Digital Preservation Manager Personal Development Report

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Personal Development Plan 1


by [Name]

Professor’s Name
Location of Institution
Personal Development Plan 2

The world is constantly evolving and as a result, people have to adapt to the changes.
While developing a career development plan entails a significant amount of effort, it
eventually pays off in helping me to have a picture of where I want to go with my career
in the future and what I need to get there. Therefore, the main objective of this career
development plan is to evaluate my strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats, and
core competencies which will go a long way in shaping my career path within the next
five years. It has come to my realization that as digital preservation manager, being part
of a team of librarians, programmers, and other professionals, to create digital library
system architectures, is not very fulfilling in the long run. The lack of satisfaction stems
from the fact that the job description gives rise to monotony, at some point. Even though
the use of technology is somehow advanced, I feel that my current position does not
accord me the opportunity to grow horizontally. In the future, I see myself in a more
complex and highly demanding role where I can be able to create analytic tools that use
data pipelines to give actionable insights to operational efficiencies as well as other
needs, optimize the delivery of information, build infrastructure needed for optimal
transformation, extraction, as well as the loading of information from various sources,
among other things (Holmes, 2010). Notably, this is through the use of big data
technologies such as AWS and SQL (Cao, 2019). Building my profile is instrumental in
the realization of my vision. Learning is a never-ending endeavor and as result, the new
journey ahead is going to be an exciting one, from both a personal and career level.
The primary objective of this career development plan is to reflect on my passion and
what I want to pursue in the future (next five years). Personally, I am very passionate
about technology and all that which technology can do to improve our lives. However,
technological advancements have taken new approaches to solving problems or easing
our lives. For example, the ubiquity of data has rendered the handling and processing of
data an arena of opportunities. The conventional processing of data is not efficient n
managing the flow of big data (Yaqoob et al., 2016). It fosters the development of new
approaches and tools for processing and analyzing big amounts of unstructured
information. That is why my career as a digital preservation manager will take another
Personal Development Plan 3

direction. It is worth noting that my current career path has set a good foundation for my
future career goal. For instance, the current position has introduced me to different
technologies (programming languages, system architectures, among other things),
which are pre-requisites for the new endeavor.
In an evaluation of my current skill set through the adoption of the personal SWOT
(Appendix 1) analysis tool, I have found that exceptional technical knowledge on
technology, and problem-solving skills are among my main strengths. My greatest
weakness in accomplishing my career journey is experience. In this technologically
evolving world, experience plays a very critical role compared to education. This does
not, however, mean that education is not important. Application of the assessment tool
is critical in determining what I am capable of achieving, what I am unable to do and
how I can improve on that, as well as the external factors (threats and opportunities)
that are likely to impact the development of my career. One of the opportunities that the
career presents is the global shift to data services. For example, when it was costly to
process and store data, it was often siloed which made it accessible to few people and
hard to edit. However, with cloud technologies, it is now easy and cheap to process and
store data. The world is now adopting cloud data warehouses which facilitates easy
accessibility (Özköse, Arı and Gencer, 2015). Behind all that, lie professionals who are
responsible for the performance of the infrastructure. On the other hand, personal
finances present a threat to the realization of this objective. It is costly to pay for such an
endeavor unless it is under a full or partial scholarship which is challenging to acquire.
By having a good understanding of oneself, the urge and motivation to chase the
desired goal grows to become innate.
The purpose of this career development plan is to portray my curiosity, drive, and
reason to become a digital preservation specialist, as well as the value that I can add to
bring to any organization, when called upon, and the society at large. The objectives are
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. There is the need for one to
critically evaluate the skills required in this age of information, and as an aspiring digital
preservation manager, I should be well versed with the trends in the space. Among the
skills needed for one to become a digital preservation manager include: knowledge on
how to create and maintain database systems, proficiency in programming languages
Personal Development Plan 4

