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eni spa





Rev 02 - AMENDMENT 1 – April 2020

AMENDMENT The amendment concerns only the table included in paragraph 6.2
TO PAR. 6.2 without affecting the rest of the document.


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 Rev. 00: issued on 1995, April.

 Rev. 01: issued on 2016, December
 Rev. 02: issued on 2019, November

Eni personnel can access Company Standard repository at:
External user shall refer to the Project Engineer Manager.
For information about the content of this standard, please refer to persons mentioned on first
page or to Company Standard Team (mbxc&


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1  GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 5 
1.1  SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 
1.2  REFERENCE CODES AND STANDARDS ............................................................................................................ 5 
1.2.1  Industry Codes and Standards ....................................................................................................................... 5 
1.3  RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................................................................ 6 
1.4  DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 6 
1.5  ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................................. 8 

2  DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 9 

2.1  DESIGN STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................................ 9 
2.2  FIRE ZONES ................................................................................................................................................... 9 
2.3  ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ...................................................................................................................................... 9 
2.4  MECHANICAL PROTECTION (IP) ..................................................................................................................... 9 
2.5  ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY ........................................................................................................... 10 
2.6  AREA CLASSIFICATION AND ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATION .............................................................................. 10 
2.6.1  General ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 
2.6.2  F&G Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 10 
2.7  SIL CERTIFICATION ...................................................................................................................................... 11 
2.8  DETECTOR STATUS ...................................................................................................................................... 11 

3  FIRE DETECTION ................................................................................................. 12 

3.1  INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR FIRE DETECTION .................................................................................... 12 
3.2  ADDRESSABLE OR CONVENTIONAL TECHNOLOGY ....................................................................................... 12 
3.3  MANUAL CALL POINTS ................................................................................................................................ 13 
3.4  SMOKE DETECTORS .................................................................................................................................... 13 
3.4.1  General ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 
3.4.2  Point Type Smoke Detectors ....................................................................................................................... 13 
3.4.3  Linear Smoke Detectors .............................................................................................................................. 14 
3.4.4  Aspirating Smoke Detectors ........................................................................................................................ 14 
3.4.5  Duct Smoke Detectors ................................................................................................................................ 14 
3.4.6  Smoke Detectors Selection ......................................................................................................................... 15 
3.4.7  Smoke Detectors Location and spacing ....................................................................................................... 15 
3.5  HEAT DETECTORS ....................................................................................................................................... 17 
3.5.1  General ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 
3.5.2  Point Type Heat Detectors .......................................................................................................................... 17 
3.5.3  Linear Type Heat Detectors ......................................................................................................................... 17 
3.5.4  Fusible Plugs ............................................................................................................................................... 18 
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3.5.5  Heat Detectors Selection ............................................................................................................................ 18 
3.5.6  Heat Detectors Location AND SPACING ....................................................................................................... 19 
3.6  FLAME DETECTORS ..................................................................................................................................... 20 
3.6.1  UV Detectors .............................................................................................................................................. 20 
3.6.2  IR Detectors ................................................................................................................................................ 20 
3.6.3  UV/IR Detectors ......................................................................................................................................... 20 
3.6.4  MIR Detectors ............................................................................................................................................ 20 
3.6.5  Video Imaging (VI) Detectors ...................................................................................................................... 20 
3.6.6  Flame Detectors Selection .......................................................................................................................... 21 
3.6.7  Flame Detectors Location AND SPACING ..................................................................................................... 21 

4  GAS DETECTION .................................................................................................. 23 

4.1  COMBUSTIBLE GAS DETECTORS .................................................................................................................. 23 
4.1.1  Infrared Technology ................................................................................................................................... 23 
4.1.2  Hydrogen Gas Detectors ............................................................................................................................. 24 
4.1.3  CATALYTIC Technology ............................................................................................................................... 24 
4.1.4  Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detectors ..................................................................................................................... 24 
4.1.5  Combustible Gas Detectors Selection .......................................................................................................... 25 
4.1.6  Combustible Gas Detectors Location and spacing ........................................................................................ 25 
4.2  TOXIC GAS DETECTORS ............................................................................................................................... 26 
4.2.1  Toxic Gas Detectors Location and spacing ................................................................................................... 27 
4.3  Low temperature detectors (liquefied GAS) ................................................................................................ 28 
4.4  OIL MIST DETECTORS .................................................................................................................................. 28 
4.5  LOW O2 DETECTORS ................................................................................................................................... 28 

5  INSPECTION TESTING COMMISSIONING ............................................................ 29 

5.1  FIRE TEST .................................................................................................................................................... 29 
5.2  GAS DETECTORS CALIBRATION .................................................................................................................... 29 

6  F&G DETECTION LOGIC ....................................................................................... 30 

6.1  GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 30 
6.2  VOTING LOGIC PHILOSOPHY ....................................................................................................................... 30 
6.3  FAULT AND FAILURE DETECTOR HANDLING ................................................................................................. 30 
6.3.1  COMMON CAUSE FAILURES AND Common Mode Failures ........................................................................... 31 
6.4  Special Requirements for Smoke Detection in Technical Room .................................................................... 31 


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The present document is intended to define the basic requirements to be followed for the
selection and design of the F&G Detection System in order to:
 Detect and locate fire, and/or a potentially flammable, explosive, and/or toxic gas
 Initiate automatically appropriated actions (e.g.: alarms, firefighting actions, executive
Objectives of this document are:
 The definition of main requirements for F&G devices.
 Consistency in the selection of the F&G System devices for all areas and equipment
potentially affected by fire or gas hazards.
 Design principle for location, spacing and voting logic philosophy to be adopted according
to the area risks.
 Ensure all operational requirements can be met.
This document is applicable to oil and gas onshore and offshore facilities, including technical and
residential buildings which are part of the facility.
This document has to be considered as a guideline, as its intention is not to give very specific
constraints or features, but to provide minimum design criteria.
This document cannot be used for a direct relationship between fire area/position and detector’s
quantity to be used because this task is in charge to each project that shall perform the relevant
fire & gas risk assessment and other safety deliverables. The intention of this document is to
suggest the best technology in function of typical location where the detectors will be installed.


All devices, systems and materials shall be in accordance with regulations in force within the
Country where they will be installed.
The applicable Company standards shall be defined for the scope of each specific project.

1.2.1 Industry Codes and Standards

The major families of international codes & standards and European Directives are listed below.
These ones should be considered during the development of fire & gas detectors specification.
Some specific standards are mentioned within this document and other applicable standards
shall be defined by the project. If the F&G legislative requirements for a local area conflict with
guidance given in this document or international standards, legislative requirements shall take
 American Gas Association (AGA)
 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
 American Petroleum Institute (API)
 Atmosphères Explosibles (ATEX)
 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
 International Society of Automation (ISA)
 European Norm (EN)
 International Organisation For Standardisation (ISO)
 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Contractor / Supplier shall verify the validity and applicability of each rule and standard checking
at least the latest edition available and also the issuance of new pertinent regulations.


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CONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER is responsible for the compliance with the requirements set in this
document and with applicable laws and regulation during its design’s development.
No part of this standard shall relieve the CONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER from the responsibility to
perform additional analysis, tests, standard inspections and other activities deemed necessary
to ensure the product, the equipment and workmanship suitable for the service intended not
considered inside this standard. Proposals of alternative solutions with respect to technical
requirements of this standard will be taken into consideration if they are adequately supported
with documentation proving that their functional characteristics and performance levels are not
lower than the ones herein required.


For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions shall be applied:
Eni spa or affiliated COMPANY as stated in the Contract.
CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY (or companies) able to provide goods and/or services as
CONSTRUCTION stated in the Contract.
It is the party that buys the equipment and its auxiliaries for its
PURCHASER own use or as an agent for the owner. The PURCHASER may either
Person or organization able to perform all required design,
engineering, procurement, construction, testing and supply of the
PACKAGE necessary instrumentation equipment to provide a fully assembled,
SUPPLIER piped, wired when required, and tested complete functional unit
and ensure safe, reliable maintainable and effective operation of
this unit.
Person or organization able to supply goods as stated in the
SUPPLIER The terms VENDOR or MANUFACTURER shall be considered as
synonymous of the term SUPPLIER as defined above.
SHALL It indicates a requirement that is mandatory.
SHOULD It indicates a recommendation that is not mandatory.
Verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within
the limits of this safety strategy.
Furthermore, the following technical definitions and explanations shall be applied:
Confirmed signal of fire or gas detection with resulting alarm and
activation of the safety procedures.
Division of an installation into hazardous areas and non-hazardous
areas and the subdivision of hazardous zones (Zone 0, Zone 1 and
Zone 2).
It defines the interactions of one or more detection circuits
DETECTION LOGIC (channels) in order to obtain an adequate integrity of the safety
ESD Emergency Shutdown. It is a function of SIS.
Fire & Gas function (part of the SIS). It is used to monitor the
equipment and environment of the plant.
Fire Alarm Control Panel. It is a Panel suitable to monitor the Fire
Detection of each building or specific indoor area.


