İzmir Institute of Technology School of Foreign Languages Department of Basic English Curriculum and Material Development Unit Netiquette Rules

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• Be respectful and considerate.

• Before asking a question, check the class FAQs
or search the Internet to see if the answer is
obvious or easy to find.
• Check the most recent comments before you
reply to an older comment.
• Stay on topic. Don't post irrelevant links,
comments, thoughts or pictures.
• Be forgiving. If your classmate makes a mistake,
don't badger him or her for it. Just let it go.
• Think through before responding.
• Use your professors’ proper title: Dr. or Prof., or
if in doubt use Mr., Ms. or Mx.
digitalcitizenshipeducationgroup3.weebly.com/netiquette.html • Use clear and concise language.
• Spell-check your responses.
• Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting
abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you.”
• Use standard fonts such as Ariel, Calibri or
Times new Roman and use a size 10 or 12 pt.
• CAPITAL LETTERS may be used to
EMPHASIZE but avoid typing in only capital
letters as it may "sound" AS THOUGH
• Limit and possibly avoid the use of emoticons
like :) or ☺.
• In order not to be offensive, be cautious when
humor or sarcasm as tone is sometimes lost.

• Be brief.
• Use a descriptive subject line.
• Avoid attachments unless you are sure your
recipients can open them.
• Sign your message with your name and return
email address.
• Think before you send the e-mail to more than
one person. Does everyone really need to see
your message?
• Be sure you REALLY want everyone to receive
your response when you click, “reply all.”
• Be sure that the message author intended for the
information to be passed along before you click
the “forward” button.


1. Leave the keyboard alone

Whether you’re diligently taking notes or sneakily chatting with your bestie, the sound of your
typing is distracting. It’s not only distracting everyone else in the meeting (because your laptop’s
internal microphone is inches away from your keyboard). It can also destruct you from devoting
your full attention to the meeting. Use a quality headset or pick up your notebook and pencil or pen
to take notes.

• Please don't make keyboard noises which taking notes.

• Refrain from searching other mediums like watching a movie on YouTube.
• Keep your writing stationery ready in advance.

2. Dress appropriately
Dresses professionally and be presentable for the online classroom.
3. Be aware of your surroundings

Your co-friends won’t be able to hear your ideas or take you seriously when there is a pile of
clothes in the corner behind you. You also want to avoid looking like you work from the inside of
a room because of bad lighting. Adjust your work setup so that you face a window or are exposed
to plenty of light. And make sure your background is professional and work appropriate! This

• No beds (unmade or made) in the background.

• No messy rooms or open closets where everyone can see your clutter.
• Please make sure the background is clear.

4. Mute your microphone when you’re not talking

Muting your microphone when you’re not speaking gives other participants the ability to chime
in and share their thoughts without distraction or frustration.

• Keep your microphone muted when the instructor is lecturing.

• Please inform your colleagues if you have an audio problem.

5. Speak up
When you enter your new online classroom, announce yourself when you join. It can be
awkward to hear the “someone-just-joined” ding followed by silence.
Don’t be afraid to project your voice, too! Your friends and teachers will appreciate being able to
hear you without having to strain their ears or turn their volume all the way up.
• Keep your introduction simple and to the point.
• Introduce yourself.

6. No food during Online Classes

Try not to eat a snack during your online school. No one wants to see you stuff your mouth with
chips while discussing assignments. Not only is it distracting to others, but you also won’t be able
to focus on the task at hand because you’ll be worrying about dropping crumbs all over your
7. Stay seated and stay present
It may be tempting to check your inbox or carry on a side conversation during a dull moment
in a meeting, but don’t do it! You might miss out on key information or an opportunity to give input.
If you’re using your webcam, use attentive body language: sit up straight, don’t make big extraneous
movements, and don’t let your eyes wander too much.
• Make sure you sit in one place.
• Please don't leave the meeting and off your video without informing your teachers.
• Try to situpright and straight.

8. Always complete your assignments

Please be sure that you complete your assignments on time according to the instructions given to
9. Test equipment
Don't wait until a couple of minutes before your online school to sign in.
On cell phones: Make sure you have:
• A strong signal
• No interference
On a computer
• Use a wired connection rather than Wi-Fi.
• Make sure the computer camera works (or is uncovered).
• Make sure the speakers work.
• Make sure the microphone works.
Even if it says you're connected to the platform, make sure you actually are. Test your video
and audio before the online school starts (hence the tip to sign on early enough to do this). Allow
even more time in case there is something to download beforehand or in case you have an
unexpected update.

10. Report your absence

If you are not going to be present in an online class, or if you're going to be late, inform the
teachers. Being seen on video is an important element of online Classroom etiquette, “It's important
for students to keep their video on as much as possible, particularly in the current context.

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