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ae Cee porate reagent eet hele Ceere stine biology i he scenic sy of i in thes, The ocean vist, home fo countle exnge and immune este in aad thon of sex urchia gy auld nerve cell and barman rudy ai ety of as of th tial lara, the flan Part One Deere pga ard The Science of Marine Biology Marne ie alo represents «ws source of aman wel Ke aking pope. Othe that we vale fa cele otoats and ‘Ata mac around half of che cygen we rate a help Climate. Our shorlins ar shaped and potted by marine mental eve, marine fehl pete Misi erp tn late the eats 2 Part One Brisipie fore Sine st east in pat, and some marine gues ven help crete 17 Tan Ta enor tess has been existed thc the oceans i= ingypterm ae worth nore thn $20 line eat “Tome fl and wise use of theses, t solve problems marine rants reste, a oped the fet of human aes on theocea, we mis lem ll we can about marine ie, nado, Imarine organs provide valuable cles tothe eat’ pas, the "ory of ie, and even our awn bois, This isthe challenge, the adventure of azine bnog. THE SCIENCE OF MARINE BIOLOGY Mai blll te map ice ofa trite sen ne han tse sons Newt alee pes ct og a oped i me big. Teese mane Filo io wy he cenit of ving hing ex ple, Oren tc ated in whae onan bw iy bere, ‘hee thy van wy a son, mare log ape 1 pal perpecte aon the ney ete ora Bton ‘ements: Marne logy ith both pr of «rode seer Siac made op of many deren sie approche, and Tian ly clay ted wo asap the cen i ly ofthe tan Like main bil exo bat fnmy branche. Geil oars mane gel {Ruy the wor oor Chem erangapes say on chem isoped py cccnmoprphoe ey ware fice tie ply gece of the te Mae Nelo most IcURE rebated to biological oceanography clove init tha he to fe diffe to separate. Smet they ae diingulsbed on the boi that marine biologie endo ata ogres ng l= sely clos wo shore, wheseas biologie eceanographers focus oo lifein she open ocean ir From lind Another common dtntion is that rane ioogts tend o atid arin Ue fom the p= ‘posi of the organisms resample stalyng what an organi ft), while bilogjal aceanogeapess tend 10 ke the perspec five ofthe ocean fr example studying how fed energy eles "Brough the eyaten).In practice thre ae 40 many exception 9 these diineione that many marine sient consider marine ology and loa aeanograpy tbe the ute. ‘A rouine bnogitinerests may ap overp broadly wth hore of biologie who study testa organisms. Many ofthe baie was in which ving things ake te of energy, fr ex le ate sar whether an opie res on ln ia the Sa ‘Netra logy does five x favor all ts own, pry bce fe io ‘The History of Marine Biology Peoplehave been ving the sea since the dwn of humanity and seafod i thoght have en cracl to eady uma srvival and ‘igen, The eas known sone Hades, frm 165,000 years ag were dscovered in a esd cae in South Ac, along With ples afhells fom Stone Age canbakes and che eet ace of foc pigmentthoght tbe ured for symbolic body pata and Aicontion Ancient bone o shel harpoon and Skok hae lo ben found ar wel asthe ex cw owl the Frm of shel beads om a Lng 8 110.00 yeas ago, As they Uc ts fevouse, prope seal gained s store of praca knowlege aout he, Krowiedge of the ocean and is organs cxpaned as people gained ellen sumaneip and Ivigation. Ancient Paci Landers had deta Inowledge of marine bie, which their descendants sell ein (Fig). They were consummate wat nes ing cis wach wind, wae, and caren pat testo navigate over at istances. The Phsnicane tree the fine scored Weaten evigatory. By 2000 ac. dey were sling sound the Moderanean ‘Sea, Red Sen eastern Ataniie Osan, Blas Se, and Indian Ocean |The ancient Greeks had considerable know ledge of nearshore orgeians in the Meditersanean region (Fig. 12). The Greek pliloropher Arie ie commdered by many to be the Get marine ologst. He described may forms of marine life ad eecognized,amang other things chat glee the Treating appara of fh Dring the centres known a dhe Dak Ages, scene inury,inclading the study of marine ie, ‘ame t a grinding halt in