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Test Preparation

Lord of the Flies

by William Golding
Your Complete Test Preparation Guide (For Grades 7-12)

Multiple Choice Questions, Short Essay & Essay Questions, Mid-Book & Final Test

Multiple Choice Questions

The Multiple Choice Questions in this Test Preparation Guide will test a student's understanding of Lord of
the Flies. The questions are broken out into sections, so they focus on specific chapters within Lord of the
Flies. This allows you to test and review the book as you proceed through the unit.

Short Essay Questions

The Short Essay Questions listed in this section require a one to two sentence answer. They ask students
to demonstrate a deeper understanding of Lord of the Flies by describing what they have read, rather
than just recalling it. The short essay questions evaluate not only whether students have read the
material, but also how well they understand and can apply it. They require more thought than a multiple
choice question, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Essay Questions
Students should have a full understanding of the unit material in order to answer these questions. They
often include multiple parts of the work and ask for a thorough analysis of the overall text. These essays
are designed to challenge a student's understanding of the broad points in a work, interactions among the
characters, and main points and themes of the text.

Mid-Book Test (Easy, Medium and Hard)

Final Test (Easy, Medium and Hard)

Answer Keys

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Essay Topics
Essay Topic 1
Describe and discuss the setting as established in the first chapter of the novel. Where
are the boys stranded? What is the time period of the story? What clues does the author
give for the location of the island in the first chapter? What role does the setting of the
story play in the plot?

Essay Topic 2
Discuss the narrative point of view of Lord of the Flies. Is the story related from a first,
second, or third person perspective? Is the narrator’s point of view limited or
omniscient? Is the story told in the present or past tense? What effect do these choices
of the author’s have on the reader?

Essay Topic 3
Describe and analyze the character of Ralph as the protagonist of Lord of the Flies.
How old is Ralph? What does the reader know about his character based on the
dialogue and exposition in Chapter 1? What elements of Ralph’s character indicate he
will be the protagonist of the novel?

Essay Topic 4
Analyze and discuss the character of Piggy in Lord of the Flies. Approximately how old
is Piggy? What personality characteristics stand out upon his introduction? What does
Ralph think of Piggy when they first meet? How does Piggy change in the course of the

Essay Topic 5
What does the conch shell symbolize in Lord of the Flies? How does the symbolism of
this object change in the course of the story? What happens to the conch shell? Why?

Essay Topic 6
Describe and discuss the character of Jack Merridew in the novel. How old are the choir
boys that are on the island? What was Jack’s role within the choir? How do the
characters of Jack and Ralph get along in the beginning of the story? What potential
conflicts are established in the first chapters?

Short Essay Questions
1. What events have led to the boys’ arrival on the island in Lord of the Flies?

2. Who are the first characters introduced in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?
How are they described?

3. What is discussed at the meeting in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”? How
do the boys feel about their situation?

4. What is foreshadowed at the vote for the leader at the meeting in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”? Who is chosen?

5. How would you describe the exploration of the boys in Chapter 1: “The Sound
of the Shell”?

6. What does the conch shell come to represent symbolically in Chapter 2: “Fire
on the Mountain”? Why?

7. How is Piggy perceived by the other members of the group in Chapter 2: “Fire
on the Mountain”? Why?

8. What is an example from Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain” that illustrates

Piggy’s position within the group?

9. Why do you think Piggy’s statements during the meeting are largely ignored in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

10. What element of fear and suspense is introduced during the meeting in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”

11. How have Jack’s and Ralph’s experiences differed during the first days on the
island, as seen in Chapter 3: “Huts on the Beach”?

12. Why does Ralph confront Jack in the beginning of Chapter 3: “Huts on the
Beach”? How does Jack respond?

49. What argument ensues between Ralph and his companions regarding the fire
in Chapter 10: “The Shell and the Glasses”?

50. How do the actions of Jack’s tribe debilitate Ralph’s tribe in Chapter 10: “The
Shell and the Glasses”?

51. Why does Ralph go to Jack’s fort in Chapter 11: “Castle Rock”? What does he
encounter when he arrives?

52. What conflicts arise when Jack arrives at the fort in Chapter 11: “Castle

53. How does the conflict escalate between Jack and Ralph in Chapter 11: “Castle
Rock”? Why?

54. How does Piggy die in Chapter 11: “Castle Rock”? Who is responsible for his

55. What is symbolized by the destruction of the conch shell in Chapter 11:
“Castle Rock”?

56. What is Ralph doing in the beginning of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?
What news does he learn from the twins?

57. Where does Ralph sleep before “the hunt” in Chapter 12: “Cry of the
Hunters”? What awakens him?

58. How does Ralph attempt to escape the hunters in Chapter 12: “Cry of the

59. Why does Ralph begin running for the beach and shelters in Chapter 12: “Cry
of the Hunters”?

60. What is ironic about the denouement of Lord of the Flies?

Short Essay Questions Key
1. What events have led to the boys’ arrival on the island in Lord of the Flies?

It is a time of war. The reader learns from conversation between Ralph and Piggy that
their school in England was in an area of conflict during wartime. They were being
evacuated when their plane was attacked, and the boys were dropped on the island
along with the passenger cabin.

2. Who are the first characters introduced in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?
How are they described?

