11918.Đề thi chọn HSG

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A. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank.

1. The police stated that the accident ______________ soon.
A. will be investigated B. had investigated C. is being investigated D. would be investigated
2. There are chances that Manchester United ______________ the last match against Juventus.
A. won B. will win C. has won D. would win
3. ______________ to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the geyser.
A. Being not B. Not having been C. Have not bee D. Having not been
4. Hardly ______________ the captain of the team when he had to face the problems.
A. had he been appointed B. did he appoint C. was he being appointed D. was he appointing
5. It is six years ______________ we moved to Chicago.
A. when B. that C. since D. after
6. I think he will join us, ______________?
A. doesn’t he B. won’t he C. will he D. do I
7. I am sorry. I have forgotten ______________ a table at the restaurant for you.
A. reserving B. to reserve C. having reserved D. to be reserved
8. ______________ our children may be, we cannot go picnicking in this weather.
A. Though excited B. Excited as C. Because of excitement D. Exciting
9. I am leaving the key under the pot in the garden ______________ you should be home earlier than usual.
A. because B. in case C. so that D. though
10. Be patient ______________ you won’t succeed.
A. because B. or C. unless D. otherwise
11. Sweating increases ______________ vigorous exercise or hot weather.
A. during B. when C. at the time D. for
12. Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster ______________.
A. than sound is B. as does sound C. than sound D. as sound is
13. Herbs ______________ in soups and sauces.
A. are used to be B. are often used C. often use D. get used to being
14. Studies indicate ______________ collecting art today than ever before.
A. there more people B. more people that are C. that there are more people D. people there are more
15. Susan couldn’t help ______________ when I told her the joke.
A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. laughed
16. ______________ your effort and talent, we wonder if you can work full time for us.
A. Regarding B. In regard of C. With respect to D. On behalf of
17. Let’s move ______________ to the next item on the agenda.
A. in B. by C. up D. on
18. I am fed ______________ hanging around here with nothing to do.
A. up on B. out of C. up with D. by
19. I do not know my uncle is ______________ doubt ______________ everything he sees.
A. with / about B. in / of C. of / for D. in / with
20. ______________ Xmas, more shopping is done.
A. On B. For C. At D. In
21. On farms, when the cattle are too ill, farmers often have to put them ______________.
A. in B. down C. up D. away
22. ______________ my shyness, they refused to give me the job as a receptionist.
A. Despite B. As for C. Due to D. Instead of
23. The professor broke ______________ her lecture when she heard a cell phone ringing.
A. away B. in C. off D. out
24. I could not ______________ the peak of the mountain in the foggy weather.
A. get over B. make out C. see through D. go into
25. We all need friends whom we can ______________ when we are in trouble.
A. call on B. break off C. live on D. go by
26. Constantly staying in cold weather may bring ______________ pneumonia.
A. in B. about C. up D. on
27. Don’t let poachers get ______________ hunting animals. They deserve to be punished.
A. off B. out of C. on D. away
28. I was named ______________ a wealthy relative of my Mom’s.
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
A. after B. to C. as D. in on
29. I cannot stay up late at night; I prefer ______________ in early.
A. going B. breaking C. turning D. doing
30. My little son is learning how to ______________ his shoes.
A. put off B. get on C. take to D. do up
B. Identify the mistake in each sentence and correct it
31. Graham Bell was once a teacher who ran a school for the deaf in Massachusetts.
32. Telephoto, a process for sending pictures by wire, has been invented during the 1920s, and the first transcontinental
telephoto was sent in 1925.
33. The immune system is the bodies way of protecting itself against viruses.
34. What I told her a few days ago were not the solutions to most of her problems.
35. However cheap it is, the poor quality products cannot always appeal to customers.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:

36 A. chapter B. yatch C. manage D. panel

37 A. example B. feed C. ink D. inhumane
38 A. junior B. humour C. stew D. purify
39 A. hall B. doll C. chalk D. forecast
40 A. recite B. reconcile C. refund D. reproduce

Choose the word whose stress pattern is pronounced different from that of the others:
41 A. relax B. recognize C. realize D. relatively
42 A. permanent B. power C. permission D. carpet
43 A. photography B. minority C. heroic D. amateur
44 A. practicality B. politician C. uncontrollable D. comfortable
45 A. managerial B. determination C. unbelievable D. inability

