Gene Key 26, An Exploration (Richard Rudd) - 17p

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Gene Key 26 – An Exploration

Pride / Exaltation / Stealth

A Contemplation by Cătălin Pîrvu

With love for the Gene Keys Family

May your Light shine out

And may Everything be Illuminated

December 2016
Gene Key 26
The Value of a Heart

Programming Partner: 45 (Tribal Rulership & Education – The Monarch)

Chinese I-Ching Name: Great Taming Power or the Taming Power of the Great

Codon Ring: Light

Codon Partners: 5 – Storage of the Light
9 – Transmutation of Light
11 – Capturing the Light

Amino-Acid: Threonine (Protein Production Amino-Acid)

Bodygraph Center: Ego (Will)
Associated Sense: Smell
Physiology: Thymus Gland (Immune System – T Cells: the Universal Soldiers)

Dilemma: Self-Worth

Gene key 26 has always fascinated me. In the Star Pearl, it is the Key of my Creativity. It is also one of
the “Supernatural” gene keys, as it involves the supernatural power of Lightbending: molding and
bending the energy of light to your own individual will, much like a potter molds and bends the clay to
his will to create a saucer or a bowl.
While the other 3 keys in the Codon Ring of Light, the 5th ,9th and 11th deal with how we Capture, Store
and Transmute the light, the 26th key deals with How we use light.

The 26th key, as its gift of Artfulness as Richard Rudd aptly describes it implies, is An Artist’s Gene Key.
For it, manipulating light and giving it form is a Vocation.
The 26th key has many dimensions to it, but to stay away from over-complicating things, let’s just think
of it as “The manipulation and wielding of Light as Will-Power”. So even though there are 3 other keys
in the Ego or Heart Center which governs Willpower, neither of them has the designated job of Using
and Wielding Will to accomplish something. That’s reserved for the 26th key who, whether he likes it or
not, Will be Given Power and then will be Judged and either rewarded or punished by how Wisely he
used that Power.

On the Material Plane, the 26th key is a Master Salesman Gene Key, with a Genius for Marketing. He
can sway the heart of any person. The 26th key feels “right at home” when it has a constant flow of
money and power coming into his life, and when that flow of money or power is for some reason
blocked or strangled, the person carrying the 26th gene key will get a Visceral Reaction from his
immune system, like a Code-Red going off alerting him that the situation must be remedied instantly.
When the person with the 26th key feels Successful and Wealthy, he brims with confidence and pride.
Even if he is wearing rags (which he probably won’t) he will still look like a million $ if he feels
But take his financial stability away from him, take the Accolades, Compliments and Respects paid from
the others, and we will see how deep that Self-Worth really goes. Chances are, people holding the 26 th
key in their profile will experience Severe Stress and Anxiety if they feel they have lost access to their
Financial, Status or Respect Resources, all of which are just Mundane manifestations of Light.
Even though it may look like what the person carrying the 26 th gene key is looking for is Money, Status,
Respect or Accomplishment, in fact he is not. But it’s not like you can wake up in the middle of your
process and go “What I want right now, even though I don’t have a cent in my pocket to buy a hot
meal and nobody seems to give a damn about me or respect me anymore is not Respect and Wealth,
but Light and an unshakable sense of Self-Worth”.

Well in fact, that’s what they have been looking for all along: that inner, private, unshakable sense of “I
am a priceless, unique and irreplaceable part of this World. The world needs me and finds me valuable.
My heart is worth more than all the treasures in the world”. That is the Light that emanates from
within the heart of every being.
And for the people of the 26th Gene Key, that is their Food. They are the one To dine with the Gods,
even though they remain human.

In the Mystical Sense, Pride is not something bad or to be ashamed of. It does not signify a “Lower
Character” which is Egoistic and Narcissistic. Pride un-tempered by humbleness and wisdom can make
a person feel Larger than Life and such over-inflation of the ego can be indeed dangerous.
But that does not mean that it is pride itself that is the problem, as so many New-Age thinkers have
made it appear. In fact, one cannot fulfill his own Creative Uniqueness and Individuation without a high
degree of Pride and Self-Worth.

If unaccompanied, Pride can cut you off from your allies and make you think that nobody can ascend to
your level. But this still has Imitation written all over it. Whatever Genius you may have, whatever it is
that sets you apart from other people and gives you your own Artistry, it is non-duplicable, it is
Genius cannot be replicated. Everybody can be good at the same thing you are, with enough practice
and learning. But they can never and will never be able to challenge you for “Your Spot”, because being
Unique and non-replicable your spot is reserved just for you. Nobody else can play that role but you.
Nobody else can bring that art to the world but you. Nobody can be a Picasso, but Picasso, even if
there are other Illustrious Painters.
Nobody can be a Bach or Brahms but Bach or Brahms.
And nobody can be a “You” but you. There can be no competition for that, no “better than”.
So you see, Artfulness, the Gift of the 26th gene key is Pride come full circle.
While Pride thinks in terms of “Better than” and “lesser than” but with talents that are inherently non-
unique and thus subject to competition, Artfulness understands that there can be no competition
where there is Uniqueness.
Pride CANNOT SEE or DOES NOT WISH TO SEE its own creative uniqueness and value. Yet it is ever
hungry for that light of Recognition.