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FAILURE OF Malfunctioning of equipment, hardware or software related to an

EQUIPMENT external factor.
FAULT OF Malfunctioning of equipment, hardware or software related to an
EQUIPMENT internal factor.
Area separated from other areas either by physical barriers
FIRE ZONE (fire/blast partition) or distance which will prevent dimensioning fire
to spread.
Heat load from a fire for a specified time period (specified units =
Three-dimensional space in which a combustible atmosphere may be
HAZARDOUS AREA expected to be present at such frequencies as to require special
precautions for the control of potential ignition sources.
A location where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to
flammable gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dust, or
ignitable fibers or flyings.
Human Machine Interface. It is the operator interface that allows the
HMI interaction between the Operator and the plant to be
Integrated Control and Safety System. It consists of PCS, SIS
Includes all non-essential equipment and activities that do not affect
production availability or safety integrity.
Includes essential equipment that must be kept energised to
maintain production.
Includes safety critical equipment that must be in operation to bring
the plant into a safe state, and to ensure rescue and medical
treatment of injured personnel, escape and evacuation and to
prevent escalation.
LOWER EXPLOSIVE Concentration of flammable gas, vapor or mist in air below which an
LIMIT explosive gas atmosphere will not be formed.
MUSTER AREA Designated area where all people assemble in case of emergency
NON-HAZARDOUS Area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not expected to be
AREA present.
Process Control System. It is used to control the process of a plant.
(It is also called DCS in other Company documents)
Informative signal of an abnormal situation in the considered
Action executed by an instrumented system (e.g. an electronic panel
and final elements such as solenoid valve, beacon, lamp, etc.) in
order to produce the result according to project document.

Physical measures which reduce the probability of a situation of

SAFETY MEASURE hazard and accident occurring, or which limit the consequences of an
Probability, of a safety related system, to activate the safety
functions required in all the identified events and within a specified
period of time.
Automatic activation of emergency shutdown system in the protected
Safety Instrumented System. It is used to handle the safety of the
plant (It is also called ESD/F&G in other Company documents).


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Here below are listed the common used acronyms. Maybe other technical definitions,
terminology reference, symbols and abbreviations shall be mentioned where necessary in this

ASD Aspirating Smoke Detectors IMO International Maritime Organization

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics MAC Manual Alarm Call point
CR Control Room MIR Multi Infrared
CCTV Closed Circuit TV PAGA Public Address & General Alarm
HVAC Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning PFD Probability of Failure on Demand
system RTD Resistance Temperature Detector
lP Ingress Protection SIF Safety Instrumented Function
IR Infrared SIL Safety Integrity Level
IR3 Triple Infrared SI International System of Units
I/O Input/Output SPL Sound Pressure level
LAT Lower Alarm Threshold UAT Upper Alarm Threshold
LEL Lower Explosive Level UEL Upper Explosive Limit
LFL Lower Flammable Limit UFL Upper Flammable Limit
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply System
LOS Line of Sight UV Ultra Violet
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
LQ Living Quarter


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For each project, the selection of detectors shall be based on:

 Environmental factors (minimum and maximum temperature, wind velocity and direction,
height as to sea level, condensation, presence of bodies – sand, dust- presence of
polluting and corrosive substances, possibility of mould growth, earthquakes, mechanical
stress and vibrations due to normal running, direct or indirect fulmination,
electromagnetic influences, fire and explosion hazard) both for natural ventilation and
mechanical ventilation predominance.
 Detectors giving the earliest and most reliable response to the type of fire and/or
accumulation of flammable gases, incorporating minimum susceptibility to false alarms.
 Presence and type of Combustible / Flammable / Toxic inventories.
 Status of critical plant and machinery.
 Monitor of fire / smoke / gas release.
 Capital cost and subsequent maintenance load.
 Maintenance access, frequency requirements and duration.
F&G detectors/devices location shall be defined, as well as their typology, quantity and elevation,
from the risk assessment.
The above evaluation shall be detailed in the relevant project documents such as F&G layouts,
F&G Cause and Effect diagrams, F&G philosophy, software logics, etc.


An installation is generally divided into various fire zones.

A Fire Zone will consist of either:
 An area bounded by fire rated divisions (applicable for offshore and onshore).
 Enough distance to prevent the fire spread to other areas (generally onshore).
 Part of a larger naturally ventilated area which may vote its detection devices with
adjacent areas, and is sub-divided for fire detection or hazard location purposes.
The F&G System is able to provide information regarding the incidence type and location of a
hazard (fire or flammable/toxic gas release) within a “fire zone” to the appropriate personnel
(control room operators, operators, etc.).


All F&G detectors shall be loop-powered from the F&G System at 24 Vdc. Other operating
voltages are not permitted. Alarm and acoustic devices, suitable for plant installation, can be
powered with different voltage. All F&G loops shall be hardwired regardless from indoor or
outdoor location.
The F&G System itself shall be powered by redundant, reliable and high availability feeders from
2-wires configuration should be used, 3 and 4 wires detectors configurations are permitted in
special cases (e.g. flame detectors, for heating, anti-condensation, etc.).
The signals of any detector (including push buttons) shall be either analogue 4-20 mA output
signal whenever possible, or else digital (on-off) contact signal.
All F&G electrical or signal cable shall be fire-resistant as per IEC 60331.
For more technical details about cables refer to company standard 06798.ENG.STA.STD.


Depending on the location of devices, one of the following protection degrees shall be selected
as minimum:
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 Indoor devices inside cabinets: IP 30

 Indoor devices: IP 40
 Indoor devices in area with water mist: IP 54
 Outdoor devices: IP 65.
For offshore installations all outdoor devices installed shall have at least an IP 66 protection


To ensure acceptable immunity from stray electromagnetic fields, all F&G devices and associated
equipment shall be compliant with IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility.
The above RFI immunity requirements are to be considered as a minimum.



According to Company Specification 28082. ENG.SAF.STD “Guidelines for Hazardous Area

Classification (HAC) in Design”, the purpose of area classification is to identify areas of risk and,
as a function of ignition source control, to avoid or reduce the ignition probability within
hazardous area of facilities handling combustible liquids and gas. The approach is to reduce to
an acceptable level the probability of coincidence of a combustible atmosphere and an electrical
or other source of ignition.
The Hazardous Areas are subdivided into three zones based on expected duration and occurrence
of a flammable atmosphere during normal operation. They are classified as follows:
That part of a hazardous area in which a flammable atmosphere is continuously
Zone 0
present or present for long periods or frequently.
That part of a hazardous area in which a flammable atmosphere is likely to occur
Zone 1
in normal operation occasionally.
That part of a hazardous area in which a flammable atmosphere is not likely to
Zone 2
occur in normal operation but, if it does occur will persist for a short period only.
The Non-Hazardous Areas are the zones in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not expected
to be present.


All electronic F&G sensors and final elements installed in a hazardous area shall be certified IEC
Ex / ATEX for use in:
 Zone 1, Gas Group IIA, Temperature Class T3, by default, or more stringent Gas Groups
if required by hazardous area classification.
 Zone 1, Gas Group IIC, Temperature Class T3, in case of hydrogen (e.g. battery rooms
or paint stores).
Fire and gas equipment installed in a Zone 0 application shall be certified for use in Zone 0, and
is limited to intrinsically safe equipment only.
The electrical classification/certification for fire detectors/devices installed in Non–Hazardous
Areas shall be as follows:
 As minimum, zone 2 rated Ex certification is requested for item installed in offshore
 Non-certified items could be considered for onshore non-critical areas and for onshore
buildings, such as accommodation, non-technical building, etc., under project
definition/approval. Whenever components non Ex certified will be used, they shall be
de-energized upon the risk of gas/toxic gas presence could happen.
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All F&G detection devices (including push buttons) and final elements (e.g. relays, solenoid
valves, etc.) connected to the main F&G system shall be independently minimum SIL-2 compliant
and certified by a company approved third party (e.g. TUV, EXIDA, SIRA).
In case required / specific F&G detection devices, sensors and F&G loops cannot be sourced as
independently certified SIL-2 to IEC 61508 / 61511, it shall be the responsibility of the F&G
system contractor / supplier to ensure and supply overall system certification in compliance with
project requirements. Furthermore, IEC 60079-29-3:2014 (Gas detectors – Guidance on
functional safety of fixed gas detection systems) shall be followed for gas detection system.


