come alive. been selected and invited for Harvard College
Project for Asian and International Relations
Here is how Kiran Kote, an Conference 2022 (HPAIR).
aerospace student describes his
This conference will be held in the US, from
experience of visiting the February 18-21, 2022. The theme of this year’s
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited’s conference is, Through the Looking Glass: 30
years of HPAIR.
Heritage Centre and Aerospace
Museum in Bengluru. HPAIR conferences feature world-class
speakers and guests to foster mentorship,
networking and guidance opportunities for
delegates. It connects the top leaders of today
and tomorrow in a dynamic forum of
exchange to discuss and learn about the most
important economic, political, and social
issues facing the Asia-Pacific region.

The main focus of this conference is Impact

Challenges, a case-competition style workshop
in partnership with leading organizations
The Aerospace Department of Dayananda designed to ask delegates to formulate
Sagar University made it possible to arrange a solutions to some of Asia’s biggest issues. This HPAIR Conference, Rakesh Katarey, Professor,
visit to the museum on October 4. At first year the speakers include Condoleezza Rice, CJMC, said that Vennela has been a model
there was an introductory AV film for the former United States Secretary of State;. student and one of their most hardworking ones
greetings, carried on by two major halls, in Patrick Soon-Shiong, billionaire bio scientist so far. "CJMC department is thrilled for her'.
which one displayed the photographs and the and many accomplished persons. Previous
chart which monitored the growth of aviation “I am confident that HPAIR will provide me with
speakers include Kevin Rudd, the former
and the main historical events that occurred
Prime Minister of Australia; Ban Ki-moon, the a holistic learning experience; from being
during the past since 1940.
former Secretary General of the United intellectually challenged and to being
The second Hall highlights the various Nations and many other world leaders. emotionally stimulated. I am looking forward to
functions of an Aero Engine by displaying learn from renowned visionaries and connecting
motorized cross sections of various models of On receiving the news of the invitation to the meaningfully with the youth”, Vennela said.
Aero Engines.

SCMS (PG) Ranked, Rated and Awarded

Coming to the outdoor, we could see the
display of aircraft such as MARUT, MIG-21,
(Pilotless Target Aircraft) and many more
retired aircrafts whose main purpose is display The School of Commerce & Management
only will excite aviation lovers like us. In the Studies (PG) has been ranked, rated, and received
exterior we could also see the unique exhibit is awards for performance across several domains.
the ATC Radar parched with L Band
surveillance Radar having a range of 200 To begin with, SCMS (PG) was nominated for the
nautical miles which rotates at speed of 3-4 prestigious National Educational Excellence
RPM, with the frequency of 1250-1350 MHZ Awards & Conference 2021.
and Meteorological Radar. In addition, a PSLV
model of the size ratio 1:10 and 1:100 and the It bagged two awards: Leading and Most Trusted
PSLV heat shield of the actual size are Management College of the Year 2021,
displayed to give a glimpse of forays made by Karnataka Award under “Innovative Teaching
the country in space technology. Approach, Outstanding Administration, Industry
Connect and Leading Infrastructure” Category
While the Museum’s prized possessions for the year 2021.
include various types of Aircraft models on
static display, the availability of Audio-Video The school was also selected under the category
facility and display of Tran slides enhances the of Outstanding Performance in Virtual
experience immeasurably. Taking one's Knowledge Delivery during the pandemic.
experience a notch above are the true-motion
simulators that put oneself in the pilot’s seat, The Silicon India B-School Survey
offering a thrilling ride. It is where visitors of 2021 ranked SCMS (PG) 12th in the
all ages can explore and imagine what it would
be like to soar through the skies and have a A+++ category and sixth in South
realistic feel of flying fighter jets and India. The Week magazine ranked
commercial aircraft.
SCMS(PG) as the 12th best emerging
The Museum also has an excellently B-School in India along with a cohort
landscaped exterior with an exclusive Rose of IIMs.
Garden, Orchidarium and Herbal Garden with
several exotic varieties. The Fintech Club, Vriddhi has seen the launch of a
A sustainability park displays working models
COLLABORATIONS very successful stock trading competition, Dalal
Street Champion which saw participation by
of solar power systems, biogas plants and students from several top B Schools and an
The school has also embarked on several
hybrid windmills to educate visitors and international collaborator, Trader Inc. The school
international collaborations: Dataiku USA, for
students on alternate energy sources which also launched student wellness programs by
collaboration, in the area of AI/ML and Data
help conserve natural resources and preserve collaborating with the International Coaching
Analytic, UIPath for collaboration on Robotic
the environment. Federation, Bengaluru Chapter, and rolled out a
Process Automation and IBM and NASSCOM for
\ comprehensive mentorship program.
Campus Connect Programs, giving the students
Our aviation field trip came to an end with a
access to their high-quality academic programs
excited group photo session of our The school has established articulation agreements
in new-age areas of business technology
enlightened faces saying it all. It was a with organizations like Surya Software Systems
including AI and ML SCMS (PG) students have
wonderful visual experience. Private Ltd., Bengaluru, and Cycle World,
also secured certificates from several top
universities through the Coursera platform after Bengaluru, wherein students were allowed access to
Highly recommended. their resources and live projects.
being mentored by a professor.



