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Experiment No.1: Studies on Venturimeter, Orificemeter and Rotameter




If a constriction is placed in a channel carrying a stream of fluid, there will be increase in velocity, and hence in
kinetic energy, at the constriction, from an energy balance, as given by Bernoulli’s theorem, there must be a
corresponding reduction in pressure. Rate of discharge from the constriction can be calculated by knowing this
pressure reduction, the area available for flow can at the constriction, the density of fluid and the Co- efficient of
discharge. The last named is defined as the ratio of actual flow to the theoretical flow and makes allowance for
stream contraction and friction effects.


A venturimeter consists
An inlet section followed
by a convergent cone
A Cylindrical Throat
gradually divergent cone

A = Inlet section, B= Throat Section, C= Outlet section, D&G = piezometer

chamber; E= Holes to piezometer chamber F= upstream pressure tab H= liner I=
Downstream tap.

The inlet section of the Venturimeter is of the same diameter as that of the pipe, which is followed by a
convergent cone. The convergent cone is a short pipe, which tapers from the original size of the pipe to that
of the throat of the venturimeter. The throat of the venturimeter is a short parallel side tube having its cross-
sectional area smaller than that of the pipe. The divergent cone of the venturimeter is gradually diverging
pipe with its cross- sectional area increase from that of the Throat to the original size of the pipe. At inlet
section & Throat the Venturimeter, pressure taps are provided.

The basic equation for a venturimeter is obtained by writing the Bernoulli equation for incompressible fluids
¿ ¿ 2 ( pa − pb )
α b V 2b −α a V 2a=
ρ …………..Eq. 1
Va and Vb = upstream and downstream velocities respectively
pa and pb = upstream and downstream pressures respectively

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ρ= density of the liquid, αa and αb = kinetic energy factors

Using Continuity equation,

( )
¿ Db ¿ ¿
V b= V b =β 2 V b
……………Eq. 2
Where Da = diameter of pipe , Db = diameter of throat of meter
β = diameter ratio Db/Da kinetic energy factors, αa and αb

V b=
√ α b −β
αa √ 2 ( p a − pb )
……………Eq 3
To account for the small friction loss between locations a and b, is corrected by introducing an empirical
factor Cv, which is called venturi coefficient velocity of approach not included, and is determined
V b=
√1−β 4
√ 2 ( pa − pb )
ρ ……………….Eq 4

When Db is less than 0.25 Da, β can be neglected. For a well designed venture the constant Cv is about 0.98
for pipe diameters of 2 to 8 in and about 0.99 for larger sizes.

Volumetric Flow rate:

q=V b S b=
C v Sb
√ 1−β 4
Where q = volumetric flow rate
√ 2 ( p a −p b )
ρ …………..Eq 5

Sb= area of throat

If manometer is used to measure pressure difference, p a – pb = hρmg

Where, h = manometer reading, ρm = density of manometric fluid, g = acceleration due to gravity

C v Sb
√ 2hg ( ρm−ρ )
q=V b S b=
√ 1−β 4 ρ ……………… Eq 6
Mass flow rate:
. Cv Sb
√1−β 4 √
m=qρ= 2 ( p a − pb ) ρ
……………Eq 7
Where m is mass flow rate
ORIFICEMETER: An Orifice meter consist of a flat circular plate with a circular hole called Orifice,
which is concentric with the pipe axis. A standard sharp edged orifice meter as shown in the following figure
consists of an accurately machined and drilled plate mounted between two flanges with hole concentric with
the pipe in which it is mounted. Of center or segmental openings are also used. The opening in the plate may
be beveled on the downstream side. Pressure taps, one above and one below the orifice plate are installed and
are connected to a manometer or differential pressure transmitter. The positions of the taps are arbitrary and

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the coefficient of the meter will depend upon the position of the taps. Three of the recognized methods of
placing the ptaps are shown in the following table:

The basic equation for an orificemeter is obtained by writing the Bernoulli equation for incompressible fluids
¿ ¿ 2 ( pa − pb )
α b V 2b −α a V 2a=
: ρ …………..Eq. 1
Va and Vb = Velocities at station a and b respectively
pa and pb = pressures at station a and b respectively
ρ= density of the liquid, αa and αb = kinetic energy factors


Type of Distance of Distance of down
Tap upstream tap from stream tap from
upstream face of downstream face
Flange 25mm 25mm
Vena 1 pipe diameter 0.3 to 0.8 pipe
Contracta [ Actual inside ] diameter,
depending on β
Pipe 2.5 times nominal 8 times nominal
pipe diameter pipe diameter

Using Continuity equation,

( )
¿ Do ¿ ¿
V a= V o =β2 V o
……………Eq. 2
Where Da = diameter of pipe , Do = diameter of orifice
β = diameter ratio Do/Da kinetic energy factors, αa and αb

V o=
√1−β 4 √ 2 ( pa − pb )
Where Vo= velocity through orifice
………..…….Eq 3

β = ratio of orifice diameter to pipe diameter

Pa,Pb = pressures
Co= the orifice coefficient, velocity of approach not included, to be determined experimentally/ It corrects for
the contraction of the fluid jet between the orifice and the vena contracta. and for kinetic energy factors, α a
and αb. It is a function of β and Reynolds number at the orifice.

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Do v o ρ 4m
Reo = =
μ πD o μ ………………..Eq 4
Co = 0.61 for any value of β, provided Reo is greater than 30,000
For process applications, β should be between 0.20 to 0.75.

Volumetric Flow rate:

Where q = volumetric flow rate ,
q=V o S o =
So= area of orifice
Co So
4 √ 2 ( p a − pb )

…………..Eq 5

If manometer is used to measure pressure difference, p a – pb = h ρm g

Where, h = manometer reading, ρm = density of manometric fluid, g = acceleration due to gravity
Co So
√ 2 hg( ρm− ρ)
q=V o S o =
√1−β 4 ρ …………… Eq 6
Mass flow rate: m=qρ ……………Eq 7


The Rotameter is a variable area meter, where pressure drop is constant or nearly so, and the area through
which the fluid flows varies with the flow rate. The area is related to the flowrate through proper calibration.
It consists of a gradually tapered glass tube mounted vertically in a frame with the large end up. The fluid
flows upward through the tapered tube and suspends freely a float”(actually heavier than the liquid). Actually
float is the indicating element. And the grater the flow rate higher the float rides. The entire fluid stream flow
through the annular space between the float and the tube wall.. The tube is graduated to read the flow
directly. Notches in float cause it rotate and thus maintain a central position in the tube.

Theory and calibration of rotameter For a given flow rate, the equilibrium position of the float in a
rotameter is established by a balance of three force (1) the weight of the float, (2) the buoyant force of the
fluid on the float, and (3) the drag force on the float. Force 1 acts downward, and forces 2 and 3 upward. For

F D=v f ρf g−v f pg …..(1)

Where F = drag force, g = acceleration, vf = volume of

ρf = density of float, ρ = density of fluid
The quantity f can be replaced by
m f / ρf , where
mf is the
mass of the float, and becomes

F D =m f g 1−
( ρ
ρf ) ……….(2)

for a given meter operating on a certain fluid, the right-hand side of Eq. is constant and independent of the
flow rate. Therefore FD is also constant, and when the flow rate increases, the position of the float must

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charge to keep the drag force constant. The drag force F D can be expressed as a drag coefficient times the
projected area of the float and the velocity head as in but the velocity head is based on the maximum velocity
past the float, which occurs at the largest diameter or metering edge of the float. Thus,
F D= A f C D ρ umax2
2 gc F D =A f C D ρ
2 ……………(3)

If the change in drag coefficient is small, which is usually the case for large rotameter with low or moderate
viscosity fluids, the maximum velocity stays the same with increasing flow rate, and the total flow rate is
proportional to the annular area between the float and the wall:
π 2
q=umax ( D −D2f )
4 t ……………(4)
Where Df = float diameter, Dt = tube dimeter