like Python, SQL, and R, be adept in using Extract, Transfer, Load (ETL), and have
some basic understanding on algorithms and machine learning. Additionally, a digital
preservation manager’s skill set needs to also include soft skills like collaboration and
communication skills. The field of data science is very collaborative, and a digital
preservation manager works with various stakeholders, like chief technology officers
(CTOs), data analysts, among others.
Core Competencies
Through the use of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
(CILIP), Professional and Knowledge and Skills Base assessment tool the gaps within
my objectives were identified (Appendix 2).
IT and Communication
Information technology and communication are perquisites for any profession in this day
and age. The world is adopting technology to solve many of its problems. As an aspiring
digital preservation manager, there is need for me to sharpen my communication skills,
not only for my future role, but also the current ones. However, those are not just
sufficient because people can also communicate non-verbally. Thus, my main area of
improvement, as far as communication is concerned, relates to non-verbal
communication. I am unable to decipher unwritten or non-verbal communication
because of my shy characteristic, as well as upbringing. From the IT standpoint, one
can never be perfect because technology changes, continuously. However, that is not
an excuse for me to relax. Instead, I should always strive to stay abreast and familiar
with digital preservation managering technologies as they evolve. The good thing with
technology is that, most times, a new development is based on the previous one. This
means that if one is familiar with one technology, and after 5 years a new one comes
up, he/she will not have so much difficulties in using the new one.
Information Governance and Compliance
The skills and knowledge area involves the development and adherence to regulations
and policies relating to procedures and processes for information use, and at the same
time, maintaining and adequate balance between the availability of information and the
security of information. Additionally, information governance and compliance balance
the risk that comes with information against the value that the information offers. It is
Personal Development Plan 5

imperative to not that information governance aid in operational transparency, legal

compliance, as well as the minimization of expenditures linked to legal discovery.
Institutions can create logical and consistent framework for employees to handle
information through the data governance policies and guidelines. It is worth noting that
information governance should not take a back seat in any institution, especially since
the General Data Protection Regulation was enacted. The regulation is essential in the
EU privacy law and the human rights law. This is with particular interest to Article 8(1) of
the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Daminova, 2017). My
experience in this area is insufficient due to the roles that I have undertaken in the past.
The gap arises from the fact that, different types of information are guided by different
types of regulations.
Using and Exploiting Knowledge & Information
The skill area involves integrating information skills, knowledge, and information content
to satisfy the needs of the user community, for instance, academics, researchers,
individuals, communities, governments, and businesses. Further skill areas encompass
the provision of enquiry, and search services, abstracting and promotion collections,
and bibliometrics. Information is irrelevant when it cannot be dissected to give meaning.
Therefore, various approaches need to be adopted to ensure that information makes
sense to the end users. In this regard, I have to be conversant with various skills to
ensure that my career objective as a digital preservation manager is realized.
Career Development Goals
System design and development of systems
System design entails the definition of elements in a system such as architecture,
modules, components alongside their interfaces as well as the data for the system. This
is based on specific requirements. In other words, it involves the definition,
development, and designing of a system that fulfils the particular requirements and
needs of an institution. In this area, one needs to be proficient with various graphical
modelling languages such as Unified Modelling Language, Systems, Modelling
Language, among others (Holder et al., 2017). Apart from the modelling languages, one
needs to know the various design methods like logical design, architectural design, and
physical design. It is worth noting that the skill area that shapes the career of a digital
Personal Development Plan 6

preservation manager. Therefore, this is my short-term goal. In this regard, I intend to

enroll for an online course that takes 4-5 hours every week, for a period of 6 weeks,
starting from April, 2022.
Communication Skills
Effective communication skills are important for personal and career success. Technical
knowledge is usually deemed as a paramount asset in any organization, especially the
technology arena. Organizations look for people with fine-tuned programming and
systems administration abilities needed in the designing, conception, and deployments
of mission-critical technologies. Nonetheless, many emphasize soft skills for certain
roles. In a study by Bloomberg, 1200 recruiters were asked which non-technical
competencies are highly in demand? More than half of the recruiters asserted that
communication skills were the most essential (Tanjung, 2022). This may scare people in
a professional like me who would wish to climb the corporate ladder, because many in
the industry often function or work in isolation within tightly-knit teams where the
interpersonal familiarity eases communication. In my case, communication
communicating with people has always been a big challenge (Appendix 3). This is with
particular interest to non-verbal communication (use of non-verbal cues). For instance, I
cannot maintain eye contact. Studies show that eye contact is a skill that facilitates
effective communication. The skill is often underutilized and under-rated. Maintaining
eye contact in a conversation shows that you have interest in what is being said and
also communicating to the person talking the message of, “I am listening to you” (Khan
etal., 2016). The skill is among the unnoticed tools used in any form of communication.
For me, working on my communication skills is a short-term term goal that I intend to
start in the middle of next month. To do so, I will enroll in an online course (Coursera)
which will last for 2 weeks. This means that I will be done by the end of March, 2022.
Networking Skills
Everybody knows about networking: it is what one does when they need a new job.
Unfortunately, if one only network when they are in need of a job, neither the networking
nor the job-search will be successful. Simply put, networking is the process of creating
and maintaining a network of contacts as well as successful networking needs to be
continuous (Lee and Chen, 2017). It needs to be constantly happening every time, in
Personal Development Plan 7