The Repressive Shadow of Pride: Worthless

In its Repressive State, Pride does not really look like Pride at all. In fact, it may look as its polar
The dilemma of the 26th gene key is Self-Worth, and in the Repressive Shadow, the person is convinced
beyond any shadow of a doubt that he is Worthless, or at least that he is worthless to you or the
people that are surrounding him at the moment.
The Repressive Shadow starves an individual of any sense of Personal Accomplishment or Self-Worth,
but what’s more, it makes sure the individual himself will be the one fanatically devoted to making
sure he remains starved.
Owing to the 26th siddhi of Invisibility, this Shadow takes that power and turns it for its own selfish
goals. The 26th shadow is Invisible to the one who looks. Because we look with our eyes, not with our
heart. One will never guess he has the 26th shadow afflicting his Self-Worth, making sure he thinks of
himself as Worthless and Unworthy of any Self-Respect from him or others.
The 26th shadow is invisible indeed, but it is invisible to the mind only, which is preoccupied with
weighing “this and that”.
As it was said in “Le petite prince”: “Only the Heart can See. What is Essential is invisible to the eye”.
Only by looking through the eyes of the Heart, of the Whole Being can one “see” the invisible assassin
that is this repressive shadow that is Worthlessness.
This shadow disguises itself as your trusted friend (your ego) and feeds you a glass of not fully lethal,
but very much debilitating untraceable poison. If this is all the life you ever knew, you’ll never suspect
you’re living a Shadow of a Life. You’ll never suspect the little voice inside your head that gives you the
Cup of Worthlessness which you think is your Tonic, but which in fact is your Debilitating Poison.

In its repressed state, the person with the 26 th shadow makes one stay away from everyone or
everything that would enter his heart with a good opinion about himself, attributing that good opinion
to the “Idealism” or the “Love and Light” nature of the one giving him a sincere appreciation of his
heart. This is a manifestation of the Repressive nature of Pride, which sees Self-Worth as something
he’s not worthy of, and thus will stay away or try to scare away anything and anyone who would
remind him or her of the value of his heart.
While the person with the 26th repressive shadow will hear out and listen to people who try to feed
him a good opinion of himself, he will never take those Views into his heart. They will come and go,
and while nice, sweet and well-intentioned words which he really is thankful for and appreciative of,
they will be just that: Sweet words by sweet artists, but in the end meaning Nothing.

The Repressive Pride is also prideful, but not overtly. This Covert Pride is the Pride of Isolation.
“You haven’t been through what I have. You haven’t lived my life. You don’t have my sensitivities. How
can you ever understand my heart and claim to know anything about it and its value if you haven’t
suffered what I’ve suffered? Don’t come to me all Proud and Holier than Thou to preach to me Love
and Light. I’m not buying it. Don’t try to gloat that you’re so much more Worthy of Self-Respect than I
am by trying to appear supportive and kind all the time implying that I’m not as supportive or as kind
as you are. I don’t need your pity, your encouragement or your words of love and light. You don’t know
my heart. So don’t pretend you know it better than I do and I should trust you over me!”

The Pride of Isolation and being Invisible to others is also Pride. It gives you something Unique,
something other people can’t Reach. Except it’s not a Unique Creative Flair that only you possess.
Instead of catapulting you onto the world stage to let your Art Shine, it locks you in a dark tiny room
where you are invisible to others. It keeps your light locked away from the Crowd, and it keeps your
heart shriveling and cold.

Unlike other gifts which can be introverted, the 26th gift is PURELY EXTROVERTED. Like the Sun, it is
Meant to Shine and illuminate the world. A person with the 26 th key, however much he wants it or
longs for it, can never be out of the Reflector Light. He is here to be On Stage, On Display, not off it.

To repress the Light of the 26th Key is the closest thing to Suicide there is. It is committing Artistic and
Creative Suicide. Your individuality, as well as your talent are DEAD. You become mediocre, living a
gray life. And sooner or later, your sense of Self-Worth, your Pride will begin bubbling up and turning
into a pit of bottomless Rage.
It is only natural it will, because Rage or Vengeance will be the only energy strong enough to Blast
Through that self-imposed Inquisition.

The 26th repressive shadow is so invested and fanatical about being worthless and powerless, but it
also needs to feel worthy and special, that it can never allow another to be Proud of a personal quality
that is of any real significance to the person carrying the 26 th key.
This is because whenever there’s a person around that is not Repressing his Light and seems to be very
proud of it, it actually awakens the pain of feeding yourself poison and making yourself worthless. And
that pain is too much for the person of the 26 th key to take.

Every repressive shadow is in one way or another self-narcotizing. It numbs you, it makes you not feel
anything anymore. The repressive 26th shadow numbs you to your own self-worth but also to your
Cynicism and Creative Mutilation.
The eyes of the 26th repressive shadow HATE THE LIGHT when it is projected directly on them. They
can’t stand real light. Like a Vampire always seeking the cover of night and never venturing into the
Sunlight, the person carrying the shadow of Worthlessness, despite their Enormous need to feel Proud
and Worthy don’t want to feel or appear Proud.

