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A. LISTENING (50 points)

Part 1: Listen to the recording twice. Complete the table below. Write ONE
WORD ONLY for each answer. (10 points)


Advantages Disadvantages

Action – clubs, cafẻs etc. Noise

1.__________ More 2. __________ and pollution

Arts & Culture – museums etc. Price of housing

Close to work

Peace & quiet Cost of 4. __________

Greener environment Time lost in daily 5. __________

Better for children

Homes larger with more

3.__________. – back yard

1. 2. crime 3. 4.transportation 5. commute

Part 2:You will hear an interview with a man called Mike O’Toole, who works as
a teacher trainer. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits
best according to what you hear. (10 points)
1. Why are many teachers leaving the profession, according to Mike?
A. They don’t feel it is financially rewarding any more.
B. They are not being given the respect they once were.
C. They are investing too much in it without getting enough back.
D. They find the subject matter they have to teach too difficult.
2. Mike believes that without radical changes
A. education in the UK will begin to get worse.
B. UK schools will lose their ability to compete with one another.
C. the UK will soon no longer be a leader in education.
D. the educational system in the UK can be transformed.
3. The main failing of the UK education system is
A. the inability of students to use computers.
B. the resistance within schools to the introduction of technology.
C. the failure of government to invest in hardware for schools.
D. the lack of training for teachers in the use of technology in the classroom.
4. Why is teacher training failing teachers, according to Mike?
A. It is not helping them to keep pace with developments.
B. It does not use technology in its training classrooms.
C. It uses hardware and software that are out of date.
D. It is suffering from a lack of trainers with specialist knowledge.
5. Teachers can only benefit from technology if
A. they cease to see it as a threat.
B. they can combine it with traditional methods.
C. they are allowed to use it in their own way.
D. they are willing to research its possibilities on their own.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 3: Listen to the recording twice. Decide whether the following statements are
true (T) or false (F). Write T or F in the space provided. (10 points)
1. The speaker has come from the Theosophical Society. _____
2. One of the main points of the talk is to save money. _____
3. The woman thinks students should do more home work. _____
4. The woman argues that plastic containers won’t biodegrade quickly. _____
5. The woman warns that asthma sufferers should be careful with her recipes. _____
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T

Part 4: Listen to the recording twice. You will hear part of a radio talk for
young people about animals communicating with each other. Complete the
sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. (20 points)
Bees do a (1.__________) to communicate where to find food.
Although parrots seem to speak, they are only (2.__________) the human sounds.
Primates can communicate a few (3.__________) using simple sounds.
Monkeys have not been observed to use any kind of (4.__________).
Although dolphins can make vowel sounds, they cannot accurately imitate our
Amazingly, dolphins demonstrate an (6.__________) of when to use phrases.
The sounds made by whales contain (7.__________) than human speech.
The songs of the bottle-nosed whale have many of the (8.__________) of human
The unique grammatical nature of human language arose due to life in
Indeed, a young child needs enough (10.__________) with other people to develop
1. 2. copying 3. basic ideas 4. grammar 5.

6. 7. more 8. 9. 10. contact

information characteristics

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