In the first chapter, we first meet Ralph and a fat boy who has been called Piggy at
school. Ralph does not bother to learn the boy’s name, but he begins to refer to the boy
as Piggy, too. Ralph is clearly one of those boys at school who is popular and does not
feel the need to be kind to anyone.

3. What is discussed at the meeting in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”? How
do the boys feel about their situation?

The boys come together and discuss their situation. It is decided that a leader is
needed. This is very interesting as it seems clear the boys are happy to find themselves
without adult supervision, therefore their decision to appoint one of their own as a leader
seems almost contradictory.

4. What is foreshadowed at the vote for the leader at the meeting in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”? Who is chosen?

There is some competition as to who the leader should be. Ralph is chosen even
though Jack Merridew, a late comer to the group, seems to think he would make a much
better leader. This suggests some conflict between the two boys might be coming in the

5. How would you describe the exploration of the boys in Chapter 1: “The Sound
of the Shell”?

Ralph, Jack, and another boy go to investigate the immediate area to be sure that they
are indeed stuck on a deserted island. This is a moment of great pleasure and bonding
between these boys, suggesting the beginning of a great friendship.

6. What does the conch shell come to represent symbolically in Chapter 2: “Fire
on the Mountain”? Why?

When Ralph calls another meeting, he begins making rules for his new society. The first
rule is that the person holding the conch is the only one who can speak, forcing the
others to listen. This turns the conch into a symbol of power and control in this new

7. How is Piggy perceived by the other members of the group in Chapter 2: “Fire
on the Mountain”? Why?

Piggy quickly becomes the voice of reason among the boys. Piggy seems to be the
most mature of the group. His ideas are clear and concise. However, no one really likes
Piggy. It is unclear why this is, except that perhaps he seems too pushy in his attempts
to force reason on this group.

8. What is an example from Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain” that illustrates

Piggy’s position within the group?

Piggy tries to speak, but the group makes fun of him and refuses to listen. Jack in
particular pokes fun at Piggy, which makes Piggy even more angry and indignant. Piggy
intercepts the shell on several occasions, but is laughed down. He then appears to have
an asthma attack.

9. Why do you think Piggy’s statements during the meeting are largely ignored in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

Piggy makes several reasonable statements to the boys about how they should be
doing things, but these points make the other boys, especially Jack and Ralph, seem
somewhat inept. For this reason, Piggy’s statements are largely ignored.

10. What element of fear and suspense is introduced during the meeting in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”

An unnamed child in the group with a birthmark staining one side of his face claims to
have seen a beast in the jungle before the first meeting was called. This frightens most
of the children, although the older children refuse to show it. It also establishes what will
become one of the main conflicts.

11. How have Jack’s and Ralph’s experiences differed during the first days on the
island, as seen in Chapter 3: “Huts on the Beach”?

Jack has taken quite well to hunting, spending most days alone in the jungle with
nothing but his knife. However, Ralph is struggling as the other boys refuse to help him
build shelters for all of them to share. Ralph complains about this to Jack when Jack
comes back from a day of hunting.

12. Why does Ralph confront Jack in the beginning of Chapter 3: “Huts on the
Beach”? How does Jack respond?

Ralph complains that Jack and his boys spend all day in the jungle, but never return
with any meat. Jack assures Ralph that he is figuring out the pigs and hopes to make
his first kill soon. Ralph finally gives up, especially when he sees that his only helper,
Simon, has wondered off.

13. How do the majority of the boys spend their time in Chapter 3: “Huts on the

Most of the children have discovered that it is nice to have their day free to do as they
please and to not have any adults telling them what to do. For this reason, most of the
boys spend their day as they please even though there is work that needs to be done.

14. How would you describe the system of discipline on the island in Chapter 3:
“Huts on the Beach”? What effects can you see from this system?

Ralph has not attempted to discipline these boys or find another way to make them
cooperate. In fact, when given the opportunity, Ralph also ducks out of work to go
swimming. This is important because it shows the society these children are building is

already beginning to crumble from a lack of consequences.

15. How is the character of Simon described in the novel? What physical
condition does Simon suffer from?

Simon is a quiet, gentle young man. Simon was a part of the choir that Jack led,
therefore he was to be one of the hunters. Simon appears to have some kind of seizure
disorder that causes him to act oddly and pass out from time to time. This happens
several times on the island.

16. What routines have been established on the island in Chapter 4: “Painted
Faces and Long Hair”?

The boys have fallen into a routine all their own and grown accustomed to the island.
The smallest children have grown frightful of the island and the unseen beast that was
mentioned in an early meeting of the group. Many of them have frequent nightmares.

17. How are the relationships between the older and younger boys illustrated in
Chapter 4: “Painted Faces and Long Hair”?

The older boys often tease and torture the smaller boys, but there are still remnants of
society that keep them from hurting one another. This is illustrated by one boy throwing
rocks at another, but purposely missing him.

18. Why does Jack begin wearing face paint in Chapter 4: “Painted Faces and
Long Hair”?

Jack has decided that the reason he cannot kill a pig is that the pigs can see him. For
this reason, Jack has decided that he and his hunters should wear clay makeup on their
faces when they hunt. With this “mask,” however, there also comes a savage freedom.

