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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Activity No. 4
With your copy of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher, analyze each
profession and briefly answer the given questions:
Article I – Scope and Limitations
 Who are covered by the Code of Ethics?
Answer: This Code covers all public and private school teachers in all
educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary
levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal.
Article II – The teacher and the State
 What is the academic freedom of teacher?
Answer: the freedom of teachers and students to teach, study, and pursue
knowledge and research without unreasonable interference or restriction from
law, institutional regulations, or public pressure.
 Why should teacher be physically, mentally and morally fit?
Answer: Teachers must be physically, intellectually, and ethically fit in order
to carry out and serve their clients to the best of their abilities. They must be
cognitively and emotionally healthy. Authorities should avoid bringing on
board potential liabilities. Having a mentally ill teacher in the classroom is not
fit for the profession since it will cause psychological distress to students by
instilling fear, misbehavior, and poor relationships with students and parents.
Article III – The Teacher and the Community
 As a facilitator of learning, what is your responsibility to the students?
Answer: As a facilitator of learning, i must providean educational
atmosphere where students have the opportunity to fulfill their potential for
intellectual, emotional, physical and psychological growth. All teachers must
provide the highest level of service in order to create an environment that is
conducive to learning and development. It is a requirement, and teachers
have always adhered to it. Classrooms and schools have always been
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

created to be favorable to learning, even if it meant spending their own

money to do so.
 What practices manifest honorable and dignified behavior?
Answer: Educators are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and
dignity at all times, abstaining from gambling, smoking, intoxication, and
illegal relationships. They should not indulge in immoral conduct or other
activities that are prohibited by law. Teachers, once again, serve as role
models. Everywhere, priceless social honor is bestowed. Every every
moment, we can't help but be solemn. We'll never know when our jobs,
professions, or spheres of influence come to an end. We always meet people
who may have previously been our pupils or who may have known us as a
teacher right here, right there, in here, in there, and everywhere.
 Why do you need to study about the community you are assigned to?
Answer: It is important to hear the tales of those who live in the
neighborhood, to learn about the environment around the school, and to
comprehend how these variables affect the lives of children. These
influences can be beneficial or negative; some elements can help pupils
succeed, while others can hinder them.
Article IV – The Teacher and the Profession
 How could you show that you belong to the noblest profession?
Answer: Teachers should strive to make teaching the noblest profession
possible. They must maintain the best possible educational standards. Quality
education entails ensuring that basic education is truly robust, since if it is not,
secondary education will suffer. If a person's secondary education is
inadequate, he or she will enter college unprepared for college work. And if
he is permitted to graduate with a low-quality college degree again, he will be
even more unprepared for university professional education. Teachers are
ultimately responsible for providing a high-quality education. Whatever the
outcome or type of learner or graduate, society will ultimately be dependent
on the education offered by its mentors.
 Why should teachers participate in the Continuing Professional Education
Program of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)?
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Answer: Teachers must pursue and participate in continuing Professional

Education program in order to raise the status of the teaching profession. This
isn't just for the teachers' benefit. Pursuing a continuing professional
education will benefit both the students and the community as a whole. All
professionals involved in formal and informal learning will improve their skills,
knowledge, and ethical beliefs as a result of this.
Article V – The Teacher and the Teaching Community
 What is your responsibility regarding confidential information?
Answer: Teachers should systematize their records and other material and
pass it on to their successors. It should be handed over to the successor in a
proper manner. It is important to remember that the primary goal remains the
ability to function and the continuation of academic routines. As a result,
whatever the reason for leaving the workplace, important records and
information must be properly passed along. Meanwhile, educators are
expected to keep all confidential information about associates and the school
private. Nobody should release any information without permission in this
circumstance. According to Department of Education Order, the
announcement of awards for a graduating class is primarily the responsibility
of the school principal.
 In times of controversies affecting the learners, the school or the
profession, what should be your stand as a teacher? Why?
Answer: Teachers may seek compensation for what appears to be
unprofessional and unethical behavior on the part of any associate.
Furthermore, any observed valid criticism directed at an associate may be
reported to the appropriate authorities, preferably in writing, without
compromising the individual's rights. It is ethical to report a colleague's
wrongdoings. Everyone is responsible and it is their obligation to make
teaching the greatest and noblest profession in order to protect the teaching
profession. Practicing this will also sustain the value of honesty in general. As
a result, the act of the caught teacher will be reduced and eventually
eliminated in a larger range.
Article VI – The Teacher and the Higher authorities in the Philippines
 What is your obligation to the school and the administration you work
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Answer: Every teacher must make an honest attempt to comprehend and

