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Jan. 20-Feb. 16. 

Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11. 
Pisces: March 11-April 18. 
Aries: April 18-May 13. 
Taurus: May 13-June 21. 
Gemini: June 21-July 20. 
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10. 
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30. 
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29. 
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17.  (Yep, this one is new — read all about the Ophiuchus way of life here)
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.

Read more:

Taurus Astrology April 20 - May 20

Taurus Strength Keywords:

- Dependable
- Persistent
- Loyal
- Patient
- Generous

Taurus Weakness Keywords:

- Stubborn
- Laziness
- Possessive
- Materialistic
- Self-indulging

Taurus and Independence:

Taurus is not the one who ventures out into the unknown and leads the way, Taurus is
the one that will follow the leader and strengthen and build upon the discovered, in
other words they are the one that will "dot the I's and cross the T's". This perseverance
is given to them by their stubborn streak. Taurus stubborn streak is what gives their
independence. They like to do things their way. They are perfectly fine on being
alone, this way things get done they way they want them to be done. Taurus is not a
follower, but they are not the brave one either. Taurus is perfectly independent. With
their perseverance, they get things done and can do quite well for themselves.

Taurus and Friendship:

A Taurus is an excellent friend. Taurus has few close friends as opposed to many
acquaintances. The few people they hold dear to them are guarded and protected.
Their friends are treated like family and they are fiercely loyal and dependable.
Taurus loves to be the host or hostess. Although not a total social butterfly, they can
be shy around strangers, the people who Taurus let into their lives are lavishly catered
to when Taurus decides to throw a party, they decorate and present everything
lavishly. Taurus will always pamper themselves and their close group of friends.

Taurus and Business:

Taurus is a strong business person. Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance,
even when others have given up, the Taurus rages on. They have a knack for finance
and their financial advice is prized. They know where money is to be made and have
the ability to manipulate and set the path for their own success. Taurus are not
frivolous spenders but they like to live lavishly and surround themselves with nice
possessions and foods, which all adds up resulting in large spending habits. They will
not spend all their money and cause their business to fail because if they do, their
security and stability will be gone and this will cause them great stress.

Taurus Temperament:

Taurus are deeply sensitive, the slightest comment or negative remark will be taken
personally and they can easily get offended or hurt. Their stubborn streak results in
laziness. They can be very lazy when someone gives them orders or wants them to do
something they do not want to do. They are not lazy when it comes to themselves,

Taurus Deep Inside:

Taurus are not fond of change. In fact, is change is imminent, they get very nervous
and worried. They do not like anything new because anything new is unknown and
Taurus fears the unknown. Taurus needs order in their lives and when they do not
have order, they get very anxious. Taurus will cut themselves off from the unfamiliar
in order to avoid the feelings of insecurity that arise when new experiences and
situations are present. Taurus do not express their feelings openly and their inner self
is contained and secretive. Many people do not know how sensitive Taurus really is,
they hide it well. As a result, they are often emotionally hurt when the wrong things
are said, they take things too personally sometimes. Taurus avoids talking about their
emotions and many people never really know how they feel.

Taurus in a Nutshell:

Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance, even when others have given up,
the Taurus rages on. Solid and persistent, just like the bull, which is Taurus' well
suited symbol. Taurus's have a well known reputation for being stubborn, which is not
necessarily a bad thing. The stubborn streak can cause Taurus to butt heads and
conflict with other strong character types. Taurus are not fond of change. They like
the familiar and routine comfort of life. Taurus is easy going and not one to pick a
fight but should some poor souls attempt to provoke Taurus, the wrath will be known,
for they have a temper underneath the calm surface. Taurus are very responsive to
their surroundings. They like decorations, color, anything that appeals to all the
senses. Taurus like possessions and the Taurus home is nicely decorated with lots of
things. Taurus are down to earth, they do not like gaudy, flashy or over the top things.
They prefer comfortable and creative settings and objects. Taurus likes security, in
every aspect of their lives from home, to love, to career. Taurus can be secretive,
opinionated and stingy. Taurus tend to be self-indulgent and lazy, Taurus are master
procrastinators of the astrology zodiac! They do however have a strong, persistent
drive that comes to life when they chose, and no one would ever know that they are
lazy. The secret to this is that their laziness is pushed aside when it comes to