The difference between Proud and Proudful is so small it may seem insignificant to many. But it is of
great importance if we are to really get just how much this shadow distorts our creative uniqueness.
Proud is like the Sun, beaming out Light so bright others can barely look.
Proudful is nothing of the sort. The Pride is not Extroverted, but kept in reserve. Instead of directly
going out, in the case of being Proudful, there is no sense of Obvious Pride, but it still manifests as an
Indirect Radiance.
Think a Flamboyant Bad-Boy wearing his Best Armani Suit, driving a Blood-Red Ferrari, of course the
latest model. He comes out of the car with a Poster-Girl and is brimming with Self-Appreciation. He’s
on Top of the World, the best of the best. And he walks like he knows it. That’s PRIDE. It’s obvious, it’s
out in the open. It holds nothing back.
Then picture a Classy lady that gives you the chills. She’s wearing dark make up, stilettos, a Black Long
extremely elegant Dress that keeps you at a distance when you see it. She exits her Black Rolls Royce, a
testament to her class and style. She walks alone, slowly, surveying the landscape with the air of a
Monarch amongst Men. Instead of being Pea-Cocky, like the bad-boy, trying to draw attention to her
directly and overtly, she prides herself on not being Show-Offish, of “Not being Proud”.
Indeed, she is exhibiting none of the Boastful and Flamboyant characteristics of raw Pride.
Her Class, Elegance and Controlled manners are in stark contrast with the Show-Offish “I’m the boss”
attitude of the bad-boy.
If Pride is Boastful and Show-Off-ish, Pridefulness is Distant, Coldly-Elegant and Unreachable.
The power of Pridefulness comes not from Showing Off your unique talents and your Success, but from
cutting yourself off, isolating yourself and keeping a distance through tools like style, manners,
politeness, elegance. The power of Pridefulness comes from being “Unreachable” and “Untouchable”

The shadow of Worthlessness only conceals a deeper layer of Pridefulness. Every person needs to be
proud of his Unique Creative identity. No exception. To not fuel, express and be Proud of your Unique
Creative Gifts is to starve yourself of Light.
The logical consequence is then that if you don’t feed yourself on your own light, you will feed off the
light of others, instead of being a creature of the day, you will become a creature of the night, A
What you seek then is not your own Power and your own Pride. Worthlessness prevents you from
wanting to be Proud or for ever being truly Proud of your Talents. It prevents you from feeding yourself
with light. But when someone seems “Too Proud”, it is then when the Proudfulness underneath the
Worthlessness shows itself and strikes with a Celerity and Precision that nobody would expect.

People who are under the Spell, the Torpor of Worthlessness are not good at having any power and
pride of their own, but they are masters of Takedowns. They don’t want power or pride for
themselves, but neither is anyone else aloud to be proud of something else.
For a person who himself feels worthy, if another person expresses his Pride, it is like a Slap over the
Face. It is like the person actively exhibiting pride is not happy and fulfilled by his talents, but is actively
trying to remind the person already feeling worthy just how “better than him” he actually is.

Both the Repressive side of Worthlessness and the Reactive side of Vengefulness emanate from the
same one source. So let’s now talk about the Reactive Side of Pride for a While.
The Reactive Shadow of Pride: Vindictive

A wounded ego is a terrible foe to have. Because then, the Shrewdness and Cunning that are inherent
in this gene key, instead of being wonderful and helpful qualities in the gift frequency turn into
Cynicism backed up by quick wit. The Reactive Shadow of Pride is Vicious. Like a Rabid Wolf, it will go
for the throat and only rest when what it identifies as “The Danger” or “The Enemy” (that is you) is
dead. Remember, this is the same logic the immune system uses. T cells don’t negotiate with Viruses. If
they spot a Virus, they see it as a potential Life-Threatening Danger and will unload all their
considerable firepower to dispose of the cells it has corrupted. And if there be casualties and collateral
damage, well, at least the T-cells did their job. While the body (in this case the heart) may be
weakened by the killing of its own cells, it is nonetheless Safe to live another day.
The Wounded Ego finds it hard to distinguish friend from foe, and feels hidden agendas and ulterior
motives whenever anyone or anything gets “too close”. Not only that, but the 26 key is designed to
access the Cellular Memory stored by its harmonic key, GK 44. This 44 th key is pivotal in our life, as it
represents a grand storehouse of Genetic Immune System memory, with a special emphasis on Viruses
and Life-Threatening dangers.
The 44th key holds the code for the fear of the past, and always keeps looking over its shoulder to see if
something from the past could be threatening it in the present. It deposits “files” about every stimulus
the immune system has ever had an adverse reaction to. And this is not only personal, it is also
inherited. That is, especially if one has either the 26 th gene key, the 44th or both, or even if the parents
have the 44th or the 26th key (so you get conditioned by it), one can actually “inherit” by virtue of
programming and conditioning the genetic memory of what the parents or siblings had adverse
reactions to.
Naturally when the 26th key, which has no awareness of its own, accesses the awareness of “Danger or
Not” that the 44th key provides, if the current environment resonates to something stored in the
genetic databank under the category “Threat”, the past threat will be felt as Present and so the guns
come out blazing. And, as those who have the 26th key know, it is swift, ruthless, instinctive, and packs
quite a punch.
When the 26th key strikes, under the guidance of the 44th signaling DANGER, DANGER, it strikes to kill.
It’s strategy is Mike Tyson’s KO. It does not “fight fair”. It doesn’t want to give the virus time to gain
composure or retaliate. It strikes powerfully, ruthlessly, in the most vulnerable spot, which it uses its
famous “nose” to detect instinctively.
When dealing with a potential life-threatening danger, such as a virus, “below the belt” is not only an
acceptable strategy, but actually a welcome one. As dirty or ruthless as it may seem, remember this is
what has kept us alive and made us become the dominant race on earth. It is the immune system after
all. This is a key point to be remembered when dealing with the 26 th key.
There’s even Pride and Glory in this. When you send a Salesman out in the field and he gets the
company mind-blowing Record sales, you say about him “He’s a KILLER, that one. There’s no mind he
can’t bend to his will. There’s no argument he can’t turn into a sale”. It’s the same ruthlessness and
instinctive will, only directed at selling or promoting a product instead of killing a virus. But the
underlying fractal structure is one and the same, just on a very different scale.