Fill each blank with an appropriate word formed from one of the words in the list below:

similarity – suit – advise – value – fit – dispense – predict – water – foolish – warn

It is astonishing how many people set off to climb Mount Olympus in completely (46) ________ clothing. The weather
conditions on the mountain are notoriously (47) _______but people are (48) ________ into thinking that just because the
bottom is sunny, the summit will be (49) ______ warm and bright. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bearing in mind
that “ (50) _______ is forearmed”, consult the local climbing club about likely conditions before setting off. Such local
knowledge can be absolutely (51) ________ and you would, to put it mildly, be extremely (52) _________ to ignore it.
Whatever the likely weather, a good pair of boots is (53) _______ and is some form of (54) _______. And it is a steep climb so
it goes without saying that a reasonable level of (55) ________ is essential.

You are going to read an article about photography. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits
best according to the text.
Photo research
Photographer Jim Richardson tells us how he aims to get the most from photo shoots.

'If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of better stuff.' That's a simple mantra and I repeat it over and over to
myself. I share it with other photographers and I endeavour to follow my own advice. As a result, I spend a great deal of time
doing photo research, looking for great locations to shoot. Put simply, I'm a better photographer when I'm standing in front of
something wonderful like the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA.

Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
Seeing wonderful places is bread-and-butter photography - it's just part of the job. But getting there is only half of any great
photograph's story. The other half is how the photographer prepares to capture the subject once in front of it. Example: today
my mind is absorbed in the long climb up Skellig Michael, a remote island isolated in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of
Ireland, where Celtic monks found their solace in spiritual isolation 1,400 years ago. I have never been on Skellig Michael,
though I have come close four times. Each time I was held back by high seas. In my head I am getting ready to be among the
little huts in the monastery at the summit, in the mindset of those who sought their spirituality in the vast Atlantic all those
years ago.

In four days I'll be setting sail on a cruise of the British and Irish Isles, and I'll have a chance once again to ascend the slopes
of Skellig Michael. I want to be ready to seize the day. For me, groundwork is part of photography, as essential as knowing
exposure and lighting or recognising the decisive moment to take the shot. Research sounds like a boring task to many
photographers, but for others, digging into a subject in advance is part of the pleasure. I'm one of those photographers.

Philosophically, photographers seem to divide along that line. On one side are those who desire only to be in the moment.
On the other side are the planners. These folks would never dream of going out the door without a full list of how they're going
to approach the shoot. (Actually, there is a third group nowadays. They just capture the whole scene and do all the creative
work in Photoshop after the event.) Fortunately, it doesn't have to be an either/or decision. Most photographers I know do
both: research extensively to prepare their schedule (and their minds) and then act in the moment once on site.

I do extensive research in order to get ready for a photographic trip. This includes creating a file for each location I'm due to
visit. For my upcoming cruise I already know where we are going day by day. So I start a file for each place and begin to
compile information. Knowing what the place looks like in advance is invaluable, so I'll hit several internet photo sites.
Besides clueing me in to the photographic possibilities of the location, this can also show me what angles have already become
overused and which I should therefore avoid. But I'll also find angles I didn't expect from locations I hadn't imagined. Armed
with these I'll be better prepared to push the boundaries of what people expect.

Above all, I'll look for places and events that are seasonal and timeless. I open my mind to what might make a great subject
for a picture. Most travellers tend to think only of places they're visiting, without looking deeper into culture, history or
meaning. I try to get in time with the rhythm of the place and in tune with its melody. But most of all I just want to be ready. If
I'm ready, I can just about count on being lucky.

