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Writing Rubric 2022

Descriptor Exemplary (4) Accomplished Developing (2) Beginner (1) Not

(3) observed
Fully satisfies Covers the Generally Fails to address Answer is
all requirements addresses the the task, which completely
requirements of of the task task, key points may have been unrelated to
the task and sufficiently and of the task are completely the task or it
1. Task
conveys conveys not covered. It misunderstood. cannot be
meaningful meaningful may convey understood.
information. information. meaningful The rest of
information. criteria are
not going to
be evaluated.
It can be It can be It can be It is not evident No plan is
inferred that inferred that inferred that that the writer presented or
the writer has the writer may the writer just has planned does not
2. Steps of created an have created wrote his/her his/her text. attempt task.
writing outline and an outline and ideas without a
drafted his/her drafted his/her certain plan.
text before text before
writing. writing.
Clearly presents Some points Inadequately Presents Topic is not
a fully could be more covers key limited ideas, covered or it
developed extended points. There is which may be is
3. Depth of response. through more over repetition largely unintelligible.
content explanation of ideas and irrelevant or
and/or may be a repetitive.
examples. tendency to
focus on details.
Text is clear Text is Text is Text is barely Text is not
and does not generally clear. generally understood. understood /
depend upon Reader needs unclear and Reader cannot task not
context, stimuli to reread rereading is interpret or attempted.
(question/task) and/or infer always decode the
or previous some necessary. message.
knowledge of ideas/data. Reader needs to Examples do
the reader. Ideas are infer and/or not help or
4. Coherence
Ideas are logically complement hinder
logically organized and most of the comprehension
organized and examples ideas that are
examples generally focus incomplete.
enrich the on the topic. Examples do
content of it. not help or
Text includes a Text includes Text includes Text does not Task not
wide range of connectors some include attempted.
connectors “and” “or” and connectors but connectors.
beside “and” they are well they are Ideas seem to
“or”; used. Other incorrectly be listed with
5. Cohesion connectors are connectors used in most no evident
well used in might be cases. Ideas connection.
most cases. included but seem to be
they are not listed with no
used evident
appropriately. connection.
Uses a wide Uses a variety Uses a mix of Attempts Attempts
range of of structures limited sentence sentences
structures with that produce sentences that forms but that cannot
rare minor frequent error- tend to be errors in be
errors that only free sentences. grammatically grammar understood
occur as slips. Includes less inaccurate and predominate at all.
Includes at than three may cause and distort
least three examples of confusion on the meaning.
6. Grammatical examples of the structures the reader.
range and structures studied in Includes no
accuracy studied in classes; these examples of
classes; these examples are structures
examples are grammatically studied in
grammatically accurate. classes or if
accurate. they are
included, they
Uses a wide Uses a Uses only basic Uses an Does not
range ofsufficient range vocabulary extremely attempt the
vocabulary of vocabulary which may be limited range task or uses
studied instudied in used of vocabulary Spanish.
classes withclasses with repetitively or and shows no
7. Lexical rare minor some errors which may be control or
resource errors that onlythat may inappropriate deep
occur as slips. frequently for the task. knowledge
Spanish is not occur. Spanish Spanish words about it.
present at any words may be are present as a
time. present only as support to
slips. English.
Writing has Writing has Writing has Writing has Writing has
less than three between four between six more than more than
spelling and/or and six spelling and ten ten spelling ten spelling
punctuation and/or spelling and/or and/or and/or
8. Spelling and
mistakes. punctuation punctuation punctuation punctuation
mistakes. mistakes. mistakes. mistakes or
does not use
at all.
Writing is clear Writing is clear Writing is clear Writing is Writing is
and fully and fully and mostly unclear and not neat
understandable; understandable; understandable; understanding and full
there are no there may be there are more is difficult; smudges.
smudges. less than five than six and less there are Margins
Margins and smudges. than ten plenty of and
indentations are Margins and smudges. smudges indentation
9. Appearance
always indentations are Margins and (more than is not
respected. usually indentations are eleven). respected
respected. occasionally Margins and at all.
respected. indentations
are hardly
The text has a The text has The text has two The text has The text
meaningful introduction, of the three one of the does not
introduction, an corpus and main points of three main have any of
informative conclusion. All the text points of the the points.
corpus and a or some of them (introduction, text
10. Structure compelling can be certainly corpus, (introduction,
conclusion. improved. conclusion). corpus,
Serious conclusion).
improvement is Serious
needed. improvement
is needed.

0  1,0 4  1,4 8  1,9 12  16  20  24  28  40 32  36 

2,3 2,7 3,1 3,6 5,0 6,0
1  1,1 5  1,5 9  2,0 13  17  21  25  29  33  37 
2,4 2,8 3,3 3,7 4,3 5,3 6,3
2  1,2 6  1,6 10  14  18  22  26  30  34  38 
2,1 2,5 2,9 3,4 3,8 4,5 5,5 6,5
3  1,3 7  1,8 11  15  19  23  27  31  35  39 
2,2 2,6 3,0 3,5 3,9 4,8 5,8 6,8
40  7,0

Writing Rubric Scoring Chart

Task achievement Steps of writing Depth of content Coherence Cohesion

Grammatical range Spelling and

Lexical resources Appearance Structure
accuracy punctuation

Task 1 Task 2


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