If the Repressive Shadow of Worthlessness who cuts you off from your own Self-Worth and keeps you
in a perpetual Eclipse of the Heart will never dare feel it actually is worthy of feeling Proud of its heart,
the Reactive shadow of Vengefulness will never accept it could actually do something or be something
that is not the best of the best. It’s like the T cells again. Not every T cell that is born becomes a fully
fledged T cell. Millions of T cells are made by the Thymus. Like Spartans, they go through an extremely
Rigorous Selection Process.
We “civilized” humans tend to not like the messy part of life and tend to Dissociate from anything
having to do with our animal, feral instinctual nature, labeling it “Uncivilized”, “Ruthless”, “Cynical”.
But the 26th key thrives “In the Jungle”. It is the Apex Predator, the Top of the Food Chain (hence
pride). Its feral instincts serve it well. And the 26th key elicits the admiration of others because of this,
because it does not deny our animal legacy and our feral nature, but embraces the law of the jungle
and becomes the king of a kingdom others fear to tread upon.
We as humans have evolved from mere morsels for Saber-Tooth Tigers to Undisputed Rulers of the
Food Chain. Our legacy is the legacy of Supremacy over all other Life-Forms, and it is intertwined with
the 26th gene key of Pride.
Life is inherently Ruthless and Cynical. It does what it needs to do to survive and thrive, no questions
asked. And the 26th key embraces that. The immune system does not weep for all the millions of T cells
that didn’t make it. It celebrates, promotes and takes pride in the Universal Soldiers that did. And
those soldiers, the ones that “Made it” through the most rigorous and ruthless selection process the
immune system has to offer, feel their heart swell with Pride for making it.
And indeed, it is only natural for a balanced sense of pride to exist. It really isn’t all that easy to “Make
it”, at least for T cells.
But positive, self-reassuring and self-affirming pride, which is awesome and absolutely critical for a
healthy functioning of the ego and of the entire self can turn into a feeling of Invincibility, into what the
Greeks called HUBRYS.
So proud can the ego of the 26th reactive shadow be, so Sure of its instinctual talents and powers, so
absolutely certain that if he survived the Boot-Camp, he has the makings of the next 5 star General,
that it blindsides him. The Enemy becomes invisible, and this will be its downfall. But of course,
Reactive Pride will never ever see it coming. Because Reactive Pride is so absolutely proud and sure of
its talents it really believes with all its heart no task is too big for him and there is no virtue of character
or ability it does not possess.
In the reactive side, Pride needs to fill up all the space all the time. This individual is one who cannot
tolerate being seen doing something that would in any way diminish his pride, that falls short of the
picture perfect image of success that he puts all his energy and heart into maintaining. All that he is, all
that he does, even the places he goes to and the people who hangs out with, even how others address
him or look upon him must evoke THE UTMOST that one can be, do or have.
Nothing about him, his life, his appearance or his company can be anything less than TROPHIES. If a
man would Gaze upon him, the person under a very strong Reactive shadow of Pride would not
tolerate if what he sees was anything less than the End-All, Be-All Aspired-To Picture that all dream to
be. Of course, I am exaggerating here, to create a high-contrast image. Nobody in the real world is That
possessed by Pride and will feel or react in that way. But nevertheless, that same dynamic, only to a
much lesser extent, does exist in the proud owners of the 26th gene key.
Unlike the 8th key, of Style, the 26th is not about Image, even though how others perceive him is part of
the equation. But where the 8th Shadow just wants to either “fit in” or “look good” in the eyes of the
others, the 26th Shadow of Pride will never settle for Looking Good.
He needs the “Sell” to go all the way. He wants you to “buy it”, not just the image, not just the
packaging, but the Whole Deal.
The 26 is an Actor True and True. A Shape shifter. He needs you to “buy into” his act, that he is the
Poster-Boy of Success, the Aspired-To Image that all dream of becoming yet few actually do. The 26
wants to give others something to Aspire To, to Dream About.
He really just wants others to see in him a person Worthy of all the Praise, Respect and Glory. He wants
the Fame. He lives for the Fame. That Huge Ego, brimming with Willpower and Self-Imposed Self-
Confidence Demands that it be seen and that it receives Standing Ovations for who he is and what he
has accomplished in this lifetime.
In the Repressive side, the person carrying the 26th key will never admit that it is worthy of any Praise,
Respect and Glory. But in secret it will always hunger for it and despise the persons who seem to have
no problem receiving it or asking for it. The 26th Repressive is conditioned never to think highly of
themselves, because that would make them “Too Proud” and thus reinforce the Worthlessness.

