King y Browning - Democratic Representation and Partisan Bias in Congressional Elections

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Harvard University
Purdue Universitv

T h e translation of citizen votes into legislative seats is of cen-

tral importance in democratic electoral systems. It has been a longstanding concern
among scholars in political science and in numerous other disciplines. Throughout this
literature, two fundamental tenets of democratic theory, partisan bias and democratic
representation, have often been confused. W e develop a general statistical model of the
relationship between votes and seats and separate these two important concepts
theoretically and empirically. In so doing, we also solve several methodological
problems with the study of seats, votes, and the cube law. A n application to U.S. con-
gressional districts provides estimates of bias and representation for each state and
demonstrates the model's utility. Results of this application show distinct types of
representation coexisting in U.S. states. Although most states have small partisan biases,
there are some with a substantial degree of bias.

T h e relationship dall and Stuart 1950; March 1957-58;

between legislative seats and citizen votes Theil1970; Tufte 1973). Furthermore, the
is a longstanding concern in democratic recent spate of court challenges, the
theory (e.g., Balinski and Young 1982; courtsf willingness to hear political gerry-
Dahl 1956, 147-49; Farrand 1911; Locke mandering cases, and the Supreme
1965, 419-20; Rae 1967; Schattschneider Court's interest in a threshold of political
1942). Through .this relationship, legisla- discrimination, have rekindled the seats-
tive majorities are formed and minorities votes controversy (Karcher v. Daggett,
protected. Constitutionally mandated re- 462 U.S. 725 [1983]; Davis v. Bandemer,
apportionment and shifting patterns of 478 U.S. [1986]; Brown v. Thomson, 462
partisanship have created opportunities U.S. 835 119831).
for state legislatures and partisan gerry- Concern with and, we believe, confu-
manders to alter the congressional seats- sion over two fundamental tenets of
votes relationship (Cain 1984; Grofman et democratic theory, partisan bias and
al. 1982; Polsby 197l). Over the last cen- democratic representation, dominate this
tury, scholars in political science, sociol- literature. Partisan bias introduces asym-
ogy, economics, mathematics, statistics, metry into the seats-votes relationship,
and political geography have studied resulting in an unfair partisan differential
these normative theoretical questions and in the ability to win legislative seats: the
sought empirical estimates of bias and advantaged party will be able to receive a
unfairness (Hay and Rumley 1984; Ken- larger number of seats for a fixed number


VOL. 81 NO. 4 DECEMBER 1987
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

of votes than will the disadvantaged v = the number of votes cast for
party. Although bias is easily defined, it Democratic party candidates
is not always as apparent or as easily T = the total number of votes cast for
measured (Grofman 1983). Even in the candidates of both parties
absence of partisan bias, several forms of VR = T - v = the number of votes
democratic representation are possible: cast for Republican party can-
strict proportional representation-in didates
which the percentage of seats equals the V = v/T = the proportion of votes
percentage of votes-and winner-take-all cast for Democratic candidates
elections are the pure forms, with many VR = 1 - V = the proportion of votes
other possibilities in between.' Whereas cast for Republican candidates
the extent of bias is a separate problem, s = the number of seats allocated to
the precise effect of partisan bias depends the Democratic party candidates
on the specific form of democratic SR = the number of seats allocated to
representation. the Republican party candidates
Much of the literature either treats par- D = the total number of single-
tisan bias and democratic representation member legislative districts
as one concept or mistakenly confuses dif- S = s/D = the proportion of seats
ferent democratically legitimate forms of allocated to the Democratic can-
representation with clearly invidious par- didates
tisan bias. Because bias and represen- SR = 1 - S = the proportion of seats
tation are related, the separate estima- allocated to the RepubIican can-
tions in most previous research can be didates
shown to be statistically inconsistent. By
expressing each of these concepts as a We express the absence of partisan bias
separate parameter in a unified model, we as partisan symmetry. In general, this
show that it is possible and useful to means that in an election system where
emphasize the analytical and empirical x% of the Democratic votes produces an
distinctions by developing a model that allocation of y% of the seats to the Demo-
jointly estimates both of these parame- crats, then in another election under the
ters. In a single and conceptually simple same system x% of the Republican votes
equation, we incorporate the full range of would yield the same y% Republican
possible values for bias and representa- allocation of seats. This is the situation
tion. The result is a general form that is that Grofman (1983) calls "completely
useful in understanding both the fairness unbiased."
of legislative reapportionment and the Stated more formally, if V = x * S =
democratic character of legislative repre- y, then VR = x =+ SR = y, for all x and y.
sentation. The validity and utility of this This completely unbiased system requires
model is then demonstrated with an appli- only one point at which the percentage of
cation to state level congressional seats votes equals the percentage of seats: when
and votes for the period 1950-84. each party receives 50% of the votes, the
The essence of bias and representation seats must be divided equally between
in democratic regimes is realized in the them. The partisan fairness expressed by
translation of votes into seats.' Assume this symmetry does not restrict x to equal
initially that there are only two parties, y at any but this point. When it is true
Democratic and Republican, and that the that x = y, for all x and y, we have the
legislature is composed of a set of single- situation of unbiased proportional
member, winner-take-all districts. We representation. However, there are many
begin with a few standard definitions. Let other interesting types of unbiased
Representation and Partisan Bias

