Technical Drafting: For Digital Learners

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Name: ________________________ Grade: __________________

for Digital Learners Asia Academic School
Don MC Enriquez Drive, Don Alfaro St.
Tetuan Zamboanga City
ICT Tools for Digital Learners 1
M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
1. Drafting
Drafting is said to be the universal language of
industry and modern technology. It is through the application
of special lines and symbols that drafter’s use so that
technical people can communicate. Through drawings, ideas
and designs are transferred between draftsmen, architects
and engineers. The uniformity of lines and symbols makes it
possible to be widely accepted, thus, making graphic
technical drawing understandable anywhere in the world.

In a fast-developing country like the Philippines, many

investors are coming in so they need technical people to
supervise factories and offices. New products are
introduced; hence, there is a great demand for designs. The
production of goods always starts from a design. Ideas are
presented by pictorial sketches in the initial stages of
creative work. Detailing is done with lines to represent all the
features of an object, such as its edges, surfaces and
contours. Lines also form the sizes, dimensions, symbols
and notes to complete a description.

To understand the fundamental principles of drawing,

acquired desirable values are necessary. A draftsman
should possess the ability and the skills in using different
drawing instruments. In general, it helps him construct output
with accuracy and speed.


Individuals with technical drawing careers are known as drafters. They convert specifications
and sketches created by architects and engineers into mechanical drawings and blueprints.
Construction and production staff then use these plans to create structures and equipment. Drafters

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 2

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
typically work indoors and regular business hours, although overtime is possible when project
deadlines approach.



 He must have the ability to interpret a working drawing.

 He must know how to read symbols.
 He must understand the alphabet of lines and drawing
 He must have the ability to draw different styles of letters.
 He should know how to draw and apply
different shades in coloring.

2. Architectural Drafting Tools, Materials and Equipment, Their

Uses and Care
There are a great variety of drafting materials and tools used in technical drafting. The drafting
materials and tools discussed in this Module include most of the basic ones but sufficient enough for
your initial understanding about mechanical drawing.

A. Tools
– they are usually made of transparent
plastic which are used for
drawing oblique and vertical lines.

Triangular Scales
-English Scales
-Metric Scales
-they are made of wood, plastic or metal, which are used for
drawing an object on a paper by scaling the sizes.

-Is used for measuring and laying out arcs and circles as well as
angles that cannot be measured with either the 45°or the
30° x 60° triangles. It is used in setting a line degree angle.

-Is used for drawing arcs and circles. It is made of the lower
portion of the pencil leg. It is removable and to be replaced when
needed. The pen and the needle point leg are held together by a

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 3

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
-Is an instrument used for drawing horizontal lines. It is also
used to support the triangle for drawing vertical or inclined line.
Are made of wood, plastic or metal.

Two Main Parts of T-square Three kinds of T-square

- The head - fixed heads
- The blade - removable head
- adjustable head

Drawing Pencil
- one of the most important tool of a draftsman in drawing.

-it is the most popular type of tool for measuring sizes and short

Erasing Shield
-a thin sheet of metal used when erasing pencil and inked lines
to protect other drawing lines.

- This is a drawing instrument used when transferring
measurements, dividing lines and arcs into the desired number of
equal parts.

Pencil Sharpener
– shapes long pencil lead into a conical shape point.

French curve
- a flat drafting instrument with curved edges and several scroll
shaped cutouts, used as a guide in drawing irregular curves when
constructing graphs or making technical drawings.

Dusting brush
– a tool used for dusting and cleaning drawings with dust and crumbs.

Technical Pen
- a pen used for inking lines in drawing. It comes in different

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M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
- a flat piece of plastic with standard symbols and used as guide
for drawing architectural images on plans.

B. Materials
Tracing Paper
- thin transparent paper used for reproduction in blueprint.

Masking tape
- They are used for fastening the drawing paper on the drawing board.

- This is used to clean the dirt off the drawing. A soft eraser is
advantageous in removing smudges and pencil marks, whereas, a
harder eraser is useful for making changes and correcting errors in
the drawing.

