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Notes about Emotional Authority:

The emotional center drives you to go out into the world and find out what you need in order to feel good about being in
your body and/or experience pleasure through love, sex and food.
Emotional wave:
o The emotional motor operates in a wave that moves through what we call a mood swing. It’s a wave that
endlessly moves from the low to the high, or the high to low and back again.
o You are always wearing coloured glasses that are sometimes pink, sometimes dark grey but never just
transparent. As the colours blurr your view, there is no absolute truth for you in the now. Truth reveals itself in
its fullness over time, and emerges eventually as a sense of clarity.
o The extreme points of the wave describe a state of diminished responsibility and great intensity. This is what can
bring urgency to act or to decide in the wrong moment. Sleeping on something doesn’t automatically mean to
attain emotional clarity the next day, but the state of highly diminished responsibility will be over.
Frequencies of the emotional wave:
o Source of all wave mechanics (Channel 59-6): the 6th Gate is where need, passion and desire are created in
order to break down barriers, and penetrate and bond us together in the dance of intimacy. This emotional wave
feels very stable and takes another person to bring it to the surface.
o Tribal wave (Channels 19-49 and 37-40): it operates through physical touch and sensitivity to needs. This wave
ratchets up until it explodes and then resets itself to start the process all over again. 0 words are necessary for the
Tribe; its all in the touch.
o Individual wave (Channels 39-55 and 22-12): it operates through the expression of moodiness, emotions,
melancholy or passion (but only when in the mood). It moves along on an even keel most of the time, with
smaller, shorter, up and down spikes.
o Abstract wave (Channels 36-35 and 41-30): it operates through desire and feeling, and moves from peaks to
valleys. Based on expectation, this wave crashes when the desire or expectation is not met. The trick to
transcending this wave is to enter into something just for the experience, with no expectations on the outcome.
Emotional clarity:
o As you move through your wave you’re collecting perspectives, thus building up a composite, and it is upon this
composite that you find your clarity. Ultimately, your gift as an emotionally defined being, is the capacity to see
things with a great deal of depth.
o Emotional clarification can be seen as a process of digestion or maturation. There is food that we digest quickly
and food that "sits heavily on our stomach". We cannot decide the way and the speed with which we digest, we
can only wait until we have digested.
o Another analogy is with the heap, where the single raw elements over time will gradually dissolve and merge
into a new whole and fertile compost. Similarly, the sum of our emotional valuations over time results in a
mature assessment and a mature emotional judgement.
o Signposts for emotional clarity:
 You stop being nervous before taking a certain decision.
 Your emotional judgment is no longer altered by the wave, i.e. regardless of your mood, you attain the
same decision.
 You really feel good with your decision, as you will feel liberated and calm, maybe even cheerful, even
if the consequences of your decision might be difficult.
o Despite of your clarification process, you can still marry the "wrong" partner, make an investment that yields
nothing or accept a job that turns out a flop, if such an experience is part of your own trajectory.
o Waves operate over different time frames. Sometimes you don’t need a lot of time to be clear, but there are
situations or relationships in which it can take many, many years for you to be clear.
Pitfalls to be aware of:
o Equating the wave with the emotions. As you mistrust your emotions, you cut yourself off from them, so that
you can take rational and well-considered decisions. You have to learn instead to mistrust the wave and to be
patient till you get to the bottom of their emotions, whereas the task of your Mind is to simply observe the
emotional state.
o “Abusing the wave”. Instead of waiting calmly, you force things to explode. Despite of your initial relief, once
your anger is over, you don’t feel good anymore about your decision.
Tips for who is emotionally defined:
o Do not blame others for their feelings. Look into yourself first.
o When you notice that you are in a bad mood, don't try to force anything. By perceiving the world as unfriendly,
you get to feel worser and worser, because people around you will always receive and amplify how you feel. The
solution is to take a step back, by taking a break and letting the wave take its course.
References: “The Centers” by Peter Schoeber / “The Definitive Book of Human Design” by Lynda Bunnel

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