representation systems, and our model ex- Equation 1, with p set equal to 3, is the
plicitly incorporates the full range of classic cube law:
Bias, formalized as partisan asym-
metry, makes it possible for one party to
receive 50% of the votes but not neces-
sarily 50% of the seats. This situation is Some time after its inception, investiga-
modeled similarly: If V = x * S = y, tion with actual election results indicated
then VR = x SR = Z, where y is not that values for p other than 3 were better
necessarily equal to z. However, in the descriptions of many electoral systems
United States, even a biased system would (see Taagepera 1973; Tufte 1973; and the
not allocate any seats to a party without citations in Grofman 1983, 317). While
any votes. This means that both biased this mathematical relationship is straight-
and unbiased systems are restricted to forward, it is difficult to interpret in a
pass through the (O%, 0%) and (loo%, theoretically meaningful way wikhout
100%) points on the votes-to-seats curve; either knowledge of analytical geometry
it is near the middle range of votes and or specific applications.
seats that the potential for bias is greatest. As an alternative, consider the alge-
Our model of representation and bias braic characterization that follows. First,
will now be developed and explained in by taking natural logs, we rewrite Equa-
more detail. We introduce the mathe- tion 1as
matical form and explain the substantive
significance of the bias and representation
parameters of each. Those preferring a
nonmathematical exposition are referred
to Figures 1-3.
Tufte (1973, 545), making unrealistic
Modeling Representation assumptions about the disturbance term
(see Linehan and Schrodt 1978), estimated
There are a number of plausible func- p by running a linear regression of
tional forms that could be used to model In[S/(l -S)] on ln[V/(l -V)] and includ-
the full range of representation while still ing a constant term in the e q u a t i ~ nWith
restricting the system to be unbiased. some additional algebraic manipulation,
Most of these forms lead to nearly iden- Equation 2 can be expressed as a modifi-
tical conclusions, if not to the same cation of the dichotomous logit model
models. We believe our model best (see King 1986a). Thus, from the perspec-
matches the definitions above and has the tive of models common in political sci-
additional advantage of being a general- ence, Equation 3 should be more directly
ized form of the best-known model of the interpretable:
votes-seats relationship, the "cube law" of
electoral politics. Our generalization also
extracts the hidden features of this formal
"law," known at least since 1909 (see
Kendall and Stuart 1950), and expresses
them in a more interpretable form. We
show how this form can realistically and There are two differences between
flexibly model concepts and relationships Equation 3 and the logit model commonly
of fundamental importance to democratic used to analyze dichotomous dependent
theorists, political scientists, and the variables: In(V/l - V) is a log-odds func-
courts. tion of V; and there is no constant term.
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

Figure I. Forms of Unbiased Representation (Based on Equation 3)

.9 -

.8 - Majoritarian representation
( P = 3 1
-7 -
U Winner-take-all>-

0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Proportion Democratic Votes

However, the inverse of the term in braces ( p = 1).Equation 3 can also be used to
still ranges between 0 and 1, and, when model antimajoritarian or unresponsive
multiplied by D, the entire right-hand side representation (0< p < I),not discussed
is restricted to vary between 0 and D, the here.
number of districts. Since a log-odds When D = 1. the translation of votes
transformation is the inverse of a logit, we into seats is bysproportional representa-
call Equation 3 the bilogit functional tion. As the figure indicates, some pro-
form. Thus, we have in Equation 3 a portion of votes will yield exactly that
model that generates the forms of repre- proportion of seats for the Democratic
sentation depicted in Figure 1.5 party. Exact proportional representation
Figure 1 demonstrates the range of is unlikely in actual U.S. district-based
functional forms that can emerge from elections, if only because there are fewer
Equation 3 and depend on the value of seats than votes: it would require a pro-
p (rho), the representation parameter. We portional increase in seats (1/ T, to be pre-
discuss winner-take-all representation ( p cise) for even one additional vote; this is
= a ) , majoritarian representation (1 < p imp.ossible, unless there were one seat for
< a),and proportional representation each voter. Other more realistic condi-
Representation and Partisan Bias

tions, such as incumbency and party com- possibilities-from just beyond propor-
petition, can also lead to results that are tional representation ( p > 1) to just
not proportional. before winner-take-all (r < a).
Majoritarian representation is the situa- A third situation is winner-take-all,
tion where 1< p < a.The further p is which occurs when p = oo. This is also
from 1, the further the electoral system is portrayed in Figure 1. In this case, 50%
from proportional representation. A com- plus one vote translates into 100% of the
mon example of this is the cube law (p = seats. Although this situation exists for
3), portrayed as the curve in Figure 1in each congressional district, for example, it
the shape of an escalator. This relation- does not usually apply to aggregates of
ship between seats and votes helps majori- them.6
ties to form. When a party approaches Although proportional representation
50% of the votes, each additional incre- is most often proffered as the standard of
ment of voters increases the proportion of fairness, we see no a priori reason to
seats by a larger amount, as evidenced by believe that one form of representation is
the steep slope at V = 3 ; thus, parties inherently more fair than the others, pro-
are encouraged in their search for majori- vided that there is partisan symmetry.
ties. There is also an incentive for more Convincing arguments can be made in
partisan competition, since the marginal favor of each of these types of democratic
benefit, in terms of seats, of an additional representation. At first glance propor-
increment of votes is greatest as both par- tional representation seems fair, since the
ties approach 50% of the votes. But one translation process reflects underlying
aspect of this relationship has been over- voter preferences most directly. But repre-
looked: although this form of representa- sentation systems need not only reflect to
tion favors majority and near-majority be fair and meaningful (King and Rags-
parties, there is a sense in which it pro- dale 1987; Pitkin 1967). Winner-take-all
tects minorities. This can be seen by look- systems, for example, have some elements
ing near the top and bottom of the graph, of reflection but also recognize that only
where the slope of the line becomes pro- one party can, and assume that only one
gressively flatter. After a party gets 50% party should, govern. These electoral sys-
of the vote (and a majority of seats), each tems thus emphasize ability to govern and
additional increment of votes yields a reflection in the method of translating
smaller incremental proportion of seats. citizen votes into legislative seats. In
The increase in the proportion of general, there is a trade-off between these
majority-party voters it would take to two criteria, but since winner-take-all
eliminate the last percentage point of systems do not favor one political party
minority seats (i.e., from 99% to 100% over the other, there is no real reason to
for the majority party) is far greater than consider it unfair. In fact, one can argue
the increase in voters it would take to that majoritarian representation, falling
reduce minority representation by one between proportional and winner-take-all
percentage point near the middle of the representation, best describes many
curve (say, from 55% to 56% for the popular notions of U.S. democracy:
majority party). This majoritarian elec- majorities are encouraged, but small
toral system thus encourages majorities to minorities are protected and thus repre-
form but simultaneously makes it more sented. An "optimal" value of p is there-
difficult for minority representation to be fore a matter for political or judicial deci-
eliminated. Although only one type of sion. Thus, there appears to be no a priori
majoritarian representation is pictured in or axiomatic basis on which to choose one
Figure 1, there are an infinite number of system over another.'
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