In the Reactive side, the person carrying the 26th key will never admit that even though it may have
accomplished much, brought glory to others and served greatly, not all his acts and not the entirety of
his character are Glory-Worthy. The reactive side needs everything about itself to be 5 stars or above
25 hours a day, 8 days a week and will not tolerate it when others dare point to the fact that
sometimes what he does or who he is may be painfully average, or that he may even, God-Forbid have
some underdeveloped areas of his character or competence. Reactive Pride resents to the core feeling
Diminished by the attitudes, actions, or comments of others. It is easily provoked and sees provocation
and enemies where there are none to be had. This is the very essence of Reactive Pride. At the core it’s
still a Self-Devaluation Process, but instead of expressing its effects inwardly in the form of a resigned
self-accepted worthlessness which hides a sense of indirect superiority over others, Reactive Pride pins
the source of its own Self-Devaluation on others, declaring confidently that “It is you who is
diminishing me by your actions or comments, don’t even dare deny it, it’s clear as daylight that you are
And then it takes swift retributive action to “Defend against the Intruder that tries to steal away my
Hard-Fought Pride”. It translates its internal struggle with his own demon of Self-Depreciation into an
outer struggle where he is the Defender of his worth and the other is the Thief trying to tarnish or steal
But instead of seeing the interaction for what it is (a way for him to see his own inner drama playing
out, and realize that its source was always his unconscious, not the other), Reactive Pride is so focused
on the other and on its image that it never thinks it may be his very unconscious that tries his best to
make his dynamics known to the consciousness.
As long as you say nothing that could be interpreted as a perceived limitation or a depreciation of the
Talent of the person with the 26th Reactive Shadow, all is fine and dandy, it does not react.
But instead of resting in the certainty that Overall this person has a lot of things to be proud about and
knowing that nothing and no-one can take the value of his heart away from him, the Reactive 26th
Shadow is always Smelling for Usurpers. It knows that it ascended on the Ultimate Throne through
being the toughest of the tough and the shrewdest of the shrewd, so it only stands to reason that if
someone were to covet his throne (and why shouldn’t they) and want it for themselves, they would
lurk in the shadows and use intrigue, deceit and subterfuge to get their way.
So the Reactive 26th Shadow is always sleeping on a bed of Needles, wondering where the next blow
will come from and how to make a proper example of the one who dares challenge him.
The 26th Repressive shadow cannot stand to be in the light and to have any reason for Self-Worth. That
would destroy its full-proof invisible and indirect sense of Superiority over the objects and people who
are “Out there in the lime-light boasting and being arrogant and self-righteous”
The 26th Reactive shadow cannot stand to be Disregarded, Unnoticed, Disrespected, Trifled with or
Confronted, yet the only way it can feel it really deserves its spot at the top is if the battlefield is
littered with the bodies of slain enemies that he valiantly defended against. And to achieve that “Slayer
of Infidels” status, there must be infidels, there must be a Casus Beli (Reason for War), an outside
Provocation. And what better reason for war than to have your Virtue, Talent or Honor tarnished?
After all, it is you who gets to say what constitutes a violation of Virtue, Talent or Honor for you.

Pride recognizes no higher authority. It is the highest Authority it recognizes. It is the most successful,
the most famous, and has the best claim to be as proud as a person can be. After all, this is the Power
of the Ego. This is the Ego of the Sun.
The 26th key belongs to the Astrological sign of Sagittarius, which is Governed by Jupiter or Zeus
himself. The Supreme God, the God of Gods. Ruler of the 9th astrological house it represents Teachers
and Higher Learning, figures of real Authority.
Who can be higher than Jupiter?
Everyone bows down to Jupiter, but who does Jupiter bow down to?

The Reactive 26th Shadow is Proud, but it is False Pride. Real pride, as we shall see in the gift, does not
disconnect a man from his heart and the heart of others. The reactive 26 th shadow is proud because to
be otherwise is to be Worthless, and instead of succumbing to worthlessness like the repressive side
does, the reactive side puts all its will and fury in fighting against even the possibility of being

The Reactive 26th shadow can never rest. Ever. It is constantly fighting someone or something, but not
as the 38th key does. The 26th is not a Warrior or a Soldier. It is a Mercenary, which is a far more deadly,
albeit less disciplined foe.
Who would you put your money on in the ring? The 38, a trained Soldier, sword and shield at the
ready, who sparred for years with his fellow soldiers and his sergeant in the Barracks or on the 26, a
Mercenary, a Rogue who does not know the meaning of “Fight Fair”, who acted his life as a cut-purse,
con-artist, and general all-around loose-cannon, who studied fighting with daggers and exotic
weapons, not to mention a fair share of poison making or trap-detection and setting with the most
cunning and devious thieves in the land?
Discipline is not the way of the 26. The 26 is not a Soldier, it is a Warrior. A warrior is not disciplined or
obedient, like a soldier. It does not “fall in line and does what he’s told”. The 26 is Achilles, the best of
the best, the one who makes Sport out of War. An adventurous thrill-seeker at heart, the combat style
of the reactive 26 is feral, unpredictable, animal-like. He has a wide array of fighting styles, choosing
the one he needs depending on the situation.
A soldier is at his best when surrounded by other soldiers, which can rally together and form a tortoise,
or a phalanx, thereby increasing the effectiveness of each individual member by their combined effort.
A warrior is nothing like that. He is like the bare chested Viking donning the pelts of the bear or wolf he
killed with his bare hands, striking fear into the hearts of the most well-trained and disciplined soldier
with his fearsome battle cry. To face a 26 is to face an unpredictable force of nature, as wild and as
unpredictable as the jungle itself.