Taurus Love, Sex and Relationships

What it's like to date a Taurus Woman:

Taurus women are masters in the art of seduction. She will get what she wants but her
patience is incredible, she will wait for what she wants She needs stability and
security and will not tolerate a man who is not straight with her and leads her along
with uncertainty in the future. She is the old-fashioned type, the type of woman who is
associated with the drive-in soda shop days of the 60's. She is down to earth,
protective, supportive, loving, devoted and loyal. She is openly affectionate in a
relationship. Taurus women is perfect for the man who likes to be nurtured and
pampered, providing you are loyal and devoted. She has a lot to give but she requires
a lot in return. Remember, the Taurus woman is very sensitive although she might not
seem so on the exterior. Court her and constantly try to impress her and you will win
her heart and she will be yours. Cross a Taurus woman, and her temper will flare, she
will become extremely stubborn. If you ever break her trust, it will be nearly
impossible to gain it back again.

What it's like to date a Taurus Man:

The Taurus man is very sensible, he is not the man to sweep you off your feet. He is
practical and down to earth. He wants a high quality woman, not a woman for one
night. He will survey cautiously before he makes his approach. He is very patient
when it comes to a relationship. He will survey the situation and make sure the
woman has something to offer him, before he offers himself. Taurus man is a
romantic man, he will put his woman on a pedestal, protect her and cherish her. Once
he has chosen his woman, he will be very generous, loyal and faithful. He is not a
boring man, but he is not for the woman who craves adventure and excitement. Taurus
man is for the woman who craves stability and comfort, he is an incredible provider
and is a very fine choice as a partner for the right woman. He is in it for the long haul
so commitment is no problem for this man.

How To Attract Taurus:

Do not attempt to rush into a relationship with Taurus. They are very patient and
expect you to be so too. Make them laugh, if they are amused and entertained by you,
they will enjoy being with you. The way to a Taurus' heart is through their stomachs.
Cook for them or offer to take them to a fine upscale restaurant. Taurus enjoy talking
about finance, business, money and material possessions.

Taurus Erogenous Zone:

The throat and neck are the hot spots for any Taurus. Lightly rub the neck, kiss it
gently, lick it lightly, even a soft nipple will make them melt like butter! Massage the
back of the neck while you are relaxing, this relax them and set the mood for passion!

Sex With Taurus:

They are passionate lovers. They have lots of physical stamina and this makes up
for the lack of variety in the sex life. 
Cancer Astrology June 21 - July 22
Cancer Strength Keywords:

- Loyalty
- Dependable
- Caring
- Adaptable
- Responsive

Cancer Weakness Keywords:

- Moody
- Clingy
- Self-pitying
- Oversensitive
- Self-absorbed

Cancer and Independence:

Cancer is the astrology sign that is packed full of contradictions so when it comes to
independence, they possibly can or can not be independent. On one side, they have the
perseverance and drive to do what needs to be done, they are self-sufficient and do not
need to depend on other people for the material and physical things in life. On the
other hand, they depend on people for emotional support and encouragement. A
Cancer that is not fully self-actualized will need the constant support of others and
will not be very independent but the Cancer that is 'evolved' and has properly
harnessed their emotional issues will be wildly successful as an independent human
being. They crave attention and comfort from other people and they are happiest when
they have a small, close knit group of friends or family.

Cancer and Friendship:

Cancer is extremely loyal to those who appreciate and support them, they are the
nurturer of the zodiac and will protect and cherish the person for a long time. One of
the greatest things about Cancer is their ability to make others feel good about
themselves and loved. This is because instead of doing this for themselves, they
project this onto other people. This is a positive cycle because in making others feel
nurtured, wanted and loved, they in return feel good for making someone feel good.
Other people can lean on and depend on cancer, they will listen to people's problems
and help them however they will rarely express their own deep feelings to anyone.
People who want to share deep emotional thoughts and opinions with a Cancer might
feel that the scales are tipped on one side for cancer will rarely reveal it's true deep
feelings. A friend of Cancer is usually a lifelong devoted friend that can be trusted.