Modeling Bias cratic representation. Unlike the linear

model, even systems with widely varying
Although there are many types of "fair" and quite extreme values of S and V can
democratic systems of representation, be incorporated in this model.
partisan bias is usually condemned. Equation 4 can also be written in an
Unfortunately, although partisan bias is algebraically equivalent, but more sub-
often discussed, it is seldom estimated. stantively interpretable, bilogit form:
Indeed, it is not even included as part of
the cube law. In order to incorporate the
possibility of bias into this model, we
must choose a form that still restricts the
votes-seats curve to pass through the (0,O)
s = D
1 exp
[- In@)

and (1,l) points; this means that a party

with no votes will receive no seats. At the
same time, this model must still allow for We incorporate the bias parameter in
the full range of forms of representation this model because of widespread concern
already explicated. about the fairness of the congressional
Our solution is to augment Equation 1 reapportionment process. We therefore
(reinterpreted as Equation 3) with a bias provide a more realistic model of both
parameter; this allows the joint estimation bias and representation, allowing for the
of both partisan bias and democratic rep- exact form of the bias to depend upon the
resentation. Letting 0 (beta) be the bias specific type of electoral representation.
parameter, the new generalized cube law Consider now what happens when bias is
can be written as8 added to the unbiased forms of represen-
tation pictured in Figure 1.
Generically, bias refers to asymmetry
in the seats-votes relationship for the two
parties. The easiest type of bias to under-
This form allows the curves drawn in stand is for winner-take-all systems ( p =
Figure 1, from Equation 3, to be a s p - oo). A bias in favor of the Republicans is
metric, our definition of partisan bias.9 the case where the discontinuity in the
Almost every empirical study of the curve (the vertical part of the line in Fig.
cube law has implicitly assumed that 0 = 1, P = oo) is moved to the right: the pro-
1, the situation of no bias. When there is portion of the vote that the Democrats
in fact no bias, the 0 = 1 constraint would have to win in order to take all the
causes no problem. However, when there seats would be greater than half. Similar-
is bias toward one of the political parties, ly, if the discontinuity moved to the left,
the constraint will result in statistically the bias would help the Democrats. Bias
inconsistent estimates. The model in in winner-take-all systems is so apparent
Equation 4 allows for bias without the that it rarely occurs in U.S. elections,
possibility of statistical inconsistency. except in the presence of fraud or other
Tufte (1973) was probably the first to abuses.lO The particular forms of bias
recognize that bias and representation associated with the other two types of
could be modeled in one equation, and his representation are quite distinct and more
was a linear approximation to Equation 4. complex. The empirical results presented
We believe our nonlinear model is a more below indicate that bias coexists with
realistic version than Tufte's in that we many forms of representation in a number
allow for every possible degree of partisan of U.S. states.
bias and every possible form of demo- Table 1summarizes the possible ranges
Representation and Partisan Bias

of the bias parameter and their respective Table I. Bias Coefficient Values
interpretations. Since fl is log-symmetric
(ranging from 0 to oo with 1at the center), Coefficient Value Direction of Bias
it will be convenient to express the coeffi- -

cient in terms of its natural log, that is In@ >

lnfi 0 o P 1 > bias towards Democrats
(ranging from - oo to oo with 0 at the Infi = 0 o p = 1 unbiased
center). <
I@ 0 * 0 1 < bias toward Republicans
Figure 2 plots three types of bias under
a proportional representation system.ll
Infl = 0 is obviously the case of no bias: line embodies this relationship; a given
.5 Democratic votes yields .5 Democratic percentage change in seats yields an equal
seats; .6Democratic votes yields .6Dem- percentage change in votes throughout. In
ocratic seats. This is proportional repre- evaluating the other two biased lines, it is
sentation because the proportion of seats useful to consider this unbiased plot as the
equals the proportion of votes; it is baseline.
unbiased because these same figures also For example, under proportional repre-
hold for the Republican party. The 45" sentation, .5 Democratic votes should

Figure 2. Bias and Proportional Representation (Based on Equation 5)

.S .6
Proportion Democratic Votes
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

yield .5 Democratic seats (because this is This is fair under the P = 3 majoritarian
where the vertical line meets the unbiased system, but not necessarily under other
line), but the line marked In0 = - 1only representational schemes. For the lnp =
allocates .27 Democratic seats and the line -1 line, there is a bias favoring the
marked In@ = 1 allocates .73. A similar Republicans, so that the same .6 votes
situation exists at all other points on this Democratic yields only a .55 proportion
graph. At .6 Democratic votes, the fair of Democratic seats. The lnp = 1 line,
outcome is .6 Democratic seats, but the biased toward the Democrats, yields .9 of
upper line, In0 = 1, is biased toward the the Democratic seats. For this figure, the
Democrats, yielding .8 of the Democratic absolute bias is also different for each
seats. The lower line, In0 = -1, is biased point on the horizontal axis. For the line
toward the Republicans, yielding only .36 marked In0 = 1, the absolute bias at .5
Democratic seats. The asymmetry defines -
votes Democratic is 1.5 .731 = .23, but
our theoretical notion of bias. the absolute bias at .6is only 1.77 - .901
Note that for each point on the horizon- = .13.12
tal axis, there is a different absolute bias
for different parts of any biased line. For
lnp = 1, the absolute bias is 1.5 .73 1 = Deterministic Laws
.23 at .5 of the Democratic votes, but it is and Probabilistic Realities
only 1.6 - .81 = .20 at .6 votes Demo-
cratic. In our model, the maximum abso- Some of the most significant contribu-
lute bias occurs at or near the .5 mark tions to the literature on seats-votes rela-
because the curves converge as they tionships imply that the cube law, or
approach 0 or 1.This provides some justi- some relevant variant, is deterministic.
fication for formal statistical models Whether this relationship is deterministic
(Quandt 1974) and more intuitive analy- or probabilistic is an empirical issue, and
ses (Tufte 1973) based on bias measured it has important consequences for theo-
only at .5. However, since there are many retical understanding and data analyses.
electoral systems where the percentage We believe it is difficult to find even one
Democratic is rarely near 50%, it also meaningful example of a deterministic law
suggests that we should look past this anywhere in the social sciences.13There is
point to incorporate the full range of bias. also strong evidence that a deterministic
For proportional representation systems, relationship between seats and votes does
a measure based on the Gini index of the not exist: While the cube law is stated
area between the biased and unbiased deterministically, even a cursory exam-
curves is possible, but this does not gen- ination of election statistics shows that it
eralize as easily to the majoritarian repre- does not hold perfectly" (Schrodt 1981,
sentation or winner-take-all cases. Grof- 33). Michels's (1911) "Iron Law of Oligar-
man's (1975, 1983) "normalized measure" chy" and many others have also failed the
of bias could be utilized here, but for pres- test. In making a general point (coin-
ent purposes the most natural way to cidentally using the cube law as an exam-
measure the range of bias existing in the ple), Achen (1982, 15) writes, "Any
system is to use 0 or, equivalently, lnp. attempt at specifying exact causal func-
Figure 3 expresses bias for majoritarian tions must necessarily result in over-
representation systems of the specific type simplified explanations."
p = 3. The line in the middle, marked lnp The Appendix develops a number of
= 0, is the unbiased line included for original, but somewhat technical, points:
reference. At .6 votes Democratic, the fair we justify a binomial disturbance term
proportion of Democratic seats is .77. and add it to Equation 5, propose a
Representation and Partisan Bias

