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1. Which statement is true?

a. All XML elements must be properly closed

b. All XML documents must have a DTD
c. All XML elements must be lower case
d. All the statements are true

2. Which statement is NOT true?

a. XML documents must have a root tag
b. White-space is not preserved in XML
c. XML tags are case sensitive
d. XML elements must be properly nested

3. For the XML parser to ignore a certain section of your XML document, which
syntax is correct?
a. <CDATA> Text to be ignored </CDATA>
b. <PCDATA> Text to be ignored </PCDATA>
c. <xml:CDATA[ Text to be ignored ]>
d. <![CDATA[ Text to be ignored ]]>

4. A DTD can be declared inline in your XML document, or as an

a. internal reference
b. reference
c. external reference
d. external

5. Elements with only character data are declared with

a. #CHAR
b. #TEXT

6. Entities are variables used to define

a. control
b. database
c. structure
d. common text

7. Which of these are not supported by XML Schema ?

a. defines elements that can appear in a document
b. defines which files are child elements
c. defines attributes that can appear in a document
d. defines which elements are child elements

8. Which of these are not a kind of complex elements

a. empty elements
b. elements that contain only other elements
c. elements that contain only text
d. elements that contain only numbers

9. Which element can be used to compute generated text,within a template ?

a. <xsl:template>
b. <xsl:value-of>
c. <xsl: if>
d. <xsl: for-each>

10. What is the correct way to write a JavaScript array?

a. var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]
b. var colors = 1 = ("red"), 2 = ("green"), 3 = ("blue")
c. var colors = (1:"red", 2:"green", 3:"blue")
d. var colors = "red", "green", "blue"

11. How do you find the number with the highest value of x and y?
a. ceil(x, y)
b. Math.max(x, y)
c. Math.ceil(x, y)
d. top(x, y)

12. DHTML is the combination of

a. XML and XHTML
b. HTML and JavaScript
d. HTML and CSS

13. What is the event name that fires when a user aborts page loading ?
a. onclick
b. onblur
c. onchange
d. onabort

14. Which Java provided XML parser parses the document by loading the complete
contents of the document and creating its complete hierarchical tree in memory?
a. SAX Parser
b. Stax Parser
c. DOM Parser
d. Xpath Parse

15. Which Java provided XML parser parses the document on event based triggers
and does not load the complete document into the memory?
a. SAX Parser
b. Stax Parser
c. DOM Parser
d. XPath Parser

16. What SAX stands for?

a. Solve Analyze XML
b. Simple API for XML
c. Streaming API for XML
d. Standard API for XML

17. Which of the following methods create a Document Builder instance?

a. DocumentBuilderFactory.createDocumentBuilder()
b. DocumentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder()
c. Document.createDocumentBuilder()
d. Document.newDocumentBuilder()