the casual contacts with individuals via email, face-to-face, and over the phone as one
goes about their daily lives. Nonetheless, it takes effort and time to know people, and
maintain the existing contacts. Due to my poor communication skills, I am unable to
network (Appendix 3). This is because, interpersonal interactions (which I am not good
at), is potential opportunity for networking. ‘Small talk” is valuable. The value of a “chat”
should never be underestimated. A relationship is built on personal connections, as well
as the feeling that some cares about you. Career development is influenced by various
elements which include the job that one holds, the experience gained in out of the
workplace, the success and growth one achieves at every step of their career, the
informal and formal education and training gained, as well as the feedback you are
given along the way. To optimize my career development, I need too enhance my
network skills to uncover opportunities to link with various types of advisors and
mentors, increase my visibility, and further develop my areas of expertise. To do so, I
need to start attending informal events like meet-ups, use social media platforms like
LinkedIn, attend short course, especially skills related course, and use emails to get in
touch with people. It is worth noting that this endeavor is a long-term goal.
Information rights
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of the toughest laws in the
world that govern privacy and security (Politou, Alepis and Patsakis, 2018). Even
though it was developed and enacted by the EU, it imposies regulations to institutions
anywhere, provided they collect or target data relating to people in the EU. The law was
put into effect in 2018 and will impose harsh fines against people who violate its security
and privacy standards, with penalties extending to tens of millions of euros (Wachter,
2018). Acquainting myself with the regulation very important. The main intention of
getting to understand the law is to ensure that I am fluent with every clause and also
expand my knowledge on matters relating data security and privacy. I intend to get
acquainted with the law by the end of the year. To do so, I will be reading one chapter a
week and take notes which I will be using to refresh, every once in a while.
Information assurance
This implies the practice of assuring and managing risks associated to the utilization,
processing, and transmission of data. Information assurance encompasses the
Personal Development Plan 8

protection of the availability, integrity, authenticity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation of

user information. According to my gap analysis, I have very little knowledge in the area
and as a result, I need to get more information on the same (Appendix 3). To close the
gap, I will set up an RSS feed which will allow me to keep track of the various and many
websites in one news aggregator, which will monitor websites for new content,
eliminating the need for me to manually check them out. The main area of interest is on
information risk management with accreditation from Global Information Assurance
Certification (GIAC) (Knapp, Maurer and Plachkinova, 2017). The creation of an RSS
feed can be immediate. However, it will take time develop extensive knowledge. The
field is wide but I am purposing to be done by the end of 2022.
Information governance
Information governance can be described in diverse ways, but at its center, it implies
the strategic framework used in the management of information at an organizational
stage. Even though information is often referenced in a digital context, it integrates
physical assets, like printed documents and devices (Bennette, 2017). Information
governance is important because data overload s real and it is one of the major
challenges that institutions face today. In context, the total digital activities have now
created 60 zettabytes of data and the number is set to grow (Data Ideology, 2022). The
challenge now lies in risk minimization and maximization of value in the huge data set.
Knowledge on information governance is critical because somewhere along my career
journey, I may assume a C-suite role where I will be charged with the responsibility of
implementing a single source of truth which will eventually render information
trustworthy. I intend to pursue this goal after I have finished acquired my AWS and SQL
accreditations. I set out to finish the two programs by mid-2023.
This is an interdisciplinary technique use in scientific modelling, inferencing and efficient
processing of information. In other words, it is a science of modelling, drawing
inferences and conditions of limited data, and reasoning. The competency is very critical
to any digital preservation manager because the skill intersects with applied
mathematics and computer science. By filling the gap, I will have widened my
knowledge and skills to suit the needs of the changing technological space. I intend to
Personal Development Plan 9

enroll in an online course which I seek to be accredited and provide my needed skills to
my future employer.
Data analytics
This is the science of analyzing raw data to derive sense from the information (Tsai et
al., 2015). There are various types of data analytics which include diagnostic,
descriptive, predictive and prescriptive. Every type is used for particular purposes
depending on the question that an analyst seeks to answer. In my case, I purpose to
delve on prescriptive analytics. The major helps in the answering of questions regarding
what needs to be done (Frazzetto et al., 2019). This is through the use of insights from
predictive analytics. I purpose to fill that gap by taking an online course at Coursera
(offered by the University of Washington), for 4 weeks (6-8 hours/week).
Information Analysis