mort of Europe, Mack ‘of the Inoledge 0 the ancient Grecks wae ltt oF Aistored. Not ll exploration of the ocean stopped however, Doing the nist and tenth cence the FIGURE 1.2-m4 Ga Clete The Scie eee oy a. Vikings conned w explore the aothem Asanti: Tn 40-995, Viking pry le by Le kwon diacovered Vian, what we how cal Nowth America. Arb taders were ako civ dong the Middle Age, voyaging to extern Afi, southene Asa ar Tdi In the Fas Ext and the Paci, people also coined to plore anlar aboot theses Daring the Rensinac, sped in prt by the redacovery of ancene knowlege preserved by the Arab, Europeans again ‘begun fo iene the worl around then, sad several under took viyages of exploration. Christopher Columbus redo red the ‘New Woe” in 1492 word of the Viking Sd hal Dever reached the fest of Europe In 1519 Fedinand Magan “embarked onthe Rrst expedition to aon the pbe, Many ‘ther epi voyages comtbuted to oar knowlege of the ocean. Painlysourate map, especialy of places outaide Earope, began to appen forthe ae fe, Before long explores became curious abot wh lied the ‘ocean they sled, An English ea capt, James Cook, was one ‘tthe fist t make siemifiecbeowtions along the way and include alltime sari among ieee, Innis of he eat voyages, ginning in 1768, he explored al the esas. He ‘vaste fet Buopean te the Antartica len Hosa, New Zealand, ahi, and aos of ese Pac ilands. Cook was the fint to ies chronomete,anaccurtetepiece ‘hat enabled him to determine his longue presse, and there fire rept reable chars. From che Arti the Antari om Asa to Asti, Cok extended and sesaped the European ‘conception ofthe word. He brought ackspeimens of planes nd this and ter ofetrange ne lands, Though Cooks peneally ‘apc and appre ofndgenout cultures, be ws ile 0 1779 in aight wth tie Hv at Rela Bay, ai, By the alaceeth century, ic had Become common for ve scl eake nator slong t0 std the onanism encoun tered: Perhaps the mot famous ofthe shiphord eats wt Chaves Darwin, another Engisiman. Beginning in 1831, Dawn sled rund the word on HMS Haag for Sve yea, horly seasick mos ofthe ine. The Beals nary mision ws map rds but Darwin wad deed abecratine ofall pect of ‘he natr word This et off ain of hough that im, years Intern peopoe the teary of evalton by eat selcion oe ‘Natual Slatin and Adupation,” p. 73). Though best known CHAPTER 1 The Sime Morin Bisity a forthe theory of elation, Darwin made many other om Sons to marine bingy: He explained, for example the oemason ofthe dite ring of coal re called stale ee "How Als For” p 20) He ued nett capture the iy, dig organ isms known a plankton, which murine ioe continue do today (Fi. 1-3), Dawa many erst a cade baraces. Specs all rer eo his teat onthe Tr the United Stair the oot important cilyexplortry sopage was probably the United States Esparng Pepin of 1838-1842, often called the "Wik Expdion” af ts leader, Le Chases Wilkes ofthe US. Navy. The expedition inched only ‘Lnaurts nd ate, dessrey elle cl ger? bythe ett ‘ofthe ce, and some horas concade tit it eas re about Projecting American inflene than rientie alcove. Wilkes fsb al acount ain and cre man who peomotd himself to Captain a soon a he Ie pot and pon his ear wae court rtd for dogging hs cew t exc, Oaly tw of the expo "ionssshps made tome, Nevertes he Wiles Espedion’s tchicrements were inpeesve. The expedition cared 2400 km {1.500 mi ofthe coat of Anarcic,confirming ta coin, ssovel a the cout of the Pace Nerhest of Neth Ame Tt ‘plored some 280 inland in the South Psi, colesing inir= fuaton about peoples and cltrr as wal a ora and Sua, "The 1000 balogi speciens included sme 2000 previously snknown species Pig. 1). The expedition he Heiter suvey sponsored by the U.S govemmen also ll foundation for ovement finding of enti esearch ‘The Challenger Expedition By che mide of the sncteenth entya fw lack sens were able undertake voyages spe ‘aly sad he oceans nstead of having tgalongon ships ‘oing other jobs, One ws Edad Fob, ho te 1840 and 1880s cared oat extemive ening the