Figure 3. Bias and Majoritarian Representation (Based on Equation 5; P = 3)

.5 .6
Proportion Democratic Votes

method of estimation, and provide some because they were not states during the
empirical estimates. The sections that entire period. Small changes in the elec-
follow use the results from the Appendix. tions included in the analysis did not
materially alter the results because of the
generally slow changes in state electoral
Data and Measures systems.
To demonstrate the empirical utility of The implied assumption in this a p
this model, it is applied to data on U.S. proach is that @ and p vary more across
congressional elections, 1950-84.14 For states than over time within any one state.
most analyses of the U.S. Congress, the We believe that this is justifiable on two
entire nation has been used. But there are grounds. First, the whole process of re-
significant findings that demonstrate sub- apportionment is conducted separately by
stantial variation across states (e.g., Scar- each state legislature. Aside from signifi-
row 1983;Tufte 1973).We will therefore cant variation in the decisions by state
conduct separate analyses for each state, legislatures, there are also large discrepan-
using the 18 elections between 1950 and cies in political geography and political
1984. Alaska and Hawaii were excluded culture among the states. Surely, the
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

variation over time would be less than ences in these estimates across states can
these cross-state differences. Second, we be explained by measures of state political
report large variations in both the degree characteristics. This two-stage approach
of bias and the type of representation is as good as a simultaneous estimation
across states (see Figs. 4 and 5). At the because p, p , and many of these exoge-
same time, empirical tests indicated sub- nous state characteristicschange consider-
stantial stability within states over time.15 ably more across states than over
If /3 and p'do vary more than expected
over time for a particular state, then our
estimates are average values for that state. Estimating Representation and
These data were coded from, and cross- Bias in U.S. House Elections
checked against, the Statistical Abstract
of the U.S. (annual volumes), Congres- Using Equation 5 as the general model,
sional Quarterly's (1975) Guide to U.S. the estimation procedure described in the
Elections, Cox's (1972) State and National Appendix, and the data introduced
Voting, 1910-1970, and Scammon and below, bias and representation coeffi-
McGillivrayfs America Votes (annual cients were estimated for each state. We
volumes). As Niemi and Fett (1986) point present the results in Table A-1. For easier
out, the data collection is not as straight- interpretation, Figure 4 presents a histo-
forward as it might seem. For example, gram of the representation coefficients.17
we delete the very few representatives Note that the distribution of these coeffi-
who had won seats under the independ- cients are trimodal, with modes at or near
ent-party label and subtracted the votes 1, 6, and 10. Most of the states are quite
received by their Democratic and near to proportional representation, but
Republican opponents from the statewide significant numbers are strongly majori-
total. We ignore resignations,deaths, and tarian, and several are approximately
special elections. The member receiving winner-take-all. Note that although p
the most votes in the general election was ranges up to infinity, p coefficients
presumed to be elected. At-large districts, greater than 8 or 9 are essentially winner-
used by a few states immediately follow- take-all.
ing reapportionment, are excluded unless This finding demonstrates the utility of
there is only one district in the state. the model in three ways. First, it shows
Several states have laws that do not the large variance in the type of repre-
require votes to be tabulated in uncon- sentation across states. Second, it demon-
tested races. For these states, we included strates that the plurality of states are just
only those districts and votes that were above proportional representation ( p =
contested and reported. All other districts 1).Although a number of studies have
and votes are included. shown that p is not equal to 3, the cube-
Some have argued that the form of law value, most find that p falls between 2
democratic representation is a function of and 4, with an average of about 3. Finally,
the number of districts and voters, the the results indicate that previous estima-
geographical distribution, party competi- tion procedures may have been statis-
tion, and the number of incumbents. Our tically inconsistent due to the exclusion of
approach follows two steps. We first esti- a bias parameter. The extent of incon-
mate the bias and representation parame- sistency in previous research is also quite
ters for each state using the number of substantial: although deriving an analyt-
votes and seats for each party and election ical expression for the inconsistency
from 1950 to 1984. Once these parameters appears intractable, it is possible to get a
have been estimated, we show how differ- feel for the extent of the problem. To
Representation and Partisan Bias

Figure 4. Representation in U.S. States

Representation, ^p

accomplish this, the state bilogit estima- There is also substantial variation in the
tions were also run while constraining 0 degree and direction of bias in U.S.con-
= 1 (i.e., In0 = OJ-exactly as if the bias gressional elections across states. Figure 5
parameter had not been included. In these presents a histogram of the estimated fl
constrained estimations, p was too large coefficients. Note that the mean is almost
about 1.5 times more often than it was too exactly 0, and there is an approximately
small. It thus appears that previous symmetric normal distribution around
research has overestimated the degree to this point. This implies that the average of
which U.S.democracy tended away from the states is not too biased toward one
proportional representation and toward party more than the other. However, not
majoritarian representation. Although all points fall on or about In@= 0, sug-
these are the tendencies, in any particular gesting that at least some bias exists in
example it is unclear whether the incon- individual states. In fact, even allowing
sistency will cause the estimate of p to be for deviations from unbiasedness due to
too large or too small; the proper way to sampling variation and measurement
provide a consistent estimate of p is to use error, the point estimates indicate that
the joint model and estimation method some states have quite large biases (see
proposed here.18 Fig. 5). There are two well-defined groups
~ r n e r i c a ~ ~ o l i t iScience
cal Review Vol. 81