Cancer and Business:

Once cancer resolved their emotional issues such as shyness and insecurity, the
powerful character will shine though, there is practically nothing they can't do. They
have incredible perseverance and will stand up for what they believe in. With their
strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, they will have
great success in anything they undertake. They are excellent business people and
investors because of their intuitive and psychic ability and their creative forward
thinking mind, they are able to predict future trends. They attract wealth very well and
know where to invest. Money and financial well being is very important to Cancer
and this can help their drive in business. They need financial security and if they allow
themselves to properly focus their energy and do not allow their emotions to over take
them, they are more then capable of obtaining their financial goals and being
incredibly successful business people.

Cancer Temperament:

They are complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need constant
support and encouragement, more then any other astrology signs, Cancer needs to be
needed. Even when all needs are satisfied, they can be irritable and cranky. They have
an uneasy, delicate temperament. The contradictory nature of Cancer gives their
temperament the wild mood swings and possible temper tantrums. They are easily
offended and will sulk and wallow in self pity for a long time when they get hurt.

Cancer Deep Inside:

It is difficult for cancer to open up and have a close emotionally fulfilled relationship
with someone because they are so closed off emotionally and physically to the world.
This is driven by their fear of trust, Cancer has a difficult time trusting people. This
causes built up anger and resentment inside, the contradictory nature really takes a toll
on them and they can have a negative outlook on life, thinking that life is just too hard
and miserable. This is unfortunate because when good experiences are to be had, they
are skeptical of people and their surroundings and they experience tunnel vision due
to their depressed outlook and they miss the nice things and happy experiences in life
that make it worth living. In addition to lack of trust for people, Cancer is deeply
sensitive and easily hurt, this is other reason why they have their defense shell in
place, to avoid being hurt by others. Cancer lives in the past. They hold past events
close to them and often dwell on the past. They have to learn to let go and live in the
present instead of spending their time being sick with nostalgia. Cancer has a lot of
emotional issues to deal with but once they overcome this large hump of shyness and
insecurity, there is practically nothing they can't do. With their strong intuition,
sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, they will have great success in
anything they undertake. Cancer is constantly feeling, feelings and emotions are
hallmarks of this sign and this is the root of their problems, human beings are not as
evolved in the emotional area and this is where cancer gets the brunt of their
problems. They are the ones who have to cope with their strong feelings more so then
any other sign. Once properly harnessed, there is nothing that is this powerful
astrology sign can not accomplish. Harmony is very important to Cancer, it keeps
them happy. Conflict of any kind causes great distress. Deep inside, Cancer is a very
powerful sign, they have the ability to stand up for what they think is right and they
have lots of perseverance and can be fine on their own provided they don't let their
emotions get the better of them and have the stability they need. They are not fond of
change but they have the ability to do what needs to be done, they are not pushovers
or lazy people.

Cancer in a Nutshell:

Cancer is a mysterious sign, filled with contradictions. They want security and
comfort yet seek new adventure. They are very helpful to others yet sometimes can be
cranky and indifferent. Cancer has a driving, forceful personality that can be easily
hidden beneath a calm, and cool exterior. The crab is Cancer's ruling animal and it
suits them well, they can come out of their shell and fight but they can also hide in
their shell of skitter away back into the depths of the ocean. They are very
unpredictable. With cancer, there is always something more that meets the eye, for
they are always partially hidden behind the shell. They are a have a deep psyche and
intuitive mind that is hidden from the world. Cancer is deeply sensitive and easily
hurt, this might be why they have their defense shell in place, to avoids being hurt by
others. They are nurturers so they surround themselves with people, whom after a
while can offend or hurt a cancer without even knowing they did so, therefore
Cancer's protective shell keeps them safe from hurt. They are complex, fragile,
unpredictable and temperamental and need constant support and encouragement, more
then any other astrology signs, Cancer needs to be needed. When cancer gets the
support it needs, it has a tremendous amount to offer in return. When cancer gets
offended, they tend to sulk instead of confronting the persons face to face. This
needlessly prolongs the pain and suffering. Cancer is very possessive, not just with
material possessions but with people as well. Cancer will always want to stay in touch
with old friends and anyone who has ever been close to them, because it is easier to
maintain a friendship then attempt to learn to trust a new person. It is easier this way
for them emotionally. If you befriend a Cancer, you will stay friends for a long time.
Cancer makes the perfect mother, this is the sign that represents motherhood. They
have unconditional love and caring more so then any other astrology sign. Cancer are
very intuitive. Most of the psychics of the world are Cancer astrology signs. They
have an excellent memory and are very observant and can read people very well. They
can usually tell of other people's intentions are good or not. Never dupe a Cancer, they
can see your motives. Cancer has a lot of emotional issues to deal with but once they
overcome this large hump of shyness and insecurity, there is practically nothing they
can't do. With their strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and
intelligence, they will have great success in anything they undertake. 