19. How does the dead signal fire develop conflict in Chapter 4: “Painted Faces
and Long Hair”?

The dead signal fire prevents the group of children from being rescued by a nearby

ship. Tension bursts between Ralph and Jack as Ralph blames Jack for the fire going
out. However, Jack does not deny, or admit, his part in the lack of a fire, nor does he
confront Ralph directly.

20. What can be interpreted by Jack’s behavior toward Piggy in Chapter 4:

“Painted Faces and Long Hair”?

Jack does take out his frustrations on Piggy who seems to have become the one boy
that it is okay for everyone else to torture. This shows the reader that Jack feels he
would be a better leader, but he is not yet ready to challenge Ralph in front of the other

21. How would you describe the tone and mood in the beginning of Chapter 5:
“Beast from Water”?

Tensions begin to be revealed in this chapter. It is clear that Ralph is angry with Jack
and his hunters for not keeping the fire going. It is equally clear that Jack feels that it is
more important that he and his choir hunt meat.

22. How does Piggy contribute at the meeting in Chapter 5: “Beast from Water”?

Piggy at first sits apart in protest to his treatment on the mountain, but he soon joins the
meeting. In fact, it is Piggy who comes to Ralph’s rescue when he struggles to make
himself clear in the face of Jack’s open contempt of the proceedings.

23. What is discussed as the “main point” of the meeting in Chapter 5: “Beast
from Water”?

The main subject is the idea of a dangerous beast in the jungle and the small children’s
fear of it. A small child comes forward and insists that there is a beast. He says he has
seen it. Jack announces that he and his hunters will kill any beast.

54. How does Piggy die in Chapter 11: “Castle Rock”? Who is responsible for his

Above them on the cliff, Roger pulls a lever that loosens a boulder. Ralph can see the
rock is going to fall and is able to move out of the way. However, since Piggy's glasses
are missing, Piggy does not see it coming. The rock hits Piggy and causes him and the
conch to fall off the cliff and onto the beach below.

55. What is symbolized by the destruction of the conch shell in Chapter 11:
“Castle Rock”?

The destruction of the conch shell, along with Piggy’s murder, appears to symbolize the
ruination of law and order and the disintegration of an organized society. Ralph’s reign
has come to a clear end, and savagery and violence have won.

56. What is Ralph doing in the beginning of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?
What news does he learn from the twins?

Ralph has spent most of the day hiding, wounded, in a covert. When it is dark, Ralph
makes his way back toward Castle Rock. When he arrives, he discovers that Sam and
Eric are standing guard. Ralph talks to the twins for a few minutes and learns that Jack
plans to hunt him the following day.

57. Where does Ralph sleep before “the hunt” in Chapter 12: “Cry of the
Hunters”? What awakens him?

Ralph goes and lies down in some ferns near the Castle Rock. Ralph goes to sleep and
is awoken the next morning as the hunt begins. Ralph lies still and waits for the boys to
go past him. However, he soon hears Jack talking to Sam and Eric and the twin giving
away his location.

58. How does Ralph attempt to escape the hunters in Chapter 12: “Cry of the

Ralph runs and manages to get a head start on the hunters. Ralph finds another place
to hide and manages to stay there for a long time, but is soon found by another of the
hunters. Ralph hears boulders overhead and realizes the boys are trying to flush him

out this way.

59. Why does Ralph begin running for the beach and shelters in Chapter 12: “Cry
of the Hunters”?

Ralph is forced to run out of his hiding place when one of the hunters gets too close.
Ralph makes a run for the beach near his own camp in order to escape. Ralph can hear
the hunters behind him and knows that he is not going to survive.

60. What is ironic about the denouement of Lord of the Flies?

It is ironic that Ralph has been trying to keep signal fires burning since the first day on
the island, but the other boys have been resistant to having to care for the fire.
However, the hunters start a fire to force Ralph out into the open and this deadly fire
becomes the one that saves them all.

Multiple Choice Questions
1. From what perspective is the narrative of Lord of the Flies related?
(a) First person.
(b) Fourth person.
(c) Third person.
(d) Second person.

2. What physical ailment does Piggy say he suffers from in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?
(a) Partial deafness.
(b) Asthma.
(c) Tuberculosis.
(d) Epilepsy.

3. Piggy tells Ralph in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell” that he’s worn glasses
since he was how old?
(a) 2.
(b) 6.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

4. How old is Ralph said to be in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?

(a) 15.
(b) 12.
(c) 10.
(d) 8.

5. Ralph tells Piggy in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell” that his father holds
what position?
(a) Ambassador to Egypt.
(b) Magazine Editor.
(c) Commander of the Navy.
(d) Journalist.

6. How old does Ralph say he was when his father taught him to swim in Chapter
1: “The Sound of the Shell”?
(a) 2.
(b) 8.
(c) 5.
(d) 6.

7. What is Piggy’s answer when Ralph asks him in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the
Shell,” “What’s your father?”
(a) “My dad left us.”
(b) “My dad is a carpenter.”
(c) “My dad is a butcher.”
(d) “My dad’s dead.”

8. What kind of store does Piggy say his auntie used to run in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?
(a) A candy store.
(b) A florist shop.
(c) A shoe store.
(d) A women’s clothing store.

9. What kind of shell do Ralph and Piggy discover on the beach in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”?
(a) A conch shell.
(b) An alphabet cone.
(c) A slipper shell.
(d) A Florida auger.

