Brant Saretsky Professional Growth Plan ps3

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Name: Student Brant Saretsky Name: TA Meaghan O’Grady

Michael Moser
Name: UC Alastair Wilson

Goal #1
Developing a relationship with all students within the class and learn about some of the interest they
have outside of the school.

Related TQS(s)
Fostering Effective Relationships
Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments
- Greeting the students every day when they enter class. Trying to have a conversation with them
about how their night was or weekend depending on the day.
- Checking in on students who might be having a rough day. This might be a tough conversation
but I think it’s important to get myself out of my comfort zone and have these tough
conversation with students.
- Being flexible with my units and attempt to incorporate some of the interest the students have
within the subjects.
- For my first goal, I think I was able to establish a positive relationship with the students by
greeting them each day. Each morning, I am in my desk greeting students as they walks in and I
try to have a conversation about their previous day or something they are interested in.
Sometimes other students would contribute to the conversation and this would make for
possibly funny conversations. With students, I found that having the tough conversations occur
best during the day as there is more of an opportunity to pull the student aside without other
students noticing. With the fluids unit, the students may have not been interested in the material
but they would ask questions that I would not know the answer to. After class I would go out of
my way to make sure that I would research the questions and bring them to the next class. I
think figuring out the answer shows that I am still learning and makes me seem more

Goal #2
Maintaining a consistent and fair expectation around class management.
Related TQS(s)
Fostering Effective Relationships
Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge
Engaged in Career-Long Learning
- Having conversations with my mentors about situations that might occur, how to handle the
situation, and not heighten the situation.
- Having an open dialogue with students about fair expectations within the classroom.
- Implementing strategies about how to deal with heightened situations with students.
- Being understanding with students who might be having a tough day and need support.
- Being fair with all students, some student might have to be reminded more than others but the
expectation should be the same.
- This was something that I need to continually work on in the future. With each year there is
going to be different class room management that I will have to figure out with the class. I can
implement routines or common sayings so the students can get more comfortable with the
expectations. Throughout my practicum, I tried multiple different strategies ranging from
calling on students, to addressing the class as a whole, and talking to students 1 on1. Even
within my classroom I would connect with multiple teachers within the school to see how they
deal with classroom management. That opportunity would allow me to reflect on my own
practice and even if I do not use that strategy, it’s an option when I have my own class. I think
within the practicum, I tried to figure out what would work for me with the help of my mentors,
I became more confident in class room management near the end of the practicum.

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