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tL EVANS TRIES AN O-LEVEL —Colin Dexter STAND ALONE MCQs raven ee] Q.1. Evans wanted to take an O-Level examination in : (A) French, (6) German (© Kian ©) Spanish ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct, Explanation: Itwasin early March when the Governor of Oxford Prison rang.up the Secretary of Examination Board that one oftheir prisoners, Evans, wanted to take an O-Level examination in Gorman, Q.2, What did the prison officers used to call Evans? (A) Evans the Magician (B) Evans the Shrewd (©) Evans the Break, (D) Bvans the Fool ‘Ans, Option (C) is correct. Fsplanati 1 prison officers used to call Evans ~ Evans the Break because thrice he had escaped from the prison already. 1.3. How will you categorize Evans Ties an O-Level’? (A) The naration of Evans talent (B) A satire. (©) Bite of wits betwen the criminal and th jal authorities, {D) Tragic confit between the criminal and the jail authorities. Ans. Option (C) i correct. Fsplanation: The police tries to trace the cues let by the criminals and apprehend them on the bass of these, On the other hand, the criminals devise a foo-proof plan and try to leave no cues which might help inidentifcaion later on- Since the legal syslem is based on evidence—toth human and material police as vel a criminals and their lawyer, te their wit to tum the case in ther favour and win it Q.4. What would McLry need if he had to sit for some length of ime? (A) Asmalliniated rubber ring (8) Apaper kite (©) Acopy of the Bible. (D) The newspaper, ‘The Church Times’. ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct, Esplanation: MeLerry sad that he was sulferng from pies and he needed it if he had to sit for some length of time. .5. How did the Govornor,Oxford Prison, describe Evans tothe Secrtary Examinations Board? (A) He was very aggressive (6) He was violent (©) He was congenital Keptomenin (D) He was shrew but was also a lazy fellow Ans. Option (C) i correct. Fsplanation: The Governor said that Evans was quite a pleasant sort of chap. He had no record of violence. He was one ofthe starsat the Chaistmas concert. But he was just a congenital Kleptomaniac, (Q.6. What information was given by the detective Superintendent to the Governor? (A) MeLeery had spotted Evans (B) Evans was seen near Esfield way. (©) They chased Evans butlost him, (©) Allof these. Ans. Option (D) is correct, Explanation: The detective superintendent informed the Governor that MeLeery had spotted Evans drive off along Elsfeld way. After getting the car number, they started chasing but lost track and thought that Evans might have came back to the city. Q.7. Why did Evans drape a blanket around his shoulder? (A) To conceal his efforts of changing dress to look like MeLeery _(B). Because he was feeling cold, (©) Whide himself from the police (©) Allorthese ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Explanation: In between intervals of Stephens’ peeping into the cell, Evans was changing into the Parson's dress to look like MeL.very. So, in onder to conceal his effort to keep them in place, Evans draped a blanket round his shoulder Stephens was misled into believing that Evans was feeling, cold. QB Look at the latements given below. Choose the option that correctly identifies which statements ave fact and which are opinion: (CBSE QB, 2021) (The authoris (Gi) The story subtly sympathetic towards prefigures future Evans, events. ™. & eee (etree (i) The Governor is (iv) The reader not quite a good-for- sympathizes with the a-gigale character. Governor and Evans (A) Foct - (and (iv); Opinion ~ (i) and Git (B) Fact Gi) and Gi); Opinion —() and (iv) (©) Fact @) and (i); Opinion — (i) and Gv) () Fect- Gi) and (iv) ; Opinion - (i and (i ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct. Q.9, "God Almighty! There's far more going on than I~” "Always willbe, sic" What ean be collected from the aforesaid conversation between the Governor and Evans? (CBSE QB, 2021) (A) The Governor realized that he was ikely to lose his job very soon (B) Evans proved that criminals are always one step ahead of the police. (©) There were always schemes afoot unknown to prison authorities (©) The Governor's confidence in hs control over the prison stood shattered. ‘Ans, Option (C) is correct 9.10. trope is common device or theme used lo describe Given below are some typical tropes found in a prison escape narrative, Choose the option that is NOT 2 trope used in the story ‘Evans Thies an O-Level- (Prison Changes People -Spending time in prison can change one's pemsonality, for better 0° for worse. ons or characters ina story. ). Master of Disguise - When a character