10. The first boy that appears after Ralph blows the sounds on the shell is said to
be about how old in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?
(a) 6.
(b) 3.
(c) 10.
(d) 8.

11. What is the name of the first little boy that arrives from the jungle when Ralph
blows on the shell in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?
(a) Johnny.
(b) Simon.
(c) Henry.
(d) Maurice.

12. What are the names of the twins that appear on the beach in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?
(a) Roger and Robert.
(b) Simon and Johnny.
(c) Sam and Eric.
(d) Percival and Maurice.

13. What are the boys from the choir wearing when they arrive on the beach in
Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?
(a) Military uniforms.
(b) High-collared uniforms.
(c) Swimsuits.
(d) Black cloaks.

14. What color is Jack Merridew’s hair in the novel?

(a) Red.
(b) Black.
(c) Brown.
(d) Blonde.

15. Who suggests that the boys hold a vote for the chief in Chapter 1: “The Sound
of the Shell”?
(a) Roger.
(b) Simon.
(c) Henry.
(d) Johnny.

16. What kinds of wild animals have the boys discovered living on the island in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?
(a) Turkeys.
(b) Deer.
(c) Pigs.
(d) Foxes.

17. One of the rules that Ralph establishes at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain” is that no one may speak at the meetings unless he is holding
(a) The shell.
(b) The stone.
(c) The staff.
(d) The spear.

18. What color is the birthmark described as on the young boy who steps forward
at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?
(a) Black-colored.
(b) Mulberry-colored.
(c) Violet-colored.
(d) Crimson-colored.

19. What does the boy with the birthmark first call “the beastie” in Chapter 2:
“Fire on the Mountain”?
(a) “The wolf-thing.”
(b) “The snake-thing.”
(c) “The bear-thing.”
(d) “The bird-thing.”

20. Where are the boys in Lord of the Flies from originally?
(a) Ireland.
(b) France.
(c) England.
(d) The United States.

21. Who leads the boys to the mountaintop in order to begin building a signal fire
in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?
(a) Henry.
(b) Johnny.
(c) Jack.
(d) Ralph.

22. What is the meaning of the word “ebullience,” used in Chapter 2: “Fire on the
(a) Belligerence.
(b) Exhilaration.
(c) Luxuriance.
(d) Vicissitude.

23. Who is the only boy who does not help gather firewood in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain”?
(a) Simon.
(b) Robert.
(c) Ralph.
(d) Piggy.

24. The members of the choir have adjusted their choir hats to resemble what, in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?
(a) Cowboy hats.
(b) Berets.
(c) Fedoras.
(d) Wizard hats.

25. Which of the boys are thoughtful enough to bring leaves for the signal fire in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?
(a) Sam and Eric.
(b) Henry and Maurice.
(c) Johnny and Percival.
(d) Simon and Peter.

26. When the boys are trying to figure out how to light a fire in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain,” who says, “You make a bow and spin the arrow”?
(a) Simon.
(b) Johnny.
(c) Roger.
(d) Maurice.

27. Who suggests the boys use Piggy’s glasses to start the fire in Chapter 2: “Fire
on the Mountain”?
(a) Jack.
(b) Piggy.
(c) Henry.
(d) Johnny.

28. When the choir assumes guardianship of the fire, what group within them is
assigned fire-duty during the first week in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?
(a) The altos.
(b) The basses.
(c) The sopranos.
(d) The trebles.

29. The author uses the following sentence in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”:
“The flames, as though they were a kind of wild life, crept as a jaguar creeps on
its belly toward a line of birch-like saplings that fledged an outcrop of the pink
rock.” What literary technique is used in this sentence?
(a) Simile.
(b) Personification.
(c) Literary allusion.
(d) Onomatopoeia.

30. Which “littlun” is unaccounted for at the end of Chapter 2: “Fire on the
(a) Henry.
(b) The boy with the birthmark.
(c) The boy with the glasses.
(d) The boy with the wheelchair.

31. What color eyes is Jack said to have in Chapter 3: “Huts on the Beach”?
(a) Brown.
(b) Black.
(c) Blue.
(d) Green.

32. In Chapter 3: “Huts on the Beach,” the narrator states, “The silence of the
forest was more oppressive than” what?
(a) “The heat.”
(b) “The isolation.”
(c) “The danger.”
(d) “The permanence.”

33. What color are the pig droppings that Jack finds in the forest in Chapter 3:
“Huts on the Beach”?
(a) Reddish brown.
(b) Solid black.
(c) Olive green.
(d) Dark brown.

34. What does the word “vicissitude” mean, as used in Chapter 3: “Huts on the
(a) Savagery.
(b) A change or variation.
(c) A gathering of people.
(d) A betrayal of principles.

35. What does Jack ask Ralph for when he arrives at the camp in Chapter 3: “Huts
on the Beach”?
(a) Water.
(b) Piggy's glass.
(c) A spear.
(d) The shell.

36. Who is the only boy that is helping Ralph build the shelters in Chapter 3:
“Huts on the Beach”?
(a) Johnny.
(b) Henry.
(c) Jack.
(d) Simon.

168. What symbolic object in the novel was destroyed when Piggy died?
(a) The knife.
(b) The staff.
(c) The pig's head.
(d) The shell.

169. What word used in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters” means a kiss of peace?
(a) Declivity.
(b) Vicissitude.
(c) Pax.
(d) Mirage.