Each electric/electronic F&G detector/device will be equipped with local visual indicator (e.g.
LED, display) for alarm/fault/safe status according to the relevant product standard.
For all removable detectors the LED indicator can be integrated in detector base or in the detector
All conventional detector wiring loops shall be continuously monitored for line fault conditions.
In case fail-safe configurations are unsuitable for discrete signals (e.g. push buttons, smoke
detectors), then a line-monitoring resistor shall be installed in combination with a line-monitoring
device in the F&G System.
In case of detector failure, the burn-out protection, if available, shall force the detector output
to the following values:
 Out of range output (e.g.: signal below 4 mA or upper 20mA) for analogue signal of F&G
 Open contact for fail-safe (energized) loops.
 Close contact for non fail-safe (de-energized) loops.


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Fire detectors shall be selected on the basis of the characteristic phenomena of combustion, of
the potential leaks and location of monitored zone (open air or enclosed spaces) in order to
ensure the most reliable and fast detection.
A fire detection system will consist of manual call points, smoke detectors, heat detectors and
flame detectors
The main objectives for fire detection are as follows:
 To provide early detection and monitor all designated areas for fire.
 To monitor air intakes of accommodation and enclosed, occupied areas for the presence
of smoke.
 To detect for heat and /or smoke in the accommodation and utility area.
 To provide a facility to the personnel for raising a fire alarm.
 To alert personnel of any fire emergency situation through audible and/or visible
 To initiate and distribute to the appropriate control/shutdown system(s) signals to
mitigate the potentially hazardous situation in order to minimize the possibility of
escalation of the incident.
The installation of the adequate type, number and location shall be such as to ensure the main
objectives above specified.
 The alarm and executive actions upon smoke, heat or flame detection shall be defined in
accordance with the Company Specification 28038. ENG.PRC. PRG “Emergency Shutdown
Philosophy Preparation”.
The fire detection system shall be in accordance with the guidelines defined in Company
Standard 27607.ENG.STA.STD “Design Guideline for Integrated Control and Safety Systems”,
where applicable to design conditions.


The Fire detection market has evolved into three distinct regions (USA, Europe and International
Fire Market which includes the major part of regions not included in North America or Europe)
with different standards.
In the USA, the NFPA standards are the reference for Fire Detection and Fire Alarms Systems.
In Europe, the EN54 Series has been developed to define the performance requirements for the
products related to Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems.
For the International Market, each region has national regulations that apply, but the ISO 7240
Series of Product Standards successfully defines international product requirements. However,
the ISO 7240 series is derived from and closely related to EN 54 Series.
This is important as product designed and manufactured according to EN 54 Series can be easily
approved and comply with ISO 7240 Series, therefore unless in USA and their influence area, in
the rest of the world the required certification is EN 54 Series compliance.


Fire detection system can be based on addressable or conventional technology. The addressable
systems (smoke, heat and MAC) shall be preferable due to the following reasons:
 The addressable systems allow pinpointing exactly which device has been activated that
is not possible in conventional systems.
 The addressable systems ensure more immunity to false alarms (drift compensation,
adjacent devices interrogation upon device alarm).
 The addressable systems are more reliable as the addressable loop is connected to the
F&G System at both ends. If one end of the loop becomes severed, signals can still be
sent to the F&G System via the other end of the loop.
 The addressable systems require less installation cost because in addressable systems
one wire connects many different devices to F&G System while in conventional systems
only the same devices (e.g. smoke detector, heat detector, etc.) can be connected to a
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F&G System in loop configuration requiring more wire and more man hours during the
installation phase.
 The addressable systems ensure less maintenance cost because they can alert to
problems with one device, saving on overall maintenance and repairs.
However, the conventional system could be acceptable for small applications or for specific


The general strategy is to place manual call points along paths of escape.
The advantage of the manual call point is that they are very reliable to activate the fire alarms
but the main drawback is that they will not work when the impaired area is unoccupied.
The manual call points shall comply with EN 54/11 (ISO 7240-11).
The maximum distance that a person must travel to reach a manual call point cannot be more
than 30 m.
The standard height for a manual call point shall be 1.4 m above the ground at a minimum
distance of 0.5m from any electrical equipment or 0.75m from miscellaneous items of furniture.



Smoke detection is the basis of fire detection within the enclosed spaces, since the smoke
detectors have more rapid response than heat sensors: for many substances, the smoke
generation starts at the incipient stage of the fire while the increase in temperature is much
slower. There are different typologies of detectors:
 Point type Smoke detectors
 Linear Smoke detectors
 Aspirating Smoke detectors
 Duct Smoke detectors
Point type Smoke detectors shall be compliant with EN 54/7 (ISO 7240-7) codes.
Linear Smoke detectors shall be compliant with EN 54/12 (ISO 7240-12) codes
Aspirating Smoke detectors shall be compliant with EN 54/20 (ISO 7240-20) codes.
Duct Smoke detectors shall be compliant with EN 54/27 (ISO 7240-27) codes.
Depending on the technology, when necessary and required, the smoke detectors shall be
equipped with automatic reset upon operator manual alarm acknowledge.


Optical photoelectric
This type of detector is generally used in enclosed spaces with possible slow combustion
(smoldering fires) and visible smoke development; the absorption type is suitable for “dark” or
“black” smoke, while the diffusion type, is suitable for “light” smoke. These detectors are
generally recommended for electrical areas and areas containing hydrocarbon products, as these
fires produce smoke consistent with the particle size range these detectors are sensitive to.
These devices shall have double chamber (with a reference chamber).
Multi-criteria/Combined Detectors
Multi-criteria detectors are the most utilized method of fire detection within the majority of
internal utility areas (refer to TABLE in annex 1). By using specific and proprietary algorithms,
these devices elaborate inputs from more sensing elements based on different principles: smoke
detection combined with thermal detection and/or light detection and/or infrared detection.
Therefore, they are able to detect any combination of smoke, heat, carbon monoxide, or carbon
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The detector can be more sensitive than optical detectors where the fire risks include materials
which could produce a range of flaming and smoldering fire types.
Ionization Detectors
Ionization type smoke detectors contain a radioactive source and require special considerations
(transportation, storage, procedure for installation, maintenance and disposal) subject to
national regulations. For this reason, ionization smoke detectors shall not be used.


LOS Smoke detectors consist of at least one transmitter and a receiver and they can comprise a
reflector(s) for the detection of smoke using the attenuation and/or the variation of the
attenuation of an optical beam. In applications with high ceilings, LOS detectors could be more
reliable and faster than Point type smoke detectors as the beam intersects the entire smoke
field. For using LOS detectors, the main drawbacks are the following:
 Interferences due to objects or persons in the beam’s path.
 Misalignment between transmitter and receiver due to vibrations and angular movements
(e.g. off-shore applications, areas with rotary machines).
The beam shall be designed so that small angular movements/vibrations of the transmitter or
receiver do not prevent operation due to smoke and do not cause nuisance or unintentional


An Aspirating smoke detection system can provide early warning of a developing fire. This
system reduces the typical disadvantages associated with a standard smoke detection (passive
systems) by actively sampling air through conduits with holes. The air is refined and purified by
removing impurities before pumping it to analysis chamber.
The system consists of one or more degree of alarm, usually configurable, by delivering
extremely early notification of a situation. Therefore, the system sensitivities (obscuration%/m)
are adjustable (by changing the openings number along the conduit) according with EN 54-20,
to adjust to various levels starting from many times more susceptible than the usual traditional
detector, to a reduced amount of sensitive. As per EN 54-20 the sensitivity of ASD system can
be Class A, Class B or Class C (equivalent to point type detector sensitivity).
The main drawbacks of these systems are related to the use in very dusty and dirty conditions
that can affect the normal functioning with resulting in maintenance or replacement of filters.
The key factor that determines filter life is the amount of particulate passing through the filter.
Therefore, the Aspirating Smoke Detection Systems should not be applied to very dirty and dusty
zones where the cleaning is not possible.