The 26th Gift – Exaltation: The Manipulation of Light

It is said the 26th gene key has a “Gift for Exaggerating Things”. And while this is not necessarily Literally
True, it does contain some hint about what the energy of the 26 th gift Can Do.
As we said before, the 26th gift CANNOT BE INTROVERTED, although there will be people with the 26 th
gene key who will really identify themselves as introverts. That doesn’t mean they’re in the Shadow,
but it means that social conditioning is still strong with them and might be affecting them by being part
of their personality which limits the expression of the 26th gift.
The 26th gift is highly controversial and highly misunderstood. Because when it shows up, it is so bright
that it almost blinds those around. It may seem Arrogant, Boastful, Show-Offish, Larger than Life and
thinking one possesses the Best Superpower and that whatever others may have cannot even begin to
compare with what one has.
But it’s not that at all. The 26th gift is the Brightest gift in all the 64 gifts. It is the Blaze of Glory, and as
such it can come off as “too much light” for those unprepared. And what seems “off” is that the 26th
gift seems to have no problem with the fact that others are seemingly Blinded by the light he
emanates, and does nothing to hide his light, but in fact he even intensifies it and makes it burn even
brighter, “just for the fun of it”.
This may seem Supremely Selfish to some, like the person with the 26 th gift does not care if he is
hurting other’s eyes with his light and stellar opinion about himself (or others). And what’s more, him
not caring to diminish his light even a tiny bit, so that he is accommodating to other’s wishes may come
off as just “Being too proud and full of ones self”.
One might even say that the person with the 26th gift “Wants all the light for himself” and hoards it,
being jealous of others “Stealing his Spotlight” or “Putting him into a bad light”.
Yet this gift is UNMISTAKABLE in its ability to both Exalt himself (or others) to the highest peaks, but
also make fun of himself (or others) as if Self-Image or Self-Worth is just an illusion. These are some of
the most relaxed, light-hearted and self-ironic persons there are, while still having intensity, passion
and grit to boot.
The 26th gift is anything but placid. Boy, is it ever loud. It’s like the Sun at mid-day burning hot at the
top of its power. Just like the Sun doesn’t say “Gee, I guess I shouldn’t really burn this bright, what if
those nice humans over there get a sun-burn or if I accidentally scorch all their crops”, neither does the
person with the 26th gift.
It’s all a grand joke to him, so he laughs. And when others are confounded and say “What are you
laughing at, are you laughing at me” and the person with the 26 th gift says “Why as a matter of fact yes,
yes I was laughing at you”, instead of joining in, others are so baffled and take it so seriously that they
begin throwing tomatoes and insults at him.
“Don’t you think you have an exaggerated good opinion about yourself?”, they might ask?
“Why no, no I don’t, do you think I have an exaggerated good opinion about myself?”, the person with
the 26th gift may answer.
It’s challenging to be around this gift, because it doesn’t back off, it’s right there in your face, gritty,
provoking your inner light with his.
He doesn’t do it out of malevolence or because he has something to prove, but because it is the nature
of the 26th gift to shine and gather attention, just like it is the Sun’s nature to shine and bless us with its

But whether people love him or throw tomatoes at him, to the person with the 26 th gift it’s all the
same. Sure he’s human and prefers positive attention any day of the week, and doesn’t want any
negative one, but that doesn’t mean that if he receives flack for being “arrogant, boastful or show-off-
ish” he’ll take it very personally.
It is out of the Fusion of his Civilized Educated side and his Wild, Feral, Animal side that this light
Some people only accept their instinctive nature, denying the higher impulses of Civilization.
Others are in the other extreme, being extremely cultured, well behaved, proper and civilized, but
really have a problem with the “barbaric ways”.
The 26th gift of Exaltation Exalts both sides and fuses them together into one beautiful and captivating
Both Wild and Civil, Both Cultured as well as Loose, the 26th gift simply has Flair. It is the gift of a great
Marketer who speaks with everyone according to their language, as if tailoring his discourse to fit the
person right in front of him.
And when it speaks it almost always speaks in hyperbolic terms, both of him, of the others, or of the
product he’s selling. “This is the best” or “I am the best” or “You are the best”, a person with the 26 th
gift may say. “It’s not simply better or new and improved, it is THE BEST sweater for you Honey, trust
me. Wear it and you will turn heads left and right. You’ll look like a million bucks, and all for the low
low price, just for you of 29,99$”
“Oh, I bet you say that to everybody”, one might say.
True, that’s how the 26th gift speaks, it’s Heart Marketing after all. That doesn’t make it fake or
manipulative. It’s just the panache of putting anything it touches in a positive light.
I’m the best, you’re the best, our Company is the best, Everybody is the best.
The 26th gift does not choose sides. It recognizes the light in another and it speaks to it, trying to “pull it
out of hiding”. Some get annoyed by that, and try to make him stop. But it’s all in good fun for the
person of the 26th gift. He’s ok with his Over-Exaggeration. Actually he quite likes it. So what if he over-
states everything? Light is not shy, it is bright and burns beautiful, just as his talent for Exalting.

He sings his praise as a model of social acceptability to sing one’s own praise. One does not sing one’s
praise from the 26th gift because others don’t. One does so only to accompany the growing Quire.

It wouldn’t surprise me if persons of the 26th gift thought Very Highly, elogiously even of both
themselves and others, and that if confronted about their “too good of an opinion” they simply
wouldn't back off, just like the sun won’t glow any dimmer because someone finds it too bright. It is a
gift of Self-Worth after all. And the people of this gift have lots of Self-Worth, but at the same time
they have quite a different and unique take on what exactly constitutes Acceptable Reason for such a
great opinion about oneself or others.

They are the singers of Glory Glory Hallelujah for anyone and anything. The classical Archetype of the
Spokesperson or the Infomercial Guy trying to sway you to buy the “Latest and Greatest” model of this
or that by describing its many features and virtues, that’s the avenue of the 26th gift. It’s infectious.
These are the proverbial persons who can “Sell ice to Eskimos” and make them think they’re getting a
How they do this is by opening a doorway, as we’ll see in the 26th Siddhi, through which the hidden
inner light of whatever it is they’re focusing on begins to shine out into the world, becoming visible.

