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One of the great minds of the interbellum and World War 2 periods, the cracker of

the infamous german Enigma code and the father of Cryptology itself, I chose Alan
Turing due to his enormous contribution in the War and his interesting upbringing.
Born on the 23rd of June 1912, at the dawn of World War 1, Alan Mathison Turing was
brought up in a small local hospital in Maida Vale, London. His father was the son
of a merchant from the Netherlands which at the time of Alan's birth was on duty in
the British Raj, the British colony in the Indian Subcontinent and his mother was
an irishwoman which worked along with her husband as an engeneer on the Madras
Railways in Eastern India.
His natural talent was recognised from an young age, being called a "genius" by his
teacher and quickly came out as being a prodigy, eventully he would absolve
Cambridge's King's College, with remarkable skills in mathemathics, analysis and
He become a lead figure in the British intelligence effort during WW2 and he had a
big contribution on what we called today internet security.

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