Cancer Love, Sex and Relationships

What it's like to date a Cancer Woman:

The Cancer woman is a very sensual woman with deep emotions and passion brewing
underneath the exterior. To reach these will require time, patience and tenderness. Do
not expect to have her open up to you right away and jump into a relationship. She
will not make the first move and will not be forward with you, you have to do all the
work. Do not try to lead her on because Cancer woman is very in-tune with a persons
motivations and she will see right through you. Trust is the single most important
thing to Cancer. If you ever betray her trust, you might as well move on. She needs
love and security. Cancer is the perfect woman for the man who loves to sweep a
woman off her feet with romance. She is sensual, sweet and flirty and you two will
engage in a gentle, flirtatious dance together while the relationship builds. Once there
is a solid, secure foundation, the richness of the relationship will emerge. She is old
fashioned, feminine and sensual and patient, if you are the man who can give her what
she wants, a relationship with a Cancer woman is wholesome and rewarding and can
last a lifetime.

What it's like to date a Cancer Man:

The Cancer man will not be direct with you. He will approach you cautiously and
slowly. He will be very romantic and flirty and attempt to court you and win your
heart with lavish gifts and attention. The reason he will never be direct with you is
that he has a strong underlying fear of rejection. Of you are interested in a Cancer
man, you will probably have to make the first move and ask him on a date. He falls in
love easily and will make you his whole world. Once you "belong to him", he will
hold on to you and can become quite jealous and possessive. This is because he is
worried he will lose you to another man and that would crush his spirit. He needs you
to be loyal and faithful for he is the same, in a strong and close relationship, Cancer
men are the most loyal of the astrology signs. They make excellent lovers for the
tender woman who loves romance and being swept off her feet. Cancer is very
affectionate and thrives on holding hands all the time, and constant physical contact as
he absorbs the situation and experiences with his feelings. The cancer man is all about
feeling. He might not show it however and might portray a calm and cool exterior but
underneath, he feels deeply and intensely. Cancer men are easily offended so do not
jokingly make fun of them for they will take offense and get hurt, but once again, this
will not be known to you. He will simply sulk on his own while he tries to figure out
and dissect what you said. Cancer men are excellent male protectors, they are like the
knight in shining armor. If you are the kind of woman that likes being looked after
and cared for, and loves affection and devotion, this romantic, sensual man is perfect
for you.

How To Attract Cancer:

You must be direct, Cancer will not. Let your feelings for them be known, this is the
first step to initiating a relationship with a Cancer. This way, will not have to risk
rejection, one of their biggest fears. If you are looking for a short fling, be straight
with them. Do not lead them on to thinking there is long term commitment is there is
none because you will hurt these emotionally delicate people. Trust is the most
important. Build trust with them and they will gradually get closer to you. Give them
approval and compliments but be careful because they will easily sense when you are
complimenting them just for the sake of it. Be sincere. Ask Cancer for advice, share
your problems (but don't burden them), they enjoy helping people and giving advice.
They like culture and lavish experiences. Take them to a play or museum and a fancy,
upscale restaurant. Do not force Cancer into a relationship or make them make a
decision on the spot. They will shy away from you. Have patience, this is the key to
attracting a Cancer. Be physical with them, they love genuine affection. They are very
cautious and as time passes, they will slowly grow closer to you and you will have
wonderful, fulfilling relationship.