Figure 5. Bias in U.S. States

Bias, In(B1

of outliers at the ends of Figure 5. Kansas, a steep curve with two sharp bends).
Michigan, and Ohio have a substantial Indiana and other strong party states tend
Republican bias, whereas Texas, Cali- to demonstrate the slight bias and steeper
fornia, and Florida have a substantial slope portrayed in this figure.
Democratic bias.19 Representation in Texas is quite near to
The effect of bias on proportional and proportional. The no-bias baseline in
majoritarian representation systems is Texas is the nearly straight-line propor-
seen in the examples of Indiana and tional relationship (see Fig. 7). However,
Texas, graphed in Figures 6 and 7, respec- this baseline deviates substantially from
tively. Indiana is a generally Republican, Texas electoral politics; the dominant
but still competitive, two-party state. our Democratic tradition has created quite
results indicate a very slight Republican severe biases toward the Democrats, per-
bias (the unbiased baseline is almost indis- mitting them to win a majority .of the
tinguishable from our empirical findings) seats with less than 30% of the votes. This
and a steep, majoritarian, seats-votes is an extreme example of the biases that
relationship (the unbiased baseline is do exist in U.S. politics.
Representation and Partisan Bias

Figure 6. Bias and Representation in Indiana ( @ = 5.70, In( P ) = -.OS)

Proportion Democratic Votes

Explaining Representation and nately, we can estimate these variances by

Bias in the U.S. House the approximate squared standard error
resulting from the firststage analysis.
In this section, we explore the differ- Furthermore, since the first-stage analysis
ences among states in the bias and repre- was estimated with maximum likelihood,
sentation coefficients generated previous- these coefficients will be normally dis-
ly. This analysis helps to validate the esti- tributed.
mates produced there. Leaving out the Taking all these factors into account,
states with too little data for estimation or we use a weighted least-squares analysis,
with coefficients equal to infinity (indicat- regressing the estimates of representation
ing winner-take-all representation), two and bias on separate sets of explanatory
series (bias and representation) of 44 variables.20 Consider representation first.
observations each remain. The parameter There are two main explanations for
estimates have different expected values variation in the representation parameter.
(asyrnptoticaliy equal to the population The best justified is Taagepera's (1973)
parameters) across states. The variation index, In(T)/ln(D), where T is Ihe total
around these expected values is likely to number of voters and D is the number of
be different for each coefficient, resulting districts. To understand the logic behind
in heteroscedastic disturbances. Fortu- this index, it is useful to focus on the
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

Figure 7. Bias and Representation in Texas ( 0 = 1.05, In($) = 1.12)

Proportion Democratic Votes

extreme cases. When there is no bias and of districts increases relative to the num-
one district for each voter (i.e., T = D), ber of voters. The precise rate at which p
x% of the votes for one party will auto- increases is defined by the form of his
matically yield X % of the seats for that index, In(T)/ln(D). Other forms that also
party. This proportional representation meet the boundary conditions are possi-
result is captured by Taagepera's index, ble, but Taagepera's (1973) seems plausi-
since ln(T)/ln(D),where T = D, is equal ble. In the weighted-least-squares regres-
to 1. The winner-take-all extreme is also sion analysis performed here, this hypoth-
captured by this index: When there is only esis would be confirmed if the regression
one district for all the voters, as in a presi- coefficient on this index were 1.0 and the
dential election, we have ln(T)/ln(l) = coefficients on the other variables in the
ln(T)/O = a.Thus, the extreme values of equation were 0.
this index are theoretically appropriate. Party competition has been suggested
Between these two extremes, the index as an examination for the form of repre-
predicts a gradual and continuous in- sentation. In strongly competitive party
crease in the representation parameter- systems, where the percentage voting for
from proportional (,p = 1)to majoritarian each party in each election district is near
(1< p < co) to winner-take-all ( p = 0 0 ) 50%; a small increase in votes for one
forms of representation-as the number party across districts will likely result in a
Representation and Partisan Bias

Table 2. Explaining Representation

Independent Variable Estimated Coefficient Standard Error t-Statistic

Constant -1.17 .67 -
Taagepera's index .32 .07 4.62
Party competition 2.17 .70 3.09

Note: Number of observations (states) = 44: standard error of the weighted-least-squares regression = .82;
mean of the dependent variable'(p") = 1.54;

large increase in seats for that party. within the bounds of the original
Party competition also encompasses the hypothesis.
effect of the power of incumbency and un- The propensity of a state to be biased
contested seats. From the widely used toward the Republicans or Democrats has
Ranney index of state party strength generally been explained by relative party
(Ranney 1976), we construct a measure of strength. Parties may be in decline in
party competition that ranges from 0 (no some ways, but the desire to gerrymander
competition) to 1(pure competiti~n).~~ remains as strong as ever.12 We would
Table 2 presents the weighted least- therefore expect all parties in all states to
squares regression of our estimated rep- attempt to gerrymander, but only the
resentation parameters on Taagepera's states with dominant party systems would
index and party competition. The esti- be successful.
mates for the effect of both variables are As a measure of party strength, we use
relatively precise and, at conventional the Ranney index, ranging, as usual, from
levels, significantly different from 0. 0 (Republican)to 1(Democratic).We also
Taagepera's index has an effect about one- use a measure of state ideological orienta-
third of what his theory would predict, tion ranging from -1 (liberal) to 1(con-
but it has the correct sign, and helps to servative), estimated from state level CBS
explain interstate variation in the form of News-New York Times polls by Wright,
representation. This finding has several Erikson, and McIver (1985).
interpretations: a different form of the The weighted-least-squares-regression
index might account somewhat better for results of estimated bias on state party
the range of representation types between strength and state ideological orientation
proportional and winner-take-all, or there are reported in Table 3. Both coefficients
may be a tendency for U.S. states to be are in the hypothesized directions,
more proportional than would be ex- although the ideology coefficient does not
pected solely on the basis of the relative meet conventional significance levels.
sizes of their voter populations and num- Our results indicate that the strongest
bers of legislative districts. Both the value Democratic state has a bias coefficient
of, and the need for further research on, about .9 points higher (in the direction of
Taagepera's index are emphasized by this Democratic bias) than the strongest
result. Republican state, and that ideologically
The effect of party competition is liberal states tend to be somewhat more
shown to be relatively strong: if a state biased toward the Democrats.
were to move from the lowest to the high- The plausibility of these second-stage
est level of partisan competition, the rep- results lends criterion validity to our
resentation parameter would move more original model. Variations in our esti-
than two points toward the winner-take- mates of bias and representation in the
all extreme (see Table 2). This is well U.S. states vary relatively closely with
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