For a linearly tapered tube with a diameter at the bottom about equal to the gloat diameter, the area for flow is
a quadratic function of the height of the float h:

( D 2t −D2f )= ( Df +ah )2 −D2f =2 D f ah+ a2 h2 ≈2 Df ah

2 2
When the clearance between float and tube wall is small, the term a h is relatively unimportant and the
flow is almost a linear function of the height h. Therefore rotameters tend to have a nearly linear relationship
between flow and position of the float. Compared with a calibration curve for an orifice meter, for which the
flow rate is proportional to the square toot of the reading. The calibration of a rotameter, unlike that of an
orifice meter is not sensitive to the velocity distribution in the in the approaching steam and neither long,
straight, approaches nor straightening vanes are necessary.



1. Clean apparatus, and make all tanks free from dust

2. Close the drain valves provided
3. Fill sump tank ¾ with clean water and ensure that no foreign particles are there.
4. Close all flow control valves given on the water line and open by-pass valve
5. Close all pressure taps of Manometer connected to Venturimeter and Orificemeter.
6. Ensure than on/off witch givenon the panel is at off position,
7. Now switch the main power supply (20VAC and 50Hz)
8. Switch on the pump
9. Operate the flow control valve to regulate the flow of water in the desired test direction say
10. Open the pressure taps of Manometer related to Test section, very slowly to avoid the flow of water
on manometer.
11. When there is no air in the manometer, close the air release valves.
12. Adjust water flowrate in desired section with the help of control valve
13. Record the manometer reading. Ch

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14. Measure the flow of water, discharged through desired test section, suing stop watch and measuring
tank: Q= , A = area of tank, R rise in liquid level in time t
15. Repeat steps the for different flow rates of water operating the control and bypass valve.
16. When the experiment is over open the by-pass valve fully. Then close the flow control valve of
running test section
17. Plot Flowrate vs h and determine meter coefficient.
18. Repeat the above steps for Orificemeter.


1. Sketch the Set-up

2. Flow water at a definite flow rate.
3. Note the Rotameter Reading, and Position of the Float, h.
4. Note time to collect certain volume of water.
5. Calculate Volumetric flowrate, and mass flowrate.
6. Repeat for various flow rates.
7. Plot calibration curve Rotameter Reading VS flowrate and Rotameter position, h, vs flowrate
8. Comment on the calibration curv


Da = Dia. at inlet of the venturimeter = 28 mm = 0.028m
Db =Dia. at throat of the venturimeter = 14mm =0.014m; β =
A = Area of measuring tank = 0.077m2, s = Specific gravity of Hg = 13.6
Area at the inlet of venturimeter:
Sb = Area of the throat =

S Manometer reading Rise of water level in Time taken for Volumetric Mass flow Cv
. h (cm) Measuring tank, R (cm) R Flow rate rate
N t (sec)
o. LHS RHS h Initial Final R Q=AxR/t Qxρ

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Plot Q vs h
Plot Q vs √ h


Da = Dia. at inlet of the orificemeter = 28 mm = 0.028m

Db =Dia. at throat of the orificemeter = 14mm =0.014m; β =
A = Area of measuring tank = 0.077m2, s = Specific gravity of Hg = 13.6
Area at the inlet of orificemeter:
Sb = Area of the throat =

S Manometer reading Rise of water level in Time Volumetric Velocity Reo Co

. h (cm) Measuring tank, R (cm) taken for Flow rate at
N R orifice
o. LHS RHS h Initial Final R t (sec) Q=AxR/t

Plot (A)Q vs h
(B) Q vs √ h

S Rotameter Rotameter Rise of water level in Time Volumetric Volumetric
. Reading position, Measuring tank, R (cm) taken for Flow rate flowrate
N LPH h, cm R LPH
o. Initial Final R t (sec) Q=AxR/t

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Plot (A)Rotameter reading vs Volumetric flowrate LPH
(B) Rotameter position vs Volumetric flow rate

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