170. What does Ralph find in the forest to use as a weapon in Chapter 12: “Cry of
the Hunters”?
(a) A stick that is pointed on two ends.
(b) A metal bear-trap.
(c) A parachute.
(d) A dagger.

171. Sam and Eric tell Ralph in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters” that Jack and
who plant to hunt him tomorrow?
(a) Robert.
(b) Roger.
(c) Johnny.
(d) Maurice.

172. What is the first tactic that Jack’s tribe uses to flush Ralph from the thicket in
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?
(a) They shoot a gun into the thicket.
(b) They hurl boulders into it.
(c) They light the thicket on fire.
(d) They flood it with water.

173. What is the second tactic used by Jack’s tribe to flush Ralph from the thicket
in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?
(a) They light the thicket on fire.
(b) They hurl boulders into the thicket.
(c) They shoot guns into the thicket.
(d) They send a wild boar into the thicket.

174. What is the name of the littlun that first approaches the naval officer in
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?
(a) Percival.
(b) Bill.
(c) Phil.
(d) Henry.

175. What is Jack described as wearing at his waist in the end of Chapter 12: “Cry
of the Hunters”?
(a) A pair of broken spectacles.
(b) A choir cloak.
(c) A cavalry pistol.
(d) A mutilated pig’s head.

176. The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean was written by what Scottish
(a) Samuel Beckett.
(b) Henry James.
(c) R. M. Ballantyne.
(d) Mark Twain.

177. In the end of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” Ralph is said to weep for “the
end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart,” and for the death of what “true,
wise friend”?
(a) Sam.
(b) Jack.
(c) Simon.
(d) Piggy.

178. In the ending of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” the narrator notes that
when the children all begin weeping, “The officer, surrounded by these noises,
was moved and a little” what?
(a) “Embarrassed.”
(b) “Overwhelmed.”
(c) "Emotional."
(d) "Angry."

179. What does the officer say drew his crew to the island in Chapter 12: “Cry of
the Hunters”?
(a) The sight of the airplane wreckage.
(b) The smoke from the fire.
(c) The sound of gunfire.
(d) The sounds of screaming.

180. Which of the following is one of the central themes in Lord of the Flies?
(a) Civility versus savagery.
(b) Political corruption.
(c) Beauty versus ugliness.
(d) The betrayal of the mother.

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C 41. A 81. D 121. B 161. C
2. B 42. B 82. C 122. C 162. D
3. D 43. A 83. C 123. D 163. B
4. B 44. A 84. B 124. B 164. A
5. C 45. A 85. A 125. B 165. C
6. C 46. B 86. A 126. B 166. A
7. D 47. C 87. A 127. B 167. B
8. A 48. A 88. B 128. A 168. D
9. A 49. D 89. A 129. A 169. C
10. A 50. D 90. C 130. D 170. A
11. A 51. B 91. B 131. B 171. B
12. C 52. C 92. A 132. A 172. B
13. D 53. D 93. A 133. B 173. A
14. A 54. A 94. B 134. B 174. A
15. A 55. B 95. B 135. C 175. A
16. C 56. B 96. B 136. B 176. C
17. A 57. A 97. B 137. C 177. D
18. B 58. A 98. B 138. D 178. A
19. B 59. C 99. C 139. A 179. B
20. C 60. C 100. B 140. B 180. A

21. C 61. A 101. C 141. A

22. B 62. D 102. D 142. B
23. D 63. A 103. C 143. B
24. B 64. C 104. A 144. B
25. B 65. A 105. D 145. D
26. C 66. C 106. B 146. D
27. A 67. B 107. B 147. A
28. A 68. B 108. D 148. D
29. A 69. D 109. C 149. C
30. B 70. C 110. D 150. A
31. C 71. C 111. B 151. C
32. A 72. A 112. B 152. C
33. C 73. A 113. A 153. B
34. B 74. C 114. B 154. D
35. A 75. B 115. A 155. C
36. D 76. B 116. D 156. D
37. A 77. D 117. C 157. B
38. C 78. D 118. D 158. B
39. D 79. A 119. D 159. C
40. B 80. A 120. A 160. C

Short Answer Questions
1. From what perspective is the narrative of Lord of the Flies related?

2. What physical ailment does Piggy say he suffers from in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?

3. Piggy tells Ralph in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell” that he’s worn glasses
since he was how old?

4. How old is Ralph said to be in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?

5. Ralph tells Piggy in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell” that his father holds
what position?

6. How old does Ralph say he was when his father taught him to swim in Chapter
1: “The Sound of the Shell”?

7. What is Piggy’s answer when Ralph asks him in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the
Shell,” “What’s your father?”

8. What kind of store does Piggy say his auntie used to run in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?

9. What kind of shell do Ralph and Piggy discover on the beach in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”?

10. The first boy that appears after Ralph blows the sounds on the shell is said to
be about how old in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?

11. What is the name of the first little boy that arrives from the jungle when Ralph
blows on the shell in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?

12. What are the names of the twins that appear on the beach in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?

13. What are the boys from the choir wearing when they arrive on the beach in
Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?