This implies the systematic process if interpreting and discovering information. This can
range from searching, validation of the information source, aggregation, mapping,
categorization, modelling, among other activities. My gap in this area involves the
modelling and aggregation of information. I need to understand the development of
information structures to aid in the preparation of reports. I also need to know how to
bring together information from various sources and look for correlations (Banerjee and
Großmann, 2017). To fill the gap, I intend to take an online course at Coursera for 3
weeks to hone the needed skills that shape the career of a digital preservation
Personal Development Plan 10

Banerjee, S. and Großmann, D., 2017, April. Aggregation of information models—An
OPC UA based approach to a holistic model of models. In 2017 4th International
Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA) (pp. 296-299). IEEE.
Bennett, S., 2017. What is information governance and how does it differ from data
governance? Governance Directions, 69(8), pp.462-467.
Cao, L., 2019. Data science: profession and education. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 34(5),
Daminova, N., 2017. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union as a
factor affecting the ‘European consensus’ notion (the example of ‘due process’
rights). European Studies-the Review of European Law, Economics and Politics, 4(1),
Data Ideology, 2022. By 2025, 60% of the 163 zettabytes of existing data will be
created and managed by enterprise organizations. [online] Data Ideology. Available at:
will-be-created-and-managed-by-enterprise-organizations/> [Accessed 28 February
Frazzetto, D., Nielsen, T.D., Pedersen, T.B. and Šikšnys, L., 2019. Prescriptive
analytics: a survey of emerging trends and technologies. The VLDB Journal, 28(4),
Holder, K., Zech, A., Ramsaier, M., Stetter, R., Niedermeier, H.P., Rudolph, S. and Till,
M., 2017. Model-based requirements management in gear systems design based on
graph-based design languages. Applied Sciences, 7(11), p.1112.Holmes, W.N., 2010.
The future of the computing profession. Computer, 43(7), p.88.
Khan, N., Mohammad, N., Shah, N. and Farid, N., 2016. A Study of the Use of Eye
Contact in Teaching Learning Process at Secondary Level in District
Peshawar. Language in India, 16(4).
Knapp, K.J., Maurer, C. and Plachkinova, M., 2017. Maintaining a cybersecurity
curriculum: Professional certifications as valuable guidance. Journal of Information
Systems Education, 28(2), p.101.
Personal Development Plan 11

Lee, K.S. and Chen, W., 2017. A long shadow: Cultural capital, techno-capital and
networking skills of college students. Computers in human behavior, 70, pp.67-73.
Özköse, H., Arı, E.S. and Gencer, C., 2015. Yesterday, today and tomorrow of big
data. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, pp.1042-1050.
Politou, E., Alepis, E. and Patsakis, C., 2018. Forgetting personal data and revoking
consent under the GDPR: Challenges and proposed solutions. Journal of
cybersecurity, 4(1), p.tyy001.
Tanjung, G., 2022. Communication Skills – How Important Is It in the IT Industry?.
[online] Available at: <
skills-how-important-industry-gandhie-tanjung-w> [Accessed 28 February 2022].
Tsai, C.W., Lai, C.F., Chao, H.C. and Vasilakos, A.V., 2015. Big data analytics: a
survey. Journal of Big data, 2(1), pp.1-32.
Wachter, S., 2018. Normative challenges of identification in the Internet of Things:
Privacy, profiling, discrimination, and the GDPR. Computer law & security review, 34(3),
Yaqoob, I., Hashem, I.A.T., Gani, A., Mokhtar, S., Ahmed, E., Anuar, N.B. and
Vasilakos, A.V., 2016. Big data: From beginning to future. International Journal of
Information Management, 36(6), pp.1231-1247.
Personal Development Plan 12

