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Edelyn Joy E.


BSEd- Filipino

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a representation of freedom, independence and unique


My reflection in this novel is always believe in yourself even if others not believe in you
just stay focus on your goal and live life to the fullest just like what Jonathan Livingston Seagull
did even if no one believes him he never affected to his critics and take it as an inspiration to
prove them that he can reach his dream to become one of the fastest seagull in the world . In my
Twenty-eight years of existence I can say that I see myself to Jonathan Livingston Seagull
because I strongly believe that I can achieve my goal to finish my study and become a future
educator even if the world is now facing a pandemic because of Novel-Coronavirus Disease I
know that as one we can overcome it just believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. I also never get tired
to always try even if I failed so many times because you cannot win the battle of life if you are
not afraid to fight.

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