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Core Values (TIU3)

Grace Growth

Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles

Style: Visual Style: Style:

Auditory* Kinesthetic

ex. Highlight/color code ex. ex.

Songs Use role play
ex. ex. ex.
Oral Summaries Use body movement while
Use Maps and flowcharts reciting material

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7)

Rigor Retaining

Relevance Re-exposing Relationships

Retrieve Routing Reorganizing

Teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

QAR Think aloud

Frayer Model
KWL Charts
Example 1 Example 2

Cooperative Grouping

Graphic Organizers
Strategies for Differentiation (SS2)

Advanced Organizers
Tiered Instruction Flexible Grouping

Similarities / Differences

Summarizing Notetaking Compacting Curriculum

Cues & Questions

Blooms Verbs (SS8 and SS9)
Think-Pair-Share Round Robin
Create Design Story telling
Venn Diagram Bubble Map

Evaluate Criticize Critiquing

Graphic Organizert KWL Charts
Contrast Organizing
Analyze Venn Diagram The T chart

Solve Organizer 5Illustrating
finger method

APPS: Marzano Advance organizers

Summarize Explaining


Remember Recite Curating

Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM5)

What are you doing?


2. What are you supposed to be doing?

Are you doing it?


4. What are you going to do about it?

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)

Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Oral Admin Extended time Shortened test

Example Example Example

Read the questions aloud the the Allow the student extra time on test or Condense the students test
student quizzes

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Include notes Delete answer choice Change from essay answer

Example Example Example

Allow students to use journal Remove one answer choice To matching or multiple choice

Participation Notes:
Allow the student to answer orally

Allow the student to give you oral
answers instead of writing
Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)
Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

Make a habit of demonstrating the behavior that you want to see in the classroom.

Encourage all students to help you build a classroom expectations and rules.

Promote growth mindset and inject variety into your lessons.

Praise students for jobs well done as doing so improves academic behaviors and performance.

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