Sandpaper Block
- serves as substitute instrument in sharpening a pencil into
desired points.

C. Equipment
Drawing board/table
– a board made of soft wood but with cleats of hard wood
where the drawing paper is fastened with a draftsman’s tape.

Drawing stool
- a basic tool in drafting use is to give some height for the
drafting table on the user when drawing.

Drafting machine
- a high technology machine for drawing purposes.
ICT Tools for Digital Learners 5
M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
3. Proper Care of Drafting and other Materials
 Be sure to inspect tools before using them. This is to check if they are in working condition.
This can be detected when there is ease and speed when in use.
 After using a tool, clean it thoroughly with a damp cloth. Wipe it dry with another piece of cloth
before keeping it.
 When not in use, the T-square is preferably hung by inserting the hole to a nail (attached to a
wall) at the end of its blade.
 Do not abuse or misuse any piece of drawing instruments.
 Avoid throwing a tool to anybody; instead, hand it over to him carefully.
 Avoid setting off the distances individually by moving the scale to a new position from time to
time, because slight errors in the measurements may accumulate and give rise to a large error.
 Avoid unnecessary sliding of T-square or triangles protect the drawing. Pick up the triangle by
its tip and tilt the T-square blade upward slightly before moving.
 Do not pull too much the steel tape of pull-push rule to the coil spring to avoid damage.
 Oil the movable parts of the measuring tools such as zigzag rules, calipers, dividers, and
compasses to avoid stock-up.
 Report defective measuring tools and any hazard to instructor immediately.
 Gloves, masks and goggles are usually worn when cleaning tools since most cleaning agents
and solutions are harmful to the body.
 Only use cleaning agents as prescribed by the tool or equipment’s manufacturer.
 Cleaning the tools after use is highly recommended.


 Technical Terms Encountered in Preparing Architectural Job Requirements

Baluster Detail- is the detail of the vertical railing along a staircase or balcony railing.
Column/Footing/Beam Schedule- a complete specification of column, footings, and beam in terms
of sizes, materials and quantity.
Electrical Plan- a plan consists of lighting plan, power layout and specification details of the house.
Foundation Plan- a structural excavation plan of footings and walls of a building.
Floor Plan- is the top view of the floor area of a house.
Footings- a part of foundation directly supporting the column or post of a house.
Lighting layout - an electrical plan that shows the flow of house lightings.
Location Plan- is the top view of the site or lot where the proposed house will be built.
Perspective- is a drawing angle from which an object or structure is viewed.
Power & Auxiliary layout- an electrical plan that shows the location of the convenience outlet and
other auxiliary outlet in the floor plan.
Reflected Ceiling Plan- is the complete plan design of house ceiling.
Roof Plan- is one showing the outline of the roof and the major object.
Roof Framing Plan- a structural framing plan of the roof plan with complete specification.
Section- is the view showing the inside part of the building either in cross-section longitudinal section.
Site Development Plan or Lot Plan- refers to the position and the location of the building with
property line, setbacks, approaches, grade contours, landscape and other pertinent data in relation to
the site.

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M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
Septic Tank- it is the depository of human excreta and a drainage reservoir for all washing done in
the kitchen and bathroom.
Storm Drainage System- shows the flow of water waste from the lavatory, floor drain, and
downspout from the roof to storm drainage.
Truss Detail- a complete structural detail of a common or typical truss of a building.
 Technical Terms Encountered in Drafting Site Development Plan
Building Code- are local laws that set standard for structural design within the community.
Master plan- is the designer’s house or building design based on the needs and wants of his clients.
Corner lot- is a lot with at least two adjacent sides meeting on a corner of two streets.
Inside lot- is a lot surrounded on each side by other lots.
Open lot- is a lot bounded on all sides by streets or pathways.
Property lines- are those lines showing the exact area of the acquired lot.
Setback- refers to the distance at how far a building can be built within the property lines.
Site- is an area of land available for construction or the lot on which a building is constructed.
Through lot- is a lot having frontage on two public streets or highways.
Zoning- refers to the legal restrictions on size, location, and type of structures to be built on a
designated area.