18. What is the Superinterface of Interface “Document”?

a. XMLReader
b. ContentHandler
c. DocumentBuilder
d. Node

19. Which Interface specifies the callback methods that the SAX parser uses to
notify an application program of the components of the XML document that it has
a. ContentHandler
b. TransformerHandler
c. SAXHandler
d. XMLReader
20. The method Document.importNode(Node importedNode, boolean deep)
imports a node from another document to current document. Which of the following is
false regarding this method?
a. The source node from the original document is not altered or removed
b. This method creates a new copy of the source node
c. DocumentType nodes can be imported.
d. Entity nodes can be imported
1. How do select all the og attributes in the document.
A. //@og
B. //og
C. /og
D. /@og
2. The property 'nextSbling in DOMDocument Object contains teh next
node ò the previous nodes in the parent's child list.
A. True
B. False
3. In XSLT you can declare.
A. No variables
B. Global variables only
C. Both local and global variables
D. Local variables only
4. Descendant having a new namespace cannot overried the namespace
defined bt the parent element?
A. False
B. True
5. The value a in the following statement is called the_______ and the
value b is called the_____face = Math.floor(a + Math.random()*b);
A. scaling value, shifting factor
B. shifting value, scaling factor
C. shifting factor, scaling value
D. scaling factor, shifting value
6. The values of an atribute of type ID is unique______
A. per document instance
B. per element type from a document instance
C. per schema instance
D. per data type from a schema instance
7. SAX parser has high memory consummation?
A. True
B. False
8. SAX makes sequence of call to handler function?
A. True
B. False
9. Method getElementByTagName return a node of list which will be
A. DOMDocument object
B. XMLDOMNodeList object
C. XMLDOMNode object
10.Browser has the ability distinguish duplicate element names in an
A. True
B. False
11.What is the significance of the following CSS rule?
A. It will apply the specified style to text encolosed by either LI or EM
B. It will apply the specified style to text encolosed by the EM tags which
are within LI tags.
C. It will apply the specified style to text encolosed by the LI tags which
are within EM tags.
D. It will apply the specified style to text not encolosed by either LI or
12. Is the following attribute definition valid?
A. Yes
B. No
13.If the attibute minOccurs is specified but the attribute maxOccurs is
not, what is the default value of the latter?
A. minOccurs
B. unbounded
C. minOccurs + 1
D. this is error, if minOccurs is specified then maxOccurs must be
specified also.
14. Identifiers which have static duration___________
A. Are globally accessible to the scripts
B. Exits while the function in the which they are declared is still
C. Exits while the function in the which they are declared is no longer
D. Are not automatically destroyed when the function in which they
are declared is exited.
15.The SAX parser reacts to a new element by using________12128
A. startDocumnent()
B. endElement()
C. characters()
D. startElement()
16.XML declaration is not required for XML document to be well-
A. True
B. False
17. Attribute standalone = “no” should be include in XML declaration if a
A. Is linked to an external XSL stylesheet.
B. has external general references
C. has processinh instructions.
D. has an external DTD
18.In DTD, can you restrict the content of an XML attribute t take only
values from an enumeration list
A. Yes
B. No
19. Initializing a array direct invoolves using the_______control structure.
A. for loop
B. new
C. function
D. dynamic memory allocation aperator
20. Which of the following statements are true in the case of
A. XML describes its data along with its presentation.
B. XML was designed to describe data
C. Root element must be an empty tag
D. XML tags are predefined.
21.An empty file is a well-formed XML document.
A. True
B. False
22. In DOM, a node can have____________
A. More than one parent nodes
B. More than one children nodes
C. No sibling nodes
23.XML DOM defines a standard way for_________
A. only accessing the XML documents.
B. accessing and manipulating XML documents
C. only manipulating XML documents
24. The all collection is a property of the________object.
A. pText
D. Document
25.Does DOM parser allow random access to document?
A. True
B. False
26.Each XML document can be represented as a tree structure?
A. True
B. False
27. An attribute without a prefix is in default namespace?
A. True
B. Fale
28. How do you select all the lang attributes in the document?
A. /@lang
B. /lang
C. //lang
D. //@lang
29.Specifies that attibute cannot be used?
A. Prohibited
B. Required
C. Optional
D. Use
30.XSLT takes two things as input: an XSLT stylesheet and an XML
input document.
A. True
B. False
31.An XML Schema defines how many child element can appear in an
XML document?
A. True
B. False
32.Which of the following string are a correct XML name?
A. _myElement
B. my Element
C. #myElement
D. 2ndElement
33. Which is the correct CSS syntax?
A. body{color:balck}
B. {body;color:black}
C. body:color=black
D. {body:color=black(body}
34.In the following line, the word document is a____which resides in the
computer’s memory and contains information used by the scripts.
Document.writeln(“Hello Word”);
A. attibute
B. behavior
C. object
D. method
QN=1 Entities are used to avoid typing long pieces of text repeatedly within a document.
a. False
b. True

QN=2 If the DTD is included in your XML source file, it should be wrapped in a
DOCTYPE definition with the following syntax:
a. <DOCTYPE root-element [element-declarations]>
b. <DOCTYPE root-element (element-declarations)>
c. <!DOCTYPE root-element [element-declarations]>
d. <!DOCTYPE [element-declarations]>

QN=3 Attributes provide _______ about elements.