masquerades as someone else (Gi) Wardens Are Evil - The prison is run by a ruthlessly corrupt administrator, (@v) The Guards Must Be Crazy - Prison staf make it almost to0 easy for prisoners to escape (6), Breaking Out the Boss - Members ofa gang bust their boss ut of jai, (i) Passive Rescue - A character who reseues someone from prison without using aggression or violence to break them out. (it) Prison Escape Artist -A character who is known for escaping prison multiple times, (CBSE QB, 2021) (A) Options Gi, Gi) and (i) (B) Options G, (i and (w) (© Options Gi), iv) and (¥) (D) Options i, fv) and (vi) EXTRACT BASED MCQs [Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow: (1 <4=4 marks) L. "They're not — they don't honestly think I'm goin’ to try to—" “They're taking no chances, Evans. Nobody in his senses would take any chance with you.” “Who's goin’ te listen in? “Ti tell you who's going to listen in, lady. I's the Governor himself sce? He don’t trust you a bloody inch —and nor do [Tl be watching you like a hawk, Evans, so keep your nose clean. Clear?” He walked towards the door Evans nodded. He'd already thought of that and number two handkerchief was lying ready on the bunk —a neatly folded square of off-white linen, ‘ust one more thing, Einstein.” "Ya? Wha's “at?” "Good luck, old son.” (CBSE QB, 2021) QL Which of the following qualities of Jackson do NOT come through in the given extract? (A) Soft-hearted (B) Gullible (C) Sceptical () Authoritative Ans. Option (B) is correct. (2. "Nobody in his senses would take any chance with you”. Why not? (A) Jackson did not like Evans and was keen to get id of him. (B) Evans had quite a reputation for escaping irom prisons. (©) Evans had been transferred to Oxford prison and needed care (D) The Governor was uneasy about Lone’ German O-Level exams, ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct. (Q3.1n the given extract, “Einstein” is meant as a 5 (A) compliment (B) misconception (©) taunt (D) provocation ‘Ans. Option (C)is correct, (Qui. The above extract employs several idiomatic expressions. Which ofthe following is not an idiom? (A) Toot tristan inch (B) To watch like a hawk (©) Toheep nose clean, (©) Tbe ready on the bunk ‘Ans. Option (D) is correct. Il, "Perhaps you won't be with us next September, Evans.” Jomes Roderick Evans appeared to pander the Governor's words deeply. °No. P'r‘aps I won't” he said ‘As the prison van turned right from Chipping Norton on to the Oxford road, the hitherto silent prison officer unlocked the handeufis and leaned forward towards the driver, “For Christ's sake get a move on! It wor’t take “em long, to find out — "Where do ye suggest we make for?” asked the driver, in a broad Scots accent, “What about Newbury?” suggested Evans. (CBSE QB, 2021) (QL. How would you describe Evans in the above extract? (a) Solemn (B) Cheeky (©) Ansious (©) Cheerful Ans. Option (B) is correct. (2. A “broad accent’ is that which is (A) appli widely, all over the world (B) recognised by broadcasters. (C) associated with the traditional speech ofthe local people, (D) developed over several years for the purposes of special communication ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct, (3. Evans suggested Newbury because: (A) the police had already been to Newbury and would not expect to find him there (B) he was being playful and wanted to crack another joke atthe police's expense. (C)_he wanted the thrill of another chase and the opportunity to outsmart authorities. (D) he did not want to risk going toa new place, and opted for something more familiar, ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct, (Q4. Silent: Loud : Ponder: (A) Meditate (B) Repeat (©) Exeggerate (©) Overlook. ‘Ans. Option (D) is correct, IM. “Isa slightly unusual request, Governor, but I don’t see why we shouldn't try to help. Just the one fellow, you say" QU. Who is’ here? (A) Evans (B)_ Oxiord Prison Superintendent (©) Governor (D) Secretary of the Examinations Board ‘Ans. Option (D) is correct. (22. Who made a slightly unusual request? (A) Evans (8) Governor (©) Station Head Officer (D) Commissioner of Police ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct. (Q3. Why, according to the Governos, had Evans started taking classes in O-level German? (A) To upgeade his academic qualification (8) pass time in the prison (©) Tobecome a translator (D) To reform himselt ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. (44, Why did Evans solect Gorman only for his O-lovel examination? (A) He knew the German teacher (B) He loved the language (C) He was planning to shift to Germany (©) None of these ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. IV. "Oh, don't