Workshop on Senior podcaster

using JMP visits CJMC GUEST


The College of Pharmaceutical visualization and distribution

Sciences (CoPS) held a workshop covering descriptive and
on “Statistical Discovery for inferential statistics.
Pharmaceutical Sciences Using
JMP” in Collaboration with JMP He also gave the training for
Statistical Discovery from SAS. Design of Experiments (DOE),
Factorial Designs, Response
Over 35 participants registered Surface Designs (RSM) and
for the workshop. JMP is a suite Mixture Designs.
of computer programs for
statistical analysis developed by “Design of Experiments (DOE) is
the JMP business unit of SAS a data analytics method that helps
Institute. you plan, conduct, analyse and

The College of Journalism and

The College of Journalism and podcast to what one shouldn’t do
Mass Communication, DSU, in a podcast. Further, he talked
organized a fun-filled interaction about periodicity of the podcast
with the famous podcaster and how it helps to connect with
Ashraf Engineer, on November the listeners. The students had a
24. wonderful experience attending
his webinar and are looking
Ashraf Engineer is a senior forward to have him again in
journalist and is successfully upcoming sessions.
running the podcast “All Indians
Matter”. He spoke to the students Ms. Prachi Pinglay, the
about his own journey as a organizer, said that she wanted
podcaster and about how he to connect the students to
views podcasts as a medium of contemporary issues and
communication in today’s world. opportunities. She believed that
having Mr. Ashraf’s lecture was
Mr. Ashraf believes that podcasts the most appropriate because he
must not be formal. It should be narrated his experiences as a
like the podcaster is having a journalist and also talk about
direct conversation with the pros and cons of podcasting in
audience. According to him, a today’s world.
The Speaker at the workshop Dr interpret controlled tests to good podcaster is the one who
Muralidhara Anandamurthy, determine which factors exert finds the balance between Anushree, a second-year student
Academic Ambassador, used his influence over your product serious issues and the connection said, "It was wonderful to be a
vast experience as member of quality, stability or other key with the audience. part of the webinar. We got
the global team at JMP. process attributes”, he said. introduced to a lot of terms,
He also mentioned that the most tricks and tools used in
He said, “The classical “Rather than experimenting with important part of the podcast is podcasting too."
optimization techniques are one parameter at a time, DOE the quality of the content and
useful in finding the optimum speeds up the process and helps how much value it holds to the Apurva Singh, another student
solution or unconstrained you identify important audience. He talked about said, “It was very helpful, as we
maxima or minima of interactions by manipulating various aspects of podcasting, are looking forward to come up
continuous and differentiable multiple factors at the same time. right from how one can start a with our own podcast.”
functions. These are analytical By building experiment certainty
methods and make use of
differential calculus in locating
and reproducibility into your
process, you can be confident in CoPS Conducts Webinar On
Pharmaceutical Regulations
the optimum solution”. the robustness of your
formulation and quality of your
Several factors can make final product”
A webinar on Regulatory Affairs - Dr. B. Wilson, organizing secretary
optimization problems fairly
Using the  Quality by Design Perspectives and Career of the webinar, introduced the
complex and difficult to solve.
 (QbD) approach to the testing Opportunities was held by CoPS in speaker to the audience.
One such complicating factor is
association with Group
the existence of multiple and choosing the critical quality
Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Bengaluru The resource person discussed the
decision variables in a problem, attributes for a pharmaceutical
and Karnataka Registered evolution of regulatory affairs and
he said. product can help in ensuring
Pharmacist Association on emphasized the role of various
products meet defined quality
December 7. regulatory agencies in the world
Using the test optimizing attributes, regulatory compliance, and their responsibilities.
process, testing can not only be predict formula robustness, More than 100 participants were
quicker but accurate. reduce waste and get to the attended the webinar, including Further, he explained the various
market faster students, research scholars and job oppourtunities in regulatory
He also elaborated on statistical faculty members. affairs departments of
thinking in pharmaceutical Dr Pushpa Sarkar, Dean, SAHS pharmaceutical companies.
sciences, measurement scales and Dr V. Murugan, Principal, Dr. V. Murgan, Principal, CoPS,
and data visualization. He CoPS, convened the workshop. welcomed the speaker Dr. P. Sanil Dr. Kalpana Divekar, faculty,
provided insights into graphs, Dr Sonal Dubey, Professor, Kumar, Associate Vice President, CoPS, delivered the vote of
proposed the vote of thanks. Risk & Compliance, Accenture, thanks.
plots, charts, and interactive
Bengaluru and the gathering.