1. What is Jim trying to do in the first paragraph?

A. convince the reader that his method of working is appropriate
B. explain his approach towards taking good photographs
C. remind himself that he should listen to the ideas of others
D. clarify what makes a location good to photograph

2. Why does Jim provide an example in the second paragraph?

A. to explain why he hasn't managed to visit Skellig Michael before
B. to describe what he imagines the next place he will visit to be like
C. to offer details of what he has discovered about Skellig Michael
D. to show how he prepares herself mentally before going to a new place

3. How does Jim feel about the cruise he will go on?

A. excited about an opportunity he didn't think he would get
B. uncertain whether he will know when to take the best photo
C. confident he will produce better work than other photographers
D. uninterested in certain aspects of preparing for travel

4. What point does Jim make about photographers in the fourth paragraph?
A. They are unable to decide on the best plan of action.
B. It is possible for them to adopt flexible ways of working.
C. Some of them refuse to try to understand the way others work.
D. The third group are not as imaginative as some of the others.

Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
5. What does 'this' refer to in line 20?
A. having a daily plan of travel
B. knowing which angles to avoid
C. looking at photo websites
D. compiling location files

6. What does Jim suggest in the final paragraph?

A. He is careful about choosing the right place to visit.
B. Many people who travel don't understand what they see.
C. He likes to go to places that few people bother to visit.
D. Some travellers don't spend enough time in a place.

You are going to read a newspaper article about orangutans. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from
the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (7-12). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Orangutans and chimpanzees are capable of information, so it may well be that orangutans have a limited
performing intellectual feats we once thought to be uniquely capacity for memory in comparison to humans.
human. Using language, being self-aware, learning by
imitation and problem-solving are high level abilities that are 10 ______ They feel extremely frustrated when they
not limited to humans. Research has shown that orangutans make an error and they never rush into a task because they
and other great apes, like chimpanzees and gorillas, share don't want to be wrong. Orangutans have idiosyncracies and
these abilities too. differences in character. Some are slow learners, while
others are more impulsive.
There are several projects studying the use of language by
these creatures. Understanding their mechanisms of Unfortunately, most of the research on great ape
developing language will help us evaluate our own linguistic intelligence has been done with animals in captivity.
abilities. One of the orangutans involved in a project in 11_____ Studies of orangutans, however, that suffered
Virginia, USA, has learnt how to use over 100 words in sign captivity but were then freed showed that they are capable of
language, the language used by the deaf to communicate learning by imitation. Imitating someone yawn or scratch his
with each other. Another orangutan, Hannah, has learnt 13 head is not a great intellectual accomplishment, but learning
symbols that represent different nouns and verbs. Hannah a new behaviour just by watching is a very advanced ability.
can combine the symbols into simple commands like 'open Orangutans could chop firewood or wash dishes without
bag'. 7_______ being taught. The only way they could have done it was by
watching humans.
Not really. One of the fundamental elements of human
thought is the ability to recognise numbers and express ideas Compared to orangutans, chimpanzees are genetically
with them within meaningful strings of words. Hannah can closer to human beings and they are thought to be more
recognise numbers from one to three with reasonable intelligent. There are differences in the way the minds of
accuracy. 8_________ chimps and orangutans work. 12_____ The chimps seem to
work fast, almost intuitively, while orangutans are slower
A fundamental difference between humans and and more methodical.
orangutans is their ability to comprehend abstract ideas.
Abstract concepts are basic to human thinking, while there's One feature of both chimps and orangutans is the ability
little evidence that orangutans can understand abstract ideas to recognise themselves in a mirror. This seems to suggest
at all. that they both have a concept of 'self' - they know who they
are and think of themselves in a particular way.
One of the most interesting experiments in the Virginia Chimpanzees are manipulative and capable of deception.
project concerns memory. 9________ Orangutans, on the They are very good problem-solvers, clearly capable of
other hand, appear to do so according to where they saw complex cognitive performance, which makes them almost
them last. This seems a less efficient way of storing human.

Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
A. Orangutans can become very emotional when they fail a test.
B. One obvious disadvantage is that we cannot study their behaviour in their natural environment.
C. Does this mean she is starting to think in a human way?
D. None of these tasks can be performed well by orangutans.
E. Humans generally remember things by putting them into groups or categories.
F. However, she hasn't yet learnt to use them in sentences.
G. This becomes apparent when they are each given the same task to do.
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
A powerful influence
There can be no (0) _____ at all that the internet has made a huge difference to our lives. However, there is some concern over
whether people spend too much time browsing the internet or playing computer games, (1) _____ ever doing anything else in
their spare time. Are these activities genuinely (2)______ to our well-being? Does spending too much time chatting on social
networking sites really (3) _____ our ability to form meaningful relationships in real life?