a. information
b. more data
c. extra information
d. description

QN=4 CDATA is text that _____ be parsed by a parser.

a. will
b. sometimes will
c. sometimes will not
d. will not

QN=5 You can also use a DTD to verify your own

a. control
b. description
c. data
d. element

QN=6 If the DTD is external to your XML source file, it should be wrapped in a
DOCTYPE definition with the following syntax:
a. <DOCTYPE root-element SYSTEM "filename">
b. <!DOCTYPE root-element SYSTEM 'filename'>
c. <!DOCTYPE root-element SYSTEM "filename">
d. <!DOCTYPE SYSTEM "filename">

QN=7 An element declaration has the following syntax:

a. <ELEMENT element-name category>
b. <!ELEMENT element-name category>
c. <!ELE element-name category>
d. <!element-name ELEMENT category>

QN=8 In a DTD, Attributes are declared with an _______ declaration


QN=9 A simple element is an XML element that can contain only

a. numbers
b. text
c. images
d. sub elements

QN=10 Restrictions on XML elements are called

a. facets
b. cards
c. decks
d. faces

QN=11 An empty complex element cannot have any contents, only

a. only one content
b. attributes
c. values
d. sub elements

QN=12 Templates are defined by using:

a. <template>
b. <xsl:template>
c. <xsl>
d. <xsd:template>

QN=13 How to append a value to an array of Java Script?

a. arr[arr.length*1] = value
b. arr[arr.length-1] = value
c. arr[arr.length+1] = new Arrays()
d. arr[arr.length] = value 

QN=14 Which built-in method removes the last element from an array and
returns that element?
a. last()
b. get()
c. pop()
d. push()

QN=15 Which of the following function of Array object adds one or more
elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array?
a. push()
b. pop()
c. join()
d. map()

Predict the output of the following JavaScript code.

<script type="text/javascript">

var a="GeeksforGeeks";

var x=a.lastIndexOf("G");



a. 9
b. 8
c. 0
d. Error

QN=17 Which method does DOM use for processing XML documents?
a. Event Based
b. DocumentHandler
c. Document
d. Tree based

QN=18 Which of the following class of StAX parser specifies methods for
creating an event?
a. XMLEventWriter
b. ContentHandler
c. DocumentBuilder
d. XMLEventReader

QN=19 Which method of the following of StAX Parser can be used to retrieve
value and attributes of element?
a. StartElement asStartElement()
b. EndElement asEndElement()
c. Characters asCharacters()
d. Element()

QN=20 DOM can be used to process HTML documents.

a. true
b. false
Which is the syntax to define the XML version?
a. <?xml version=“A.0” /?>
b. <xml version=“A.0” ?>
c. <?xml version=“A.0”?>
d. <xml version=“A.0” />

QN=2 In XML, attribute standalone=“no” is written in declaration if a document

a. has an internal DTD
b. is linked to an external XSL stylesheet
c. has an external DTD
d. has processing instructions

QN=3 XML is the language derived from ?

c. JavaScript

QN=4 What is the correct syntax to use a external DTD

a. <?xml version=“A.0” standalone=“no”?>
<! DOCTYPE DOCUMENT SYSTEM “example.dtd”?>
b. <?xml version=“A.0” standalone=“yes”?>
<! DOCTYPE DOCUMENT SYSTEM “example.dtd”?>
c. <?xml version=“A.0” standalone=“no”?>
<! DOCTYPE DOCUMENT “example.dtd”?>
d. <?xml version=“A.0” standalone=“yes”?>
<! DOCTYPE DOCUMENT SYSTEM “example.dtd”?>

QN=5 The values of Microsoft XML Schema Data Type “boolean” are :
a. True ,False or 1,0
b. True ,False
c. 1,0
d. any number other then zero and zero
QN=6 In XSL, the “block container” for formating the document is to create a ?
a. display block which formats the paragraphes
b. display block which formats the titles
c. display block which formats the figures and headlines
d. block level reference area

QN=7 In simple type built into XML schema type flat has single precision
of………..floating point
a. 64 bit
b. 32 bit
c. 16 bit
d. 8 bit

QN=8 What is the true statement about DTD ?