Table 3. Explaining Partisan Bias

Independent Variable Estimated Coefficient Standard Error t-Statistic

Constant -.44 .20 -
Party strength .90 .32 2.82
Ideology -.67 .59 -1.15

Note: Number of observations (states) = 44; standard error of the weighted-least-squares regression = .64;
mean of the dependent variable ( P ) = -.05.

these plausible criterion variables. Sensi- been previously believed. Nevertheless, it

tivity analyses indicate that these findings is not true that all previous estimations of
are quire robust to marginally different representation can simply be slightly
specification^.^^ adjusted toward 1.0. Although the empir-
ical tendency is in this direction, the direc-
tion and size of the inconsistency is un-
Conclusion known for any particular example. Thus,
some previous analyses may be over-
In this paper, the venerable cube law of estimates and some may be under-
electoral policies was reformulated, gen- estimates. Statistical consistency requires
eralized, and reinterpreted to provide a that partisan bias be incorporated as an
model for the relationship between votes additional parameter. After all, if a party
and seats in representative democracies. receives, for example, 55% of the votes
Whereas Taagepera (1986) generalized and 75% of the seats, this may represent a
this law to proportional-representation severe partisan bias or a fair system with
elections, we generalize it to include both majoritarian representation. The only
the form of democratic representation and way to distinguish between the two situa-
the extent of partisan bias. Previous tions is to have joint estimates of both fl
analyses tended to confuse the form of and p .
representation with the degree of partisan The remarkably flexible bilogit func-
bias and have unintentionally constrained tional form helped to highlight these
the partisan-bias parameter, in effect problems with past research in the context
assuming no bias. of a theoretically meaningful solution.
One consequence of this is that un- The model developed herein also demon-
biasedness has mistakenly been associated strates that different forms of representa-
with proportional representation. We find tion are associated with different forms of
that all representation types captured by a bias, and that partisan bias can occur in
single parameter in our model can treat widely varying degrees. This paper has
the parties symmetrically using our defini- also contributed to the statistical estima-
tion of unbiasedness. Recent court rulings tion of this inherently nondeterministic
have upheld this view." relationship between seats and votes.
Additionally, by constraining the fl Applying a discrete probability distribu-
parameter, past research has yielded tion to the discrete variable, s, the number
statistically inconsistent estimates of the of Democratic seats, is a considerably
representation parameter, p , ranging more statistically efficient procedure than
between 2 and 4 for most electoral had previously been used. In an applica-
systems. In contrast, we find that the tion to congressional elections, we dem-
plurality of states were much closer to onstrate that there exists a wide variety of
proportional representation than had representation systems and degrees of
Representation andPartisan Bias

partisan bias. These variations have Appendix

important implications for national poli-
tics and policy (Browning 1986). We show how our emphasis on prob-
Finally, a second stage of the analysis abilistic relationships transforms Equa-
provided some validity to the estimates tion 5. We also resolve a problem existing
from the first stage and some evidence in the political methodology literature so
that there are systematic explanations for that p and p may be estimated efficiently
the direction and size of the bias and rep- and consistently. Estimates for each of the
resentation parameters. The level of state states appear in Table A-1.
party competition and Taagepera's index Several authors have recently at-
of state and electorate size helped to tempted to convert the deterministic cube
explain differences in the representation law in Equation 1(with p = 3) to a statis-
parameter estimates across states. The tical relationship. The main issue here is
Ranney index of party strength and a how to incorporate a disturbance term
measure of the state electorate's ideo- (Linehan and Schrodt 1978)." Schrodt
logical orientations indicated when and (1981) provides the most comprehensive
where bias was more likely to occur. analysis of possibilities but is ultimately
Beyond these contributions, these unable to select any particular method:
results also have important implications "In the absence of a theoretical justifica-
for the recent court cases on reapportion- tion for a specific error structure in the
ment. First, the courts must explicitly dis- cube law, there is no a priori reason for
tinguish between bias and representation choosing one . . . model over the others"
type. The discussion of using seats and (Schrodt 1981, 35-36).2b
votes to create indicators of political dis- For a solution to this disturbance-term
crimination in the federal-district-court problem, we take a different approach. In
decision in Bandemer v. Davis (603 F . reformulating the generalized cube law,
Supp. 1479 [S.D. Ind. 19841) reveals con- we find that it is more politically interest-
fusion on that court's part on this issue ing and more natural to model seats (s)
(see Browning and King n.d.). While it than the odds of seats S/(1 - S). The dis-
may be desirable for the courts to decide turbance term should therefore be formu-
on an acceptable range for the type of rep- lated in terms of the more fundamental
resentation in U.S. states, partisan bias and interpretable variable, s. Thus, we
is a separate issue. The courts would can rewrite Equation 5 to include an addi-
obviously prefer a system with no bias, tive disturbance term:
but this too may not be possible. In such
a case, the courts might establish an
"acceptable" level of bias. Using this
E(s) = D 1 1 + exp r - In@
method numerous elections over at least a
decade are necessary to make a confident
determination about the degree of bias
and type of representation. Perhaps in
those states with a history of bias, the
courts might more closely monitor the
reapportionment process, or might even
direct a court-ordered reapportionment
plan. Regardless, this analysis can pro- The expected value operator, E(.),
vide an understanding of the type of dem- means that the functional form on the
ocratic representation and the existence of right hand side of Equation A-1 (a bilogit
partisan bias over a historical series of function of votes) will correctly predict
elections for a particular state. the number of seats, sf on average over
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