support the school's and administration's lawful policies, regardless of
personal feelings or private opinions, and must faithfully carry them out. In the
context of making false accusation or charges against superiors, especially
under anonymity, teachers are not allowed. It is unethical to do such thing.
But, if there are evidences then it should be made under oath to a competent
authority. It should be proper to hand the charges in person under sworn. This
way it makes the intention ethical and not just to be considered as an
accusation due to insecurities or ill-treatment.
 You have the right to seek redress against in justice to the administration,
how are you going to do that?
Answer: Teachers have the right to seek redress for injustice and
discrimination, as well as to raise their grievances through democratic
channels. For example, if an unfairness exists between a subject area
coordinator and one of his or her subordinates, the matter can be referred to
the net higher authority and resolved. However, it is still preferable and proper
for the subordinate to speak with his or her immediate superior, and if the
issue is not resolved, it should be brought to the next higher authority.
 What is your obligation as a contractual teacher?
Answer: They should fulfill their contractual obligations as public servants,
given that they are fully aware of the employment terms and circumstances. A
permanent or regular appointment does not imply that it will last indefinitely.
Because security of tenure cannot be used as a shield for disciplinary action
or even termination in the case of carelessness to obligations and bad
performance on the job.
Article VII – School Officials, Teachers and Other Personnel
 When can a teacher be dismissed from service?
Answer: A teacher or other subordinate may not be dismissed or
recommended for dismissal unless there is good reason. First and foremost,
coaching and mentoring should be completed. It is permissible to impose
disciplinary punishment if no progress has been made after numerous
interventions have been initiated.
Article VIII – The Teacher and Learners
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

 What should be the teachers’ attitude towards gifts?

Answer: Teachers have the legal responsibility of assigning grades in the
subjects they teach. To safeguard the sacredness and confidentiality of
students' grades, teachers should build a high appreciation for them. They
must also realize that the interests and welfare of learners are his first priority,
and they must treat each student fairly and impartially. Because a learner's
behavior differs from his or her academic performance, it should not be
utilized to provide a failing grade. In exchange for sought concessions, one
should not be prejudiced or discriminate against any student, and one should
not accept favors or presents from learners, parents, or others.
Article IX – The Teacher and Parents
 How can you establish cordial relationship with parents?
Answer: A meritorious act a teacher can ever do is to establish and maintain
cordial relations with parents.Having these would make it easier for the school
to communicate and gain parental support.Teachers with a binding
relationship with parents permit a strong partnership and governance in the
long run.Another function of teachers is to inform parents, through proper
authorities, of the progress or deficiencies of learners under him.He or she
may conduct parent-teach meetings. They must also listen to parents'
complaints with compassion and understanding. When speaking with parents,
they must exercise greatest candor or be very open, honest, and sincere.
Article X – The Teacher and Business
 Name some legitimate income generating activities you could engage in to
augment your income.
Answer: Teachers can maximize their economic potential by blogging. More
innovative revenue opportunities, such as tutoring, posting paid video
lessons, light weight ebooks, audiobooks, and other online courses, may
become available as a result of their presence in cyberspace.
 How are you going to deal with it?
Answer: If you have part-time teaching jobs, they should be done after office
hours and should not interfere with your school's tasks and responsibilities.
However, teachers who intend to work part-time must apply a permit to teach
to the appropriate authorities for approval. Settlement of debts and loans
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

must be arranged satisfactorily in order to retain a good reputation in financial

concerns. Finally, teachers should not act as an agent for or be financially
interested in any commercial venture, such as the sale of books, school
supplies, or other commodities, whether directly or indirectly.
Article XI – The Teacher as a Person
 What is the primary principles a teacher should consider regarding
relationship with other?
Answer: Teachers should maintain their dignity at all times and in all settings.
Being prompt, radiant, pleasing, with an impressive personal presence,
refinement, and pleasant manners were just a few of the essential qualities of
a teacher that will place a premium on self-respect and self-discipline,
eventually establishing a reputation for the teacher as a one-of-a-kind
 How could a teacher exemplify dignified personality?
Answer: Another societal requirement of a teacher is to maintain a
respectable demeanor at all times. When an instructor makes a mistake, it is
easier to criticize him or her, and the worst case scenario is that the felonious
mentor's career is diminished. To completely fulfill and operate led by these
code of ethics in all of these tasks, instructors must have and recognize the
Almighty God or Being as the guide of their own destiny as well as the
destinies of individuals and nations.
Article XII – Disciplinary Action
 What disciplinary actions could be imposed to erring teacher who violate
the provision of the code?
Answer: Any infraction shall be sufficient cause for disciplinary action, which
may include revocation of his Certification of Registration and License as a
Professional Teacher, suspension from teaching, or reprimand or cancellation
of his temporary/special permit. Administrative functions and oversight would
always include disciplinary proceedings in order to preserve order and
accomplish the intended outcomes of any organizational mission.

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