Appendix 1: Personal SWOT Analysis

 Exceptional technical knowledge  Communication skills
on technology  Gaps in experience and levels of
experience within in job role
 Problem-solving skills
 Teamwork
 Creativity & Innovation
 Adaptability
 Researching
 Analysing
 Empathising
 More opportunities in Machine  Personal finances
learning and artificial intelligence
 Increase in the use of technology;
cloud computing, etc.
 Evolving job roles
Personal Development Plan 13

Appendix 2: Job Description

Full Job Description

ViacomCBS (NASDAQ: VIAC; VIACA) is a leading global media and entertainment company that
creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide. Driven by iconic consumer
brands, its portfolio includes CBS, Showtime Networks, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon, MTV,
Comedy Central, BET, Paramount+, Pluto TV and Simon & Schuster, among others. The company
delivers the largest share of the U.S. television audience and boasts one of the industry's most
important and extensive libraries of TV and film titles. In addition to offering innovative streaming
services and digital video products, ViacomCBS provides powerful capabilities in production,
distribution and advertising solutions for partners on five continents.

The ViacomCBS eDiscovery team is a multifaceted group of tech-savvy professionals responsible

for all data management aspects of litigation, compliance audits, internal investigations, and
regulatory requests! We are seeking a Discovery Technology Specialist role to provide technical
support for all stages of eDiscovery including preservation, collection, processing and preparing ESI
(electronically stored information) for data analysis.


 Software administration of legal hold, data preservation, data processing, document review
platforms and cloud services

 Daily coordination with internal groups including Litigation, Compliance, Labor &
Employment, Information Security, Identity & Collaboration and various IT resources to
effectively identify, preserve and collect required data

 Act as project liaison between ViacomCBS, outside counsel and legal service providers

 Manage and deliver regular reporting to internal counsel, in-house professionals, and outside

 Support issue resolution across legal technology platforms handled by ViacomCBS


 Bachelor’s Degree

 At least 2 years’ experience in eDiscovery or technical analyst role

Personal Development Plan 14


 Experience as a legal assistant and/or a paralegal is a plus

 Familiarity with eDiscovery software such as Recommind, Relativity, O365 Security &
Compliance strongly preferred

 Must have strong data analysis skills (Tableau, Power BI, MS Access, Excel)

 Programming experience is a plus

ViacomCBS is an equal opportunity employer (EOE) including disability/vet.

At ViacomCBS, the spirit of inclusion feeds into everything that we do, on-screen and off. From the
programming and movies we create to employee benefits/programs and social impact outreach
initiatives, we believe that opportunity, access, resources and rewards should be available to and for
the benefit of all. ViacomCBS is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative
action employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color,
ethnicity, ancestry, religion, creed, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship status,
marital status, disability, gender identity, gender expression, and Veteran status.
Personal Development Plan 15

APPENDIX 3: CILIP Professional Knowledge and Skills Base

This version of the CILIP Professional Knowledge and Skills Base has been designed for use with Professional Registration; its aim is to help you identify areas for
development. Select an area of the PKSB in column A to view more information about the area. Enter your current score (i.e. your current level of knowledge
and skills) into column B, and your ideal score (i.e. the level you would like you skills and knowledge to be) into column C. Column D will then automatically
calculate the difference, and highlight the areas where there is a greatest difference and you may therefore want to prioritise for your development. You can
use the comments field to add in how you plan to develop the area, or afterwards to comment on the development activities.
Self assessment ratings: 0 - None; 1 - Basic; 2 - Good; 3 - Comprehensive; 4 - Advanced
Area of PKSB Ideal score Difference Comments
1. Organising Knowledge and Information        
1.1 Information resources 3 4 -1  
1.2 File planning 3 4 -1  
1.3 Classification schemes and taxonomies 2 3 -1  
1.4 Ontologies 2 3 -1  
1.5 Cataloguing and resource description 2 3 -1  
1.6 Thesauri 2 3 -1  
1.7 Subject indexing 3 4 -1  
1.8 Information architecture 3 4 -1  
1.9 Database design and management 2 3 0  
1.10 Metadata 4 4 0  
2. Knowledge and Information Management        
2.1 Knowledge management  3  4 0  
2.2 Information management  3  4 0  
2.3 Data management  3  4 0  
2.4 Knowledge synthesis and information integration  3  4 0  
2.5 Knowledge transfer / organisational learning  2  3 0  
2.6 Organisational information / knowledge assets  3  4 0  
2.7 Knowledge sharing and collaboration  3  4 0  
2.8 Obtaining benefits from information products /
expertise  3  4 0  
3. Using and exploiting knowledge and information        
3.1 Understanding information services 3 4 -1  
Personal Development Plan 16