a. External type of DTD is unavailable
b. Internal type of DTD is unavailable
c. The external DTD subset is read before the internal DTD
d. The internal DTD subset is read before the external DTD

QN=9 Simple type Built into Schema “data” represent a data in


QN=10 JavaScript is……language

a. Object-Based
b. Object-Oriented Programming
c. Assembly
d. High-level
QN=11 What is correct statement about a block of statement in JavaScript ?
a. A block of statement includes both a single statement and conditional
b. A block of statement combines a number of statements into a single
compound statement
c. A block of statement is a conditional block
d. A block of statement contains a single statement

QN=12 The “var” and “function” are considered as:

a. Data types
b. Declaration statements
c. Keywords
d. Prototypes

QN=13 With global and local variable, which of them takes precedence over
another one if they are the same name?
a. Global and local variable are always different name
b. None of them takes precedence over another one
c. Global variable
d. The local element
QN=14 Which one of the following is an ternary operator
a. *
b. /
c. ?
d. :

QN=15 DOM stands for ?

a. Document Object Model
b. Document Object Management
c. Document Oriented Model
d. Document Oriented Management

QN=16 For processing XML documents, SAX use………method.

a. DocumentHandler
b. Event Based
c. Document
d. Tree based

QN=17 Error types which the SAX2 ErrorHandler interface handle are :
a. warning, error, informational
b. warning, error, fatal-error
c. informational, warning, fatal-error
d. informational, warning, error, fatal-error

QN=18 The classes of StAX parser which specify methods to create an event is…
a. XMLInputFactory
b. XMLOutputFactory
c. XMLEventReader
d. XMLEventWriter

QN=19 Which of the following parses the XML based on expression and is used
extensively in conjuction with XSLT?
a. XPath Parser
b. JDOM Parser
c. SAX Parser
d. StAX Parser

QN=20 The method returns the root element of a document in DOM Parsing is…
a. Node.getFirstChild()
b. Node.getRoot()
c. Document.getDocumentElement()
d. Node.getLastChild()

QN=1 DTD includes the specifications which consits of all EXCEPT

a. The size of element name
b. The browser name
c. Elenment declarations
d. Entity declarations

QN=2 The use of a DTD in XML development is

a. No longer necessary after customized
b. Direct conversion using an XSLT processor
c. Required when validating XML documents
d. Generating an XML document automatically

QN=3 An internal entity declaration has the following syntax:

a. <!ELEMENT entity-name "entity-value">
b. <ELEMENT entity-name "entity-value">
c. <!ENTITY entity-name "entity-value">
d. <ENTITY entity-name "entity-value">

QN=4 Parameter entities can appear in

a. XML file
b. DTD file
c. XSL file
d. XML file and DTD file

QN=5 To create a option in XML schemas, we use the

a. <xsd: sequence> element
b. <xsd: all> element
c. <xsd: choice> element
d. <xsd: restriction> element

QN=6 To create an empty element with optionally specify attributes type, but do
not permit content, we use the following syntax:
<xsd:element name="element - name ">
<xsd:attribute name = “attribute - name” type = “attribute - type”>
</xsd: attribute >
a. True
b. False

QN=7 The syntax for writing the minium occurrence for an element is
a. <xsd:element ref="student" minOccurs="1"/>
b. <xsd:element ref="student" minOccur="1"/>
c. <xsd:element ref="student" minOccurs="unbounded"/>
d. <xsd:element ref="student" minOccurs=1/>

QN=8 Fill in the blanks.

Text in a/an____________ section is not parsed


QN=9 Fill in the blanks.

Keyword __________ specifies that the attribute can only take a specific
value that has been defined in the DTD.

QN=10 Fill in the blanks.

