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National Pension System - Subscriber Copy

Point of Presence (POP) - SP Registration Number : 6411322

Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) : 110177207857 Subscriber Name : Smt. KALYANI ZUGRAJ DEORE
First Name Middle Name Last Name

Registration Receipt Number : 11641132200579760 Contribution Receipt Number : 12641132217447423

Amount Received Tier I : 50000 Amount Received Tier II : NA

POP Registration Charges (One -time) : 350 POP Transaction Charges : 250

GST (as applicable) : 108 Amount Invested : 50000.0

Each contribution i.e. contribution under Tier I and Tier II will be treated as separate transaction and will be charged separately (for details of the charge structure, please refer to the
PFRDA offer document at Voluntary contributions under Tier I qualify for deduction under applicable sections of Income Tax Act, 1961 [please refer relevant
provisions and rules]

Date : 30 MAR 2022 Signature/Stamp of POP/POP-SP :

"This is system generated receipt, which does not rquired signature"

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