Quite the reverse, (4) _____ to some social media experts, who suggest that using websites to keep in touch with friends may
(5) _______ help to enhance personal relationships and provide people with an increased (6) _______ of belonging.

There may be room for argument in (7) _____ of limiting time spent online, especially when it may break into study or work
time. Research, however, also indicates that spending a healthy amount of time in front of a computer doesn't necessarily
(8) _______ with academic performance.

0 A doubt B reason C purpose D motive

1 A nearly B literally C almost D hardly
2 A harming B harmful C hurting D hurtful
3 A affect B bother C effect D concern
4 A agreeing B corresponding C owing D according
5 A completely B probably C actually D rightly
6 A function B sense C attitude D meaning
7 A favour B help C choice D opinion
8 A trouble B interrupt C oppose D interfere

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
Driving blind
The idea that a blind person could drive a car sounds crazy. And the concept of someone (0) who can't see driving a car at
almost 150 miles per hour sounds even crazier. Miranda Naylor, (9) __________ blind accountant from the UK, has done
exactly that in an attempt (10) __________ raise money for charity. Mrs Naylor drove a sports car for two miles along the
runway of a disused airfield. She was (11) __________ radio contact with her husband, who gave her directions and advice.
Her achievement (12) __________ expected to raise about £50,000, which will be donated to a company that trains dogs for
(13) ___________ blind.

Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
Mrs Naylor (14) ___________ been blind since she was six, and still has some visual memories of the world around her. She
admits that (15) __________ having sight makes life awkward (16) __________ times, but she says, 'Achieving something can
be a great source of self-confidence.' Miranda is now looking for a new challenge and wants to try motorbiking.
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits
in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Following swallows
Bert Cook's job doesn't immediately strike you as (0) EXCITING He sits EXCITE
inside a small construction made of cloth and wire and watches birds:
swallows, in fact, whose (17) _______________ in Britain after a dangerous ARRIVE
flight marks the (18) _______________ of summer. The severe weather BEGIN
caused by (19) _______________ warming makes their journey tougher each GLOBE

One of their main (20) ______________ is getting enough to eat. Insect DIFFICULT
numbers have declined (21) _____________, and if the birds do make it to SHARP
Britain, they may still die of (22) ________________. HUNGRY

Farm buildings such as barns have been converted into houses, and as a result,
there are now fewer places for birds to nest. Bert finds it (23) ______________ POSSIBLE
to say with any precision how far the numbers of swallows have declined in the
area under (24) _______________ Bird populations can increase considerably OBSERVE
if swallows have had a good breeding season, and for the moment at least,
scientists are not overly worried.

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

25. Our teacher always makes us do our homework before we leave the class. ALLOWS
Our teacher_________________________________leave the class until we've done our homework.
26. It was almost dark when we got home. UNTIL
We__________________________________________________it was almost dark.
27. Peter woke up early because he didn't want to miss his flight. THAT
Peter woke up early___________________________________________not miss his flight.
28. 'You'd better not go for a walk,' said my father. ADVISED
My father ______________________________________ for a walk.
29. I wish I hadn't left the window open. SHOULD
I ______________________________________ the window open.
30. All the guests enjoyed themselves at the party apart from George. WHO
George was the ________________________________ enjoy himself at the party.
Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning

Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
31. It was wrong of you to allow a 4-year-old child to walk home alone.
- You should _____________________________________________________________________
32. I could realize how important the family is only after I left home.
- Not until _____________________________________________________________________
33. Mrs. Green is proud of her son’s contribution to the play.
- Mrs. Green is proud of what ___________________________________________________________
34. The recruited very few young engineers.
- Hardly _____________________________________________________________________
35. Only two out of the five rooms we have booked have air conditioning.
- We have booked five rooms, only ____________________________________________________________

A. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank.
1. The police stated that the accident ______________ soon.
A. will be investigated B. had investigated C. is being investigated D. would be investigated
2. There are chances that Manchester United ______________ the last match against Juventus.
A. won B. will win C. has won D. would win
3. ______________ to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the geyser.
A. Being not B. Not having been C. Have not bee D. Having not been
4. Hardly ______________ the captain of the team when he had to face the problems.
A. had he been appointed B. did he appoint C. was he being appointed D. was he appointing
5. It is six years ______________ we moved to Chicago.
A. when B. that C. since D. after
6. I think he will join us, ______________?
A. doesn’t he B. won’t he C. will he D. do I
7. I am sorry. I have forgotten ______________ a table at the restaurant for you.
A. reserving B. to reserve C. having reserved D. to be reserved
8. ______________ our children may be, we cannot go picnicking in this weather.
A. Though excited B. Excited as C. Because of excitement D. Exciting
9. I am leaving the key under the pot in the garden ______________ you should be home earlier than usual.
A. because B. in case C. so that D. though
10. Be patient ______________ you won’t succeed.
A. because B. or C. unless D. otherwise
11. Sweating increases ______________ vigorous exercise or hot weather.
A. during B. when C. at the time D. for
12. Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster ______________.
A. than sound is B. as does sound C. than sound D. as sound is
13. Herbs ______________ in soups and sauces.
A. are used to be B. are often used C. often use D. get used to being
14. Studies indicate ______________ collecting art today than ever before.
A. there more people B. more people that are C. that there are more people D. people there are more
15. Susan couldn’t help ______________ when I told her the joke.
A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. laughed
16. ______________ your effort and talent, we wonder if you can work full time for us.
A. Regarding B. In regard to C. In respect of D. On behalf of
17. Let’s move ______________ to the next item on the agenda.
A. in B. by C. up D. on
18. I am fed ______________ hanging around here with nothing to do.
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
A. up on B. out of C. up with D. by
19. I do not know my uncle is ______________ doubt ______________ everything he sees.
A. with / about B. in / of C. of / for D. in / with
20. ______________ Xmas, more shopping is done.
A. On B. For C. At D. In
21. On farms, when the cattle are too ill, farmers often have to put them ______________.
A. in B. down C. up D. away
22. ______________ my shyness, they refused to give me the job as a receptionist.
A. Despite B. As for C. Due to D. Instead of
23. The professor broke ______________ her lecture when she heard a cell phone ringing.
A. away B. in C. off D. out
24. I could not ______________ the peak of the mountain in the foggy weather.
A. get over B. make out C. see through D. go into
25. We all need friends whom we can ______________ when we are in trouble.
A. call on B. break off C. live on D. go by
26. Constantly staying in cold weather may bring ______________ pneumonia.
A. in B. about C. up D. on
27. Don’t let poachers get ______________ hunting animals. They deserve to be punished.
A. off B. out of C. on D. away
28. I was named ______________ a wealthy relative of my Mom’s.
A. after B. to C. as D. in on
29. I cannot stay up late at night; I prefer ______________ in early.
A. going B. breaking C. turning D. doing
30. My little son is learning how to ______________ his shoes.
A. put off B. get on C. take to D. do up
B. Identify the mistake in each sentence and correct it
31. Graham Bell was once a teacher who ran a school for the deaf in Massachusetts.
32. Telephoto, a process for sending pictures by wire, has been invented during the 1920s, and the first transcontinental
telephoto was sent in 1925.
33. The immune system is the bodies way of protecting itself against viruses.
34. What I told her a few days ago were not the solutions to most of her problems.
35. However cheap it is, the poor quality products cannot always appeal to customers.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:

36 A. chapter B. yatch C. manage D. panel

37 A. example B. feed C. ink D. inhumane
38 A. junior B. humour C. stew D. purify
39 A. hall B. doll C. chalk D. forecast
40 A. recite B. reconcile C. refund D. reproduce

Choose the word whose stress pattern is pronounced different from that of the others:
41 A. relax B. recognize C. realize D. relatively
42 A. permanent B. power C. permission D. carpet
43 A. photography B. minority C. heroic D. amateur
44 A. practicality B. politician C. uncontrollable D. comfortable
45 A. managerial B. determination C. unbelievable D. inability

Fill each blank with an appropriate word formed from one of the words in the list below:

similarity – suit – advise – value – fit – dispense – predict – water – foolish – warn