Smoke detectors may also be directly mounted to HVAC duct using suitable compatible mounting
kit. The Response time of the detector to smoke is given by the exchange rate in the rooms
ventilated by the duct ventilation system. This tends to be rapid, giving early warning of any
smoke present. This type of sampling is particularly suited to aspirated smoke detection systems.
The configuration with Point Type smoke detector shall be avoided due to the following
 the smoke content in the air tends to be diluted to a level below that of point type smoke
detectors sensitivity.
 The relatively high airflow in the duct reduces the effectiveness of point-type smoke
 If the ventilation becomes inoperative, the air-flow through the duct system ceases and
the smoke detection system becomes ineffective.


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These detectors shall be used to prevent smoke spread.


The selection of smoke detectors for the various areas shall be based on evaluation of potential
smoke type and ambient conditions (temperature, salinity, humidity, dust, vibrations, etc.).
Point type Smoke detectors (optical and multi-criteria) shall be used for enclosed spaces and
buildings such as offices, archives, store rooms, medical centers, computer rooms and technical
rooms, LQ, air inlets. Ionization smoke detectors shall not be used.
Based on the considerations stated in the section 3.4.4, the Aspirating Smoke Detection System
should be applied:
 Inside the critical cabinets (those operative in emergency conditions such as SIS, UPS,
etc.) to inform end-users towards the getting hot of cabling or certain electronic
components (Class A or B should be used to provide early warning). The ducts shall be
installed inside the cabinets from the cable entry.
 Inside Indoor cable trays.
 Where (under elevated floors in computer/ technical/control rooms) a very early detection
is required.
Due to the considerations developed in the section 3.4.3, the Linear Smoke Detectors shall be
limited to specific applications with high ceilings where the point type smoke detectors use is
For further details, refer to tables in Annex 1.


Detectors or sampling points need to be located in best positions and in adequate numbers to
detect smoke from a fire in its early stages.
Predictions of how smoke will move within an area using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are
possible and may be required by the project. CFD outputs shall be considered as indicative rather
than absolute, but they are a useful tool for determining the optimum position for detectors.
The best way to evaluate the potential smoke propagation, and therefore the operation of the
detectors within the environment, is by performance testing. Refer to section 5.1.
In any case, the final positioning should be decided on site after installing equipment, pipes,
HVAC system.
The location and spacing of smoke detectors shall be based on the below recommendations, and
the guidelines from the following standards ISO 7240-14, BS 6266-11, NFPA 72-13, UNI 9795-
14 (only applicable in Italy).
The key factors to be taken in account are as follows:
 The manufacturer’s recommendations.
 The size and shape of the room.
 The ceiling profile and height of the room.
 The fire load in the room.
 The proximity of other detectors.
 The HVAC / Ventilation arrangement.
 The operating environment.
 Maintenance Access.
Point type Smoke Detectors and Aspirating Sampling Holes
The following requirements including but not limited to, shall be considered like basic rules for
the Point type Smoke detectors (or Class C sampling holes) location:
 Smoke detectors shall not be used in heavily ventilated areas.
 Maximum area covered by one detector in room with flat ceiling and airflow < 1m/s is 25
m2 (BS 6266-11); this is applicable to rooms categorized in medium, high and critical risk
(such as technical rooms, indoor process areas, etc.).


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 Maximum area covered by one detector in room with flat ceiling and airflow between 1m/s
and 4 m/s in 25% of the space, is 20 m2 (BS 6266-11); this is applicable to rooms
categorized in medium, high and critical risk (such as technical rooms, process areas, etc.).
 Maximum area covered by one detector in false floor (up to 1.5 m) ventilated or which are
used as part of the ventilation system is 20 m2 (BS 6266-11); this is applicable to rooms
categorized in medium, high and critical risk (such as technical rooms, indoor process
areas, etc.).
 Maximum area covered by one detector in ceiling voids (up to 1.5 m) ventilated or which
are used as part of the ventilation system: is 20 m2 (BS 6266-11); this is applicable to
rooms categorized in medium, high and critical risk (such as technical rooms, indoor
process areas, etc.).
 Minimum distance between detectors and air-supply opening: 0.4 m (ISO 7240-14).
 Maximum distance from detector to obstruction (wall): 5 m (ISO 7240-14).
 Minimum distance from detector to obstruction (wall): 0.5 m (ISO 7240-14).
 Maximum distance from detector to ceiling: 0.3 m (ISO 7240-14).
 Maximum distance from detector to ceiling (for ceiling heights between 4 m and 15 m) is
0.6 m (ISO 7240-14).
As a general rule, the above requirements need to be modified due to different factors: size and
shape of the room, high airflow environments etc. For further details, refer to BS 6266-11, ISO
7240-14, NFPA 72-13.
Furthermore, as per clause of NFPA 72, Each sampling port of an air sampling–type
smoke detector shall be treated as a spot-type detector for the purpose of location and spacing.
Linear Smoke Detectors
A linear smoke detector shall be considered equivalent to a row of point type smoke detectors.
Linear smoke detectors shall be located in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.
The effects of stratification shall be evaluated when locating the detectors. The beam length shall
not exceed the maximum permitted by manufacturer.
For further details, refer to BS 6266:11.
Duct Smoke Detectors
The method of installation / mounting shall be chosen in order to provide maximum ease of
maintenance and ensure that each detector shall be subjected to a representative sample of the
ducted air.
The exhaust air from the detector shall be returned back to the duct using an exhaust-port
adapter and associated piping. The requirement, shown in below figure, assures positive airflow
through the detector.

The sampling pipe shall be located in the main supply duct return side, downstream of the filters
and a minimum of six duct widths from any source of turbulence (such as bends, inlets, or
deflection plates) shall be ensured to reduce the effects of stratification. For further details, refer
to NFPA 72-13.


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Heat detectors are the most reliable (the lowest false alarm rate) among all automatic fire
detectors, but they are less sensitive than smoke detectors. Heat detectors are slow to respond
to fires, only activating once a fire has a significant heat output.
They can be restorable/non restorable device based on sensing element that could be destroyed
or not during the process of operation.
There are different types of heat detectors:
 Point type heat detectors.
 Linear type heat detectors (Thermo-sensitive cables).
 Fusible plugs.
Point type heat detectors shall be compliant with EN 54/5 (ISO 7240-5) codes.
Linear type heat detectors shall be compliant with EN 54/28 codes.


Fixed type
Fixed type heat detectors are sensors that respond when the operating element becomes heated
to a predetermined level (The threshold normally lies between 50°C and 80°C). Due to thermal
lag, the air temperature at the time of operation is usually slightly higher than the set
temperature, because it takes time for the air to raise the temperature of the operating element
to its set point.
Fixed type heat detectors are therefore only provided in enclosed areas where local conditions
are not considered suitable for smoke detectors, and where a sudden large temperature increase
(up to a maximum limit) might be considered normal.
Rate of Rise type
Rate of Rise Type detectors are devices that trips when a predetermined or preset temperature
rise is reached. The criterion of rise rate is normally more than 5°C/min.
Multi-sensors type
Multi-sensors type detectors are devices that combines rate-of-rise and fixed type heat detector.
They evaluate both signals using an algorithm to generate an output such as pre-alarm or alarm.
The evaluation can be performed either at the detector or at the control unit.
Rate Compensated type
Rate compensated heat detectors are devices that respond when the temperature of the air
surrounding the device reaches a predetermined level, even if the rise is so fast that the body
of the detector is not completely heated. Rate compensated devices are therefore more sensitive
than fixed type detectors and less subject to spurious alarm than rate of rise detectors.


Linear type heat detector are the thermo-sensitive cables. They consist of a sensor cable with
integrated sensors and a processor unit.
The thermo-sensitive cable detects heat anywhere along its length: it is a continuous heat
detector unlike the standard point detector.
The cable is comprised of two tri-metallic conductors individually insulated with a heat sensitive
polymer outer layer.
At the rated temperature the polymer insulation melts, thus permitting the conductors to short-
circuit and generate an alarm signal. They usually have a measuring temperature range from -
55°C up to 180°C maximum.


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Thermo-sensitive cables shall be used with an intervention temperature minimum 30°C higher
than the installation room one.
Anyway they shall not be used in ambient temperature above 100°C. If the heat sensitive cable
conductor continuity is broken, an open circuit fault condition shall always be signaled, i.e. they
shall be equipped with line monitoring. Heat sensitive cables shall be certified for UV resistance
when installed in UV-exposed areas.
The main advantages of this technology are:
 Easy installation and maintenance.
 Minimal false alarms.
The main disadvantages of this technology are:
 The devices are non- resettable type.
 The cable could melt by other source of heat other than fire such as hot surfaces.