Robo Race At Melomanie Lecture Series

Electroblitz Tests the Vocals on NDT
Methods Held

The Department of Mechanical

Engineering organized a lecture series on
Nondestructive Testing (NDT) methods
in critical structures in association with
Matma-Sci, Technical Club, DSU, from
October to December.

Dr. Vijayendra Kumar, an expert in the

field of NDT and based in Germany,
addressed the faculty and students,
sharing his insights on the topic. He
discussed the necessity of maintaining
quality, reliability, social, ethical and
moral responsibilities, and, the
importance of NDT.

The ELECTROBLITZ Club of Melomanie music club held its first

Electronics and Communication competitive singing contest on October 9,
Engineering conducted Robo Race on an offline event after a long covid
October 9 with great enthusiasm. disruption.

Eight participants were in the fray at the With the dance and fine arts clubs adding
competition. The eminent jury members to the competition, the day packed fun
also provided valuable inputs and ideas and energy. A draw of 20 singers gunning
on robotic theories for further for the top meant that the audience had a
exploration. Akash Suresh and Aditya repertoire cutting across language, genre
Iyer won the competition for Bluetooth- and vocals.
controlled Robo. Dr. Banga, Director,
Students and faculty of mechanical
Innovation, DSU gave away the prizes. Not content with being serenaded, many engineering attended the lecture series
from an enthusiastic audience, including and the talk was deeply appreciated by
Students from the final year and many the faculty members took the stage and the participants.
parents who witnessed the event, surprised everyone. Nandini Hazarika,
expressed their happiness and Rishab Sidenur and Rishi Sood won the Visual, ultrasonic, eddy current,
magnetic particle, acoustic ground
complimented the initiative. competitions.
penetrant radar, microwave and

Mechanical faculty
radiographic testing and many more

UGVs built at ECE

applications of NDT were discussed
during the course of the lecture series.

