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#ffiff r$ansuwftfffiE*ffit-

T* !rV,'{SM,T ll*{AY {S}UCfR{!;

This is tc c*rtify the 518fi3{F S, S*1t*8fl,.1& ic a bsasfi*r l*ar*,er sf rh* Alr*mariv*

l-*ar*ing Eysten* *{ sas*y i Distrirt, Ba:ey, Ermar, sr&ssl yerr ts1}-?*3.s-

This furthEr certifies that the above*mentioned learner sueressfully pASSgB the At$
A{{ffiS{T*T&* & $qr.s?eilffitr tssg} T&iy *wrd*ry l"rend *o*dErted !y rt** 81}R€e$ &#
fr'BtK*?B$i efi€g$*{fffi? {s€t} $arrnarfu {s*tturui fd*rcatisn Tecring a*d fies*arcft C**t€r}
iast ffiieary find M*rdr 3S39 at Baay ll ferltret fifam*rltary $dhf,*t y6i*g CrRt*rn Smey ]l
Di$tri*t, &q65amar

Thissrtfir&lisn ffeyas*ratht/6h* hmrnaxtffed *roc*l*p,*mnei** mand*ted bq t*!e

eurJcs{*rn of t}rc Alter*ativ* {**r*J*g $y:t***" Sr*ref*re pmsssas all the rigl.}h of a Jryis
High k! Sr:du=te ie tha formel e*rceiier., tir*;s b= aceept# i* sny Se#gr t{i€h 5p*sci,
ygfigt{."SBfie Coaltles uoilsitis h rbs Brrtrt ei*Er prtude or
- -d AiH,c fr abo
sffie ffi he**te b perwr*y kffia b L..f €gid *ry*r 3rd *rdl
th*rekr tlrar h*j*fua fi* ng b*** *xgamas ?a erly dhdse*ary a*iw inrrr*hdng

F*r fi**fer rd+le*e, h*rasith atta*ed ir the r*sult d ffi'fi *{treditatiffi &
Equival**ry T*st *htr* his n**,1* wsf r€f{*{t*d ffi pass*r.

ft*s f*rtflsati*n $ Brued upsn tlra reqr*st cf the istprest*d partv for [stJ[AnSH
fU*e3Ef fiven tbXs 1# day sf .lune" 2*21 at gas€y I Pist*{t Ats fif*e, Sarey I Si$trict

C*rttfisdTrue & fpffEe*


Fublk . - .:

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