Cancer Erogenous Zone:

The greatest erogenous zone for Cancer is the chest and the breasts. Both women and
men respond well to light sucking and kissing of the nipples. You must caress these
areas delicately and softly. Never be rough. Stroke your fingers through Cancer man's
chest hair, lightly and gently this will ignite the firey passion hidden behind the shell

Sex With Cancer:

Cancer is very physical. Expect sex with Cancer to be a fully encompassing sexual
experience. Lots of tender foreplay, massages afterwards, candles lit by the bedside,
soft music in the background, delicious scented potpourri, everything to appeal to all
senses. It will be delicate and passionate and an experience you won't soon forget. To
not expect too much novelty and experimentation because Cancer is a very
conservative sign. Some Cancer people might be willing to try something new but
they will never be the ones to suggest it, you have to or it will never happen. They
might go along with your idea because they do enjoy new experiences. Make them
always feel safe and secure when trying anything new and they might love it and
incorporate it into your regular sex life.

Gemini Astrology May 21 - June20

Gemini Strength Keywords:

- Energetic
- Clever 
- Imaginative
- Witty
- Adaptable

Gemini Weakness Keywords:

- Superficial
- Impulsive
- Restless
- Devious
- Indecisive

Gemini and Independence:

Gemini are extremely independent. They will not be pinned down by anyone or any rules. They need to
experience the world on their own. Change and freedom are extremely important to Gemini, they will
never let anyone dictate them, they are extremely independent and freedom is essential to their mental
well being.

Gemini and Friendship:

Gemini make very interesting and exciting friends. They like to leave their mark on everyone they meet.
They are very flighty and will disappear for a long time as they meet new friends and explore new
places. But when they come back, they will have new thoughts, opinions and interesting things to share
and ideas to teach. Life is very interesting and fun with a Gemini friend. If you need any advice, Gemini is
the one to ask. They are masters of communication and they can help you get what you need by helping
you with persuasion and enthusiasm, and they give good advice too. Do not however, bog a Gemini
down with all of your emotional problems, they are not want to deal with it because it depresses them
and steps on their freedom if you need too much long term help, support and follow up. A Gemini friend
can fill you in with the latest gossip and if you love conversation, the Gemini delivers! They are very
generous with their friends, they will spend lots of time with you and share everything with you. Even
though Gemini is a social butterfly, they always need time for themselves and that should be respected.

Gemini and Business:

Gemini tends to disperse their energy on different tasks and not just focus on one thing thus leaving a
trail of unfinished projects in their wake. If they were to focus their energy in one place, their cleverness
and intelligence would allow them to complete their project with success and creativity. Gemini makes
an excellent manager, they can motivate a team with their enthusiasm and vitality. They also make
excellent salespeople because their ease of communication allows them to be clever and make a
comeback to anything a person says. They can persuade and manipulate very well. They can easily
justify any move they make and explain any action.

Gemini Temperament:

Gemini have the ability to react instantly to situations, and as a result, they have a very nervous
temperament. They can be compared to a wound up spring as they attempt to absorb everything they
can about their surroundings at once. The fact that they enjoy various situations and people add to their
nervousness and that means they are almost constantly wound up. However, if they experience
boredom and have nothing to survey, they get the same emotions, the need for excitement and variety.
This is the Gemini duality, constantly conflicting emotions in one spontaneous, excitable package.

Gemini Deep Inside:

One downfall of Gemini is their superficiality. Instead of looking deep into a person's real qualities,
Gemini will judge a person by the way they treat them. This can lead Gemini to have wrong impressions
of people and can cause problems ion relationships. Gemini's can have feeling of discouragement and
moodiness although they never allow this to be seen by anyone but heir closest friends or family.
Gemini usually want everyone to think that they are always happy and doing wonderfully and stress
never affects them.

Gemini in a Nutshell:

Gemini people are many sided, quick both in the mind and physically. They are brimming with energy
and vitality, they are clever with words. They are intelligent and very adaptable to every situation and
every person. Gemini are curious and always want to know what's going on in the world around them.
They are not one to sit back and watch the world go by, they want to be involved. This can sometimes
make Gemini nosy, they do not mind their own business! This is because they really enjoy
communicating, more so then most other astrology signs, they are the ultimate social butterfly. Gemini
can talk and talk, but they have interesting things to say, their talk is not mindless babble. They have
interesting opinions and thoughts on things and are not afraid to speak their mind. They are always in
the know and are the one to see for the latest juicy gossip. Lacking perseverance, Gemini easily goes off
topic to explore another thought or idea. Gemini are superficial, they will form opinions on matter
without diving into them and exploring them fully. This can lead them into thinking they know
everything, which they usually do but their mind is too busy to be concerned with fine details. Routine
and boredom are Gemini's biggest fears. Gemini would rather be naive then know the depressing truth,
they do not want anything putting a damper on their freedom or positive energy. 

