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ISSN 10674136, Russian Journal of Ecology, 2015, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 490–493. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2015.

Original Russian Text © K.A. Kravchenko, A.S. Vlashchenko, O.V. Prilutskii, A.S. Prilutskaya, 2015, published in Ekologiya, 2015, No. 5, pp. 397–400.


A Search for Geomyces destructans, a Dangerous Pathogen of Bats,

in Caves of Eastern Europe
K. A. Kravchenkoa, A. S. Vlashchenkoa, O. V. Prilutskiib, and A. S. Prilutskayaa
Feldman Ecopark Bat Rehabilitation Center, Kievskoe sh. 12, Lesnoe, Kharkov oblast, 62340 Ukraine
Karazin Kharkov National University, pl. Svobody 4, Kharkov, 61022 Ukraine
Received March 5, 2014

Keywords: Geomyces destructans, fungi, caves, bats, Ukraine, Russia

DOI: 10.1134/S1067413615050124

In 2006, a pandemic of previously unknown fungal Samples for analysis were taken in 2010 and 2010
disease suddenly broke out in caves of North America from seven manmade caves serve as major winter
(Cohn, 2008; Blehert et al., 2009), affecting bats dur roosts for bats and are located in four regions of
ing winter hibernation (Gargas et al., 2009; Cryan Ukraine and European Russia (Table 1). Special cen
et al., 2010). Between 2006 and 2012, six million bats suses of hibernating bats were taken only if compre
of ten species died ( hensive published data were not available. Spores were
php/whatwedo/whitenosesyndrome/subcategory), trapped on the surface of glass slides (below, referred to
and the infection was spreading from the east coast of as spore traps) or Petri dishes coated with agar medium
the United States into the continent for several hun (Flannigan, 1997). In both cases, Sabouraud pep
dred kilometers per year (Turner, 2011; Raloff, 2011). tone–glucose agar (SAB) and cornmeal agar (CMA)
The mass mortality of bats from this disease and the was used (Bills and Foster, 2004). Spore traps were
high rate of its spread attracted close attention from fixed on cave walls and exposed for 60 days, while Petri
researchers. In 2009, the causative agent of this dis dishes were exposed for 1–3 h. Both sampling meth
ease, named White Nose Syndrome (WNS), was iden ods were tested in Liptsy1 and Liptsy2 caves in June
tified as Geomyces destructans Blehert et Gargas (Gar to August 2010; samples from other caves were taken
gas et al., 2009), a fungal species previously unknown only with Petri dishes.
to science whose mycelium grows into the surface In Liptsy1 and Liptsy2, ten Petri dishes and ten
body tissues of hibernating bats (Carol et al., 2009). spore traps were exposed in each cave, half of them
with CMA and the other half with SAB. Subsequent
The main hypothesis concerning the origin of this samples were taken only with CMA, which proved to
pandemic outbreak—that the fungus was introduced be more effective. Twenty dishes were exposed in caves
from Europe (Wibbelt et al., 2010; Puechmaille et al., of Leningrad oblast (12 in Levoberezhnaya and 8 in
2010)—was confirmed in subsequent morphological, Plyazhnaya); 15 dishes, in Zaporozhye oblast (12 in
immunological, and genetic studies (Wernecke et al., Skelyanskie Mines and 3 in Mayachanskaya); and
2012). In 2008 to 2011, largescale surveys of under 16 dishes, in Gumenetskie Mines, where samples
ground bat winter roosts were conducted in Western (scrapings) were also taken directly from the skin of
and Central Europe in order to find bats affected by affected bats, from patches with white fungal over
WNS (Wibbelt et al., 2010; Puechmaille et al., 2011). growth.
The easternmost record of G. destructans was made in
Gumenetskie Shtol’ni, a system of adits in Khmelnitsky After sampling, Petri dishes were incubated in a
oblast, Ukraine (Puechmaille et al., 2011). Information cooler, at 4–10°С, and examined for fungal growth
on the occurrence of this fungus in eastern and north every 4–5 days, recording characteristics of colonies.
ern regions of Europe was absent. Sporebearing colonies were subcultured to new
dishes with CMA to obtain pure colonies. In some
The purposes of our study were as follows: (1) to cases two to three passages were made using stab inoc
evaluate the occurrence of G. destructans in under ulation (Bilai, 1982).
ground cavities of Ukraine and European Russia, Skin scrapings were plated in Petri dishes with
(2) to compare the efficiency of its detection by tradi CMA and incubated in a cooler. Pure cultures were
tional morphological and modern genetic methods, examined to record their color, texture, features of
and (3) to present preliminary data on the mycobiota mycelium growth, and spore production. All samples
of surveyed caves. were identified to the level of genus (in some cases, of


Table 1. Characteristics and locations of underground chambers serving as bat winter roosts

Total length Temperature

Location, Type of chamber, Hibernating
of underground and humidity References
coordinates, name rock bat species
tunnels, m in winter