bids farewell The participants took home immense

knowledge and exposure to the advances
A college is a place where new things are in NDT with emphasis on case studies,
learnt and new people are met and no ultra sound inspection, and phase array
journey to a college ever ends without a technology.
befitting goodbye
“The real time data of aircraft wreckages
The mechanical engineering batch and how the NDT data helps understand
graduating in 2021 celebrated a day of the gravity of wreckage and the
joy and nostalgia, creating many possibility of obtaining all the necessary
The ELECTROBLITZ Club of ECE cherished moments at the farewell event, data in such incidents was in spoken
conducted the event ArduiNoob: Build organized by the department faculty and about in detail.
your own Universal Ground Vehicle students of seventh semester on
(UGV) on October 30, at ECE’s November 27 at the Kudlu Gate campus. The talks opened up opportunities and
microprocessor laboratory. encouraged students to take up projects
Dr. Vinayak B. Hemadri, Chairman, on NDT. These kind of lecture series will
The students seemed passionate about Department of Mechanical Engineering, reinforce the Project Based Learning
building their own UGV. Using the spoke about the continuing relationship objective of DSU”, said Dr Rahul Kumar,
software, students completed the coding that the alma mater and alumni hold. He co-convener of the lecture series.
and interfacing it with the Arduino UNO also encouraged them to aim higher in
boards. They realized the merits of life and reach heights in their career. The Dr. Vinayak B. Hemadri, Chairman,
cooperative learning and how it helped former chairman, Dr. Rajagopal and Department of Mechanical Engineering,
make their UGV run successfully as per former Professor, Dr Mrityunjaya welcomed the speaker Dr Ing,
specifications. Swamy were also present during the Vijayendra Munikoti and Dean, Dr A.
event. Srinivas.
The line follower and the obstacle
detection UGVs built by team members The outgoing students were entertained He briefed the gathering about the
successfully ran on the track. with a series of fun filled events. Many department and activities undertaken by
shared their experiences in the college Matma-Sci Technical Club.
Earlier, Kanmani B. S., Faculty and spoke about how DSU helped them
Coordinator, who inaugurated also shape their future and made them better Concluding remarks were made by Dr
introduced the event. professionals. Saravanabavan and Dr Rahul Kumar
proposed the vote of thanks.

SCMS gets active

with events
India's Defence and Foreign
Serving locally at the university
adopted village through NSS, the
School of Commerce and
Policy Jigsaw Explained
Management organized the Clean The College of Journalism and
India NSS camp. Mass Communication organized a
national webinar on the topic
This was just one of the many events “India’s Security and Foreign
SCMS has organized this season. Policy Challenges”, on October 9.
Operating under strict Covid
guidelines, the school also organized Brig. Kuldip Singh (Retd), one of
cultural and literary events for India’s foremost defence
students. strategists, delivered the seminar.

Beginning his presentation, he

remarked that the Indian media
was reducing India’s security and
foreign policy to Pakistan and
China bashing on national
television. The tone is being set to
create a war like situation.

Apart from Mukula, the fresher meet, “The half baked

SCMS also took charge of Azadi ka knowledge of TV
Amrit Mahotsav. a Govt of India
initiative, commemorating National anchors and distorted
Unity Day, Children’s Day and facts imparted on
Constitutional Day.
WhatsApp University
“While teachers are by educated people is
academic ambassadors, becoming a major
students are cheerful, headache for India’s
playful and like electricity. security establishment”.
We need to strategically
Most Indians, including experts,
channelize these two,” do not fully understand strategy.
Explaining the contours of the
Dr V.K. Murthy, Research Advisor, current security architecture of
DSU and Mentor, SCMS said. India, he said that only the army
knows the consequences of war conflicts, unemployment, scarcity Principal Director n the National
and how wars plunge economies of resources, competition for land Security Council Secretariat, PMO
into darkness. Nations go and lack of infrastructure. The on strategy for nine years. I cannot
backward by decades before they increasing population of India think of a more distinguished
can fully restore their strength and with limited resources is person to speak to our students on
resources, he warned. challenging future perspectives national security threats, both
on national security. internal and external. I am simply
Geopolitics is the driving force amazed that he agreed to talk to us
which defines national security Consumption of energy which for an entire afternoon taking
issues of any country and it drives both economy and social questions from participants from
transforms physical space into stability in India, is a major issue, within and outside DSU".
political space, he said. He spoke he said
about what should and should not Anoushka, a student said that, it
They held kite flying, face painting guide the nation's foreign policy The developments that will likely was a great experience for her to
and a march around the campus to and national security. affect national security are o hear in such detail about India’s
pay tribute to the soldiers. These governance gaps, which may grow defence and strategic planning
activities encouraged the students to A nation’s foreign policy should due to geopolitical, geophysical, from Brigadier Singh. It was very
return to the campus after the covid never use or compromise on cultural and social changes. insightful and we now understand
hiatus. The school also sported red external issues to serve the Demographic patterns like cross issues of national security and
and yellow for the Rajyotsava Day. It purpose of internal politics. He border issues, growing foreign policy more clearly.
also sang the state anthem on prime explained how foreign policy takes urbanization and economic
time, an initiative of GoK. The school a long term perspective that can growth will put a new strain on
dare change only if the strategic food and water.
Brigadier Kuldip
organized a total of seven major
events under Azadi ka Amrit circumstances are altered. Above Singh was the part of
Mahotsav. all, it should focus on grand According to Brig. Singh, these
strategy. issues are factored into the Indian Army for
Among other competitions was
The National Security System in
national security system..
almost four decades
Doodliography with “My Vision for
India 2030” as its theme. The Dasara
India was started in 1998. Brig. Singh fielded a number of and also served as the
questions on Sino-Indian ties also.
celebrations also brought life back to
Mr Singh also talked about the Principal Director of
the campus in addition to webinars,
training programs and project work.
aspects that are factored into
national security. These may be
He explained how it was critical Defence for the Prime
for India to expand its econopmy
population, geography, GDP, if it wanted to overcome China. Minister’s Office's in-
“We were welcomed with colorful energy etc.
moments, cheerful people creating Later, Prof. Rakesh Katarey, house think tank - the
unforgettable memories during our The second set of factors could CJMC, who organized the webinar. National Security
first three months”, a fresher constitute current challenges to said, "Brigadier Kuldip Singh
remarked. our national security including served in the highest rank of Council Secretariat