It is astonishing how many people set off to climb Mount Olympus in completely (46) _unsuitable_______ clothing. The
weather conditions on the mountain are notoriously (47) __unpredictable_____but people are (48) __ fooled ______ into
thinking that just because the bottom is sunny, the summit will be (49) __ similarly ____ warm and bright. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Bearing in mind that “ (50) ___ Forewarned ____ is forearmed”, consult the local climbing club about
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
likely conditions before setting off. Such local knowledge can be absolutely (51) ___ valuable _____ and you would, to put it
mildly, be extremely (52) ___ inadvisable ______ to ignore it. Whatever the likely weather, a good pair of boots is (53) ____
indispensable ___ and is some form of (54) ___ waterproof ____. And it is a steep climb so it goes without saying that a
reasonable level of (55) _____ fitness ___ is essential.

You are going to read an article about photography. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits
best according to the text.
Photo research
Photographer Jim Richardson tells us how he aims to get the most from photo shoots.

'If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of better stuff.' That's a simple mantra and I repeat it over and over to
myself. I share it with other photographers and I endeavour to follow my own advice. As a result, I spend a great deal of time
doing photo research, looking for great locations to shoot. Put simply, I'm a better photographer when I'm standing in front of
something wonderful like the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA. (1)

Seeing wonderful places is bread-and-butter photography - it's just part of the job. But getting there is only half of any great
photograph's story. The other half is how the photographer prepares to capture the subject once in front of it. Example: today
my mind is absorbed in the long climb up Skellig Michael, a remote island isolated in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of
Ireland, where Celtic monks found their solace in spiritual isolation 1,400 years ago. I have never been on Skellig Michael,
though I have come close four times. Each time I was held back by high seas. In my head I am getting ready to be among the
little huts in the monastery at the summit, in the mindset of those who sought their spirituality in the vast Atlantic all those
years ago.(2)

In four days I'll be setting sail on a cruise of the British and Irish Isles, and I'll have a chance once again to ascend the slopes
of Skellig Michael. I want to be ready to seize the day(3). For me, groundwork is part of photography, as essential as knowing
exposure and lighting or recognising the decisive moment to take the shot. Research sounds like a boring task to many
photographers, but for others, digging into a subject in advance is part of the pleasure. I'm one of those photographers.

Philosophically, photographers seem to divide along that line. On one side are those who desire only to be in the moment.
On the other side are the planners. These folks would never dream of going out the door without a full list of how they're going
to approach the shoot. (Actually, there is a third group nowadays. They just capture the whole scene and do all the creative
work in Photoshop after the event.) Fortunately, it doesn't have to be an either/or decision(4). Most photographers I know do
both: research extensively to prepare their schedule (and their minds) and then act in the moment once on site.

I do extensive research in order to get ready for a photographic trip. This includes creating a file for each location I'm due to
visit. For my upcoming cruise I already know where we are going day by day. So I start a file for each place and begin to
compile information. Knowing what the place looks like in advance is invaluable, so I'll hit several internet photo sites.
Besides clueing me in to the photographic possibilities of the location, this can also show me what angles have already become
overused and which I should therefore avoid(5). But I'll also find angles I didn't expect from locations I hadn't imagined.
Armed with these I'll be better prepared to push the boundaries of what people expect.

Above all, I'll look for places and events that are seasonal and timeless. I open my mind to what might make a great subject
for a picture. Most travellers tend to think only of places they're visiting, without looking deeper into culture, history or
meaning. I try to get in time with the rhythm of the place and in tune with its melody. But most of all I just want to be ready. If
I'm ready, I can just about count on being lucky.

1. What is Jim trying to do in the first paragraph?

A. convince the reader that his method of working is appropriate
B. explain his approach towards taking good photographs
C. remind himself that he should listen to the ideas of others
D. clarify what makes a location good to photograph

2. Why does Jim provide an example in the second paragraph?

A. to explain why he hasn't managed to visit Skellig Michael before
B. to describe what he imagines the next place he will visit to be like
C. to offer details of what he has discovered about Skellig Michael
D. to show how he prepares herself mentally before going to a new place
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
3. How does Jim feel about the cruise he will go on?
A. excited about an opportunity he didn't think he would get
B. uncertain whether he will know when to take the best photo
C. confident he will produce better work than other photographers
D. uninterested in certain aspects of preparing for travel

4. What point does Jim make about photographers in the fourth paragraph?
A. They are unable to decide on the best plan of action.
B. It is possible for them to adopt flexible ways of working.
C. Some of them refuse to try to understand the way others work.
D. The third group are not as imaginative as some of the others.