14. What color is Jack Merridew’s hair in the novel?

15. Who suggests that the boys hold a vote for the chief in Chapter 1: “The Sound
of the Shell”?

16. What kinds of wild animals have the boys discovered living on the island in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

17. One of the rules that Ralph establishes at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain” is that no one may speak at the meetings unless he is holding

18. What color is the birthmark described as on the young boy who steps forward
at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

19. What does the boy with the birthmark first call “the beastie” in Chapter 2:
“Fire on the Mountain”?

20. Where are the boys in Lord of the Flies from originally?

21. Who leads the boys to the mountaintop in order to begin building a signal fire
in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

22. What is the meaning of the word “ebullience,” used in Chapter 2: “Fire on the

23. Who is the only boy who does not help gather firewood in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain”?

24. The members of the choir have adjusted their choir hats to resemble what, in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

25. Which of the boys are thoughtful enough to bring leaves for the signal fire in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

26. When the boys are trying to figure out how to light a fire in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain,” who says, “You make a bow and spin the arrow”?

27. Who suggests the boys use Piggy’s glasses to start the fire in Chapter 2: “Fire
on the Mountain”?

28. When the choir assumes guardianship of the fire, what group within them is
assigned fire-duty during the first week in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

29. The author uses the following sentence in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”:
“The flames, as though they were a kind of wild life, crept as a jaguar creeps on
its belly toward a line of birch-like saplings that fledged an outcrop of the pink
rock.” What literary technique is used in this sentence?

30. Which “littlun” is unaccounted for at the end of Chapter 2: “Fire on the

164. How many feet down does Piggy fall when he is hit by the rock in Chapter 11:
“Castle Rock”?

165. Who pulls the lever that drops the boulder, killing Piggy, in Chapter 11:
“Castle Rock”?

166. What is Ralph said to be laying in at the beginning of Chapter 12: “Cry of the

167. When Ralph looks back to Castle Rock from the forest in the beginning of
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” who does he see “sitting on guard at the top of
the cliff” with “a spear in his left hand and tossing up a pebble and catching it
again with the right”?

168. What symbolic object in the novel was destroyed when Piggy died?

169. What word used in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters” means a kiss of peace?

170. What does Ralph find in the forest to use as a weapon in Chapter 12: “Cry of
the Hunters”?

171. Sam and Eric tell Ralph in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters” that Jack and
who plant to hunt him tomorrow?

172. What is the first tactic that Jack’s tribe uses to flush Ralph from the thicket in
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?

173. What is the second tactic used by Jack’s tribe to flush Ralph from the thicket
in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?

174. What is the name of the littlun that first approaches the naval officer in
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?

175. What is Jack described as wearing at his waist in the end of Chapter 12: “Cry
of the Hunters”?

176. The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean was written by what Scottish

177. In the end of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” Ralph is said to weep for “the
end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart,” and for the death of what “true,
wise friend”?

178. In the ending of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” the narrator notes that
when the children all begin weeping, “The officer, surrounded by these noises,
was moved and a little” what?

179. What does the officer say drew his crew to the island in Chapter 12: “Cry of
the Hunters”?

180. Which of the following is one of the central themes in Lord of the Flies?

Short Answer Questions Key
1. From what perspective is the narrative of Lord of the Flies related?

Third person.

2. What physical ailment does Piggy say he suffers from in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?


3. Piggy tells Ralph in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell” that he’s worn glasses
since he was how old?


4. How old is Ralph said to be in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?


5. Ralph tells Piggy in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell” that his father holds
what position?

Commander of the Navy.

6. How old does Ralph say he was when his father taught him to swim in Chapter
1: “The Sound of the Shell”?


7. What is Piggy’s answer when Ralph asks him in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the
Shell,” “What’s your father?”

“My dad’s dead.”

8. What kind of store does Piggy say his auntie used to run in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?

A candy store.

9. What kind of shell do Ralph and Piggy discover on the beach in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”?

A conch shell.

10. The first boy that appears after Ralph blows the sounds on the shell is said to
be about how old in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?


11. What is the name of the first little boy that arrives from the jungle when Ralph
blows on the shell in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?


12. What are the names of the twins that appear on the beach in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?

Sam and Eric.

13. What are the boys from the choir wearing when they arrive on the beach in
Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?

Black cloaks.

14. What color is Jack Merridew’s hair in the novel?


15. Who suggests that the boys hold a vote for the chief in Chapter 1: “The Sound
of the Shell”?


16. What kinds of wild animals have the boys discovered living on the island in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?


17. One of the rules that Ralph establishes at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain” is that no one may speak at the meetings unless he is holding

The shell.

18. What color is the birthmark described as on the young boy who steps forward
at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?


19. What does the boy with the birthmark first call “the beastie” in Chapter 2:
“Fire on the Mountain”?

“The snake-thing.”

20. Where are the boys in Lord of the Flies from originally?


21. Who leads the boys to the mountaintop in order to begin building a signal fire
in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?


22. What is the meaning of the word “ebullience,” used in Chapter 2: “Fire on the


23. Who is the only boy who does not help gather firewood in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain”?


24. The members of the choir have adjusted their choir hats to resemble what, in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?


25. Which of the boys are thoughtful enough to bring leaves for the signal fire in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

Henry and Maurice.

26. When the boys are trying to figure out how to light a fire in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain,” who says, “You make a bow and spin the arrow”?


