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[Ayleid Ghost]

Strength Endurance Agility Intellect Willpower Personality

3 3 3 3 4 4

Soak Value Wound Threshold M / R Defense

3 11 2/2


Destruction: 4 Illusion: 4 Intimidate: 3

Necromancy: 4 Resilience: 4 Vigilance: 2

Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all combat checks targe ng this character by 1)

Abili es:
Cursed to Wander (Once they reach their wound threshold, a ghost must rest before manifes ng in the world. If the a ack that
exceeded their wound threshold generated no or , the ghost returns within moments. If the a ack generated it can
return some me in the same scene, can return in the next scene, or can return the following day)
Ghostly (Ghosts may move over or through terrain (including doors and walls) without penalty.
Halve the damage dealt to the ghost before applying soak, unless the a ack came from a magical or supernatural source such as
a spell, a blessed/enchanted weapon, or another spirit)
Terrifying (at the start of the encounter, all opponents must make a Hard ( ) Discipline check as an out-of-turn
incidental, as per the Fear rule on p.243 Genesys Core Rulebook)
Undead (ghosts do not need to breath, eat, or drink, and can survive in a vacuum or underwater. They are immune to poisons
and toxins.)

A acks:
Drain Life (Necromancy; Damage 6; Cri cal 2; Range [Short]; Rejuvena ng*, Vicious 1)
Horrifying Presence (Illusion; Range [Short]; Burst*, Horror 1*)

*Burst - Affects all targets within Range [Short] of the caster.

*Horror - Target(s) must make an Average ( ) Discipline check as an out-of-turn incidental. Failure with results in a
character being Disoriented, with they are staggered, and a results in a character being staggered and immobilised.
These effects last for a number of rounds equal to the a ack’s Horror ra ng (1)
*Rejuvena ng - A ack heals caster for wounds equal the damage dealt a er soak is applied.

[Disoriented - Add to all checks for the dura on of the disorienta on.]
[Staggered - Cannot perform ac ons (including downgrading ac ons to maneouvres)]
[Immobilised - Cannot perform manoeuvres (including any purchased via strain or )]

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