Gemini Love, Sex and Relationships

What it's like to date a Gemini Woman:

The Gemini woman is truly enchanting. However, dating her might feel more like a friendship then a real
relationship due to her casual nature. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, for the casual man who
shy's away from overly romantic emotions, she is the perfect woman. Since she is the astrology sign of
the duality, she offers quite the challenge. One one hand, she needs to be nurtured, loved and catered
to and on the other hand, she needs stimulation and novelty. She is very demanding and if you do not
provide what she wants, she will be off onto the next adventure pretty quickly. To keep her interested is
a challenge, not completely impossible so she is the perfect woman for the man who likes stimulation
and a challenge. She needs a partner with a quick mind, she tends to poke and prod at the emotions and
the minds of those who are mentally slower then her, make sure you can keep up to her wit or you will
briskly be left behind. She is prone to keeping men on a string, not completely heartlessly, she is
evaluating if the man is worth her attention and her time she has no time to waste with a dull man.
Once you have her approval, she can easily become jealous. The reason for her is jealousy is that if she is
going to open up to a man, when she rarely completely opens up to anyone, she does not want to risk
her being deceived or hurt. If you are with a Gemini woman and she becomes jealous, you are on the
right track to true love! Gemini women are so exciting that they are worth the effort, you will remember
her forever!

What it's like to date a Gemini Man:

He is a great date - charming, witty, funny, clever, talkative, creative, adventurous, just make sure you
can keep up with him! Women are drawn to Gemini men because of their zest for life and their vitality
and enthusiasm. You may have competition to if you are trying to win his heart. Do not expect to win
him and keep him all to yourself. He is flighty and dictates his own,. He will not allow himself to be
pinned down and ruled by a woman. You are going to be his sidekick, not his passionate lover. He loves
women and is very good at persuading them and manipulating them with his cleverness getting them
into bed, he will say anything to get what he wants. He is the master of seduction. If you are looking for
a great fling, the gemini man is your top choice.

How To Attract Gemini:

Love to talk, that is the first rule about impressing a Gemini. Be knowledgeable about that you talk
about too because Gemini are intelligent and have lots of knowledge about many things. If you are an
expert on a certain topic, teach them about it, you will impress them because this know-it-all sign is
does not usually know fine details about a lot of things, they are too busy to bother to learn. Speak your
mind, engage them in a friendly debate but never be too conservative, they find this dull. Be honest and
loyal to a Gemini, once they have had their trust broken they usually will never get it back again. Gemini
are easy to date, they will do any activity anywhere. Just have fun, like you would with a friends because
that's what Gemini are, a great friend.

Gemini Erogenous Zone:

Gemini's hot spots are the hands and arms. These are very sensitive regions and are very receptive a
massage and a gentle touch or stroke. This also calms the high-strung Gemini and relaxes them, setting
the mood for passion. Gemini's usually love their finger being sucked or nibbled, a great integration into
foreplay that will heighten the mood. Gemini women love it when a man grabs their hand and kisses it,
like a princess.

Sex With Gemini:

Gemini loves to experiment and sex with a Gemini is full of novelty and excitement, trying anything and
everything nearly anywhere. Gemini is not for the faint of heart or the shy and secretive lovers! 

Leo Astrology July 23 - August 22

Leo Strength Keywords:

- Confident
- Ambitious
- Generous
- Loyal
- Encouraging

Leo Weakness Keywords:

- Pretentious
- Domineering
- Melodramatic
- Stubborn
- Vain

Leo and Independence:

Leo is very independent but they need something to control and someone to admire them and
appreciate them. They are fully capable of being greatly successful on their own but they are much
happier if they have an audience and a following of people who look up to them. They would prefer not
be alone.