27. Who suggests the boys use Piggy’s glasses to start the fire in Chapter 2: “Fire
on the Mountain”?


28. When the choir assumes guardianship of the fire, what group within them is
assigned fire-duty during the first week in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

The altos.

29. The author uses the following sentence in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”:
“The flames, as though they were a kind of wild life, crept as a jaguar creeps on
its belly toward a line of birch-like saplings that fledged an outcrop of the pink
rock.” What literary technique is used in this sentence?


30. Which “littlun” is unaccounted for at the end of Chapter 2: “Fire on the

The boy with the birthmark.

164. How many feet down does Piggy fall when he is hit by the rock in Chapter 11:
“Castle Rock”?

40 feet.

165. Who pulls the lever that drops the boulder, killing Piggy, in Chapter 11:
“Castle Rock”?


166. What is Ralph said to be laying in at the beginning of Chapter 12: “Cry of the

A covert.

167. When Ralph looks back to Castle Rock from the forest in the beginning of
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” who does he see “sitting on guard at the top of
the cliff” with “a spear in his left hand and tossing up a pebble and catching it
again with the right”?


168. What symbolic object in the novel was destroyed when Piggy died?

The shell.

169. What word used in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters” means a kiss of peace?


170. What does Ralph find in the forest to use as a weapon in Chapter 12: “Cry of
the Hunters”?

A stick that is pointed on two ends.

171. Sam and Eric tell Ralph in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters” that Jack and
who plant to hunt him tomorrow?


172. What is the first tactic that Jack’s tribe uses to flush Ralph from the thicket in
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?

They hurl boulders into it.

173. What is the second tactic used by Jack’s tribe to flush Ralph from the thicket
in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?

They light the thicket on fire.

174. What is the name of the littlun that first approaches the naval officer in
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?


175. What is Jack described as wearing at his waist in the end of Chapter 12: “Cry
of the Hunters”?

A pair of broken spectacles.

176. The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean was written by what Scottish

R. M. Ballantyne.

177. In the end of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” Ralph is said to weep for “the
end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart,” and for the death of what “true,
wise friend”?


178. In the ending of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” the narrator notes that
when the children all begin weeping, “The officer, surrounded by these noises,
was moved and a little” what?


179. What does the officer say drew his crew to the island in Chapter 12: “Cry of
the Hunters”?

The smoke from the fire.

180. Which of the following is one of the central themes in Lord of the Flies?

Civility versus savagery.

Eight Week Quiz G
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color is the birthmark described as on the young boy who steps forward
at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?
(a) Black-colored.
(b) Crimson-colored.
(c) Violet-colored.
(d) Mulberry-colored.

2. Who lights the new fire in Chapter 8: “Gift for the Darkness”?
(a) Johnny.
(b) Piggy.
(c) Simon.
(d) Jack.

3. What word is used in Chapter 10: “The Shell and the Glasses” to mean
pertaining to the study of religious truth or divinity?
(a) Peripheral.
(b) Political.
(c) Vicissitude.
(d) Theological.

4. When the boys are trying to figure out how to light a fire in Chapter 2: “Fire on
the Mountain,” who says, “You make a bow and spin the arrow”?
(a) Johnny.
(b) Roger.
(c) Simon.
(d) Maurice.

5. Jack claims at the meeting in the beginning of Chapter 8: “Gift for the
Darkness” that Ralph “says things like” whom?
(a) Minaret.
(b) Prefect.
(c) Charlatan.
(d) Sepal.

Short Answer Questions
1. What kinds of wild animals have the boys discovered living on the island in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

2. Who says that the boys can’t go start a fire on the mountain because they don’t
have the spectacles in Chapter 7: “Shadows and Tall Trees”?

3. Who is the only boy that is helping Ralph build the shelters in Chapter 3: “Huts
on the Beach”?

4. What word from Chapter 7: “Shadows and Tall Trees” means rich abundance or

5. Who is back at the shelters with the littluns as the other boys are on the hunt
for the beast in Chapter 7: “Shadows and Tall Trees”?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What kinds of wild animals have the boys discovered living on the island in
Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?


2. Who says that the boys can’t go start a fire on the mountain because they don’t
have the spectacles in Chapter 7: “Shadows and Tall Trees”?


3. Who is the only boy that is helping Ralph build the shelters in Chapter 3: “Huts
on the Beach”?


4. What word from Chapter 7: “Shadows and Tall Trees” means rich abundance or


5. Who is back at the shelters with the littluns as the other boys are on the hunt
for the beast in Chapter 7: “Shadows and Tall Trees”?


Mid-Book Test - Hard
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3)
essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of store does Piggy say his auntie used to run in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?

2. What kind of shell do Ralph and Piggy discover on the beach in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”?

3. What is the name of the littlun that the narrator describes crawling into a
shelter and staying there for two days, “talking, singing, and crying, till they
thought him batty and were faintly amused” in Chapter 4: “Painted Faces and
Long Hair”?

4. What ocean is described as surrounding the island in Chapter 4: “Painted

Faces and Long Hair”?

5. What color is the birthmark described as on the young boy who steps forward
at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?

Short Essay Questions
1. How is the character of Simon described in the novel? What physical condition
does Simon suffer from?

2. How have Ralph’s feelings about Piggy begun to change in Chapter 5: “Beast
from Water”?

3. How does Piggy contribute at the meeting in Chapter 5: “Beast from Water”?

4. Why does Ralph confront Jack in the beginning of Chapter 3: “Huts on the
Beach”? How does Jack respond?

5. What is an example from Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain” that illustrates

Piggy’s position within the group?

