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Theme: “Prayer: A Part of our Daily Lives”

1. The participants will recognize the importance of prayer.
2. The participants will be introduced to the 4 key elements of prayer. (Adoration,
Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication)
3. The participants will be able to identify and practice prayer in their daily lives.

Prayer is a way of relating: to God, to ourselves, to those around us. In opening our hearts
and minds and souls to God we are challenged to grow, change, and to love. Just as we make
time to spend with those we love, so in making time to pray we are seeking to grow in our
relationship with the Divine. Prayer is a way of being: being in the moment, being present, being open.
It is a way of learning to be ourselves.

A. Opening Prayer
Lord God, Most loving and powerful of all I beg for the grace of silence and
stillness. Open our hearts, minds and souls to worship to you. Today we dwell in your kingdom
and live in your presence.

Scripture Reading:
a. 1 John 5:13-20 (Concluding Affirmations)

Invite all the participants to spend moments of silence.

Video Presentation (Prayer for Peace)

Recollection Proper

Part 1: What is Prayer? Why pray to God?

What is Prayer?
Prayer is the spiritual communication within ourselves and God.

Thoughts to Ponder:
Can you pray when you are in trouble?
Can you pray when you are happy?
What else can we pray for?
Why Pray?
 Talk with God and get His direction for our lives
 God is so good that He helps us when we are happy, sick and even when we are in
trouble. God will give us good things as long as we ask them accordance to His will. God
answers our prayers with signs. When we pray our relationship with God grows.
 Prayer is one of the ways for us to cry out to God and establish a normal relationship with
God. When we pray to God with our heart and open our heart to tell Him about our
difficulties and perplexities, God will enlighten and lead us out of the trouble according
to our inadequacies and needs when He sees our true heart.

Part II: What do I pray for?

The purpose of prayer is to establish a relationship with God. There are no rules to this

But it’s natural for us humans to have questions about prayer, including:

 How to Pray to Jesus?

 How to Pray According to the Bible?
 How to pray to God for Help?
 How to start Praying as a Beginner?
 How long should Prayer take?
 What do you say when you pray?

4 Key Elements of Prayer (A.C.T.S)

 ADORATION- Adore God, love Him and praise Him for who He is. Tell God how
much you appreciate Him. Express your love for Him. Praise His power and majesty.
This is a great way to begin your prayer time. 

 CONFESSION- Admit your sins to God. As His forgiveness through faith that Jesus
died for our sins.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins
and purify us from all unrighteousness.” -1 John 1:9

 THANKSGIVING- Thank God for answered prayers, for good things He has done in
our life. For growth, protection etc. Express gratitude for what He’s doing in your life.
“Glorify him with thanksgiving” -Psalms 69:30

 SUPPLICATION- Pray for your family and friends, for those who are sick or sad. Pray
for your own spiritual growth and many other needs that you may have. Tell God what
you want, no matter how small it seems to you.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be
opened to you” –Matthew 7:7
Part III: How should I pray?

When we pray, God wants us to pray with all our heart. We should pray earnestly and not
heartedly. We should NOT pray just so other people think that we are godly.

“Then shall you call on Me, and you shall go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you” (Jeremiah

Thoughts to Ponder:
1. Will God listen when we pray?
2. How can we seek and find God?

God has clearly told us that as long as we genuinely call out to Him in prayer, He will
help us through difficult times.  There are many stories in the Bible of situations turning around
and problems being resolved through prayer. When we genuinely look to God and offer up
sincere prayers to Him, unimaginable things can occur.
 God is a faithful God, and as long as we sincerely pray to Him, He will listen. If our
prayers are not accepted by God it is certain that there is a problem with our prayers. At times
like that we should immediately come before God and reflect upon the reason our prayers were
not in line with God’s will, then seek out the proper path. 

(Show image of a robot)

Let the participants observe the image and imagine if it is a real robot.
(The person must command the robot in order for it to do something. The command must be
specific or else the robot will be confused and will not do the command)

God does not want us to pray mechanically as robots. We can find God when we earnestly seek
Him with all our hearts. When we pray we should pray with all our hearts.

God wants us to pray heartfelt prayers. He wants us to tell them our desires, our fears, our
hope and our joys. Praying before meals or bedtime is good but he wants to hear us more often.
He wants to be involved in our lives. To comfort us when we are sad, strengthen us when we are
scared and weak. Laugh with us when we are happy. We need to make Him part of our lives
throughout the day by seeking Him through prayer.

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