Ukraine, Mine, 5–9°C; M. daubentonii, Vlashchenko

Kharkov oblast, sandstone 90–100% M. dasycneme, and Naglov, 2006
50°12′ N, Pl. auritus
36°22′ E:
Liptsy1 230
Liptsy2 600

Russia, Mine, 3–7°C; M. daubentonii, Strelkov, 1971;

Leningrad oblast, white quartz sand 85–100% M. dasycneme, Chistyakov, 2010
59°40′ N, 30°47′ E: M. nattereri,
M. brandtii,
Levoberezhnaya 5500 E. nilssonii,
Plyazhnaya 100 Pl. auritus

Ukraine, Mine, 9–12°C; Rh. hipposideros, Tishchenko, 2005;

Khmelnitsky oblast, limestone unstable humidity M. myotis, Godlevska et al., 2011
48°45′ N, 26°37′ E: M. daubentonii,
Gumenetskie Mines 29000 M. dasycneme,
M. brandtii,
B. barbastellus,
Pl. auritus

Ukraine, Mine, 11–12°C; M. daubentonii, Own data

Zaporozhye oblast, limestone; 70–85% M. aurascens,
47°26′ N, 35°6′ E: karst cave, Pl. austriacus
Skelyanskie Mines limestone 10000
Mayachanskaya 27

species or a suprageneric taxon) using light micros Aspergillus P. Micheli ex Haller, and Cladosporium
copy (Bilai, 1982). Cultures morphologically similar Link. A probable explanation to this situation is that
to G. destructans were sequenced for the same molec continuously low temperatures in the caves have pro
ular marker, the rRNA gene internal transcribed vided favorable conditions for the formation of a com
spacer region. plex of welladapted stenobiontic fungi, with conse
Genetic identification was performed as described quent displacement of eurybiontic species. In ecologi
(Peuchmaille et al., 2010; Wibbelt et al., 2010) in the lab cal terms, most of isolated micromycetes are
oratory of Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research saprotrophs, and part of the others are parasites of
(Berlin, Germany). Cultures from Levoberezhnaya and insects (Table 2). According to Vanderwolf et al. (2013),
Plyazhnaya caves, Skelyanskie and Gumenetskie mines, representatives of these genera are widespread in the
and Mayachanskaya ravine were identified by the mycobiota of caves at temperate latitudes.
Loopmediated Isothermal amplification (LAMP)
method (Niessen and Vogel, 2010) at the Technical None of the cultures from our samples was identi
University of Munich (Germany). fied as G. destructans, but representatives of the genus
Geomyces were found in two localities, Gumenetskie
As a result, we obtained pure cultures of fungi from adits and Levoberezhnaya Cave (Sablinskie Mines). In
13 genera of 9 families and one fungus classified with
the class Coelomycetes Grove (phyla Ascomycota the former locality, where G. destructans was previ
Caval.Sm., Basidiomycota Whittaker ex Moore, and ously detected visually and its presence on bats was
Zygomycota Moreau) (Table 2). A noteworthy fact is confirmed (Puechmaille et al., 2011), this species was
that none of the identified taxa proved to be obviously not recorded this time, but the samples were found to
dominant in the majority of samples or occur in more contain G. pannorum, a nonpathogenic representative
than half of the surveyed caves. This concerns even of soil mycobiota described from underground bat
representatives of widespread genera that are abun winter roosts (Hayes, 2012; Vanderwolf et al., 2013).
dant in all land ecosystems, such as Penicillium Link, The species from Levoberezhnaya Mine was not


492 KRAVCHENKO et al.

Table 2. Micromycetes isolated from surveyed underground bat winter roosts

Taxon L1, L2 Lb Pl GSh SSh M

Acremonium sp. + – – – – – 1
Aspergillus spp. + + – – – – 1
Beauveria cf. bassiana + – – – – – 2
Cladosporium sp. + – – + – + 1, 3
Coelomycetes sp. – + –  – – 1
Eurotium sp. – – – + – – 3
Fusarium cf. sporotrichiella – – – + – – 3
Geomyces cf. pannorum – – – + – – 3
Geomyces sp. – + – – – – 3
Mortierella sp. – + – – – – 1
Nigrospora sp. – – – + + – 3
Oidiodendron sp. – – – – + – 3
Penicillium spp. + + – – + – 1, 3
Scopulariopsis sp. – – + – – – 3
Stachybotrys cf. chartarum – – – + – – 3
Designations: (L1) Liptsy1, (L2) Liptsy2, (Lb) Levoberezhnaya, (Pl) Plyazhnaya, (GSh) Gumenetskie Mines, (SSh) Skelyanskie
Mines, (M) Mayachanskaya karst cave; (1) visual identification by basic morphological structures, (2) PCR, (3) LAMP assay.

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Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Ber pathologic criteria to confirm whitenose syndrome in bats,
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help with genetic analysis of samples; to A.Yu. Akulov oblasti (The impact of the anthropogenic factor on the state
and V. Gar’kavenko for providing facilities are resources of bat hibernaculum in Leningrad region), Abstract of
International Scientific Conference “Speleology ans Spe
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Science, 2008, vol. 58, no. 11, p. 1098.
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