A fusible plug consists of a metal alloy installed on a stainless steel loop pressurized with
instrument air and melting at a pre-set temperature (79°C to 96°C). Fusible plugs shall be used
with an intervention temperature minimum 30°C higher than the installation room one. The
pressure remains constant during normal operation. If there is fire and the surrounding
temperature rises, the fusible plug will melt. The instrument air in the loop relieves and
subsequently the pressure inside the tubing reduces. Loss of pressure in the loop will be detected
by pressure transmitter in the fusible loop charge panel. Pressure switches for fusible loop
systems are not permitted; analogue pressure transmitters shall be used.
The analogue pressure transmitter for low supply pressure shall trigger an alarm in case of
instrument air leakage.
The fusible loop itself shall be a closed loop; the T-point shall be located at less than 5 m distance
from the fusible loop control panel to avoid long depressurization times.
Two serial overflow valves shall be placed where the supplying system of the pneumatic sensors
leaves the main collector of the instrumentation area, in order to increase the reliability and the
intervention timeliness.
When instrument air is not available, Nitrogen or Hydraulic oil may be the alternative fluids to
be used.
In this case, additional hazard of loss of pressurized gas/liquid containment shall be assessed.
In particular, the hydraulic circuit shall be designed with components suitable for the relevant
pressure rating and fluid composition, and the provision of three-way valves spring return type
as fusible plug is recommended.
All components of the fusible loop systems (e.g. fittings, valves, supports, panels, cabinets,
instruments, etc.) shall be fully AISI 316.
Fusible Plug is non-resettable type. To restore the system into normal surveillance after
activation will require replacement of parts i.e. the fusible plug.
The other drawback of fusible loop is that the plug could melt by other source of heat other than
fire such as hot surfaces, motors heat, etc.


As general rule, point-type heat detectors should not be used as the principal detection system
within electrical equipment areas, because their response is considerably slower than that of
smoke detectors.
Their use shall therefore be limited to specific applications where smoke detection is not suitable,
 Confined spaces where rapidly fires may be expected;
 Closed spaces where ambient conditions do not allow the use of other fire detection
 Where speed of detection is not the most important parameter.
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They shall not normally be used in battery rooms, electrical rooms or instrumentation rooms.
For generic applications it is recommended using a multi-sensors heat detectors in order to
ensure the detection of:
 Fires that rapidly grow in intensity with abnormally fast temperature increases.
 Fires that build temperatures to a high level at a slow rate which responds to a specific
temperature setting.
Rate compensated type heat detectors shall be used in areas where the ambient temperature is
high and where temperature variation can occur in normal operating conditions, in order to have
more reliable heat detection while avoiding false alarms (i.e. turbine enclosures). They shall be
used in the majority of applications where thermal detection is appropriate, including:
 Mechanical and Welding Workshops.
 Lube oil and hazardous substance stores.
 Engine rooms/compartments.
 Turbine enclosures.
Linear type heat detectors can be used in areas where it is difficult to install point type detectors
such as Switchgears, Transformers, Elevator shafts, Cable trays, Generators, Engine Bays,
Cabinets, Motors, Wellhead areas.
The Linear Type detectors shall be installed in redundant configuration (dual type).
In order to avoid spurious trips, the fusible plug networks should be installed in dual
configuration; each fusible plug network shall be equipped with relevant Pressure Transmitter.
Whenever there is only one fusible plug network, two Pressure Transmitters shall be provided.
For wellhead areas in offshore but also applicable in onshore installations, it is recommended to
install Fusible Plugs and Flame detectors (UV/IR or MIRs).
The double detection technology is particularly useful during operations on the well as the Fusible
Plugs network linked to the wellhead control cabinet is in override mode.


The location and spacing of heat detectors shall be based on the below recommendations.
The key factor for heat detectors is heat transfer; therefore, the following factors shall be taken
into consideration for location of detectors:
 Enclosed spaces.
 Height of ceiling.
 Ventilation in the enclosed space.
Heat detectors shall in general be positioned close to ventilation air outlets, at ceiling level in
enclosures or in positions where they are most likely to encounter hot gases from a fire.
Point type Heat detectors
The location and spacing of Point type heat detectors shall comply with the requirements defined
in the below table and the following standards: BS 6266-11, ISO 7240-14, NFPA 72-13, UNI
9795-14 (only applicable in Italy).
For Naturally Ventilated Open Areas:
Maximum Floor Area to
Be covered by One Maximum Distance Maximum Distance from Ceiling height
detector (m2) between detectors (m) any Bulkhead (m)1 (m)2
25 7 3.5 4-7
(1) Detectors should not to be mounted less than 0.5 m from any outside wall. This should be applied for
detectors mounted adjacent to bulkheads.
(2) For fast response detectors maximum ceiling height is 7m for slow response detectors is 4 m.

For Mechanically Ventilated Enclosed Areas:

Maximum Floor Area to
Be covered by One Maximum Distance Maximum Distance from Ceiling height
detector (m2) between detectors (m) any Bulkhead (m)3 (m)4
37 9 4.5 5.5-8.5
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(3) Detectors should not to be mounted less than 0.5 m from any outside wall. This should be applied for
detectors mounted adjacent to bulkheads.
(4) For fast response detectors maximum ceiling height is 8.5m for slow response detectors is 5.5 m.
Common note: Detectors should be sites, so that their sensing element is between 25 mm and 150 mm below the roof

Linear type Heat detectors

A linear Type Heat detector shall be located on the ceiling or on the sidewalls not more than
0.51 m from the ceiling (NFPA 72-2013).
Fusible plugs
For fusible plugs, the minimum recommended spacing also applicable to onshore is defined in
the table D.1 of the standard ISO 10418-03.


Flame detectors shall be preferred over heat detectors in areas where either may be used.
The flame detectors shall be designed to detect the absorption of light at specific wavelengths,
allowing them to discriminate between flames and false alarm sources.
Any flame detection response by the detector shall be delayed for at least 10 seconds before
tripping the alarm in order to avoid false alarm from spurious radiation.
These detectors shall be protected against atmospheric agents such as solar radiation, dirt and
water from rain and deluge.
There is different optical flame-sensing technology: ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR),
ultraviolet/infrared (UV/IR), multi-spectrum infrared (MIR), and video imaging.


UV detectors may be susceptible to false alarms (e.g. from flare/vent, sunlight and reflection
from wet surfaces) and therefore shall not be used in outdoor application.


IR Detectors could be sensitive to infrared radiation produced by light sources at a flicker

frequency of 10 Hz and higher and shall therefore not be used.


The UV/IR flame detectors offer increased immunity over the UV detectors, operate at moderate
speeds of response, and they are suited for both indoor and outdoor use. They shall comply with
EN 54/10 (ISO 7240-10).
They shall be equipped with an automatic optical system to verify the integrity of the optical
system that shall be checked on an automatic and regular basis.


Multi-Spectrum IR flame detectors use multiple infrared spectral regions to further improve
differentiation of flame sources from non-flame background radiation.
The Multi-Spectrum Infrared Detectors shall comply with EN 54/10 (ISO 7240-10).
They shall be equipped with an automatic optical system to verify the integrity of the optical
system that shall be checked on an automatic and regular basis.


The Video Imaging detectors employ image sensors, commonly used in closed circuit television
system, and flame detection algorithms to establish the presence of fires. The imaging


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algorithms process the live video image from the sensors array and analyze the shape and
progression of fires to discriminate between flame and non-flame sources. Safety Images
obtained using the VI detectors shall not be integrated in any manner or form with the CCTV
system. Each VI detector shall be permanently mounted with fixed focus and field of view which
shall be restricted to the selected risk area only.
The cameras may be installed as a complement to other type of flame detection.
The VI detectors may generate a fire detection alarm, but they shall not be used to trigger
automatic safety actions.


