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Family Night Activities

June 10, 2011 Calendar:


If you don’t have the game Whoonu, we would highly recommend it. It’s fun for all ages and
gives opportunities to learn more about each other. If you prefer, we’ve included directions
for creating your own game. The object for the evening is to discover things you didn’t
necessarily know about each other and reinforce the fact that God knows everything about

1. Purchase the game, Whoonu if you don’t have it and want to use it.
2. If not using the Whoonu game, you will need 3X5 cards for creating your own game.
3. Snacks.

Creating your own game:

1. Write the questions below on 3X5 cards. One question per card.
a. What’s my favorite color?
b. What’s my favorite movie?
c. What’s my favorite song?
d. If I could go anywhere in the world where would I go?
e. If I could meet any historical figure (someone who’s no longer alive), who would
I want it to be?
f. What is something I can’t do very well but wish I could?
g. What do I think I’m good at?
h. What’s my favorite attribute of God?
i. What do I love to learn about?
j. Who’s my closest friend?
k. What’s my favorite dessert?
l. (leave a few blank cards)
2. Give everyone a pile of blank 3X5 cards or pieces of note paper to write their
answers on.
3. Place the 3X5 cards with the questions on them in a pile, face down, in the middle of
the table.
4. Each person should have a pen or a pencil.

How to play:
1. The youngest player goes first.
2. Player draws a card from the stack of questions and reads the question out loud
(smaller kids may need help reading).

3. Remaining players use one of their blank cards or papers and write down how they
think the player who’s “it” would answer the question. Again, younger players may
need help. They can also draw a picture of their answer if they prefer.
4. Meanwhile, the person who drew the card (the “it” player), records his/her own
answer on a blank card or paper.
5. After everyone has recorded their answer, the person to the right of the “it” player
shares his/her answer. Go around the circle until all have answered.
6. The “it” player shares his/her answer. Whoever recorded an answer that matches
the correct one receives a point. If no one gets the right answer, the “it” player
receives 1 point.
7. Player with the most points at the end wins.

Getting Started:
Bring out the snacks and let the game begin!!

After you’ve played a few rounds take a moment to talk about the game.

1. Was there anyone who knew all the right answers to every question?
2. What did you learn about how well you know the others in your family or group?

We can’t know everything about the ones we love, let alone everyone else! But God knows
every little detail about each and every one of us! He would’ve been right on every answer!
Even if we didn’t tell the truth about an answer, God would know it and answer correctly.
How amazing is that? We can’t fool God!

Psalm 139:1-6 says:

O Lord, You have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know
when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I'm far away.
You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me
and follow me. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is
too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! (NLT)

Bringing it to a close:
Why do you think the writer of the Psalm said it was so wonderful that God knows us so
well? Do you agree with the writer of the Psalm? Is it wonderful? Why? Why not?

Pray together. Thank God for each member of the family and the unique gifts, talents and
personalities represented. Thank Him for the comfort it gives to know that God knows us
through and through and loves us completely.

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