Leo and Friendship:

People are attracted to Leo's zest for life and their warm spirit. They have the ability to lift up one's
spirits and provide encouragement when times are rough. Their enthusiasm attracts people, Leos are
social butterflies, not because they want to be but because people always naturally gravitate and
surround the Leo. Leos are very difficult people to not like, they are usually fairly balanced, realistic
people. They never dwell on the past and they will think you are strange if you do. Some Leos might be
too caught up in themselves and be very self-centered but they are never too self-absorbed to help
anyone who needs it. They pamper their friends and treat them well. A Leo is the ultimate friend. They
do not hold a grudge and they are very forgiving. They have respect and understanding of people's

Leo and Business:

Business dealings are easy and successful for Leo, if they are in command and control. This can cause
conflict in the workplace should the Leo not be in a position of superiority, but they usually get there
eventually thanks to their powerful drive to succeed, in other words, they are excellent leaders because
this is their kingdom they have to control, and they do it well. Leo has an amazing ability to get along
with people and they work best in a group as opposed to alone. They can be very diplomatic in a group
setting and can delegate people well, however Leo will not take orders. They need to give orders but
with their enthusiasm and cheerfulness, other people do not have a problem taking orders from a Leo
because they are never condescending and they treat others with respect and equality. Leos are full of
drama, flair and extravagance and this reflects in the business world. They make an impact, they make a
difference in the workplace and help to keep the parts moving in sync and iron out any problems before
they arise. If the business fails, that means that Leo fails and they are extremely determined not to fail.
Leo is the most extravagant sender of all astrology signs. They will not over do it but they will surround
themselves with luxury as much as possible. They will never settle for second best.

Leo Temperament:

Leo loves the new and extraordinary, they despise dull, regular routines and if this is what they are faced
with, they will simply create their own drama and excitement. This makes Leo prone to stir up a
situation out of nowhere just for something to keep their vivacious temperament satisfied. Leo has an
amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings of despair or unfortunate events. They do not like to
be unhappy, it hurts their pride so they will take matters into their own hands and make things right
again. Leos could come into conflict with other powerhouse type of people who will not take orders and
not give an inch, Leos will not budge their opinion, they will understand and accept opinions of others
but they do not take well to people to try to impose their beliefs on them. Leo most often have the
temperament of a demanding, spoiled child but this is only shown if someone steps on the boundaries
of their kingdom. They react this way because of their territoriality.

Leo Deep Inside:

Leos are extremely sensitive but they hide that very well. Leos love praise and flattery, their egos
demand respect and adoration. Leo is all about pride. This can cause them to be self-centered but the
warmth of the Leo heart keeps it under control. If Leo's audience (otherwise known as their friends) do
not provide the needed appreciation, Leo is too proud to ask for it and they will suffer a hurt ego, but no
one will ever know and they will suffer in silence. The secret of the Leo is that they need to be needed.

Leo in a Nutshell:

Leo is the lion, this well suited symbol represents Leo very well. They possess a kingdom which they
protest and cherish. The are high esteemed, honorable and very devoted to themselves in particular!
The kingdom could be anything from work to home to a partner, whatever it is, you rule it. Leo is always
center stage and full of flair, they enjoy basking in the spotlight. A Leo always makes their presence
known. Leo are full of energy that acts like a magnet for other people. Others are attracted to Leo's wit,
charm, and what they have to say for they speak of things grand and very interesting. Leo will never
settle for second best. They want only the best which can cause lavish excessive spending habits as they
enjoy their life of luxury, which is all to easily justified by the grand and magnificent Leo! Public image is
very important to Leo, with luxurious possessions and ways of life, this keeps the public image in high
standing. They will do whatever it takes to protect their own reputation. Leos are very generous, kind
and openhearted people. If a Leo is crossed, they will strike back with force but they are not one to hold
a grudge, they easily forgive, forget and move on. Leos are always trying to make things right in the
world, they have larger then life emotions and they need to feel like they have accomplished something
at the end of the day. They react to situations with action instead of sitting back and thinking about it,
they are not impulsive however because they look at the future and consider consequences of their

Leo Love, Sex and Relationships

What it's like to date a Leo Woman:

The first step is to give her praise and adoration. The relationship will never work if she does not receive
this from you. Do not look at other women when you are with her, she has to be the only one in your
eyes. The thought of competition with other women completely turns her off, for she is marvelous and
grand and better then any other woman (in her eyes)! Be prepared however to compete with other
men. She attracts men, deliberately or not, because of her dazzling personality. She makes a good
partner because she gives undying affection and love and makes you feel really mood about yourself.
She is kind and supportive with an adventurous streak, she is always fun to be with. Leo woman will
dominate,. But not completely for she still needs the man to lead the way and give her the desired sense
of approval, she looks up to her man. Leo woman is perfect for the man who is affectionate and has a
strong character but not too controlling. She needs someone who is passionate about everything in their
life and who strives for the best in everything, because so does she.