the long run. We assume in Equation A-2 not binomial but were a member of the
that E(ei) = 0. This means that, over the family of linear exponential distributions
long run, the average error is zero. (Gourieroux, Monfort, and Trognon
We now only need to choose a prob- 1984). The results would therefore be
ability distribution for s (or, equivalently, quite similar if our assumption were
for e). Recall that s is the number of seats incorrect.
allocated to the Democratic party. It is Thus, for the analyses below, s was
therefore a nonnegative integer ranging assumed to be distributed binomially;
from 0 to D, the number of legislative dis- that is,
tricts. To incorporate as much informa-
tion into the distribution as possible, we
limit the range of possibilities to discrete
probability distributions. The distribution
should have the mean as a parameter but where 6 = E(s), from Equation A-1. D,
should not necessarily be symmetric, the number of districts, is assumed to be
since the bounds at 0 and D make sym- known a priori. E is defined as e = s - 6.
metry either impossible or implausible for For a maximum likelihood solution, the
means not equal to D/2. Instead, a for- log-likelihood equation, reduced to suf-
mulation more faithful to the concept of ficient statistics, can be written by sub-
partisan symmetry is required: the dis- stituting Equation A-1 into Equation A-3,
tributions with parameters (D/2) A and taking logs, simplifying, and summing
(D/2) - A should be mirror images of one over all observations:
The binomial distribution meets each of
these requirements and is relatively easy
to work with. One possible problem is
that district outcomes within a state may
not be independent, as is assumed by the
binomial distribution. Experiments with
alternative formulations that allow de- + (Di - si)ln[l - [I + exp ( - li$
pendence among districts were performed
and were found to add little to the analy-
ses below. This result is consistent with
recent research indicating that congres- The Berndt et al. (1974) numerical-
sional elections are local, not national, estimation algorithm, in combination
events, fought primarily within individual with the positive definite secant update
election districts (Hinckley 1981). The method, was used to maximize this likeli-
likelihood equation that emerges from hood function to derive the estimates
this distribution and Equation 5 is also described in the next section. Relatively
quite similar to what would result if a quick convergence was achieved in nearly
Poisson or a variety of other distributions all cases.2dThe estimates of p and 0, along
were chosen (see King n.d., 1987); in- with standard errors for each, appear in
deed, estimates from this model would be Table A-1. This table is further discussed
consistent even if the distribution were and analyzed in the text.
Representation and Partisan Bias

Table A-I. Representation and Bias Coefficient Values

Standard Standard
States fi Error In( n^ ) Error
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

Notes standing for the type of representation in the elec-

toral system.
8. If we used VR and SR in place of V and S,
We appreciate the comments on earlier drafts of respectively, then the bias parameter would be OR =
this work by, and discussions with, Christopher I/@. Thus, j3 is implicitly defined in terms of
Achen, Nathaniel Beck, Gerald Benjamin, Paul Democrats.
Brace, Steven Brams, William Browning, Bernard 9. In systems where each party is guaranteed
Grofrnan, Seung-Hyun Kim, William McLauchlan, some minimum number of seats regardless of the
Elizabeth Rosenthal, and William Shaffer. Hsing-Pei outcome of the vote, it would be possible to include
Gary Kao and Seung-Hyun Kim assisted with the an additive parameter in Equation 4 to take this into
data collection. account. However, for congressional elections, this
1. The "swing ratio" is related to what we call is obviously not relevant.
representation. However, the swing ratio-the slope 10. This type of bias occurs, for example, in deci-
of an estimated linear relationship between seats and sions of legislatures to seat members following close-
votes-is too restrictive to model the full range of ly contested elections. Since the majority party in
nonlinear representational forms. the legislature can establish its own rules to count
2. Because most nondemocratic regimes also disputed ballots, the member seated may not be the
have voting, the seats-votes relationship is impor- candidate with the most votes. In our data, we
tant there as well. However, the mechanism for assume that the candidate with the most votes wins
translation is obviously very different. the seat and ignore the bias that occurs if the legis-
3. In Davis v. Bandemer (p. 2809), the Supreme lature sat the "loser."
Court recognized that previous cases "clearly 11. These values for j3 are empirically reasonable
foreclose any claim that the Constitution requires in the context of the analysis presented below.
proportional representation or that legislatures in 12. Note that this demonstrates that a Gini index
reapportioning must draw district lines as near as measure is inappropriate unless proportional repre-
possible to allocating seats to the contending parties sentation is deemed the only fair representation
in proportion to what their anticipated statewide system. If some form of majoritarian representation
vote will be." were considered acceptable, then comparing one of
4. For most of his analyses, T d t e (1973) used a the biased curves in Figure 3 to be the fair propor-
linear approximation to this form because at the tionality curve in Figure 2 will be misleading;
time the logistic form was less commonly used and indeed, by that standard, even the fair majoritarian
because the lack of extreme points in his data made curve would be considered biased. It might be useful
the approximation relatively good. Since 1973, the to generalize the Gini index and derive a measure of
logistic model has been considerably more popular; bias based on the area between the unbiased (j3 = 0
the figures in this paper will also aid in this inter- and p unconstrained) and the actual bias (j3 and p
pretation. In addition, the data used in the bias s e e unconstrained) curves, thus incorporating all the
tion, as well as the data available from other elec- absolute biases. But this is not needed, since $1 con-
toral systems, have substantial numbers of extreme tains all of this information.
data points. Finally, as the figures will show, a linear 13. Indeed, many modem-day physicists do not
approximation is not reasonable for many interest- believe that even the physical world is deterministic
ing and empirically common forms of bias and (see the discussion in Zellner 1984).
representation. 14. Niemi and Fett (1986)review several possibili-
5. The bilogit form is formally undefined when ties and conclude that their "historical swing ratio" is
p = m. As a result, it would be technically more better than their "biyearly form." The main reason is