seafloor, mo around his native Britain but ao in the Aegean Ses and oer places Fodbes ied prematurely in 154, atthe age of 39, but ws the ‘most infuental marine biologist of his day. He covered many Proouly unknown enganes ted recog tht oor Bi aves ac diferent depths Gee “Bioversy in the Deep Se,” 378). Pehap hic mowt important cntbaton however was Tape ew ites in the ie of the en oo. other’ contemporrier and sacceors, especially om Brain, Cermany, Seandinvs and Pace, aid 00 hie stdies of rxfoor ie Thee shige were poorly equipped and the vy gs shor, but wei sts peodtced many steresting tess ‘They were 0 sucess init, that Bish centiss managed 0 onrnc thee goremmen o fund the ist major oeenogaphic FIGURE 1.2 7 ‘mace oop On aac oe 4 Part One Pinsple Marine Since FIGURE 1.4 Pie's opin dae nit) raed sa We ft derbeie woe of 250 mate rc eared pci expedition, under the scenic leadeship of Chases Wyle ‘Thompson. The Bech aay supped aiht warship tbe ft cout far the purpose, Te ship was and FMS Chaloner (Challeger uerwent xtcnire renovations in preparation far the voyage. Labortris and ques fr the site ew were addy and gear for colletng sample Jn deepwater wat installed. Though primitive by modern anda, the scenic ‘cqupenent on boar was thebestof it day Fal in December 1972, Chlingr of (Over the next thre and al years, Catone and her crew sled around the ‘wold, gathering sfrstion and clic ing wate, sediment, and bell sam- pes (Fig 15). The sheer volume of data {ptered was enormour—i took 19 yes to pli dhe realy which 50 ice volumes, Chalinger brought bick more Jefoation about te ace than had been rected ial previous hua history es natu the aration of the ange cote amoane of aeration cole Ut set he Challe xeon spar rom er= eff. The espetin set ne standade fr ocanrscarch Chillers weil tested dit ia a one strate way tha previous epedtions, and Rept medcalous ‘eer, Fr te fist tie, cents ean 29 get cern pice of wht the cee was Hk They lea lee aout the enero vat of rie ie for Clee rout Tack dando peau unknown spe ‘es Tha he Calne exe i the Sneskiet ten ot eae, (Other expeditions conned the wore began by Clone, and major oceanographic cries coninge t this In many ‘vay though, the voyage ofthe Clallonger temas one a the ost import in the Kastor of eceanngraphy, ‘The Growth of Marine Labs Even before the Changer et of biologists were exited about the organisms brought ack ty ocean expeditions. Unfrenately, the ese ad guters for only afew seats. Most biologists only got 0 see the ‘ Part One. Pini Marne Siow eee eee ced ati ard expe ogee ©. The ‘enn i ho sve, reo: ected twos ad cone Ht ne pct tee alc by sans ay. To ea gs Stel rmadert ‘ manre apm oer say, ne ‘hem hd capr nst yu perf be Input be righ pce ache re re Shige, ‘upnarins ah sc din. sues Io {he librstory and oth shor, wl aa) hve an por pen mae ete, be ey ent prove he contonus cone of trond ren ofthe cena rugourts dat tnd to realy underside oc. Ge hie Bg Toy py boon “A rage of nw tecnlgs onng scene and te ane pble—t oie ‘Se oun mwas two ve ean he sence ten not engage ne Age ae, {or onl. 3000 or more ated Sous, lone he torpedcer rnd on 38 seca dougour be ern Een hn cor Sowa beb boon te rc an ep 22000 m (64008), ver sau Oca one “ny sng mt engertre ty Sap Bae ee reg “eto uly For aps.A fw Arg Ras ave now San eqapeed wi sere me fore onan tn non aes bang Clelland np ot ‘heperOsanogapers fave sho. hued ‘boc ge at ene ae re oars for yess oe the Aro fo, clang, (aan tng ony he i by sles (Ceenagapers ae abo wig eset foot proving pone” and communans fr rng sun dg ge (Sim tl serone more came and var any. det ee Sh rendece overs ied ek blog Seu The et sch ssa nw Unt Sour war the Longtem Easton hae ‘ory (LE). of te New Jey coe In 1996 U2. row mown ne Coal Osan Oberon Laboratory (COOL) es gown to Inde undone dom Seared rai, ———————— CHAPTER 1 TheSions Marne Ray 7 Se I a ship masexenens, i moored sens mtg weapatd wih sn pane > {Tene snark coving th Uied Sater For ne Fors ee Pieces or be Visors Epermant Network Ud te