Meeting Minutes of THE COUNCIL: 1974-1977

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1974 -1977
~~~From the Thomas Yoder Papers, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI~~

What follows are documents that identify and defme "The Council". The
Council reflected a coming together for mutual support, commitment and planning
among leaders of the Shepherding Movement. Members of the movement and the
Council are defined in the first meeting, and grow from there.

The Council refrained from a public declaration of its existence. In 1975 the
Shepherding Movement would meet with public criticism from Pat Robertson and

For the purposes of this writer, these documents are posted to show the
involvement of Catholic leaders of the Charismatic Renewal, including Steve B
Clark, Ralph Martin, Kevin Ranaghan and Paul DeCelles. Other Catholics who
would associate with the Council but not be members include -but are not limited
to- the late Cardinal Suenens and Fr. Michael Scanlan, TOR Past President and
Retired Chancellor of Franciscan University of Steubenville.

For a more definitive exploration of the Shepherding Movement, its problems

and members I recommend the book THE SHEPHERDING MOVEMENT by S
David Moore published in 2003 by T&T Clark Int.

John Flaherty,

May 26 2011

Grand Island, NE

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