3.2 Understanding information seeking behaviour 4 4 0  

3.3 Information retrieval 4 4 0  
3.4 Data analytics 2 4 -2  
3.5 Informetrics 2 4 -2  
3.6 Information analysis 3 4 -1  
3.7 Information evaluation 3 4 -1  
3.8 Abstracting and summarising 4 4 0  
4. Research Skills        
4.1 Understanding research 3 4 -1  
4.2 Evaluative research 2 3 -1  
4.3 Desk research 3 4 -1  
4.4 Statistics and statistical analysis 3 4 -1  
4.5 Understanding research contexts 3 4 -1  
4.6 Understanding and presenting research reports 3 4 -1  
4.7 Research ethics 3 4 -1  
5. Information Governance and Compliance        
5.1 Information governance  2  4 -2  
5.2 Information rights  2  4 -2  
5.3 Copyright, intellectual property and licensing  3  4 0  
5.4 Assured information sharing  3  4 0  
5.5 Information ownership and accountability  3  4 0  
5.6 Information risk management  3  4 0  
5.7 Information assurance  2  4 -2  
5.8 Information audit  4 4  0  
6. Records Management and Archiving        
6.1 Records management  3 4  -1  
6.2 Retention and disposal  2 3 -1  
6.3 Storage of collections  3 3  0  
6.4 Access to collections  3 4 -1  
6.5 Digitisation  3  4 -1  
6.6 Curation  3  4 -1  
Personal Development Plan 17

6.7 Preservation  3  4 -1  
6.8 Web information continuity  4  4 0  
6.9 Archiving  4  4 0  
7. Collection Management and Development        
7.1 Collection management  2 3  -1  
7.2 Collection development policy  3 3 0  
7.3 Selection of materials and resources  4 4 0  
7.4 Legal deposit  3 4 -1  
7.5 Collection evaluation and information quality  3 4 -1  
7.6 Collection promotion  3 4  -1  
8. Literacies and Learning        
8.1 Information literacy     0  
8.2 Reading literacy and Reader Development     0  
8.3 Digital literacy     0  
8.4 Writing, numeracy and creativity     0  
8.5 Frameworks and curricula for education and training     0  
8.6 Teaching and training skills     0  
8.7 Supporting users     0  
8.8 Virtual learning environments     0  
9. Leadership and Advocacy        
9.1 Leadership skills     0  
9.2 Strategic thinking and evaluation     0  
9.3 Advocacy     0  
9.4 Demonstrating value     0  
9.5 Partnership development     0  
9.6 Influencing key stakeholders     0  
9.7 Working with decision makers     0  
10. Strategy, Planning and Management        
10.1 Strategic planning     0  
10.2 Business planning and asset management     0  
10.3 Operational planning     0  
Personal Development Plan 18

10.4 Policy     0  
10.5 Legal compliance     0  
10.6 Financial management     0  
10.7 Contract management     0  
10.8 People management     0  
10.9 Project management     0  
10.10 Change management     0  
11. Customer Focus, Service Design and Marketing        
11.1 Strategic marketing  2  3 -1  
11.2 Communicating with stakeholders  3  3 0  
11.3 Community planning and engagement  2  3 -1  
11.4 Service innovation, development and design  3  3 0  
11.5 Customer service skills  3  3 0  
11.6 Quality management  2  3 -1  
12. IT and Communication        
12.1 ICT skills 4 4 0  
12.2 Library, information and knowledge technologies 4 4 0  
12.3 System design and development of systems 2 4 -2  
12.4 Social media and collaborative tools 3 4 -1  
12.5 Communication skills 4 4 0  
12.6 Networking skills 3 4 -1  
12.7 Media and PR skills 3 4 -1  
12.8 Language skills 2 4 -2  
12.9 Open source systems 3 4 -1  
Other PKSB elements        
Ethics and Values     0  
Wider Library, Information and Knowledge Sector Context     0  
Wider Organisation and Environmental Context     0  
Personal Development Plan 19

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