5. Architectural Working Drawings

The architectural working drawings together with the specifications are the most important
parts of a working plans. Information on the designs, locations, and dimensions of the elements of a
building is found on the architectural working drawings while information on the quality of materials
and sizes is found in the specifications. A good architectural working drawing gives the contractor the
information he needs. Therefore, it must be made clear, simple, orderly arranged, and accurately
drawn so that scaled measurements will match with the actual structure.
The finished drawings made by the architect, or a draftsman and used by the contractor are
called architectural working drawings. The architectural working drawings, together with the
specifications and the general conditions, form the legal contract between the owner and the
contractor. Since working drawings are the major portion of the contract documents, they should be
accurately drawn.

 Elements of Architectural Working Drawing

A graphic representation of the view as seen by the eyes or it shows the
appearance of the finished building. This drawing represents the actual, in three dimensional
form of the proposed building. (See sample perspective below).

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 7

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
Site Development Plan
Site Development Plan is the outline and measurements of the proposed building and its
placement on the property. This shows the position and the location of the building with property line,
setbacks, approaches, grade contours, landscape, and other pertinent data in relation to the site. A
site development plan is drawn using a scale not smaller than 1:200 meters so that other features
found in the plan will not be greatly affected

Location Plan
The top view of the site or lot where the proposed house will be built. It shows the position of
the house inside the lot, the number of the adjacent lots, streets or lanes before or beside the lot, and
the North sign. The location plan is usually located near the title block. The main line symbol of the
North sign is generally parallel to the side border line of the drawing paper and points upward.

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 8

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
Floor Plan
The top view of the floor area of a house. The cutting plane line for this top view passes
between the upper and lower window sills. It represents the arrangement of rooms, doors, windows
and other features located in the floor plan.

The front or side view of a building. It shows the design of the house, height dimension;

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 9

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
materials finish and complete information on specification.

Section drawings are prepared for interior details needed to guide construction. The view showing
the inside part of the building or a house either in cross section or longitudinal section.

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M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
Architectural sheets:
A. Sheet # 1 - Title page and index (Exterior Perspective, Site Development Plan or
Plot Plan, and Vicinity Map or Location Plan is often included in the plan).

B. Sheet # 2 – Floor Plan, Elevation:

D. Sheet # 3 - Sections, Details, Roof Plan and Reflected Ceiling Plan

E. Sheet # 4 - Doors and Windows Schedule, Detail of kitchen, and Detail of Toilet and Bath

F. Sheets # 5& 6 – Contains Foundation Plan, Roof Framing Plan, Truss Detail, and
Column/Footing/Beam Schedules
G. Sheets # 7/8 -Water and Sewage System Plan

H. Sheet # 9 –Contains the following working plans: Lighting layout, Power and Auxiliary layout,
Location plan, Panel board Detail, Load Schedules and Specifications

Architectural Abbreviations:
Here are the list of architectural term and their abbreviations commonly used in technical
drafting preparations. You are going to come across these terms so familiarize each.

Abbrev. Term Abbrev. Term Abbrev. Term


ICT Tools for Digital Learners 11

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
Architectural Symbols
Knowing the architectural symbols is a prerequisite for all students in architecture and drafting
technology program. It would be difficult for you to interpret drawing or blueprint unless you are
familiar with the symbols. The following illustrations are the architectural symbols:

a. Doors and windows symbols that are shown in the floor plan.

b. Symbols of Doors and Windows that are used to represent its existence on floor plans
and elevation drawings.

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 12

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
6. Drafting Electrical and Electronic Layout and Details

Name: _________________________________________
Grade: _________________________________________

Activity 1:
Let’s Remember
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided before
each number.