Of course, to a person dedicated to remaining at a low level of frequency this is like putting a flashlight
directly in their eyes at night when they’re trying to sleep. So it’s natural for the persons of the 26th gift
to get a lot of flack and to not be received with open arms everywhere they go. What saves them is
their inherent and irresistible likeability and light-heartedness.
Seeming blissfully unaware of “just how serious life is”, the Trickster 26 does a wonderful job of
deflating Egos, not by Confronting them directly and telling them “You’re not so great, quit bragging”,
but by poking fun at them and finally getting even the most hard nosed ego maniac to laugh at himself.
Ego is not deflated through confrontation, but through Self-Ridicule and Fun.
And boy, the people of the 26th gift really have an inner joviality and a funny tooth that can put even a
stoic person under the table laughing. I would know, my best friends have the 26 th gene key in their
profile, and the laughs we had are nothing short of Legendary.

While to many the Exaltation that the 26th gift brings seems like Unfounded Over-Exaggeration, the
Wisdom and Common sense of the 26th gift become apparent in the long run. The I-Ching hexagram for
this key is Mountain over Heaven, that is the inner creative light of Spirit held in reserve and tempered
by the Rootedness and Steadfastness of the Mountain.
As a composite hexagram, the bottom trigram comes from GK 1 (The Creative Heaven) – Entropy /
Freshness / Beauty and the top comes from hexagram 52 (The Mountain) – Stress / Restraint /
Even though the person with the 26th gift seems to be saying a lot through his words (i.e. letting a lot of
light “spill over” unrestrained), there is a clear sense of “There is so much more he isn’t saying”.
But even the tiny bit of light that comes off as Exaltation that comes off in the words and voice of the
person with the 26th gift is usually much more than people are used to and confortable with.

They’re not used to them or anyone else having such a good opinion about oneself, so naturally they
are suspicious of anything “more” than what they’re used to.

By its very nature the 26th Gift challenges that. It challenges our self-Imposed and self-accepted
Verdicts upon our Self-Worth or the Worth of others. It provokes us to think better of both ourselves
and others, in Epic terms, in Glorious terms, in terms that actually “Do justice” to the light Divinity
seeded in every one of us.

The 26th gift is like the fan that stokes the flames. For some, it will stoke their Eire, their Wrath even at
“The Nerve” it has. For others it will inspire admiration.
And in all this time, the person of the 26th gift will be light hearted, and as I like to say, he will “Smile
from the Heart”