5. What does 'this' refer to in line 20?

A. having a daily plan of travel
B. knowing which angles to avoid
C. looking at photo websites
D. compiling location files

6. What does Jim suggest in the final paragraph?

A. He is careful about choosing the right place to visit.
B. Many people who travel don't understand what they see.
C. He likes to go to places that few people bother to visit.
D. Some travellers don't spend enough time in a place.

You are going to read a newspaper article about orangutans. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from
the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (7-12). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Orangutans and chimpanzees are capable of A fundamental difference between humans and
performing intellectual feats we once thought to be uniquely orangutans is their ability to comprehend abstract ideas.
human. Using language, being self-aware, learning by Abstract concepts are basic to human thinking, while there's
imitation and problem-solving are high level abilities that are little evidence that orangutans can understand abstract ideas
not limited to humans. Research has shown that orangutans at all.
and other great apes, like chimpanzees and gorillas, share
these abilities too. One of the most interesting experiments in the Virginia
project concerns memory. 9____E____ Orangutans, on the
There are several projects studying the use of language by other hand, appear to do so according to where they saw
these creatures. Understanding their mechanisms of them last. This seems a less efficient way of storing
developing language will help us evaluate our own linguistic information, so it may well be that orangutans have a limited
abilities. One of the orangutans involved in a project in capacity for memory in comparison to humans.
Virginia, USA, has learnt how to use over 100 words in sign
language, the language used by the deaf to communicate 10 ___A___ They feel extremely frustrated when they
with each other. Another orangutan, Hannah, has learnt 13 make an error and they never rush into a task because they
symbols that represent different nouns and verbs. Hannah don't want to be wrong. Orangutans have idiosyncracies and
can combine the symbols into simple commands like 'open differences in character. Some are slow learners, while
bag'. 7___C____ others are more impulsive.

Not really. One of the fundamental elements of human Unfortunately, most of the research on great ape
thought is the ability to recognise numbers and express ideas intelligence has been done with animals in captivity.
with them within meaningful strings of words. Hannah can 11__B___ Studies of orangutans, however, that suffered
recognise numbers from one to three with reasonable captivity but were then freed showed that they are capable of
accuracy. 8____F_____ learning by imitation. Imitating someone yawn or scratch his
head is not a great intellectual accomplishment, but learning
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
a new behaviour just by watching is a very advanced ability.
Orangutans could chop firewood or wash dishes without One feature of both chimps and orangutans is the ability
being taught. The only way they could have done it was by to recognise themselves in a mirror. This seems to suggest
watching humans. that they both have a concept of 'self' - they know who they
are and think of themselves in a particular way.
Compared to orangutans, chimpanzees are genetically Chimpanzees are manipulative and capable of deception.
closer to human beings and they are thought to be more They are very good problem-solvers, clearly capable of
intelligent. There are differences in the way the minds of complex cognitive performance, which makes them almost
chimps and orangutans work. 12__G___ The chimps seem to human.
work fast, almost intuitively, while orangutans are slower
and more methodical.

A. Orangutans can become very emotional when they fail a test.

B. One obvious disadvantage is that we cannot study their behaviour in their natural environment.
C. Does this mean she is starting to think in a human way?
D. None of these tasks can be performed well by orangutans.
E. Humans generally remember things by putting them into groups or categories.
F. However, she hasn't yet learnt to use them in sentences.
G. This becomes apparent when they are each given the same task to do.
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
A powerful influence
There can be no (0) _____ at all that the internet has made a huge difference to our lives. However, there is some concern over
whether people spend too much time browsing the internet or playing computer games, (1) _____ ever doing anything else in
their spare time. Are these activities genuinely (2)______ to our well-being? Does spending too much time chatting on social
networking sites really (3) _____ our ability to form meaningful relationships in real life?

