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5/13/2011 Dotally Rad » HoN items and their Dota equivalents

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HoN items and their Dota equivalents

Most of the items in Heroes of Newerth are equivalent or roughly the same as items in Dota. Below is a graphic showing the HoN shops with the corresponding Dota items
in place of the HoN items. If you know Dota well but are just starting HoN and are having trouble finding the corresponding items you want, print this out and have it by
your computer– it will be very helpful.

Here is a complete list of equivalents:

HoN item: Dota item

Abyssal Skull Vladmir’s Offering

Acolyte’s Staff Mystic Staff
Alchemist’s Bones Hand of Midas
Apprentice’s Robe Robe of the Magi
Assassin’s Shroud Lothar’s Edge
Astrolabe Mekansm
Axe of Malphai Messerschmidts’s Reaver
Barbed Armor Blade Mail
Barrier Idol Khadgar’s Pipe of Insight
Bastard Sword Claymore
Beastheart Vitality Booster
Behemoth’s Heart Heart of Tarrasque
Blessed Orb Ultimate Orb
Bolstering Armband Belt of Giant Strength
Bottle Empty Bottle
Bound Eye Gem of Truesight
Broadsword Broadsword
Brutalizer Cranium Basher
Charged Hammer Mjollnir
Codex Dagon
Crushing Claws Gauntlets of Strength
Dancing Blade Eaglehorn
Demonic Breastplate Assault Cuirass
Doombringer Divine Rapier
Duck Boots Slippers of Agility
Dust of Revelation Dust of Appearance
Elder Parasite Mask of Madness
Enhanced Marchers Phase Boots
Fleetfeet Boots of Elvenskin
Fortified Bracelet Bracer
Frost Wolf’s Skull Eye of Skadi
Frostfield Plate Shiva’s Guard
Geometer’s Bane Manta Style
Gloves of the Swift Gloves of Haste
Glowstone Point Booster
Great Arcana Oblivion Staff
Guardian Ring Ring of Protection
Hack and Slash Sange and Yasha
Hack Sange
Halberd Javelin
Harkon’s Blade unique to HoN
Health Potion Healing Salve
Hellflower Orchid Malevolence
Helm of the Black Legion Vanguard
Helm of the Victim Helm of Iron Will
Homecoming Stone Teleport Scroll
Hungry Spirit Mask of Death
Icon of the Goddess Soul Booster
Insanitarius Armlet of Mordiggan
Staff of the Master Aganhim’s Scepter
Iron Buckler Stout Shield
Iron Shield Poor Man’s Shield
Lifetube Ring of Health
Logger’s Hatchet Quelling Blade
Major Totem unique to HoN
Mana Battery Magic Stick
Mana Potion Lesser Clarity Potion
Manatube Void Stone
Marchers Boots of Speed
Mark of the Novice Mantle of Intelligence
Mighty Blade Ogre Axe
Minor Totem Ironwood Branch
Mock of Brilliance Radiance
Monkey Courier Animal Courier
Mystic Vestaments Planeswalker’s Cloak
Neophyte’s Book Staff of Wizardry
Nome’s Wisdom unique to HoN
Nullfire Blade Diffusal Blade
Nullstone Linken’s Sphere
Pickled Brain Energy Booster
Plated Greaves unique to HoN
Platemail Platemail
Portal Key Kelen’s Dagger (Blink Dagger)
Posthaste Boots of Travel
Power Supply Magic Wand
Pretender’s Crown Circlet of Nobility
Punchdagger Blades of Attack
Puzzlebox Necronomicon
Quickblade Blade of Alacrity
Refreshing Ornament Headdress of Rejuvenation
Restoration Stone Refresher Orb
Riftshards Buriza-do Kyanon
Ring of Sorcery Arcane Ring
Ring of the Teacher Ring of Basilius
Ringmail Chainmail
Runed Axe Battlefury
Runes of Blight Tangos of Essifation
Sacrificial Stone Bloodstone
Savage Mace Monkey King Bar
Scarab Sobi Mask
Shaman’s Headdress Hood of Defiance
Shield Breaker Stygian Desolator
Shield of the Five Nathrezim Buckler
Shrunken Head Black King Bar
Slash Yasha
Slayer Demon Edge
Snake Bracelet Talisman of Evasion
Soulscream Ring Wraith Band
Steam Staff Quarterstaff
Steamboots Power Treads
Storm Spirit Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
Sustainer Perseverance
Sword of the High Sacred Relic
Symbol of Rage Satanic
Tablet of Command Force Staff
Talisman of Exile Null Talisman
Thunderclaw Maelstrom
Totem of Kuldra Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse
Trinket of Restoration Ring of Regeneration
Void Talisman Ghost Scepter
Ward of Revelation Sentry Wards
Wards of Sight Observer Wards
Warhammer Mithril Hammer
Warpcleft Hyperstone
Whispering Helm Helm of the Dominator
Wingbow Butterfly
Winged Courier Crow Courier

