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Ways to make energy savings at home

An average home in the US uses about 30kWH electricity per day. What
does that mean? It means running a washing machine about 12 times or
an electric oven for about 12 hours. It is not difficult to cut those numbers
down! Here are some ways to start conserving energy yourself:

1. Adjust your day-to-day behaviours. Dress for the weather.

2. Replace your light bulbs - LEDs are best!
3. Turn off unnecessary lights.
4. Use smart power strips.
5. Don’t leave electronics plugged, charging or on stand-by.
6. Install a programmable thermostat.
7. Use energy efficient appliances.
8. Reduce water heating expenses.
9. Install energy efficient windows.
10. Upgrade your HVAC system.
11. Weatherize and air-seal your home.
12. Insulate your home.
13. Wash your clothes in cold water.
14. Replace your air filters.
15. Use your microwave instead of your stove.
16. Use natural light when possible.
17. Dress appropriately for the weather inside and outside.
18. Regularly defrost your fridge and freezer.
19. Don’t open and peek in the oven!
20. Control electric equipment with a timer or photocell.
21. Keep your fridge full (but not overfull!)
22. Use dishwashers, clothes washers and clothes dryers at night.
23. Transport alternatives: Walk! Ride your bike! Use public transport!
An electric or BEV or hybrid car? Car pool!

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