Quite the reverse, (4) _____ to some social media experts, who suggest that using websites to keep in touch with friends may
(5) _______ help to enhance personal relationships and provide people with an increased (6) _______ of belonging.

There may be room for argument in (7) _____ of limiting time spent online, especially when it may break into study or work
time. Research, however, also indicates that spending a healthy amount of time in front of a computer doesn't necessarily
(8) _______ with academic performance.

0 A doubt B reason C purpose D motive

1 A nearly B literally C almost D hardly
2 A harming B harmful C hurting D hurtful
3 A affect B bother C effect D concern
4 A agreeing B corresponding C owing D according
5 A completely B probably C actually D rightly
6 A function B sense C attitude D meaning
7 A favour B help C choice D opinion
8 A trouble B interrupt C oppose D interfere

For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There
is an example at the beginning (0).
Driving blind
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
The idea that a blind person could drive a car sounds crazy. And the concept of someone (0) who can't see driving a car at
almost 150 miles per hour sounds even crazier. Miranda Naylor, (9) ____a______ blind accountant from the UK, has done
exactly that in an attempt (10) ___to_______ raise money for charity. Mrs Naylor drove a sports car for two miles along the
runway of a disused airfield. She was (11) ___in_______ radio contact with her husband, who gave her directions and advice.
Her achievement (12) ____is______ expected to raise about £50,000, which will be donated to a company that trains dogs for
(13) ______the_____ blind.

Mrs Naylor (14) _____has______ been blind since she was six, and still has some visual memories of the world around her.
She admits that (15) ______not____ having sight makes life awkward (16) ____at______ times, but she says, 'Achieving
something can be a great source of self-confidence.' Miranda is now looking for a new challenge and wants to try motorbiking.
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits
in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Following swallows
Bert Cook's job doesn't immediately strike you as (0) EXCITING He sits EXCITE
inside a small construction made of cloth and wire and watches birds:
swallows, in fact, whose (17) ____arrival______ in Britain after a dangerous ARRIVE
flight marks the (18) ___beginning__ of summer. The severe weather caused BEGIN
by (19) __global_ warming makes their journey tougher each year. GLOBE

One of their main (20) ___difficulties__ is getting enough to eat. Insect DIFFICULT
numbers have declined (21) __sharply_, and if the birds do make it to Britain, SHARP
they may still die of (22) ___hunger___. HUNGRY

Farm buildings such as barns have been converted into houses, and as a result,
there are now fewer places for birds to nest. Bert finds it (23) _impossible_ to POSSIBLE
say with any precision how far the numbers of swallows have declined in the
area under (24) _observation_ Bird populations can increase considerably if OBSERVE
swallows have had a good breeding season, and for the moment at least,
scientists are not overly worried.

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

25. Our teacher always makes us do our homework before we leave the class. ALLOWS
Our teacher___never allow us to__leave the class until we've done our homework.
26. It was almost dark when we got home. UNTIL
We__did not get home until______it was almost dark.
27. Peter woke up early because he didn't want to miss his flight. THAT
Peter woke up early_____so that he would______not miss his flight.
28. 'You'd better not go for a walk,' said my father. ADVISED
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com
My father ___advised me not to go_____ for a walk.
29. I wish I hadn't left the window open. SHOULD
I ___should not have left____ the window open.
30. All the guests enjoyed themselves at the party apart from George. WHO
George was the ___only guest who did not__ enjoy himself at the party.

Rewrite the following sentences without changing its meaning

31. It was wrong of you to allow a 4-year-old child to walk home alone.
- You should ____ not have allowed a four-year-old child to walk home alone _____
32. I could realize how important the family is only after I left home.
- Not until ____ I left home could I realize how important the family is._______
33. Mrs. Green is proud of her son’s contribution to the play.
- Mrs. Green is proud of what ___ her son can contribute / contributes to the play.___
34. The recruited very few young engineers.
- Hardly ______ any young engineers were recruited ________
35. Only two out of the five rooms we have booked have air conditioning.
- We have booked five rooms, only __ two of which have air conditioning._______

Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com

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