Flame detector selection shall be based on detector performance criteria for each application and
not by detector technology. The main detector performance criteria to be evaluated in a
dedicated study are: False Alarm Immunity, Detection Range, Response Time, Field of View, and
Anyway, only detectors approved for use with the specified fuel and verified by an independent
third party approval body shall be considered.
In order to:
 minimize common mode and common cause failure,
 maximize the sensitivity of the overall detection system to different fire sources and
the below recommendations, including but not limited to, shall be considered as basic rules for
flame detectors selection:
 A study shall be performed based upon manufacturers test results for applicable fuel
sources and fire types to establish the design range to be used in locating flame detectors.
The study shall consider the impact of detector range influenced by environmental
conditions, degradation in detector performance due to lens obscuration, changes in
sensitivity over the field of view and considering that there may be obstructions to
detector viewing the entire flame size detailed above.
 A combination of different flame detection technology may be installed in processing and
utility areas where significant quantities of flammable or combustible fluids exist. In case
of different technologies may be used, each one will have its voting logic and the F&G
Causes/Effects will define the relevant actions.
 Solar and other radiation sources shall not cause spurious operation.
 Flame detectors should be not used in technical room with electric/electronic equipment.
 MIR flame detectors are well suited where combustion sources produce smoky fires.
 MIR flame detectors shall be selected for detection of hydrocarbon gas and liquid fires,
hydrogen fires and alcohol fires in open plant areas.
 As the sensitivity of UV detectors is severely reduced by oil film contamination on the
detector window, they are not suitable for fires that produce dense smoke or in
environments which are dusty or contain airborne oil droplets.
 The use of MIR detectors within turbine enclosures shall be approved by the vendor due
to the possibility of false alarms caused by black-body radiation from hot engine surfaces.
 VI detectors shall not be used on methanol fire hazards, as the flames are colorless.
 VI detectors shall be used to cover Hydrocarbon hazard target areas by allowing the CR
operator to view the target hazard from at least one direction.
For special fuel applications, such as sulphur, the flame detector manufacturer should be
consulted to ensure the selected detector is suitable for the application.
For further details about the flame detectors selection please refer to the table in Annex 1.


The location and spacing of Flame Detectors shall be based on a study that shall be performed
based upon manufacturers test results for relevant fuel sources and fire type.
The study shall be based on the following parameters:
 Size of the fire that is to be detected.
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 Fuel and Fire involved.

 Sensitivity of the detector.
 Field of view of the detector.
 Distance between the fire and the detector.
 Radiant energy absorption of the atmosphere.
 Presence of extraneous sources of radiant emissions.
 Degradation in detector performance due to lens obscuration.
 Response time required.
 Environmental conditions influences.
Anyway, the following basic recommendations, including but not limited to, shall be followed as
far as is practicable:
 Flame detectors shall be located such that their field of view is unaffected by fire
events in neighboring fire zones.
 The angle of inclination shall be chosen in order to detect the significant flames.
 Flame detector placement shall also take account of solar sources, normal heat
sources, flares/vents, hot objects e.g. blackbody radiation, or the effect of reflected
sun shine on wet or reflective surface.
 The number of potential leakage points (flanges and connections) that are present.
 The design range should not exceed 26 meters for any device.
 The flame detection coverage of hydrocarbon gas jet or liquid pool fires shall be
designed to respond to the following incidents:
o At least one detector in an area shall alarm to a flame size of 0.5 meters of
diameter by 1.0 meter long.
o At least two detectors in an area shall alarm to a fire size of 1.0 meter of
diameter by a 3.0 meters long.
 Fully welded piping without flanges or valves constitutes a low potential release and
fire hazard and they shall therefore not be especially monitored by flame detection.
 The Manufacturer’s data shall be taken into account for installing and setting the
 The need for additional temporary access arrangements for maintenance shall also
be considered in deciding the potential location for a flame detector, since it could
introduce obstacles that can reduce flame detection efficiency.
 In order to reduce shadow effects, the second flame detector shall be located in the
opposite of the first detector.


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Gas detectors shall be selected on the basis of characteristic phenomena of gas combustion, of
the potential for leaks and location of monitored zone (open air or enclosed spaces) in order to
ensure the most reliable and fast detection.
These detectors sense the presence of combustible, explosive and/or toxic gas or vapor by
reading part per million (ppm) for toxic gases and % LEL for combustible gases and vapors.
The gas detection consists generally of Combustible (Flammable) gas detectors, Toxic gas
detectors (e.g. H2S, CO2), Low temperature detectors, Oxygen detectors and Oil Mist detectors.
The main objectives for gas detection are as follows:
 To monitor continuously for the presence of a gas leak and initiate the required automatic
or manual actions to minimize the probability of fire and explosions.
 To provide early detection and monitor all areas where combustible or toxic gas might be
present in the course of normal operations.
 To alert personnel in the main control room of any gas release emergency situation.
 To monitor for gas migration to naturally ventilated non-hazardous areas.
 To monitor for spread and buildup of gas leaks.
 To monitor the boundaries of non-hazardous areas in order to detect the ingress of
combustible gas clouds and allow the shutdown of the relevant non-certified electrical
The installation of the adequate type, number and location shall be such as to ensure the main
objectives above specified.
The flammable gas detection and toxic gas detection shall be achieved using different detectors.
The alarm and executive actions upon gas detection shall be defined in accordance with the
Company Specification 28038.ENG.PRC.PRG “Emergency Shutdown Philosophy Preparation”.
The gas detection system shall be in accordance with the guidelines defined in Company
Standard 27607.ENG.STA.STD “Design Guideline for Integrated Control and Safety Systems”,
where applicable to design conditions.


Generally, unless more stringent safety project requirements, indicatively, each gas detector
technology will provide the following alarm’s thresholds in function of some specific applications:
Application Type Point Linear Point Point Point
Combustible gas PRE-ALARM 10% of LEL 0.5 LEL m 10% of LEL
in process areas ALARM 5db above local
25% of LEL 1.25 LEL m (b) 25% of LEL (a)
ambient noise
H2S gas PRE-ALARM 10 ppm·m 5 ppm
in process areas ALARM 30 ppm·m 15 ppm
H2S gas PRE-ALARM 1 ppm
in buildings ALARM 5 ppm
Combustible gas PRE-ALARM 10% of LEL 10% of LEL
in buildings ALARM 20% of LEL 25% of LEL
Hydrogen PRE-ALARM 5% of LEL
in buildings ALARM 10% of LEL
(a) 20% of LEL for turbine enclosure.
(b ) 100 % of LEL extended for 1 meter.


The infrared technology can be point type or linear (LOS) open path type. The infrared technology
is based on measuring the absorption of infrared radiation passing through a volume of gas using
a dual beam, single detector method. The infrared detector measures the intensity of two specific


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wavelengths, one at an absorption wavelength and another outside of the absorption

wavelength. The gas concentration is determined by a comparison of these two values.
About the LOS type, this data is different from the concentration of gas at any point and it is
therefore generally expressed in terms of “LEL x meter” (LEL m) for gas and “ppm m” for toxic
gas. This value provides the “average” concentration of a gas cloud along the whole path in
meter. For example, the concentration of 0.5 LEL m corresponds to:
• 50% of the LEL of the detected gas along a path of 1 m or
• 5% of the LEL of the detected gas along a path or 10 m or
• 0.5% of the LEL of the detected gas along a path of 100 m.
This means that an open-path detector is unable to discriminate between a low concentration of
gas over a long distance and a high concentration of gas over a short distance.
According to IEC 60079-29-1, the response time T90 is typically 30 s for combustible gas
detectors Infrared point type. According to IEC 60079-29-4, the response time T90 is typically
<10 s for combustible gas detectors Infrared LOS type.


Gas detectors, calibrated for detecting H2 gas, shall be installed in areas / HVAC extracts where
there is a possibility of hydrogen gas release, typically battery rooms and locally covering the
copper chlorination package where H2 is a by-product and shall be vented to a safe area.


Catalytic technology is based upon the principle that as gas oxidizes it produces heat, and the
sensor converts the temperature change via a standard Wheatstone Bridge-type circuit to a
sensor signal that is proportional to the gas concentration. The sensor components consist of a
pair of heating coils (reference and active).
The active element is embedded in a catalyst. The reaction takes place on the surface of the
catalyst, with combustible gases reacting exothermically with oxygen in the air to raise its
temperature. This results in a change of resistance within the embedded coil, which is linearly
proportional to gas concentration.
The Catalytic gas detector needs to be calibrated at regular intervals according to the
manufacturer’s instructions and then verified in the field.
Prolonged exposure to high concentrations of combustible gas may degrade sensor performance.