Talk on Network
The department of ECE conducted a webinar on
the “Evolution of Network over last 30 years” on
October 9 for their students.

Mr. Subhhas Mondal, Head of Research &

development–5G, IEEE was the invited speaker.

Over 150 participants attended webinar. The

event was organized by Prof. Divyashree H B and
Pof. Navya R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE.

Dance contest held

The Abhinaya club of School of Engineering
organized a dance contest on October 9.

Solo and group dance events were held as part of

the competition.

The stage was set by performers at the solo

event, titled Switch-foot, where participants
choreographed on the cue on a surprise song.

The group event also drew appreciation of the DSU Students Win Honourable Mention At
judges said they had difficult time choosing the
NASA's Global challenge
The event was hosted by Shambhavi and
coordinated by Amulya, Prof. Nandini Rao and Dayananda Sagar University- AIC DSU, Bangalore Three teams from School of
Prof.Ranjini K. in collaboration with SUMVN, a space app start-up Engineering are going ahead as global
based in Hyderabad and Pi-Learn, a startup based nominees and one as a people's choice
in Bangalore, hosted the final two-day virtual winner.

Case Study Club:

hackathon, the NASA Space Apps Challenge on
Oct 2. The first global nominee team,
CERBERUS includes Shubhashree. P.

Learning To Solve Space Apps Challenge is NASA's incubator and

innovation program. The student project team
from Department of Mechanical Engineering won
and Shishira S. from computer science
engineering and, D.Varun and Karthik S. from
mechanical engineering.
While the recent pandemic disrupted life for the Global Finalists Honorable Mention on the
many, it has also thrown up new challenges for NASA Space Apps Challenge website. This gives The second global nominee team, SCAM has Dilip
managers. the opportunity to DSU students to carry the Gowda N, Chandramouli M, Pruthvinag, Sai
project and execute it the Space Apps Challenge Soorya Natiyala, Sairam V Shetty and Chetan Sai
An exclusive Case Study Club has now been next year. Besides the invitation to present their S.G., all students of mechanical engineering.
launched at DSU primarily to create managers projects to NASA scientists, the project team can
who are problem solvers and decision makers. also witness a spacecraft launch. The third global nominee team AIRCRAFT
The club was inaugurated on Nov 17 by Mr. K. SMART TAXIING also has students from the
Jairaj, IAS and Advisor, DSU. Dayananda Sagar University has been hosting the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Krishna
event in Karnataka for the past three years and is Sharma.V, Ayush L.V.
Mr. Jairaj drew from his experience at Harvard privileged to host for this year's virtual challenge.
and Princeton universities on the efficacy of the NASA International Space Apps Challenge, the The people’s choice winners are SPACE
case methodology. largest annual global hackathon on Earth! NASA is CRUISERZZ from BNMIT College, Bangalore.
commemorating ten years of collaboration by
Case analysis is an effective tool for teaching, forming a “power team of ten” international space DSU students who were selected as First Global
learning, and most importantly, practising the agencies that worked together and made the Space Nominee's were felicitated by Mrs.Deepthi R.,
art and science of management, he said. The Apps accessible to more communities worldwide. CEO, WE HUB, India's first incubator for women
method immerses students in real-life entrepreneurs, Hyderabad, registered under the
situations, allowing them to develop their NASA and the Space Apps Global Organizing Government of Telangana.
business skills by analyzing realistic situations, Team have made the difficult decision to make
