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A Quick Chart

Introduction: Simply a chart to determine and show the effects of

aging and its frailty.

by C. Jared Henderson


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Aging Effects (5e)
Race Middle Age (1/2 base max)* Old (2/3 base max)** Venerable (base max)*** Dead
Dwarf 150 200 300 +1d%
Elf 350 467 700 +1d%
Halfling 125 167 250 +1d20
Human 45 60 90 +1d10
Dragonborn 40 53 80 +1d10
Gnome 188 250 375 +1d%
Half‐elf 80 107 160 +2d12
Half‐orc 33 43 65 +1d10
Tiefling 48 63 95 +1d10
* ‐1 STR/CON, +1 INT/WIS
** ‐2 STR/DEX, ‐1 CON, +1 WIS
*** ‐1 STR/DEX/CON, +1 INT/WIS
Aging effects are cumulative.

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