Ultrasonic is advised in those process area where hydrogen high pressure release can occur,
considering that hydrogen flame is often not visible but audible. Acoustic leak detectors shall be
provided only in the process areas where high pressure gas is present.
These detectors do not detect gas as such, but respond instead to the acoustic sound of a sonic
release due to gas leak (not for liquids or multiphase leaks). These detectors shall be based on
the microphone technology, sensitive to high frequency sound (ultrasonic frequencies, from 25
kHz to 70 kHz range).
Ultrasonic gas leak detectors define gas leaks in terms of the sound pressure level (SPL). In
principle, the larger the leak rate, the higher the sound pressure level emitted by the escaping
Leak rates may be divided into three categories according to the dispersion models:
 Minor leak < 0.1 kg/s.
 Significant leak 0.1 – 2.0 kg/s.
 Major leak > 2.0 kg/s.
The performance standard for special applications of the ultrasonic gas leak detectors may be
changed to detect even smaller leaks.


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Using the above categorization, the performance standard of ultrasonic gas leak detectors for
typical applications is based on gas leaks of 0.1 kg/s (ref: methane) or 0.01 kg/s (ref: hydrogen)
within a radius of 9-12m in normal process areas and 5-8 m in compressor areas.
Finally, in order to ensure a stronger immunity to spurious alarm the following settings shall be
 Ultrasonic filter frequency cut 10 kHz to 25 kHz.
 Noise sensitivity trigger level 58 - 104 dB SPL.
 Alarm delay 0 to 8 minutes (nominally set to 1 minute).


IR Combustible Gas detectors shall be not used for ambient temperature higher than 70/75°C.
Due to the catalyst poisoning, catalytic flammable gas detectors shall not be generally used in
atmospheres containing silicones or heavy metals such as lead, copper, zinc, or in ambient with
high air flow-rates, or in high gas concentrations.
Where gas detection is required, in order to allow specific items of non-certified equipment to
continue operating after a gas release, individual point type infrared detectors shall be used.
The ultrasonic gas leak detectors can be subject to false alarms resulting from other releases,
for example from control air systems, furthermore they do not respond well to low pressure
leaks or respond at all to leakage of liquids. Based on these limitations, acoustic leak detectors
are installed only in areas where equipment is located for handling process gas at pressures
exceeding 10 barg. Therefore, they shall not be used to perform any executive actions.
The acoustic leak detectors shall be considered only complementary to the Infrared point and
LOS Gas devices.


Predictions of how a flammable gas cloud will move within the plant and location of combustible
gas detectors are possible using Mapping Study and/or computational fluid dynamics (CFD),
which may be required by the project.
Therefore, the location of combustible gas detectors shall take into account results from previous
studies (if any) and the following criteria:
 The size of the critical combustible gas cloud in each Fire Zone.
 The proximity of the release and gas cloud to potential sources of ignition.
 The most likely sources of leakage.
 The chemical and physical properties of the gas (density, composition).
 The geometry of the area.
 The prevailing wind direction and speed.
 The environmental conditions (e.g. humidity, vibrations, alignment).
 Access for online maintenance of the field equipment.
The combustible gas detectors will be located considering the below table. The applications
mentioned here below are typical and indicative. Project shall define what it is necessary to
monitor and where the relevant detectors will be proper located.


Equipment handling gaseous or/and liquid flammable
hydrocarbons. e.g.: around flanges, valves, pump, vessel,
compressor seals, etc.
Inside the turbine/generator enclosure.
Combustible gas detectors
Open Areas Air ventilation intake of generators/turbines enclosure
Air inlets of furnaces, heaters.
Liquid gas (LNG/LPG) storage
LOS Open path gas General area to monitor flammable hydrocarbon cloud
detectors ( b) migration


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Along escape and evacuation paths.
General Combustible gas detectors
In muster areas.
Machinery rooms such as Gas generator, Diesel generator,
Air intake of facilities such as fire water pump room,
Buildings Combustible gas detectors pressurized and/or ventilated areas (ducts, airlocks, etc.)
Air outlets of enclosed hazardous areas/modules.
Critical premises, e.g. control room, main instrument room,
HVAC system/room, and vital refuges. (a)
( ) The requirement shall be considered mandatory after a proper evaluation on the possibility that the

flammable gas cloud reaches the room, considering as a minimum factors like internal ventilation
requirements, distances with process areas handling HC, room air tightness, etc.
(b) For the LOS, the maximum open-path distances shall not exceed 25 m (in offshore installations) and
50 m (in onshore installations).
The density of the gas to be monitored with respect to air density shall be considered in order
to define the elevations of gas detectors equipped with remote sensors. The following criteria
can be used as guideline:
a) Gases lighter than air (gas density with respect to air ≤ 0.9) will be
 Positioning at 1500÷2000 mm higher than the location of the potential source of
release or the highest potential source of release in case of multiple potential sources.
 Location no more than 300 mm below the ceiling, in case of equipment installed inside
a building, shelter or within a structure equipped with roof.
 Positioning on the vertical of the point of more probable release or in the middle of the
area generated by the potential emission sources when they are close to each other.
b) Gases heavier than air (gas density with respect to air ≥ 1.1) will be
 Location of sensitive element at 500 mm above ground level or platform level in case
of installation at elevation.
c) Gases with density in respect to air >0.9 but <1.1
 Location of sensitive element at 1500 mm above ground level or platform level.
d) In all applications, location of transmitter/display (point type) shall be at 1500 mm above
ground level or platform level whenever sensor and transmitter are not integrated as
unique device.


Detection of toxic gases is intended to protect personnel. The main concern is H2S.
Toxic gas detectors should be normally semi-conductor type.
Electro-chemical cell detectors are very reliable but they can take time to reach an alarm status
and tend to have a short life expectancy.
According to IEC 60079-29-2, the response time T90 is typically >30 s for combustible gas
detectors electrochemical type.
In presence of toxic gas (typically H2S), the below requirements, including but not limited to,
shall be followed.
Onshore installations in open spaces
On natural gas treatment plants, the following shall be provided:
 Toxic gas detection, in proximity of the floor, if the H2S concentration of the process fluid
is ≥1500 ppm.
 No toxic gas detection if H2S concentration of the process fluid is <1500 ppm (other
precautions shall be adopted as signboards to the battery limits, portable detectors by
the personnel, etc.).


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On the oil treatment units or however, where products that can deliver heavy gases are treated,
only one type of sensor shall be used:
 Flammable gas sensor (also to fulfil the toxic gas requirements) when H2S concentration
in gaseous phase is <1500 ppm, since at these concentrations flammable gas sensor is
more sensitive.
 Toxic gas sensor (also to fulfil the flammable gas requirements) when H2S concentration
in gaseous phase is ≥1500 ppm, since at these concentrations toxic gas sensor is more
Onshore installations in closed spaces
 Closed areas adjoining to plant areas and compressor room shall be supplied with both
flammable and toxic gas sensors.
Offshore installations in open spaces
 Both toxic and flammable gas sensors shall be installed if the H2S concentration in
gaseous phase is ≥100 ppm and <1500 ppm (H2S concentrations <100 ppm don’t usually
provide toxic gas detectors).
 Only toxic gas sensors shall be installed if H2S concentration in gaseous phase is ≥1500
Offshore installations in closed spaces
 On the air inlet, into the closed spaces and into the gas compression unit, both toxic and
flammable gas sensors shall be installed. Toxic gas detector setting should be set lower
than general.
In case of the CO2 has to be monitored, the infrared technology is recommended.


H2S detectors will be installed considering the below table. The applications mentioned here below
are typical and indicative. Project shall define what it is necessary to monitor and where the relevant
detectors will be proper located.


Equipment handling gas with high concentration of H2S. e.g.:
around flanges, valves, pump, vessel, compressor seals, etc.
H2S gas detectors Inside specific enclosure.
Open Areas
Air ventilation intake of specific enclosure
LOS open path H2S gas
General area to monitor H2S hydrocarbon cloud migration.
detectors ( b)
Along escape and evacuation paths.
General H2S gas detectors
In muster areas.
Machinery rooms such as Gas generator, Diesel generator,
Air intake of technical rooms, pressurized and/or ventilated
Buildings H2S gas detectors areas (ducts, airlocks, etc.)
Air outlets of enclosed hazardous areas/modules.
Critical premises, e.g. control room, main instrument room,
HVAC system/room, and vital refuges. (a)
(a) The requirement shall be considered mandatory after a proper evaluation on the possibility that the
toxic gas cloud reaches the room, considering as a minimum factor like internal ventilation
requirements, distances with process areas handling HC, room air tightness, etc.
(b) For the LOS, the maximum open-path distances shall not exceed 25 m (in offshore installations) and
50 m (in onshore installations).