applying business theories and tools, and the 2021 hackathon an all-virtual event. Students were also given the opportunity to visit
making substantiated recommendations for a DHRUVA SPACE, a private Indian aerospace
course of action. About 198 participants across the state of manufacturer, headquartered in Hyderabad.
Karnataka registered on DSU location page and
However, working with cases is a pedagogical worked on different challenges posed by NASA The local leads and mentors for the international
approach that is unfamiliar to most new organizers and completed their projects. The hackathon are Ms.K.Sudha Deepthi, Asst.Manager-
business students and often inadequately global nominees were chosen by judges from Bosch Rexroth Innovation Lab and Prof. Shubha
understood by advanced students, he added. He Dhruva Space, Hyderabad. Javagal, Asst. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering.
said he was looking forward to the club
addressing this gap.
Lecture on energy efficiency
Workshop ends at Helios - The energy club organized a lecture by
Thought leaders
Mr. Kranthi Kiran on how companies can increase
Vriddhi their energy efficiency and achieve their
sustainability goals using speciality lubricants. The visit Quriosity club
Vriddhi, the Fintech Club of SCMS concluded talk was very well received and appreciated by the
Dalal Street Champion, a virtual month-long 65 participants. The Quriosity Club of the School of
stock market competition on October 8. Over Commerce and Management Studies (PG
560 students, representing over 100 institutions Mr. Kranthi Kiran is as alumnus of IIT Roorkee
Programs) organized a series 10 curated
and universities from nearly70 cities from all and IIM Bangalore and Head, Digital Business
(Asia Pacific) for Klueber International
sessions by thought leaders for students of
over the country registered for the competition.
marketing from various industry verticals.
The competition was conducted in Infotix Workshop on DevOps Speakers from Bengaluru, Mumbai, Dubai,
collaboration with TRDR Inc, a US incorporated
Fintech firm. HA workshop on Devops was organised bythe Singapore, Canada etc. addressed the sessions
Infotix club of SCMS (PG Programmes) on that covered new-age relevant topics under
Mr. Yash Sahay from Model College Mumbai November 16. marketing, strategy, research and data,
was adjudged the winner based on the profits trends.
generated at the competition. Ms. Deeksha, pursuing business analytics
specialization was the resource person. She The series titled, “Stay hungry. Stay Qurious”
Vriddhi also conducted a workshop introducing explained in detail the concept of Devops and it also covered how technology was impacting
Fintech for students from October 27 to popular platforms. She highlighted the stages of
business decisions.
October 30.. About 165 students from over 20 Devops implementation in organizations. The
institutions participated in the workshop. advantages and challenges of Devops
implementation were also highlighted. The series began on Nov 4 and concluded on
December 6.
The workshop was conducted by Prof.
Ravishankar Iyer, an adjunct professor at SCMS. ]Participants Mr. Guru Shankar and Prof. A. G.
Krishnan shared their experiences with respect to Over 350 students registered for these one-
Apart from introducing Fintech, it tracked the
changes occurring in the industry. IT and Devops implementations in their hour sessions hitting an average of 100
organizations. participants in each session.

at CoPS

The College of Pharmaceutical

Sciences (CoPS) organized week-
long competitions to commemorate
Karnataka Rajyotsava beginning
November 8.

Competitions included essay

writing, elocution, debate, shayari,
quiz, singing and anthakshari at the

Computer Vision Impelled

CD Sagar Auditorium, Campus 1.