Dota item: HoN item

Aganhim’s Scepter Staff of the Master

Animal Courier Monkey Courier
Arcane Ring Ring of Sorcery
Armlet of Mordiggan Insanitarius
Assault Cuirass Demonic Breastplate
Battlefury Runed Axe
Belt of Giant Strength Bolstering Armband
Black King Bar Shrunken Head
Blade Mail Barbed Armor
Blade of Alacrity Quickblade
Blades of Attack Punchdagger
Bloodstone Sacrificial Stone
Boots of Elvenskin Fleetfeet
Boots of Speed Marchers
Boots of Travel Posthaste
Bracer Fortified Bracelet
Broadsword Broadsword
Buriza-do Kyanon Riftshards
Butterfly Wingbow
Chainmail Ringmail
Circlet of Nobility Pretender’s Crown
Claymore Bastard Sword
Cranium Basher Brutalizer
Crow Courier Winged Courier
Dagon Codex
Demon Edge Slayer
Diffusal Blade Nullfire Blade
Divine Rapier Doombringer
Dust of Appearance Dust of Revelation
Eaglehorn Dancing Blade
Empty Bottle Bottle
Energy Booster Pickled Brain
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity Storm Spirit
Eye of Skadi Frost Wolf’s Skull
Force Staff Tablet of Command
Gauntlets of Strength Crushing Claws
Gem of Truesight Bound Eye
Ghost Scepter Void Talisman
Gloves of Haste Gloves of the Swift
Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse Totem of Kuldra
Hand of Midas Alchemist’s Bones
Headdress of Rejuvenation Refreshing Ornament
Healing Salve Health Potion
Heart of Tarrasque Behemoth’s Heart
Helm of Iron Will Helm of the Victim
Helm of the Dominator Whispering Helm
Hood of Defiance Shaman’s Headdress
Hyperstone Warpcleft
Ironwood Branch Minor Totem
Javelin Halberd
Kelen’s Dagger (Blink Dagger) Portal Key
Khadgar’s Pipe of Insight Barrier Idol
Lesser Clarity Potion Mana Potion
Linken’s Sphere Nullstone
Lothar’s Edge Assassin’s Shroud
Maelstrom Thunderclaw
Magic Stick Mana Battery
Magic Wand Power Supply
Manta Style Geometer’s Bane
Mantle of Intelligence Mark of the Novice
Mask of Death Hungry Spirit
Mask of Madness Elder Parasite
Mekansm Astrolabe
Messerschmidts’s Reaver Axe of Malphai
Mithril Hammer Warhammer
Mjollnir Charged Hammer
Monkey King Bar Savage Mace
Mystic Staff Acolyte’s Staff
Nathrezim Buckler Shield of the Five
Necronomicon Puzzlebox
Null Talisman Talisman of Exile
Oblivion Staff Great Arcana
Observer Wards Wards of Sight
Ogre Axe Mighty Blade
Orchid Malevolence Hellflower
Perseverance Sustainer
Phase Boots Enhanced Marchers
Planeswalker’s Cloak Mystic Vestaments
Platemail Platemail
Point Booster Glowstone
Poor Man’s Shield Iron Shield
Power Treads Steamboots
Quarterstaff Steam Staff
Quelling Blade Logger’s Hatchet
Radiance Mock of Brilliance
Refresher Orb Restoration Stone
Ring of Basilius Ring of the Teacher
Ring of Health Lifetube
Ring of Protection Guardian Ring
Ring of Regeneration Trinket of Restoration
Robe of the Magi Apprentice’s Robe
Sacred Relic Sword of the High
Sange Hack
Sange and Yasha Hack and Slash
Satanic Symbol of Rage
Sentry Wards Ward of Revelation
Shiva’s Guard Frostfield Plate
Slippers of Agility Duck Boots
Sobi Mask Scarab
Soul Booster Icon of the Goddess
Staff of Wizardry Neophyte’s Book
Stout Shield Iron Buckler
Stygian Desolator Shield Breaker
Talisman of Evasion Snake Bracelet
Tangos of Essifation Runes of Blight
Teleport Scroll Homecoming Stone
Ultimate Orb Blessed Orb
Vanguard Helm of the Black Legion
Vitality Booster Beastheart
Vladmir’s Offering Abyssal Skull
Void Stone Manatube
Wraith Band Soulscream Ring
Yasha Slash
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Tags: Dota, equivalents, HoN, Items

This entry was posted on Monday, November 30th, 2009 at 4:40 AM by daggius and is filed under Guides: HoN. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can
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