tion as p -
appropriate to characterize the winner-take-all situa-
6. Theil (1969, 521) describes a real electoral
that many data points are better than two. Curious-
ly, However, they conclude their article by favoring
the "hypothetical (single-year) swing ratio." They
situation where the system was created to help the give other reasons for preferring this method, but we
minority at the expense of the majority. Although do not conclude as they do that many data points
this antimajoritarian representation system is un- are better than two, but that one datum is better
likely to occur much in U.S. politics, it can be repre- than many. Our analysis will therefore use many
sented in the current scheme as p < 1. data points collected over time.
7. In an interesting but wholly impractical pro- 15. The data were split into two nine-election-
posal, Theil(1969, 524) suggests that citizens express year samples for each state. The two sets each of j3
a preference for p at the same time as they vote for and p coefficients were each then correlated. Since
candidates. Preferences for p would then be aggre- positive infinity is a possible value for p , a simple
gated before translating votes into seats. Although it measure of association was not possible. Omitting
is not reasonable to "require the teaching of log- these values usually led to correlation coefficients of
arithms at an early stage" (1969, 524), this proposal about .45. More revealing were scatterplots that
does suggest the importance of the p coefficient in indicated closer fits between the two time periods
Representation and Partisan Bias

than any single coefficient could demonstrate. We to a 0-1 scale.

also split the data to test whether the "one man, one 22. For example, the architect of the recent and
vote" Supreme Court decision had an effect onp and controversial California redistricting plan, late Con-
j3. As one would expect, we concluded that changes gressman Phillip Burton (D-San Francisco), "did not
in state politics occur slowly. Incumbency, political deny that the gerrymander was alive and well in
parties, and geographical and constitutional factors California. Burton publicly joked that his zigzagging
prevent wholesale changes in the structure of repre- district lines were 'our contribution to modem art' "
sentation and bias. (Lowell and Craigie 1985, 246).
16. One might hypothesize that p is a linear func- 23. In particular, no evidence of regional effects
tion of a vector of explanatory variables, such as could be found: after controlling for the other
state size (XI)and party competition (XI): p = al + variables in the equations, the South and other
alXl + a2 + XI. It might also be reasonable to regions were not more likely to be characterized by
hypothesize that j3 is a function of explanatory different levels of bias or representation. There was
variables such as party strength (Z1) and state ideo- also no interactive regional effect on the coefficients
+ +
logical orientation (Z,): j3 = 70 rlZl ~ I Z IThe . from the weighted-least-squares results.
right hand side of these two equations could then be 24. The plurality in Davis v . Bandemer (n. 9)
substituted into Equation 5 to derive reduced-form recognized that there was a range of fair seats-votes
estimates-resulting in a form analogous to inter- relationships that are not proportional. Justices
action effects in regression analysis. This procedure White, Brennan, Marshall, and Blackmun's com-
is inapplicable here, however, because j3 and p are ment that their opinion "is not a preference for pro-
assumed to vary only across states./en alternative portionality per se but a preference for a level of
procedure is used below to express p and B as sto- parity between votes and representation sufficient to
chastic functions of these explanatory variables. ensure that significant minority voices are heard and
17. As is apparent from Equation 5, no estimates that majorities are not consigned to minority status
can be computed when a party received 0 votes for a is hardly an illegitimate extrapolation from our
year or when there is no variation in the number of general majoritarian ethic and the objective of fair
seats across the years. For this reason, the coeffi- and adequate representation recognized in Reynolds
cients of several of the states were not calculated on v. Sims."
the full 18 years. The estimates from the following 25. It is useful to expressrelationships statistically
states are therefore not as reliable, since they have even if there is no explicit sampling procedure. One
one or more years omitted (noted in parentheses): only need conceptualize the dependent variable
Georgia (1950, 1952, 1958), Louisiana (1950), (Democratic seats, in this case) as a function of
Missouri (1954, 1956, 1958, 1962), South Carolina systematic (votes Democratic in the bilogit form)
(1950, 1958, 1960), and Arkansas (1950, 1954, and random factors. The random factors are repre-
1958). This and other causes of imprecision in the sented by a disturbance term with some known
estimates are indicated in the standard errors in probability distribution.
Table A-1. 26. Schrodt finds that three of the five models
18. It is likely that (1)less biased states (i.e., with "have the undesirable property of varying depend-
smaller absolute values of In@)and (2) states where ing on which party is in the numerator and denom-
bias and representation vary independently will be inator" (1981, 36). (Our model avoids this problem:
closer to consistency than others, but there is no p is invariant and only the sign of In@changes by
consistent way to know this or to estimate the bias using the Republican, instead of Democratic, party
parameter without the full joint estimation presented for V.) Of the remaining two, he concludes after
here. empirical analyses that one "appears to have little
19. The negative signs indicate bias toward the utility" (p. 41). The final model seems best, but it
Republicans; the positive coefficients indicate produces the largest standard errors in applications.
Democratic bias. Most of the states listed in Table It also assumes that the disturbance term is log-
A-1 have estimated p and j3 coefficients within range normal, which may be appropriate at times, but "is
of what one would expect. The exceptions are most- not the sort of probability distribution for an error
ly those with large standard errors. These substan- term that one is likely to choose by default" (Linehan
tive points are more directly analyzed in the U.S. and Schrodt 1978).
House. 27. Most probability distributions are eliminated
20. The residuals from the two regressions corre- by these axioms. The Poisson distribution is not
lated at only -.I17 (t-value -- -.765). A seemingly bounded from above (King n.d.), and the tmn-
unrelated regression would therefore be of no help cated Poisson distribution does not meet the invari-
here. ant requirement (Johnson and Kotz 1969). The beta-
21. If we let R stand for the raw Ranney index, binomial and contagious binomial distributions are
the measure described as party competition in the possibilities, but the latter makes implausible
text is calculated as 1 - 2 1R - 51. This is the dis- assumptions about sequential influence structures
tance from being in between the parties, normalized among congressional districts and the former is elim-
American Political Science Review Vol. 81

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Gary King is Associate Professor of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge,

MA 02138.
Robert X Browning is Associate Professor of Political Science, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN 47907.

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