Element _____ is the root element for all W3C Schema documents.
.a. schema
b. complexType
c. extension
d. restriction

QN=11 An enumeration is a list of possible values for an attribute.

a. True
b. False

QN=12 To match the specific XML elements in XSLT the syntax for given name
"rootnood " is
a. <xsl:template match="root">
b. <xsl:template match="rootnood">
c. <xsl:template match="//">
d. <xsl:template match="/">

QN=13 Which of the following functions can't be done with client-side

a. Validating a form
b. Sending a form's contents by email
c. Enhance the dynamics and interactivity of the site by using its effects.
d. Storing the form's contents to a database file on the server

QN=14 Which built-in method removes the first element from an array and
returns that element?
a. last()
b. shift()
c. pop()
d. push()

QN=15 Which of the following function of Array object adds one or more
elements to the first of an array and returns the new length of the array?
a. push()
b. pop()
c. join()
d. unshift()

QN=16 Predict the output of the following JavaScript code.

<script language="javascript">
function x()

a. 258
b. Error
c. 7
d. 78

QN=17 Which method of the following of StAX Parser can be used to add start
element of given name?
a. writeEndElement(String localName)
b. writeAttribute(String localName, String value)
c. StartElement asStartElement()
d. writeStartElement(String localName)

QN=18 Which of the following method get called when document begin in SAX
a. startDocument
b. endDocument
c. startElement
d. endElement

QN=19 Which of the following method returns the root element of the document
in DOM parsing?
a. Node.getRoot
b. Document.getDocumentElement
c. Node.getFirstChild
d. Node.getLastChild

QN=20 Can we create an XML document using SAX parser?

a. true
b. false
QN=1 In XML, elements and entities are the different names but they represent
to the same object ?
a. true
b. false

QN=2 In XML document, there is

a. only one root element
b. at least one root element
c. no more two root element
d. any root element

QN=3 The syntax to write comments in XML documents is:

a. <//Write the comment here>
b. </*Write the comment here*/>
c. <!-- Write the comment here-->
d. no support

QN=4 What is the correct syntax to declare elements with child elements
a. <!ELEMENT note (to; from; heading; body)>
b. <!ELEMENT note (to, from, heading, body)>
c. <!ELEMENT note [to; from; heading; body]>
d. <!ELEMENT note [to, from, heading, body]>

QN=5 The steps building an XML document are in order:

a. stating an XML declaration, creating the XML code, creating a root
element, verifying the document
b. verifying the document, stating an XML declaration, creating a root
element, creating the XML code
c. stating an XML declaration, creating a root element, creating the XML
code, verifying the document
d. creating a root element, stating an XML declaration, creating the XML
code, verifying the document

QN=6 The extension of XML Schema file is

a. .exe
b. .xsl
c. .xslt
d. .xsd

QN=7 Which XSL formating object is used to hold content of label of a list
item ?
a. list-bock
b. list item
c. list-item-body
d. list-item-label

QN=8 To match any descendant nodes, the correct XSLT Pattern is

a. .
b. ..
c. /
d. //

QN=9 Which of the following command is used to excute a iteration in XSLT

a. for
b. for-each
c. while
d. do…while

QN=10 The syntax to write comments in Javascript is

a. //
b. /* */
c. <!-- -- >
d. $$

QN=11 In Javascript, “debugger” statement is to

a. debug all the errors while excute program
b. acts as a breakpoint in a program
c. debug error in the current statement
d. ignore all the errors while excute program

QN=12 Which of the following keywords is used to check a given property is

valid or not ?
a. is in
b. in
c. exists
d. lies

QN=13 Which the following syntax is used to declare a constant type in Javascript
a. let
b. constant
c. var
d. const

QN=14 How many arguments are declared with function in javascript ?

a. only one
b. only two
c. depends on specific situations
d. no more than three

QN=15 In javascript, we can use…to define pattern to match the character

combinations of a string
a. regular expression
b. expression
c. operator precedence
d. evaluation operator

QN=16 Cursor API and Event Iterator API are two categories of
a. DOM
b. StAX
c. SAX

QN=17 Which of following statement is wrong to describe about StAX

a. simpler to use than SAX, in part because it does not use callbacks
b. just can write XML file (can not read XML file)
c. much faster, more memory efficient than DOM
d. as SAX, it just can only go forward

QN=18 The process used to convert an XML document nto an instance of a Java
class using an appropriate data binding framework or set of APIs is
a. Data binding
b. Marshaling
c. Class generation
d. Unmarshaling