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In LNG applications, Low Temperature detectors shall be provided.

These detectors shall be capable to detect the presence of leaks, the accumulation of cryogenic
material that promote an atmospheric temperature equal to or below 0°C.
It is essential that the sighting of the detectors shall address the cryogenic pipe distribution
especially valve, pipe flange, equipment connections and pumps as a prime source for potential
leaks and starting point for a Cold Spill.
There are two methods of detecting for Cold Product Spill / Leak Detection. One of the method
considers recording the presence of a pool forming on a deck plate/drain box area. Whilst, the
other monitors the pipework/flanges/valves/potential leak sources for cold spots developing
from errant leaks.
The Cold Spill Event will be detected through a technology based on a Laser Fibre Optical Line
Monitoring System.


In order to prevent a fire in case of oil mist, the oil mist detection should be considered for all
spaces with a potential of pressurized leakage of flammable liquid, with low gas detection
There are primarily three types of oil detections:
 Samplers that use tubes to draw in vapour samples from multiple sample points in
enclosed space.
 Open path obstruction device.
 Backscatter device. Backscatter sensors are more sensitive to lower concentration of
larger droplets (oil mist) than obstruction sensors, which are better to detect small
particles (oil smoke).
Note- Oil mist detectors are not able to discriminate between oil mists and fire events producing
Therefore, oil mist detectors (infrared type) shall be installed in machinery spaces and turbine
hood extract channels as required.
Anyway, these detectors shall not automatically perform any executive actions.
Oil mist detectors shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions in open
unobstructed areas of the machinery spaces, or in the extract ducts using specifically designed
mounting brackets where needed.
It is recommended that routine maintenance procedure for the devices should include regular
cleaning of the reflector sheets.


Oxygen depletion detectors should be installed in any room with automatic extinguishing system.
The threshold shall be set as follows:
 19% Vol for a low level alarm.
 16.5% Vol for a low low level alarm.


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The detectors and the relevant system should be inspected, tested and commissioned in
accordance with the system specification, Manufacturers / Suppliers agreed test procedures.
This should include but not be limited to:
 a visual inspection of the as-fitted installation;
 testing of the cause and effect matrix;
 testing of all components (including but not limited to detectors, call points, sampling
pipes, power supplies, audible and visible alarm devices).
The site survey is necessary to check the right location of the detector and its complete coverage
of the protected area.


A performance live smoke test is necessary to assess that the fire detection system will operate
appropriately in good time within the environment, unless the airflows are very small (e.g. <0.5
m/s) or the protected volume is very small (e.g. <50 m3), in which case a functional test is
In situations where live smoke testing is impractical, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) may
be used to provide sufficient confidence that enough smoke will travel to, and trigger, the
For smoke test, a standard flame or a smoke source shall be used.
Heat detectors and flame detectors shall be tested with an alcohol flame (typical seat is 20 cm2).
Periodic test shall be carried out for flame detectors and smoke detectors, by using respectively
test lamps and spray cans. No periodic test is required for heat detectors.


All gas detectors shall be factory calibrated to detect methane gas at the relevant combustible
concentrations (LEL for methane = 5% by volume in air).
However, gas detectors that are located close to floor level to detect heavier gas releases and
releases from flashing liquids shall be factory calibrated to detect propane gas at the relevant
combustible concentrations. Different calibration value or gas type shall be indicated in the
specific application.
With regard the acoustic gas detector calibration, during start-up and initial operation the
background noise levels will be measured to establish the optimum settings of each detector,
having regard to the presence of instrument air and control valves in the vicinity.


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A voting logic is applied to a safety system when a shutdown (and/or fire-fighting) action is to
be achieved considering as one goal to:
 reduce the safety system unreliability, that increases its integrity;
 reduce the plant unavailability (that is the non-production) reducing false alarm which
can cause undesired shutdown.
The type of voting logic, together with the intrinsic characteristic of the detector, define the
reliability level of the detection signal permitted to activate the needed operating actions.


The F&G detection logic shall activate all pertinent executive actions upon confirmed detection,
in accordance with Cause and Effect Diagram.
Confirmed detection shall be implemented as follows:
 Manual call points shall be used in voting configuration 1ooN when N≥1.
 Fire & gas detectors used for executive actions shall be minimum installed in voting
configuration 2ooN (with N≥3), with exception for smoke detectors installed in such areas
(e.g. accommodation, air intakes, HVAC ducts, technical rooms false floor, airlocks)
where space constraints exist that may be used in voting configuration 2oo2.
Voting shall be referred to each technology of fire and gas detectors within a fire area. The voting
configuration 2oo2 also applies to the pressure detection of fusible plug loop(s).
F&G detectors activation shall initiate automatic alarms and executive actions. The project
documents (e.g. F&G causes/effects diagrams) shall identify each “Action” to be executed.
A generic voting logic matrix applicable to F&G detectors is depicted in below table:

DETECTOR 2 (or more)

Voting logic matrix
for F&G detectors Normal Pre-Alarm
Alarm level Fault
Operation level

Normal Audible/visual
No action Alarm(a) Alarm(a)
Operation devices activation
Pre-Alarm Audible/visual
Alarm(a) Alarm(a) Alarm(a)
level devices activation
DETECTOR Audible/visual Action Voting logic (b)
Audible/visual devices (2oo2/2ooN degradation
1 level
devices activation activation voting logic) [1oo1/1oo(N-1)]
Voting logic (b)
Fault Alarm(a) Alarm(a) degradation Action(c)
(a) “Alarm” term used in the table means that no additional actions will be carried out but only
the relevant state/threshold indication will be shown on the HMI and MIMIC Panel.
(b ) The voting logic will degrade from 2ooN to 1oo (N-1), with N≥3, for example from 2oo3 to
1oo2 or from 2oo2 to 1oo1, with one detector failed or inhibited.
(c ) In case of manned installations and double fault, the degradation of voting configuration
shall be in accordance with the tables at par. 6.3.


Fire and Gas detectors that are overridden or are in fault/failure, meaning a non-availability of
that detector, shall be considered the equivalent of a detector alarm.


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However, in manned installations, special considerations shall be applied to double fault in order
to avoid to perform executive actions (e.g. plant shutdown). Therefore, in case of double fault,
the degradation of voting configuration shall be in accordance with the below Fault logic tables.
Voting Degraded Degraded
Fire Detection in
Configuration Configuration Configuration 3 Fault
manned plants
with 1 Fault with 2 Fault
2oo2 1oo1 + fault
2ooN 1oo(N-1) + fault 1oo(N-2) + fault
(N≥3) alarm alarm
2ooN 1oo(N-1) + fault 1oo(N-2) + fault
(Heat, Flame) Action
(N≥3) alarm alarm
Other technologies
(Fusible Plugs, 1oo1 + fault
2oo2 Action
Linear heat alarm

Voting Degraded Degraded

Gas Detection in
Configuration Configuration Configuration 3 Fault
manned plants
with 1 Fault with 2 Fault
2oo2 Not permitted
Flammable or
2oo3 1oo(N-1) + fault 1oo(N-2) + fault
Toxic Gas Action
(N≥3) alarm alarm
1oo1 + fault
Hydrogen 1oo2 Action


In order to avoid common cause failures, detectors used in voting configuration shall be spread
over different I/O cards. Furthermore, unless a voting logic degradation is happened, a F&G
safety action shall not be initiated by a single detector but by the “simultaneous” activation of
'm out of n' detectors (with M≤N).
In order to reduce the use of I/O cards and racks, the voting configurations MooN with N >8
shall be split by using multiple voting units instead of using one with large amount of detectors.
In process hazardous areas two different detection technologies may be used in order to provide
diversity and robustness against common mode and common cause failure.


All smoke detectors related to the same room shall not be linked to the same voting unit: multiple
loops shall be installed by implementing a voting configuration among loops. Each loop shall
ensure a total coverage of the room, by having, when it is possible, at least one detector in
room, one in false floor and one in false ceiling. For large rooms where it is possible to have a
room partition approach, this requirement may be modified to adapt it to the partition approach.
In mechanically ventilated rooms in order to fit the voting configuration to the smoke
propagation, the detectors location shall be based on smoke test. The test shall define the
detectors location and voting configuration by evaluating the smoke paths in order to ensure
that the detectors in voting configuration are in good position to detect the soonest possible the


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