S.S. Maini Girija was the Chief

Technology Conclave Held

Guest. She was felicitated by Dr
Pushpa Sarkar, Dean SAHS, and Dr
V. Murugan, Principal, CoPS. Prize
distribution followed. The staff and
students also looked like they were The Department of Electronics and educational institutions like IISC Deepa N., DSU, Srijani
dressed to kill on the Ethnic Day. Communication Engineering, Bengaluru, IIT Bombay, NIT Chakraborthy, RVCE and Dr Preeta
School of Engineering, in Sikkim, IIIT Dharwad, Cambridge Sharan, TOCE, Bangalore won the
Farewell at ECE collaboration with Atal Incubation
Centre, DSU, organized the second
Institute of Technology Bengaluru
and domain experts from Oracle,
best paper awards along with
Dr.Vaibhav Meshram, DSU who
edition of the three-day virtual Sapiens, Siemens and Empyra presented the paper, Simulation
conclave on Computer Vision Software spoke at the conclave. and Analysis of Bragg Grating.
Impelled Technology beginning
October 28. The topics were diverse, from hard The best presentation award
coded features in brain and their winners were Manjunatha K N,
The AIC-DSU promotes problem- relevance for deep learning, Kiran B, Dinesh Kumar V,
solving culture and foster computer vision in digital Department of Robotics and
innovation-incubation models in economy, role of computer vision Automation, JAIN (Deemed-to-be
The Department of Electronics and
healthcare, mobility and waste in industrial automation and many University), India for the paper
Communication Engineering, SOE,
management. other. titled “Design of Maze Solving
bid farewell to the Batch Of 2017-
Robot using LSRB Traversal
2021 on November 27.
The workshops encompassed Earlier, the conclave was Technique”.
Dr. Vaibhav Meshram, Chairman,
ECE, addressed the gathering and hands-on sessions for students by inaugurated on campus by Dr
welcomed the guests. The outgoing industry professionals and K.N.B.Murthy, Vice Chancellor, Dr S Sivaramakrishnan, Dr
batch presented mementos to the academia on machine learning, big DSU. Registrar, DSU, Dean- Bhawani Patnaik, Dr Sneha
teachers and thanked them for the data analytics and algorithms for Research, Dean, SoE and Sharma, Devikarani H. S. and
impact they had made on their lives. data science. hairpersons from different Darshan H coordinated this
Several fun and games were held to departments and other invited conclave
entertain the guests. Scholars of eminent educational dignitaries were present.s

ECE Student Projects Exhibition Held

The Department of Electronics The Department also conducted
and Communication a project exhibition for its Sem V
Engineering, conducted project and Sem VII as a part of Special
exhibition for its third year ECE Initiative courses
students on November 26.
The students demonstrated 35
There were over 120 participants projects from various fields like
who presented 40 various Machine Learning, Image
projects which included both processing,
hardware and software
implementation in various fields Speech processing, Digital
like Robotics, IOT, Wireless communication, Control systems
Communication and Sensor etc using the various platforms
based Projects. like Python, MATLAB, Proteus
The event included invited
lectures from various department The staff members of Dept. of
and project work presentation by ECE were present during the
the students in diverse fields. exhibition and appreciated the
work done by students. The co-
The co-ordinators of this event coordinators of this event were
were Prof. Divyashree H B, Prof. Dr. Sivaramakrishnan S and Mrs.
Navya R Dept. of ECE. Devikarani H S, Dept. of ECE.



Colloquium on
PTEE under NEP

The Department of Physics, organized a one-

day mini colloquium on the importance of
Physics Teaching in Engineering Education
(PTEE) on October 9.

Renowned scientists from CSIR, IITs and ISRO

participated in the colloquium and shared
their insights on Engineering Physics and
Advanced Physics in engineering curriculum
in higher education.

Dr. Shekhar C Mande, Director General, CSIR

and Secretary, DSIR, Govt. of India highlighted
the importance of learning by Experience in
line with the recommendations of the New
Education Policy (NEP).

