A Tittle Secret

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A Tittle Secret

“Mama Duck has left her nest. She is in the pond. “ whisepered Sandri. He and his friend

Iwan had been watching the duck from behind a tree. “she’s swimming, let’s take the egss.

To the rescue!......”sandri Tiptoed through the shrubs toward a small clutch of bluish green


“No! don’t disturb the nest, she’ll be angry.” Warned iwan in a low voice.”she hasn’t finished

laying eggs. She can have more than ten eggs, you know.”

“the eggs won’t hatch if I don’t save them. It’s to cold here, “replied Sandri. Carefully he

placed the eggs one by one in is cap.”I’m going to put them under the heat lamp…

“sandri stopped talking, surprised by the duck suddenly standing in front of him.

“quack!” the duck flapped its wings and tried to bite Sandri’s ankle.

“ouch! No….! “Sandri quickly moved back but it kept snapping him.”Duck attack! “Sandri

ran away as fas as he could the duck chased after him. He sprinted towards.

Dad’s poultry form near the chicken coop he tripped over a big rock and fell face down on

the chicken food containers “ cluck!cluck cluck !” chicken fled in all directions.

“ ha..ha..ha ! “ iwan had a big laugh “ this is so funny !” he shooed away the duck That

continued pecking at sandri’s feet/ “ don’t you dare bothering mama duck. He laughed.

Looking back at his friend.

“ this is ambrassing “ sandri cleaned his head of the chicken food there was egg yok on his

chest he had crushed the eggs tha he had tried to save/

“ I can’t wait to tell this incident to everyone. This is so hilarious “ iwan eigg led “ no. don’t

tell this to anyone, “ begged sandri “ this is our little secret.”

“up to you, said iwan.” A’m going home oh my tummy hurts. I’ve laughed so hard”

No sandri had a secret and he wanted iwan to keep this secret at school every time iwan was

about to tell the secret to the other students, sandri would interrupt and invite iwan to come

with him to the conten” let’s go for a bowl of meat ball. My treat “ he would say.

asting iwan to keep a secret made sandri buy him not only meat ball but also delicious

noodles, yummy ice cream, fruit salad.and many other treats on top that he also had to lend

him his newest comic book, allow him to play with his favorite toys and copy his homework.

He even had to help iwan finish his school scierce project. Then. One day after school. Iwan

asked sandri to take home iwan’s little sister, lia

“ I know your secret,” said iwan As always when he wanted Sandri to him.

A favor

Sandri reluctantly agreed To help. “ he is taking advan tage of me. “ of me “ he mumbled “

so. You don’t want to take me home ? “ lia asked, doublt fully. “ I’ii take you home all right.

Don’t worry. “ replied sandri “ you brother has to pick up some grocelies for your mom. He

said it was urgent a’m happy to help him “ lia smiled “ he fooled you he wanted to play

A computer game at some body’s house “ what did you say ?” sandri couldn’t believ up his

ears “ you must mean armon’s house arman taired about a new game this morning” sandri

burst out angrily. “ stupid secret i I don’t care it the whole class laught at me I don’t even

care if the whole world laughs at me. He has been using me! This is too much !” so howyou

don’t wan’t to take me home “ asked Lia.” Let’s go.” Said sandri it look him some time to

cool down.
“ tell me about the duck attack, said LIa After a while. “ I want to hear it again.”

“ he has told you my secret, eh ?” asked Sandri.

“ why is it a secret ? it’s too Funny not to be shared. “ Lia Answered.

“ my be you’re right, Sandri Smilled. He tad her about the whole duck Incident on the way to

Lia’s home and Tomorrow he\s going blab it all over school ! MF

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