T - Ere Ata Oto: Silenciada

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T – Real – Mismo sonido que en español

Esta dentro de un “consonant cluster”

St – str – tr – ct – pt – lt – ft
T – ere
Entre vocales
What about you?
I go to the store – D

T – “detenida”
Está al final de la palabra, pero no en un consonant cluster
Government – The government will partially cover the tuition
Improvement – We noticed an improvement on sales

Ciertas palabras vienen con una T silenciada

Often – I often think about you
Listen – He hasn’t listened to any advice
Christmas – Christmas is a month away
Mortgage – The mortgage has to be paid
Phonetic Linking
Consonant – Consonant
Consonant – Vowel
Vowel – Vowel
Consonant – Consonant
Gas station – We gotta stop at the gas station – Got to
Black coffee – Can I get a black coffee with a donut?
Some might – Some might say it’s not true
P, B, T, K, G, F, D – Consonantes detenidas
Stop the car
I can’t stop myself from dancing
It’s a good show
A lot of them – A lor ov dem
They’re playing with me
Consonant – Vowel
La palabra que termina en consonante va a absorber al
siguiente sonido vocal.
Turn off the TV.
Turn-off the TV.
I have a book on my desk
I have-a book-on my desk
Can I have a bit of candy?
Can-I have a bit-of candy?
Vowel – Vowel
A, E, I – y
O, U – w
We are – R
They all buy at the arcade
They all buy at theyarcade
You all go out too often
Youwall go out too often
Contraciones de sujetos
I am – I’m I’m very sorry
You are – You’re – Your You’re welcome
He is – He’s He’s joking
She is – She’s She’s messing with you
It is – It’s It’s working as intended
We are – We’re We’re here for you
They are – They’re - Their They’re thinking about a title

Have/has – As an auxiliary (Haber)

I have – I’ve I’ve gotta tell you something
You have – You’ve You’ve broken another window
He has – He’s He’s been here before
She has – She’s She’s driven all night
It has – It’s It’s been there for a while
We have – We’ve We’ve easily completed the job
They’ve spent all their inheritance
They have – They’ve

I will – I’ll I’ll be there for you

You will – You’ll You’ll be there for me
He will – He’ll He’ll know what to do
She will – She’ll She’ll be kinda busy
It will – It’ll It’ll be ok
We will – We’ll – Will We’ll never forget it
They will – They’ll They’ll take French classes
I’d I’d do it if I were you
You’d You’d know it if you’d paid attention
He’d He’d studied with his sister
She’d She’d play the piano
It’d It’d be great if you could help me out
We’d – weed
You’d buy Tú comprarías
You’d bought Tú habías comprado

Contractions with question words

What’s – What’s he know? – What’s that music genre?
How’s – How’s it possible?
When’s – When’s he arrive? – When’s it ready?
Where’s – Where’s she gonna live? – Where’s he studying?
Why’s – Why’s he doing that?
What have – What’ve – What’ave you been up to lately?
Where have – Where’ve – Where’ve you been?
Should have – Should’ve – They should’ave come with us
Could have – Could’ve – We could’ave helped her
Would have – Would’ve – I would’ave taken the money
What will – What’ll – What’ll you do?
When will – When’ll – When’ll you be here?
Where will – Where’ll – Where’ll you go?
How will – How’ll – How’ll it change?
Why will – Why’ll – Why’ll you move to The US?
What did – What’d – What’d you do?
How did – How’d – How’d you do it?
Why did – Why’d – Why’d you go?

Words that are reduced

Do/Does – Auxiliaries
A fast and short sound
Where do you live?
Where does he live?
I do work
He does work

Can – kn
I can go
You can do it
We can be
He can do it
I can
Yes, you can

Are – r
You are playing
He – him – his – her
Have – has – had

This is her birthday

This is his sister
What is his problem?
How does he know?
Where does he live?
She would do anything for him
What does he know about him?

What have you done?

What has he done?
What has he said?
She had known
We had been

Thought – I thought about what you said

Though – Even though I don’t like you
Through – We should go through the process

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