The 26th Siddhi – Stealth: Hiding in Plain Sight, Seeing the Invisible

At its Apex, Exaltation becomes so bright and luminous that it just Dissolves the Ego and opens the
door to the world of Light beyond Light. The energy that was always moving from the beginning
through both the 26th Shadows and the 26th Gift was always untraceable and invisible to the mind.
The 26th Siddhi is an attribute of the individual heart, and is only detectable by the heart.
If you look with the eyes of the heart, the 26 th siddhi is never far away. It is just camouflaged, stealthy.
You can’t tell it apart from anything else around. It just “blends in” seamlessly, as if it’s not even there.
But of course it is, and it always has been.
The Individual Ego and all its inflation and pride is actually the doorway to this realm that can see into
the invisible. This is a gift of light. This is the ability to sense, see and even weigh the light in others.
The 26th Siddhi sees through the heart what the mind alone will never ever see. You could say that the
26th Siddhi grants its devotee the power of True-Sight. While what he sees may still be invisible to
others, who have not yet learned the art of using the heart as a Radar, he himself sees into the
If you look into the eyes of a person that is taken by the 26 th siddhi, he will look not at you, but through
you, into some great beyond, into some realm beyond form, beyond the material, where things are
made entirely out of light. He actually looks within, into what is called “The Little Space of the Heart”, a
point located in what is known from the revelations of Drunvalo Melchizedek (writer of “The Ancient
Secret of the Flower of Life”) as “The Sacred Space of the Heart”.
The Little Space of the heart is not individual, but rather it is the same unique point that is shared by
every single thing on earth, be it animate or inanimate, living or mineral. And when looking through
that point, it becomes a singularity, a doorway to another realm, an inner realm that resides in all
It is through the 26th Siddhi that we gain the ability to sense that point and go through it as we would
through a Star-Gate that transports us into a world in a whole other universe, invisible by normal
means, or at least that’s how it feels like through my perspective.
In the gift, the Light expands and expands and expands until it envelops all of creation. And then all
that Exaltation folds back on itself and retracts into its origin point, the little space of the Heart, and
“pulls our soul in” through that point into another realm.
And then, when we speak, when we look, when we observe the reality of this world, we literally “Come
from another place”. We have accessed a whole new inner plane inside ourselves, and then our senses
look upon this world with the eyes and senses of that new world we accessed.
And for the first time we see what before we couldn’t have. We perceive in ways that were
inaccessible before, because our Soul which does the sensing was still bound to this world and its rules.
And we begin to see light where we did not, to see goodness where we did not, to see meaning where
we did not. We are forever and irreversibly changed from within. Our heart is in another realm now. It
is in Eden, and now it sees from Eden.
Before, we were Earthlings seeking Eden. After we are Eden Dwellers looking with love and gratitude
to Earth. And when our heart moves, it moves us from quite a different place, a place invisible to our
fellow men, but that in fact, is right under our nose, stealthed, just waiting for our heart to open up to
its natural ability of True-Sight that can literally Pierce the Veil between worlds, like the tip of the Spear
The words of a person taken by this 26th Siddhi retain their playful panache and trickster
mischievousness. This person is a Weaver of Light, clothing our story, our lives and our hearts in
invisible garments that are very Real to our hearts.
He tricks us into following the light, he manipulates our ego for our own benefit, exalting it, singing its
praise, making it feel good about itself but in a gentle and light-hearted, not boastful manner. He sees
what we do not. He sees our light emanating from us when we do not. So he has to make a conjuring
trick in order that our heart may open up to its inner light.
And if we’re lucky, we let ourselves be manipulated and conned into believing in our inner light,
despite our mind trying to keep us tied to this world. And if we do, there is the slim chance that the
void might claim us too and birth us anew as denizens of Eden, the invisible world beyond.
Remember that the 26th Siddhi of Stealth is allied with the 45th Siddhi of Communion. It is about
Inhabiting Eden together with all the other Light-Beings that lived there. It is about meeting and
coming into communion with our True Family, our Fractal Family.
We as humans are 2 part beings. We have a Soul made of Light and a body made of matter. They live in
symbiosis, the body providing a perfect vehicle to the Light-Body that is our Soul. The body feels right
at home in this materially dense world. It is a part of it, it knows its way around it, it knows how to
survive in it. For him, Earth is Home.
But something uneasy stirs within, like a longing for a something beyond, something invisible, long-
forgotten. That’s Eden, that’s the Home of our Soul. It’s an entirely non-physical realm where our soul
yearns to return. Yet it knows not how. Where’s the door back home, it asks endlessly?
Well, we need look no further than the 26th Siddhi. That’s the Door to Eden, to that immaterial,
ethereal realm of light where all the archetypes of Angels and Archangels come from. They are not the
only beings of light which inhabit that invisible realm. And actually, Eden is not a different “Planet”
than Earth. It shares the same planet with us. Eden IS this planet. It’s just invisible to the normal senses
and to the normal mind.
Pixies, Sprites, Fairies and Fairy-Good Mothers, Elves, Leprechauns, they are all beings of light that are
awaiting us on the other side. They are here, with us, among the trees, in the grass, giggling and
laughing at this very moment while you are reading this. Yet we do not see them, we cannot sense
them. We do not trust they exist just as sure as the Sun Rises every day from the East.
But the 26th Siddhi does. It sees through the veil. It lives with them in the invisible world. And while
people may think it mad, and may say “Come back to Earth”, “It’s not Alice in Wonderland, you
know?”, it really knows.
It really knows that it is not he who is the fool, but the ones who cannot see the light, who think Alice,
the Mad Hatter, Dorothy and Toto are just make belief.
They are make-belief. They are Light being weaved into words. And yes, there is a lot of embellishment
to it. But the underlying message delivered is true. Heaven is indeed a place on Earth, and while not
every person might have the 26th gene key, that does not make him or her any less of a light-weaver.

This world is not built of Matter, but of Light. Matter is made of a lot of condensed light. And while we
might not be able to shape light as a potter shapes clay, it is nonetheless true that Light has a Self-
Organizing intelligence, and if we but emit it, and see it in others thereby strengthening it, light will
assemble itself as matter. And, in a manner of speaking, even though it will come through our hands,
and the sweat of our brow, Eden will “Assemble Itself”, and what is invisible will become visible in
form, not just to the heart.
But it all starts with the heart. As the little Prince of Antoine de Saint Exupery said “Look not with the
eyes. What is essential is invisible to the eye”.

And this last one is a doozy, it even caught me by surprise.

The 26th Siddhi also has another trait to it, which is based on the principle that LIGHT HAS MASS. Now I
don’t know if light indeed does have mass or it doesn’t, the physicists will just have to tell us all. But my
insight is that the 26th Siddhi also has the ability to Weigh someone’s heart, like a jeweler estimates if a
stone is indeed a diamond or not.
And if one passes the test of heart of the 26 th gene key, one gets to pass through the invisible doorway
and live in Eden.
It is said (by me who is making all of this up as I go), that before it can pass into the invisible realm, a
person’s heart is weighed against the feather of an angel made up of pure light. And if his heart weighs
more, then the doors to the invisible world remain closed. But if his heart is lighter and the angel
feather hangs heavier, he is awarded the feather which serves as his own personal key to the invisible
world of Eden.
Every feather earned by every human who has ever crossed the Threshold into the Beyond is Unique,
carrying with it all the Virtues and the Wisdom accumulated through the course of the Epic Journey the
person has gone through until then.
It is said many had to go through many cycles of incarnation before at least life purified their hearts so
much that they were lighter than the feather of an angel. And that feather holds the story of all those
lives up until this one.
So it has been and so it will be for all eternity. The key to the door of the invisible realm is as light as an
angel’s feather. And if your heart is lighter, then you too shall be granted access.
In the end, the Siddhi of Stealth is about the Stealth of the invisible world, hiding in plain sight. It is the
Siddhi of Light-Heartedness. And there’s nothing like a good trick and a good joke made by a playful
trickster to lighten the mood an lighten the heart so much that Gravity doesn’t apply to it anymore and
it is lifted into Heaven.
After all, THE JOKE’S ON US. So we might as well get a good laugh out of it.
Life goes on, as it always has. Well, maybe a little bit lighter 

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