What it's like to date a Leo Man:

The Leo man falls in love easily and it usually does not last. This is because his emotional ideals of a
grand and magnificent love affair quickly turn into reality. Leo man needs a woman who is grounded and
in-tune with the realities of life so she can help him keep his feet on the ground. He may seem like he is
casual and detached about love but this is not the case, he needs adoration and approval and if he
receives this, he feels quite passionately inside and will treat her with amazing affection and be a
wonderful cheerful companion. The Leo man appears to be a rock solid unemotional king but truthfully,
he is very sensitive. He wants a woman who caters to him, not in a demanding way but he thinks he is
entitled to this because of how great he is. Leo men are prone to be self-centered but underneath they
are gentle and have lots of love to give providing the woman can give him what he wants. Leos get along
with just about anyone and just about any type of girl is suited to him. The woman who caters to him
and overlooks his faults (he thinks he does not have any) and the woman who does not nag at him will
obviously have preference and a chance at a long term relationship. If the relationship lasts, eventually
she will have to teach him that he is not the only great thing in the world.

How To Attract Leo:

Admiration is key. Admire them ands they will be yours. Leo is a fairly easy sign to attract they are very
receptive to advances and come ons. Give them compliments, dish them out in handfuls because Leos
never think a compliment can go too far. Even if you are faking it, they don't care, the simply love the
attention. Be funny, Leos love to be entertained and they love to laugh. If you can make them laugh,
you're good! Leos like the grand things in life, treat them to a lavish dinner or a cultural upscale event.
Always have the best of the best and never try to offer them second rate. They think nothing is too good
for them, they like everything posh so dress classy and nice, and have a good night on the town with the
charming Leo!

Leo Erogenous Zone:

The back is Leo's most sensitive area. Most Leos have a well defined muscular back, compliment them
on it while you lightly scratch your fingernails from the base of the neck down to their buttocks. They
love a back rub or massage because to them it is being pampered. Get scented massage oil and give
them a sensual massage and it is guaranteed to set the mood for a night of passion!

Sex With Leo:

First impressions would tell you that Leo is all about the kinky and novelty, but that is not so. They are
deeply sensual and passionate and enjoy posh surroundings, such as candles and scented oils and lots of
affectionate physical contact such as massages and rubbing. They like sex to be familiar, not necessarily
routine, but they like to know what's going on. This is because Leo always has to be the best and if there
is a suggestion or something offered that they have never done before, they would rather pass on the
chance then attempt it and be only satisfactory. Leo has mastered the moves he know, so do not be
disappointed with the lack of novelty and variety, because Leo is very good at what they can do, they are
the best. 

Cancerians are very defensive creatures – defensive of themselves, their friends and family. They have a
very strong and formidable defensive fort in his psyche. He is not intimidated that easily and can
sometimes take an aggressive stand in order to protect himself emotionally from transgresses of others.
Anyone who intentionally or unintentionally jeopardizes their or their close ones’ dignity or self-respect,
you will feel fended off or even pinned down. But if you persevere and gain their trust with time (which
you most definitely will if your intensions are honest), you will see the soft, caring and considerate inner
self – because now you are one of the protected.

Their family is very important for them, and comes at the top in the list of priorities. They make
excellent parents, but are not so good at letting go of their children when the situation requires it which
again tells us about their protective self. They also happen to be very emotional and often fall into the
depths of nostalgia. No wonder they have an excellent memory – they hardly miss a piece of detail
about their past. Cancerian children start out being extremely sensitive and emotionally fragile, but with
time they develop their protective and affectionate self. So if you see your Cancerian kid taking care of a
younger brother or sister or the family pet, be sure that your kid is growing up.

To their loved ones, Cancerians present their most soft and mellow self. So they may overreact to
incidents and tend to be very moody at times. But they are very sensual and can be the best of
companions. They can get hurt by their companions very easily, but are in no way weak. They can strike
back with equal force and venom.

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