worry about that. Ibe sending you all the forms and stuff What's his name, you say? Qu. Who is the speaker here? (A) Secretary of the Examination Board (B) Governor of Oxford Prison. (©) James Roderie Evans (D) None of these ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. (2. Whom is he talking to? (A) Secretary ofthe Examination Boar (8) Governor of Oxford Prison (©) James Roden Evans () None of these Ans. Option (B) i correc. Q.3. Which forms and stuff is the speaker talking about? (A) To release the prisoner (6) Toconfera degree (© Tappestforan xan (©) Tern the course duration Ans. Option (C) is coroc. (Q4. Which vain will he appear for in German? (A) Atel (6) Esevet (©) Gevel (D) Orevel, ‘Ans. Option (D) is correct. VX. “Lsaid, “Good luck’. Good luck for tomorrow® “Oh, Thanks, eI mean, er Danke Schon.” "You haven't a cain hls chance of getting through, ofcourse, bul —"" (01. Whois wishing’Good Luck’? (A) German student (B) German teacher (©) Prison Governor (D) Examination Controller ‘Ans. Option (Bis correct. “may surprise everybody." (22. Who is being wished good luck? (A) Evans (B) Douglas (©) De Sadao, (©) Metecry ‘Ans. Option (A) is carrot. (3. What dovs ‘cat ina hell chance’ mean? (A) Good (8) Excellent (©) Almost no (D) Moderate ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct. (QA. What does the phrase “I may surprise everybody” actually turn into? (A) The prisoner escaped the prison (8) Student cleared the exam with flying colours (©) ‘The student did not appear forthe exam. (©) The prisoner was shot while trying to escape ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. Vi. °Can you come outside a minute, sit? You too, Stephens.” (Q.1. Who speaks these words? (A) Jackson (8) Melecry (©) Governor (D) None of these ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct (2. Why has MeLeery come to the prison? (A) To carry out his duty as Examiner (8) Tocarry out his duty as Invigiator (©) Tecarry out his duty es Prison incharge (©) Tocarry out his duty as Governor Ans. Option (B) is correct. 3. Who is the examinee? (A) James Roderick Evans (@) Metoory (©) Jackson (©) Stephens ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct. (iv) Other than Stephens, who isthe other person who is asked to come out? (A) Jackson (8) Governor (9 Metecry (©) Evans ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct. Vi. "Would you mind if puta blanket round shoulders st? It's abit parky in ‘et, inti" Silence Q.1. Who wrote these lines? (4) Susan Tl (®) Colin Dexter (©) Kamala Das () Jack Finney ‘Ans. Option (8) is correct (2. Who are’l’ and you’ inthe above lines? (A) Evans and Jackson (6) Evansand McLoory (6) Jackson and Stephens (©) Jackson and Evans ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct. (Q5. What was the real motive of 1” draping his shoulder with a blanket? (A) Wo cut his hair (8) To change his makeup (©) te enange ito parson’s dress (D) To chenge into student uniform ‘Ans. Option (C) is coreect: (Q4. Who was Stephens supposed to callin case of any change inthe cell? (A) Jackson @) Evans (©) Governor (D) MeLeery ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct VIL “And which one of you two morons was it who took Evans fora nice litle walk to the main gates and waved him bye-bye” (Q.1.Who speaks these words? (A) Governor (@) Stephens (©) Jackson (D) MeLeery ‘Ans. Option (A) is correct (22. To whom ate those words spoken to? (A) MeLoery and James Redrick (B) Stephens and Jackson (©) Stephens and james Roderick (D) MeLeory and Jackson ‘Ans. Option (B) is correct. .Q3. Who was the one who had escorted Evans to the main gates? (A) MeLeery (B) Jackson (©) Stephens (D) James Redrick ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct. (QA. Why i the speaker angey? (A) Evans had cut his hair (B) Evans had cleared the exam (C)_ Evans had escaped from the prison (D) Evans had learnt German, “Ans. Option (C) is correct IX, "Idon’t think there's anyone —” "Yes, there is, You'll ind one of your ambulances picked him up from Elsfield Way about —* ‘QL. Who is the speaker of the second line? (A) Stephens (8) Governor (©) Superintendent (D) MeLeery “Ans. Option (8) is correct (2, Who is the speaker asking for? (A) Stephens (©) MeLeery ‘Ans. Option (C) is correct. Q.3. Why was the ambulance called? (A) To take Evans to the hospital (C) Totake Jackson to the hospital ‘Ans. Option (D) is correct. (4. Where did the person to be hospitalized go? (A) Injured (©) Died Ans. Option (B) is correct. (B) Jackson. (D) Bvans (B) To take Governor to the hospital (D) Totake McLeery to the hospital (@) Escaped (D) None of these

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