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Weekly Reflection 1

March 8-12

What did I like? 

The opportunity to attempt new games with the students helps me understand where
my weaknesses are and strengths. With more time, I will understand what the students
enjoy and what skills I can work on in the future. 

What might I change? 

In my Teacher associates notes, I was missing some of the little things, like; bring all the
birdies in or reminding the students of homework that's due. With this, it takes time and
understanding to develop the habit of remembering the little things. In my gym class, I
need to have more than one back-up plan where I have a game that the students enjoy,
in-case the games I introduce fail to interest the students. 

What did I learn? 

I have learned to be critical of myself and realize I am still learning some little things that
take time to develop. That when in the lesson, attempt to point out the little things or
discuss the little things. As the practicum continues, I will get to know the students
more, connect with the material and their lives to help deepen their understanding of the
Weekly Reflection 2
March 15-19

What did I like? 

What I liked about how I taught this week was the simplification of the games for all
ages. This week was tough as I only had one day to do skills and games with the
students, but the one day helped increase my understanding of what the students need
and enjoy in PE class. This information will help me create units and lesson plans for
the future. 
For my science class, I liked how prepared I was and how I am getting a better
understanding of the material each day. Learning something again can be tough,
especially when I teach to students, so the reviewing I do every day has helped me get
more comfortable with the material and help my students understand more. This review
aims to connect it to the students’ lives or make minor things in the lesson that allows
the students to understand the material more. 
What might I change? 

I would like to get involved in some of the games to see the enjoyment I have with the
games and hopefully help them find their joy when participating. Making sure with
games and skills is simplifying them as much as possible. 
With the science lesson, the biggest thing I need to do is understanding how the timing
and the flow of the class. Making sure lessons are making sense, an example would be
having the students do the Kahoot after they have completed the lab. 
What did I learn? 

In both my science and gym classes, I learned that simplifying the rules and the material
make it easier. Using the students for demos and examples helps them understand the
material more than just sitting in their chairs. Especially with demos in the gym, using a
student to help demonstrate the rules and expectations has clearly helped me save time
and have the students more involved in the games. With science having a hook for the
students, an interest in the material can begin to form. 
Weekly Reflection 3
March 22-26

What did I like? 

What I liked about this week was teaching a couple of dances and seeing how the
students would respond to them. Taking the advice from my university consultant and
teacher associate, I split the dances into small chunks depending on the students' age
and experience. What I noticed was this allowed majority of the students to have
success in the dance, and even after the three days of doing dance, some of the
students were still attempting the dances on fitness day. Breaking the material into
manageable chunks allowed success and encouraged the students to do more. 

In the science portion, I am working on taking the last five minutes of class to explain
where the course is going and remind the students of homework. I try to review science
every day so I am more knowledgeable at answering some of the student's questions. If
a question I do not know, I am not afraid to say I do not know. This shows that I am
human and more than just a robot. My comfort level while being in front of the class is
increasing each day, which is correlated to the level of movement I do in the classroom.
If If I am teaching in a classroom in the future, I might want to consider buying a
presentation clicker so I can be more mobile in the classroom.  

What might I change? 

I would like to try and spend more time having the students involved in the game.
Instead of explaining the rules several times, I would like the students to spend that time
doing the skills or participating in the games. 
Working on my closing is important with science, taking those last two minutes of class
to explain the homework and where the class is moving forward. 
What did I learn? 

I learned that having a five-minute closer with the students is important in my science
and gym classes. This time can help the students feel validated for their effort in the
class. I think this validation will help in the long wrong and help with behaviour moving
Another thing is being consistent with my class management. I allow those who blurt out
more leniency than those who do not. So trying to be more consistent should help
everyone feel included in the class. 
Weekly Reflection 4
April 12-16

What did I like? 

For all my classes, it involved adapting on the fly. We had a snow day that shortened
the week even further, and a couple games had to have rule manipulation. It was a
challenge to do this in science as I want to complete a lesson before the break ended,
so I had to work with my TA to figure out how to make it work for the students. Making
sure the students would retain the information and apply the information given to them.
To complete this was a challenge and a good learning experience about how teachers
can think on their feet to make sure time is allocated correctly. With PhysEd, the classes
played two games, and it seemed to go well; the students were involved however, for a
couple of the games, rule manipulation was needed. This was a good learning
experience where it makes sure I am thinking coherently through my lesson and not
allowing the students to just idly stand by and not become active.  

What might I change? 

This week, I would continuously work on my management, raising my hand and waiting
for the students to be silent before moving on in the class. This way, it places the
responsibility on the students to be respectful and understand to be quiet when my hand
is up. I hope this will help develop stronger classroom management and created a
sense of accountability for the class. 

What did I learn? 

I learned that thanking the students helps with their participation in the class. When I
thank the students for their effort and participation, it seems to make them feel
validated. This validation appears to help with classroom management and with gaining
the student's respect in the same process. 

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