6. How would you describe the exploration of the boys in Chapter 1: “The Sound
of the Shell”?

7. What is foreshadowed at the vote for the leader at the meeting in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”? Who is chosen?

8. How do the positions of authority and leadership begin to evolve in Chapter 6:

“Beast from Air”?

9. Who are the first characters introduced in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?
How are they described?

10. How would you describe the tone and mood in the beginning of Chapter 5:
“Beast from Water”?

Essay Topics
Essay Topic 1

Discuss the use of face paint by Jack and his fellow hunters in Chapter 4: “Painted
Faces and Long Hair.” Why does Jack decide he and his hunters need to wear
makeup? What does this suggest about their level of civility? How does this mark a
change in their behaviors?

Essay Topic 2

What does the conch shell symbolize in Lord of the Flies? How does the symbolism of
this object change in the course of the story? What happens to the conch shell? Why?

Essay Topic 3

Compare and contrast the leadership qualities of Ralph and Jack in the novel. Why
does Jack decide to leave Ralph’s group? What happens when he makes this
announcement? What will happen to Ralph’s group without the hunters?

Short Answer Key
1. What kind of store does Piggy say his auntie used to run in Chapter 1: “The
Sound of the Shell”?

A candy store.

2. What kind of shell do Ralph and Piggy discover on the beach in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”?

A conch shell.

3. What is the name of the littlun that the narrator describes crawling into a
shelter and staying there for two days, “talking, singing, and crying, till they
thought him batty and were faintly amused” in Chapter 4: “Painted Faces and
Long Hair”?


4. What ocean is described as surrounding the island in Chapter 4: “Painted

Faces and Long Hair”?

The Pacific Ocean.

5. What color is the birthmark described as on the young boy who steps forward
at the meeting in Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain”?


Short Essay Answer Key
1. How is the character of Simon described in the novel? What physical condition
does Simon suffer from?

Simon is a quiet, gentle young man. Simon was a part of the choir that Jack led,
therefore he was to be one of the hunters. Simon appears to have some kind of seizure
disorder that causes him to act oddly and pass out from time to time. This happens
several times on the island.

2. How have Ralph’s feelings about Piggy begun to change in Chapter 5: “Beast
from Water”?

Ralph has begun to listen to Piggy and realizes that his ideas are very practical and
would help the boys survive until they are rescued. However, Jack openly dislikes Piggy
and dislikes the fact that Ralph is listening to Piggy over him. This adds to the tension.

3. How does Piggy contribute at the meeting in Chapter 5: “Beast from Water”?

Piggy at first sits apart in protest to his treatment on the mountain, but he soon joins the
meeting. In fact, it is Piggy who comes to Ralph’s rescue when he struggles to make
himself clear in the face of Jack’s open contempt of the proceedings.

4. Why does Ralph confront Jack in the beginning of Chapter 3: “Huts on the
Beach”? How does Jack respond?

Ralph complains that Jack and his boys spend all day in the jungle, but never return
with any meat. Jack assures Ralph that he is figuring out the pigs and hopes to make
his first kill soon. Ralph finally gives up, especially when he sees that his only helper,
Simon, has wondered off.

5. What is an example from Chapter 2: “Fire on the Mountain” that illustrates

Piggy’s position within the group?

Piggy tries to speak, but the group makes fun of him and refuses to listen. Jack in
particular pokes fun at Piggy, which makes Piggy even more angry and indignant. Piggy

intercepts the shell on several occasions, but is laughed down. He then appears to have
an asthma attack.

6. How would you describe the exploration of the boys in Chapter 1: “The Sound
of the Shell”?

Ralph, Jack, and another boy go to investigate the immediate area to be sure that they
are indeed stuck on a deserted island. This is a moment of great pleasure and bonding
between these boys, suggesting the beginning of a great friendship.

7. What is foreshadowed at the vote for the leader at the meeting in Chapter 1:
“The Sound of the Shell”? Who is chosen?

There is some competition as to who the leader should be. Ralph is chosen even
though Jack Merridew, a late comer to the group, seems to think he would make a much
better leader. This suggests some conflict between the two boys might be coming in the

8. How do the positions of authority and leadership begin to evolve in Chapter 6:

“Beast from Air”?

The shift in leadership is beginning. The reader can already see that the loyalties of
most of the older boys have changed from Ralph to Jack. In many ways, the reader can
see how Jack is a stronger leader; he is brave, and as seen later within his tribe, he is
more effective at discipline than Ralph.

9. Who are the first characters introduced in Chapter 1: “The Sound of the Shell”?
How are they described?

In the first chapter, we first meet Ralph and a fat boy who has been called Piggy at
school. Ralph does not bother to learn the boy’s name, but he begins to refer to the boy
as Piggy, too. Ralph is clearly one of those boys at school who is popular and does not
feel the need to be kind to anyone.

10. How would you describe the tone and mood in the beginning of Chapter 5:
“Beast from Water”?

Tensions begin to be revealed in this chapter. It is clear that Ralph is angry with Jack
and his hunters for not keeping the fire going. It is equally clear that Jack feels that it is
more important that he and his choir hunt meat.


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