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1. This paper consists in section A,B and C

2. Answer all question in section A and B and one question from section
3. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room
4. Electronic calculator are not allowed in the examination room
5. Use g = 10m/s2


1. For early of the items (i) - (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives
and write its letter beside the item number.
i) White light can be produced by a combination of
A) Magenta, yellow and cyan
B) Red, blue and green
C) Yellow, red and green
D) Magenta, Blue and Red
ii) For resistors connected in parallel, the following is true
A. Equivalent resistor is greater than sum of individual resistance
B. Equivalent resistor is the sum of reciprocal of individual resistances
C. The reciprocal of equivalent resistor is equal to sum the reciprocals of
individual resistances.
D. Equivalent resistor is greater than any of the individual resistance

iii) The material that obeys Hooks law is called

A) Brittle B. Elastic C. Ductile D. Plastic
iv) A body is said to be in equilibrium if
A) Its centre of gravity is low positioned
B) The upward forces the body counter balance some of the downward forces
C) The net force acting on the body is zero
D) It is centre of gravity is high positioned
v) The specific latent heat of fusion of a substance of defined as energy required to
A. Change a unit of the mass of the substance from solid to liquid
B. Change a unit mass of a substance from solid to liquid as constant
C. Change the mars of substance from solid to liquid at constant temperature
D. Cause a unit temperature rise of a substance
vi) The movement of liquid from low to high concentration through a semi-permeable
is called
A. Fusion B. Osmosis C. Brownian motion D. Osmosis pressure
vii) The meniscus of mercury in a glass vessel causes upward because
A. The cohesion of mercury molecule is stronger than the adhesion force between
molecules of glass and mercury
B. The adhesion of mercury molecules to glass is greater than cohesion of its
C. Mercury expression a down ward
D. Mercury is denser than glass
viii) A vernial scale reads 0.2mm when closed and 5.7mm when set to measure the
diameter of a piece of wire. What is the true diameter of the wire?
A. 0.22m B) 5.5mm C) 5.7mm D. 5.9mm
ix) The weight of a body is 20N air, 15N when totally immersed in water and 18N when
totally immersed in another liquid what is the relative density of L?
A) 5N B) 0.4 N C) 0.4 D) 2.5
x) ……… is the unit of moment
A) Kgm2s-2 B) Nm2 C) Js D) jouleKg
2. Match items in LIST A with response in list B by writing the letter of the correct response
beside the item number

(i) Hydrometer A. Controls temperature
(ii) Convex mirror B. The sun is between moon and the earth
(iii) Machine C. Submarine, sand, ship and balloons
(iv) Charge density D. Used as driving mirror
(v) Floating body E. Clever device that do not multiply distance (lengths )
(vi) Kg m/s2 F. The property of water surface to support the needle
(vii) Solar eclipse G. Amount of charge on a unit area
(viii) Refractive index H. Clever device that multiply forces
(ix) Capillarity I. Measure the density of oil
(x) Thermostat J. Amount of charge on a unit area per urea
K. A glass tube used for releasing an accurate amount of
L. Unit force
M. Used in heat measurement
N. The moon in between the earth and the sun
O. Unit energy
P. The ratio of the sine of the angle of refraction to the
corresponding angle of incidence
Q. Submarine , ship , balloons and boat
R. Used as shaving mirror
S. Ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the
corresponding angle of refraction
T. Measure density of fluid

3. (i) The point in the principle axis in which the light rays diverging or converging after
Reflection is …………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) The liquid whose drop will spread the least of over the glass surface is
(iii) ………………… is a strip that is made up of two pieces of different metals
(iv) …………….. is used to detect the presence of electric charge and also to measure
electric potential differences of the objects.
(v) ………………… is one of the instrument whose operating is based upon Hooke’s law.
…………………. Is substance that has the property of attracting pieces of iron, steel,
nickel , cobalt and certain alloys.
(vi) ……………………. Is formed due to light that has undergoes two total internal
reflection in the water droplets. The violet colour of outside and red inside the bow.
(vii) The behavior of water to decrease its volume when heated from 0 0C to 400C is called
(viii) The amount of heat required to…………….. by one degree centigrade is called the
specific heat capacity of the body.
(ix) …………………. Is the condition in which the angle of incidence exceeds the critical
(x) Mangoes to fall down from the mangoes tree , this is the effect of …………………..


4. a) Define the following terms

i) Magnetic ii) Magnetic material iii) Magnetic pole

b) Draw diagrams to illustrate the magnetic fields associated with

(i) An isolated bar magnet
(ii) Two like magnetic poles close to each other
5. a) i) State the law of floatation
ii) Mention two conditions that can make an object to float
b) i) Draw a well labeled diagram of hydrometer
ii) Briefly a well labeled diagram can be used to measure the relative density of a
c) An iron cube of mass 480g and density 2g/cm 3 is suspended by string so that it is half
immersed in an oil of density 0.9g/cm3. find the tension in the string
6. a) Differentiate between virtual image and real image
b) i) State principals used to described the formation of image on curved mirror
ii) Determine graphically the distance of the image from a diverging mirror of focal
length 10cm. if the object is placed 0.3m from the mirror.
7. a) What is the capacitance of a capacitor
b) Derive the formula for an equivalent of three capacitor connected in series with a
potential difference V applied.
c) Two capacitors of capacitance 4µf and 6µf respectively are connected in series and then
in parallel what is the ration of their capacitance.
8. a) i) Define the term friction
ii) Give reasons for friction to be applied in daily life
b) Distinguish between
i) Limiting friction and normal reaction
ii) Static friction and dynamic friction
c) An aluminum block of mass 2.1kg rest on a steel plat form. A horizontal force of 13N
applied to the block.
i) Given that the coefficient of limiting friction between the two surfaces is 0.6 will
the block move?
ii) If the block will leave what will be its acceleration?
9. a) State laws of
i) Boyles (ii”) Charles (iii) Show how to obtain a formula
which include both (i) and (ii) above
b) The volume of 0.34g of helium at 2730C and 114cm of mercury pressure is 2667cm3.
Calculate its
i) Volume at s.t.p (ii) Density at s.t.p


Answer only one question

10. a) When you look into a swimming pool vertically down ward at a stone may seen closer to
you than if really is , explain with the help of diagram why this is so.

b) Paraffin has a greater refraction index than water can you say anything about.
i) The relative velocity of light in paraffin and in water
ii) The path of a ray light when passing from water into a layer of paraffin on top of
11. a) Define the term complementary color (Give three example
b) Briefly explain the following term
i) Primary color (ii) Secondary color
c) A plant with green leaves and blue flowers is place in
i) Green (ii) red and (iii) Blue lights
What colors the leaves and flowers appear in each case.



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