_____ 1.A drawing tool used to draw horizontal lines and serves as guide for triangles.
a. protractor b. ruler c. triangles d. T-square
_____ 2. An instrument used for drawing vertical and oblique lines.
a. protractor b. ruler c. tape rule d. triangles
_____ 3. The best instrument used for dividing lines or distance into equal parts.
a. compass b. divider c. protractor d. ruler
_____ 4. A flat piece of plastic with standard symbols and used as guide for drawing images
on plans.
a. French curve b. templates c. triangles d. T-square
_____ 5. It is used in setting a line degree angle.
a. compass b. divider c. protractor d. ruler
_____6. The top view of the site or lot where the proposed house will be built.
a. floor plan b. foundation plan c. location plan d. roof plan
_____7. Shows the design of the house, height dimension, material finish and complete
information and specification.
a. elevation b. perspective c. roof d. section
_____8. Shows the outline of the roof and the major object lines indicating ridges, valleys,
hips, and openings.
a. ceiling plan b. floor plan c. foundation plan d. roof plan
_____9. The structural excavation plan of footings and walls of the building.
a. ceiling plan b. floor plan c. foundation plan d. roof plan
_____10. A part of foundation directly supporting the column or post of a house.
a. beams b. footings c. lintels d. roofs

Activity 2:
Directions: Identify what is referred to in each number and write your answer on the space

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 13

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
______1. A drawing sheet that contains perspective, site development title, page and sheet index.
______2. A drawing of the lot showing the setback and development of the house in relation to the
______3. The top view of the site or lot where the proposed house will be built.
______4. Generally, includes title block, table of contents, and labels for signs and sealed of the duly
licensed and registered professionals in the plans.
______5. A complete specification of doors and windows in terms of width, height, types, materials
and quantity.

Activity 3:
Directions: Draw the following architectural symbols of doors and window:
Requirements Drawing Requirements Drawing
1. Interior Door 6. Sliding Door

2. Folding Door 7. Bay Window

3. Swing Door 8. Double Window

4. Accordion Door 9. Sliding Window

5. Double Door 10.Arched


Activity 4:
Directions: Design a One-storey Residential house with the following specifications:
 Living Area
 2 bedrooms
 1 bathroom
 kitchen/dining and service area at the back.

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 14

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
Deadline of submission for Activity 4 will be one week before the 4th Quarter Examination.

  5 points 10 points 15 points 20 points

Floor plan is Floor plan is

Floor plan is Floor plan is complete.
incomplete. incomplete. Although
Completeness incomplete. Less than Every part of the graph
Approximately half of most of the graph
Use of Oslo paper half of the graph paper paper is used. (1320
the graph paper is paper is used (more
is used. sq. ft.)
used. than half).

Windows are 2 squares Windows are 3 squares
Windows are less than
Points will be Windows have not wide or one window wide. At least two
2 squares wide or
deducted if some, but been factored into this with appropriate width exterior windows are
more than 3 squares
not all windows meet project. was included in the included in the floor
the requirements. floor plan. plan.

Either no bedroom was
More than one At least one bedroom At least one bedroom
included or the At least one bedroom
bedroom can be was included. This was included. This
bedroom was missing was included, but was
included but will be bedroom was missing bedroom has a door
both the door and the missing a door.
graded using the a closet. and a closet.
criteria listed.
Kitchen was not Kitchen was included Kitchen was included Kitchen was included.
included or kitchen but lacked areas/labels but lacked areas/labels Areas for sink,
was included but did for 2 out of 3 (sink, for 1 out of 3 (sink, refrigerator, and stove
not include refrigerator, or stove.) refrigerator, or stove.) are included and

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 15

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher
areas/labels for any of labeled.
the 3 (sink,
refrigerator, and
Bathroom Bathroom was not
included or bathroom Bathroom was Bathroom was Bathroom was
was included but did included with labeled included with labeled included with labeled
More than one not include labeled areas for 1 out of the 3 areas for 2 out of the 3 areas for the hand
bathroom can be areas for any of the 3 (hand sink, toilet, or (hand sink, toilet, or sink, toilet, and the
included but will be (hand sink, toilet, or bathtub). bathtub). bathtub.
graded using the bathtub).
criteria listed.

Living room was

Living room was
included but a door
Living room was not Living room was included with a door
way or opening to
Living Room included in this included but the way or opening to
another part of the
project. spaces are too narrow another part of the
house was not

Prepared by:
M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher

ICT Tools for Digital Learners 16

M.M. Ayesha Allian-Schuck
ICT Teacher

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