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In this article I am publishing some interview questions for process engineers and

hope you all find them informative.

1. Line sizing criteria (gas,liquid, multi-phase)?

2. How do you size the gravity line i.e drain line sizing criteria?

3. Explain the cases in PSV sizing scenario?

4. How do you calculate relief load for PRV sizing for fire case?

5. In PRV sizing for fire case for wetted case , if we have fluid with different
hydrcarbons, for eg propane, heptane, methane,etc which hydrocarbon you take for
calculating latent heat of vaporization?

6. Separator sizing criteria?

7. What are the laws applicable in separator sizing?

8. How do you calculate droplet size in separator sizing calculation?

9. What is settle out calculation? how you do that?

10. If a water pump is used for hydrocarbon service what would be the discharge
pressure for the water pumps? higher or lower?

11. What is NPSH? how do you calculate? what safety design margins should be
considered for NPSHa versus NPSH-r?

12. What are the relieving cases applicable for Instrument air receiver , Explain?

13. In multi-phase line sizing what is the formula to calculate the erosional

14. In multi-phase line sizing whether the erosional velocity is more than the
actual velocity or lesser than the actual velocity?

15. What is the inlet line sizing criteria for PSV?

16. What is the criteria for PSV outlet line sizing?

17. What is the mach no criteria for PSV discharge pipe and header pipe?

18. Suppose in PSV sizing calculation , for our calculation "D"orifice itself is
sufficient but the client wants "E" orifice, then what is your suggestion to the

19. In the above mentioned scenario, which relieving capacity you will take for
doing PSV sizing calculation, whether "D"orifice or "E"orifice?

20. How do you build Flarnet?

21. In Flarenet what is the impact of PSV discharge expander?

22. In separator sizing calculation how do you fix the diameter of the separator?

23. In separator sizing calculation how do you fix the residence time?

24. How do you do control valve sizing ? explain.

25. If a line has a control valve and assume that it has different flowrates, say
for eg 100 kg/hr, 150 kg/hr, and 200 kg/hr, tell me in which flow rate the delta P
is higher?

26. How do you do BDV sizing? Explain.

27. In separator sizing calculation how do you calculate the inlet and outlet
nozzle ID's?

28. Did you used OLGA software? what is the purpose?

29. what is the inlet / outlet line sizing criteria for reciprocating pumps and
centrifugal pumps?

30. What is the difference in impact when the back pressure of the balance bellow
type PSV is 30% of set pressure and 40% of the set pressure.

31. What are all the various types of Low pressure tanks?

32. What is the difference between API-620 and API- 650 tank?

33. What are credible overpressure scenarios for the Low pressure tank?

34. What is the burst tolerance for the rupture disk?

35. What are all the criteria’s to be checked in order to confirm whether the
revamped Heat exchanger is adequate?

36. What is the over design margin for the STHE?

37. What is the rationale behind 20-30 minutes hold-up capacity for flare KO drum

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