QN=19 In ErrorHandler interface, the method is use to receive notification or

warning is
a. Warning (SAXParseException saxpe)
b. Error (SAXParseException saxpe)
c. fatalError (SAXParseException saxpe)
d. setErrorHandler (ErrorHandler handler)

QN=20 In ContentHandler interface, the method is use to receive the notification

for character data is
a. processingInstruction(String target, String data)
b. ignorableWhilespace(char ch[], int start, int length)
c. characters(char ch[], int start, int length)
d. skippedEntity(String name)

QN=1 Which of the following are not correct rule of XML declaration?
a. The names are always in lower case.
b. The Parameter names and values are not case-sensitive
c. The correct order is: version, encoding and standalone.

QN=2 Which of the following is correct XML Elements Rules?

a. The only punctuation mark allowed in names are the hyphen (-).
b. An element name cannot contain any alphanumeric characters.
c. Start and end tags of an element must be identical.
d. Names are case insensitive

QN=3 IDREFS attribute is used for?

a. It is used to reference an ID that has been named for another element.
b. It is used to specify the element as unique.
c. It is used to reference all IDs of an element.
d. It indicates that the attribute will represent external entities in the

QN=4 Entities are used to avoid typing long pieces of text repeatedly within a
a. True
b. False

QN=5  Which of the follow types allows you to specify which child elements an
element can contain and to provide some structure within your XML
a. Simple type
b. Global Types
c. Complex Type

QN=6 The use of a DTD in XML development is:

a. no longer necessary after the XML editor has been customized
b. used to direct conversion using an XSLT processor
c. required when validating XML documents
d. a good guide to populating a templates to be filled in when generating an
XML document automatically.

QN=7 Which of these are not a kind of complex elements

a. elements that contain only other elements
b. elements that contain only numbers
c. empty elements
d. elements that contain only text

QN=8 A simple element is an XML element that can contain only

a. Text and have not attributes
b. numbers
c. elements
d. Text and may have attributes

QN=9 Each element in a group must occur at most once in order.

we use the
a. <xsd: sequence> element
b. <xsd: all> element
c. <xsd: choice> element
d. <xsd: restriction> element

QN=10 To write literal text to the output. We use the

a. <xsl:text>
b. <xsl:number>
c. <xsl:value-of>
d. <xsl:template>

QN=11 XML schemas consist of:

a. Properties and methods.
b. Elements and attributes
c. Structure and data
d. Tables and relationships.

QN=12 Consider the following statement containing regular expressions

var text = “testing: 1, 2, 3”;
var pattern = /d+/g;
In order to check if the pattern matches, the statement is
a. text = pattern
b. text.equals(pattern)
c. text.test(pattern)
d. pattern.test(text)

QN=13 You can refresh the webpage in JavaScript by using?

a. window.reload
b. location.reload
c. window.refresh
d. page.refresh

QN=14 How can we make methods available on all objects?

a. Object.add(methods)
b. Object.methods(add)
c. Object.add.methods(…)
d. Object.prototype

QN=15 What will happen if reverse() and join() methods are used simultaneously
a. Reverses and stores in the same array
b. Reverses and concatenates the elements of the array
c. Reverses
d. All of the mentioned

QN=16 The pop() method of the array does which of the following task?
a. decrements the total length by 1
b. increments the total length by 1
c. prints the first element but no effect on the length
d. None of the mentioned

QN=17 Method getElementByTagName return a node of list which will be store.

a. XMLDOMNamedMap
b. XMLDOMNode object
c. DOMDocument object
d. XMLDOMNodeList object

QN=18 Which of the following method is used to read contents in SAX parsing?
a. characters()
b. endElement()
c. startElement()
d. startDocument()

QN=19 XML DOM defines a standard way for________

a. Accessing and manipulating XML documents
b. Only accessing the XML documents.
c. Only manipulating XML documents

QN=20 Which Java provided XML parser parses the document by

loading the complete contents of the document and creating its
complete hierarchical tree in memory?
a. Dom Parser
b. SAX Parser
c StAX Parser
d XPath Parser

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