“Education must be integrated and holistic. In

Visvesvaraya Museum: As we saw it this regard, physics plays vital role and it is
important to encourage the learning of physics
for engineering students”, he said.
Dr. Bhanu Pratap Das, Director, TCG-CQuERE
In many museums, they don't allow visitors consists of two sections technology and highlighted the importance of teaching the
to take photographs and to touch the items digital technology. quantum physics and quantum computing for
in the museum. engineering students, particularly the
There is precise information about how we application of quantum computing for
Quite strikingly, not at Bengaluru’s have come to use technology in our daily optimization problems like traffic control,
Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological lives. supply chain, finance, medicine etc.
Museum. And all my friends from
Aerospace Engineering had a field day We could learn about solar electricity, He suggested that the Engineering Physics
trying out the priceless technological hydroelectricity and thermal electricity are should be a two-semester course and should
displays at this museum. harnessed and how we utilize them. include the introduction to superconductivity.

“The department should offer elective courses

I guess, this plays an important and easiest There is also on display the state-wise
on the concept of entanglement, quantum
way for anyone to learn science quickly. distribution of power-supply. computing, quantum communication, and
quantum annealing and quantum internet”, he
The first section we wandered into had lined For a curious visitor, it is interesting to trace said
up displays and working models that helps the evolution of batteries, current,
understand the evolution of basic inventions transistors, diodes, five generations of Dr. P. Sreekumar recommended that in view
in science and their functions: levers, tools, computers, and other exhibits like the early of NEP, thrust may be placed on hands-on
gears, the evolution of clocks, sewing digital clocks. workshops and labs, undergraduate research
machines, typewriters, telephones, and projects and more collaborative programmes
printing machines. The list seems endless. A visit to the Museum is a must see. be worked out. “The overall goal is to retain
Especially for those who were never interest in the subject. This requires students to
Next we stepped into the first floor which interested in science. develop communication and critical skills”, he

Prof P.B. Sunil Kumar said the importance of

Webinar on Careers in Pharmacy Held

physics in engineering curriculum is

“Concepts should be strong in students mind,

so that they can actually come up with new
The College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (CoPS) Mr. Rachubabu spoke about the current inventions. It is extremely important that
conducted a webinar on December 10 as a part scenario and India’s prospects in the world students have very thorough basics on physics
of their webinar series, “Career Options in pharmaceutical industry, its contribution to and mathematical concepts together so that
Pharmacy”. India’s GDP, the issues of e-pharmacy and students can make a connection. Don’t
various career options in pharmacy. separate them”, he said.
The webinar, conducted in collaboration with
Group Pharmaceuticals Ltd and Karnataka Sunil Chiplunkar Vice President, Business Prof, Kumar wanted students to take one
Registered Pharmacist Association (KRPA) Development, Group Pharmaceuticals Ltd. science course in the first year, which should
drew nearly 300 participants. Introduced the topic and the speaker to the be one subject, not a mixture of subjects. Then
participants. the students should take compulsory electives
The speaker at the webinar, B.R. Rachubabu which can strengthen basics.
lent value from his three decades of Dr V.Murugan, Principal, CoPS gave the
experience in the pharma industry into the welcome address while Dr Pushpha Sarkar, The industry experts expect from the students
webinar. He is currently working as Head, Dean, SAHS presided over the session. Dr coming from top institutions to have very strong
Operations Excellence in Bluefish Kalpana Divekar, Professor, CoPS, proposed foundation. The industry will take care of the
Pharmaceuticals. the vote of thanks. rest, he remarked.


Editor Chief Coordinator, SoE Departmental Correspondents (SoE) School/College Correspondents

Prof. Rakesh S. Katarey, CJMC Dr. Vinayak Hemadri

Student Editors/Rewrite Desk Coordinators, SoE Prof. Krishna Sowjanya, CSE Dr. Archana Lokkur, SCMS
Amullya R.S. Dr Monica Singh Prof. Divyashree (ECE) Dr.Premakumari K.B., CoPS
Thrupthi Bhat Prof.Shubha Javagal Prof, Karthik (AE) Priya M., CoNS
Zaid Nayeemi Prof. Shwetha M.P., ECE Renuka Phadnis, CJMC
Coordinator, SoE Club Prof. Ramandeep Kaur (CT) Dr.Srihari Sharma, CoPT
Prof. Nandini Prof. Shylaja (E-MBA) Prof. V.V. Rajan, PGPM


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