Sh NEWU wee nd 2008 a he eae Bess Cole Cm and forthe trey Teakened Rasexch Sten (MARS) of Oe {eno Clon 207. VENUS and ABS fe be oly peat Yrs and MARS ‘Gin pot ofa ree soars he Nor Poke Toned Untese. Newored Boerne (NEPTUNE) Oberon. whch REFTUNE ta pref an ve ra pop tbe Oona Osea Insc. ne ors are being dep Europ, in, He Girt Mase. nthe Are Ost tne covenant way erie eh tat wl ot ny mere nance of ron uo oy hr DNA, eng Fouche ergy mtonerons ode ‘rt vie (AL) ea rg ners a ‘erced formate, Tav ie propre {er ntgoweea AL at pros ba Leal tinge enters cron, tes sbering mera tore ealnge High skcsoncs cn be Selle een {he iboraeys mh ns apt of he ing be whieh another ey of spe ht mor rl fre presen To gee 1 dso as moines a8 fly eon he sytem wl oy Be “hati ers et eee pected brs prt Decay ar se Eject rm wie ang dns or ale raie gels rervrk to manta forsake 4 Se Conger fn wae (eos pe) Sg ac sound reer th artrs with {he earanke mannremene The gsloget ‘vp wvare toot ently ad er urn son eae marie log re ‘Sl fra see ave eed VENUS Sitteee Wier wonton te decongent {one pi careases ne ocean cape (eer he tne of cath of aman oder ‘covered om tes ‘0 up. Se. lons, shai nd othr ‘dan humana can sve hope alow, and vu to hare ata hen haar fread lok shat ese vloped "rere ndenaerveo cvarn at aah to {he mma themes Cure fa fea ‘leon sea rn, rt, le, Sa gare le proved te et deer ning hump nes surge of bet herd arg ree Jin benor nae pecs aon) wo ‘itap naa) pangs aaa noe snes ef enargered on turer Mesea Rvewarc atacied tot wer le (parce) proved ne vw of 8 ‘ede en Seemtits use anima to study te ccean a wall the anal thee, “haere Undeee Sple er tame fora al sch a par sa ha emir ed os bce Orly ‘ep andy are nad to roar te (ng bhotor of the sna, but ocenog. ‘aches rated tht th senor a prove ‘alas 00 acer creuston. and he tvs cn go to pera a soon cae cas ay ote wy. ‘Occ chaning systems are jit for senn Ty bg corre bres Sky 008 or oxgia COOL heed oreo ‘ponte tutors and te pe Oberg femora prong xy wag of me ‘nis peer song are of ows of ec never Mac" 38h The see wn ab fore exit and arms, ok Se ec of dre cans nto eh pope [stone and mate tip more flere Oxan ‘hocnetaria wile er nd one aa ‘ed ere cx ple NEPTUNE Teargeet France by the engiser Emile Gagnan to allo automates to sun on compress nau gas. Afr the wa, Gagnan ad fellow Fresca Jacques Coutesu modi the appa, wing Ieathe compressed ai underwater. Coustea went on 9 devote Iie eto ec diving ad he oven Using subs, marine biologists could, for the fist cme, cen teow the surice fo obeerve mane oops in ted ‘ar emtooment (Fg 18) They could now work conor In the ocean, colting specimens and performing experiment, ‘hough they were lined to etre sallow water gene Jes than 50. (165. Marine Biology Today Oceanographic ships and shore-bued aorutores ae a ipo: ‘ane to marine biology now av ever, Today many anes and oer nstutos operat esearch vesels (Fg 19}- Mode ships ae equipped withthe atest equipment fr navigation, sampling, sand sdying de crete hae ze calcd Many ike CBalenger acm ete rgb footer wet growing nce of eile "ie purpse-bul fren esearch te Tn ado to ships ae we normally think of ther, sone remtlable eft are wed 10 sad the mine woed. High-tech (Sieietton ced tt erent tof emery * word hat was once aces (i110), Varios od looking ves ply the oan, providing speczed fies for marine Scents (Py LTD. “Marine laboratories, toy have ome along way sins he cy aye Today ab dot constines around the word ad ze wed by International community of eens, Some are equiped with the ‘owt up-to dt ts arable Others are spe eld tions, providing «base for sents to work in emote aes. Thee a fen nee habitats where sins can efor weekeat atime, Treraly immersed in thelr work (Fg 1.12, Marie laboratories are important centers not oly of researc, but aloof eduction “Many of andson undergraduate courssin which sadets can seudy marine biology fthand, and most provide facies where ‘rnb dens begin the cre in aro cence

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