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2 marks question

1 What are primitive data structures? Give example

2 What are non primitive data structures? Give example
3 List the different types of data structures.
4. What is data structure
5 What is stack?
Evaluate given postfix expression
Convert a given expression to post fix
6 List the applications of stack.
7. What are the disadvantages of linear queue
8 What is circular queue
9. What is linked list? mention the different types
10 What are the disadvantages of singly linked list
11 Compare singly and doubly linked list
12 What is linear and non linear data structure
13 What is a binary tree ? Give example
14 Define trees and graphs
15 What is tree traversal? explain
16 What is BGS and DFS
17 What is sorting and searching?
15 What is binary search tree? Give example

5 marks question
1 Write a note on structures and arrays of structures
2. Explain the operations on stack
3 Explain Recursion using stack
4 Explain the algorithm to evaluate postfix expression
5 Write an algorithm to implement operations on queue
6 Write a note on priority queue
7 Explain insertion and deletion on singly linked list
8 Explain insertion and deletion on doubly linked list
9 Write a note on circular linked list
10 Compare linear and non linear data structure
11 List the different tree traversal and explain
12 Explain the linked representation of tree
13 Write a note on search tree
10 or more mark question
1 Briefly explain algorithmic notation with example 15
2 Explain the algorithm to perform operations on stack 10
3 Explain the algorithm to convert infix to postfix expression 10
4 Explain the operations on circular queue with algorithm 10
5 Explain the algorithm to insert and delete the nodes in singly linked list 12
6 With algorithm explain different tree traversal 12
7 Write an algorithm to create tree. And explain 10
8 Explain BFS 12
9 Explain with algorithm DFS 12
10 Trace the algorithm of selection sort
11 Trace the algorithm of bubble sort
12 Trace the algorithm of merge sort
13 Trace the algorithm of quick sort
14 Trace the algorithm of heap sort
15 Trace the algorithm of binary search

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