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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Murugesan Palanivel -
Kallakurichi( [for non-commercial(Reaffirmed 2015) 
use only].

(Reaffirmed 2014) 

IS 1664  : 2002
Reaffirmed 2008
~ 7=fRCl? (Reaffirmed 2013) 
(Reaffirmed 2017)
~ f?r~, ~ 31Tffi em ~ - ~
(Reaffirmed 2012) 
( F/rm ~erur )

(Reaffirmed 2011) 
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)  

(Reaffirmed 2009) 


(Reaffirmed 2008) 

(Reaffirmed 2007) 

(Reaffirmed 2006) 

(Reaffirmed 2005) 

o BIS 2002


NEW DELHI 110002

Mar 2002 Price Group 3

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Murugesan Palanivel -
Kallakurichi( [for non-commercial use only].

Livestock Feeds Secnonal Committee, FAD 5

This Indian Standard ( Fourth Revisron ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Livestock Feeds Sectional Commrttee had been approved by the Food and Agnculture DIVISion
Minerals play many Important functions In the body and the vital processes In a hvmg organism are dependent
on the presence of vanous minerals In proper proportion Hence, to ensure optimum health and productivrty
m livestock, It IS essential to provide these minerals, whenever necessary, In adequate quantity and propornon
It IS expected that this standard WIll help In the manufacture of minerai mixtures of the required quality for
supplementing ration of livestock directly or through cattle feeds
Thrs standard was first Issued In 1960 when It was based on Patent No 57437 for minerai supplements for
cattle obtained by the then Ministry of Food, Agnculture, Community Development and Cooperation, Government
of India To allow the use of other ingredients and also with a view to making the standard Widely adaptable,
the first revrsron was Issued In 1968 In the first reVISIOn, a provrsion was made for the manufacture of mineral
mixtures Without salt
The third revisron of the standard was brought out With a view to updating the levels of supplements to ensure
that the minerals requirements for cattle are met To take care of the deficiency of magnesium In diets of
livestock, magnesium was Included as a supplement by reducing levels of calcium to some extent In view of
the fact that the levels of 0 03 and 0 04 percent fluorine In Type 1 and Type 2 minerai mixtures respectively
cannot be maintained, and cattle are able to Withstand higher levels, the fluonne levels were accordingly
raised, keeping the safe lrrruts In View The limits for zmc and cobalt were also Increased
In view of growing concern against the use of bovme ongin mgredrents as supplements to ruminants, the
fourth reVISIOn of the standard was considered necessary Besrdes, sulphur being an Important mmeral element,
which was not Included In the minerai mixture so far, and forages being low In sulphur content, ItS mclusion
has been considered In view of Its higher requirements and low levels In forages, level of zmc In minerai
mixture has been further Increased To accommodate these elements and for creating prOVISIOns for overages,
calcium and magnesium levels have been marginally reduced However phosphorus level remains unchanged,
thereby highly bro available source of calcium and phosphorus remain unchanged The hst of sources of
different minerai supplements has also been reviewed
In preparation of thrs standard considerable assistance have been received from Dr Mangat Ram Garg of
National Dairy Development Board, Anand
Fhe Cornposrnon of the Committee responsible for formulation of thrs standard IS given In Annex C
FOI the purpose of decrdrng whether a particular requirement of this standard IS complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off In accordance with
IS 2 1960 'Rules for rounding off numencal values ( revised Y The number of Significant places retained
In the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value In this standard
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Murugesan Palanivel -
Kallakurichi( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1664: 2002

Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)
I SCOPE 18 No Title
This standard prescribes the requirements and the 1<; 12I 2002 Animal feeding stuff
methods ofsamplmg and test lor mmeral mixtures lor Determmauon of the contents of
supplementmg cattle feeds calcium, copper, Iron, magnesium,
2 REFERENCES manganese, potassium, sodium and
ztnc - Method usmg atomic
The following Indian Standards contain provisions absorption spectrometry
which through reference In this text constitute
proVISIOn of thIs standard Atthc tIme of publicatIon, 3 TYPES
the editions mdrcated were valid All standards are
Mineral mixtures for supplemennng cattle feeds shall
subject to reVISIOn and partie' to agreements based
be of the following two types
on this standard are encouraged 10 invesngate the
possrbiluy ofapplymg the most recent editions of the 7ype I -- Mineral mixtures contarmng salt
standards mdicated below
Type 2 - Mmeral mixtures Without salt
I'; No lute
296 1986 Specification lor sodium carbonate
anhydrous ( third revtston Y Any of the mgredients given m Annex A shall be used
460 ( Part I ) Specificanon lor test sieves for the preparation of mmeral mixtures All mgredrents
1985 Part I Wire cloth test Sieves (Ihml used shall be suitable for cattle's consumption and
rc vtvton ) shall contam no substances harmful to cattle Ammal
origm materral shall not be used
920 1972 Specificanon for common salt cattle
licks for animal consumption 5 DESCRIPTION
t firs: revI>IOn )
I he materral shall be free flowmg powder, and free
1767 1980 Drcalcrum phosphate for denutrrce from adulterants, insect, VISible fungus mfestanon
( second revtston ) and undesirable odour
<;470 2002 Specification tor dicalcrum 6 REQUIREMENTS
phosphate, ammal feed grade (fml
revtsson ) 6,1 The matenal shall pass more than 70 percent by
mass and 90 percent by mass through 200 micron IS
7874 Methods of test for animal feeds and
Sieve [sec I~ 460 ( Part I ) 1in case of Type I matenal,
feeding stuffs
and Type 2 materral respectively
( Part 1) 1975 General methods
6,2 The material shall be free from spores of Bacillus
(Part 2) 1975 Mineral and trace elements anthracts Clostrrdtum sp when tested by the method
(Part 3) 1975 Microbiologrcal methods described In 4 5 and 6 of IS 7874 ( Part 3 )

13433 ( Part I) Animal feeds and feeding stuffs 6.3 Mineral mixtures shall also conform to the
1992 Deterrmnanon of calcium Part requirements given III Table 1
Tunmetnc method
13574 1992 Animal feed and feeding stuffs-
Determmanon of calcium and 7.1 Packmg
magnesium m mmeral supplements The mmeral mixture shall be packed m morsture-proof
14828 2000 Deterrnmanon of total phosphorus bags, cartons, boxes or drums All contarners shall
content - Spectrophotornetnc be sound. clean and tree from causal agents of mfectious
mcthod diseases and parasites
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Murugesan Palanivel -
Kallakurichi( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1664 : 2002
Table I Requirements for Mineral Mixtures for Supplementing Cattle Feeds
( Clause 6 3 )

Char.cteristlc Requirement Method of Teot, Ref to

Type Type 2

(I) (2) (3 ) (4) (5)

I) Moisture percent by mass, Max Annex A of IS 5470

11) Calcuun percent by m.l~'\ M,» 16 20 IS 15121 or

I'> 13433 ( Part 1 ) or
IS 13574

111) Pho ...phorus percent h) masv, Min 9 12 2)JS 14828 or CI 6 of

IS 7874 ( Part 2 )

IV) Magncvrum percent h) mass Mm IllS 15121 or

IS 13574
v) Salt ( chlorme as Nall ), percent by 22 4 of IS 7874 ( Part 2 )
mass, Mrn
VI) Iron. percent by mass, Mm 03 04 I~ 15121
VII) Iodine ( as KI ) percent by mass, Min 0020 0026 8 of IS 7874 ( Part 2 )
V'") lopper percent by rnass, Min 0078 0100 IS 1~121

I") Manganese percent by mass, Min () 10 o 12 I'> 1~ 121

v) lobah percent by maw, Min 0009 0012 11 01 I~ 7874 ( Part 2 )

\.1) r luonnc percent h) mas« Mat () 05 007 Annex B of I'> 5470

\.11) /111(, pert ..ent by mass Mm () 64 080 I~ 15121

\.111) \ulphur percent by nlol"~ I 4,23 I 8-30 Annex B of this standard

vr v] ALIU IIl ...olubl, avh percent by masv Mav 24 ,0 10 of IS 7874 ( Part I )

vv] ll.lH.1{as Ph ) mg/kg M(n 16 20 A-7 of 1<' 1767
WI) Arceuu. ( as A"O,), mg/kg Max A-6 of IS 1767
'VII) l otal o.I h. 111 mcnvturc tree sample, percent 81-88 78-85 Annex C ot I~ 5470
by mu . .

\VIII) Presence or protemous/orgamc impunucs ~hall Pd,S Shall pass Annex 0 of IS 5470
the test the test

NO II" - 1 he values lor requirements given In 51 No (II) to (XVII) arc on morsture-free basis
II tn case "I dispute. the method given 1Il1~ 15121 shall be the referee method
" In ed,e 01 dispute. the method given III IS 14828 shall be the referee method

7.2 Markmg a leaflet III each container

7,2 I Fach container shall be marked or labelled a) Name and type of the material,
grvmg the following mforrnanon b) Ingredients,
a) Name and type of the material, c) Guaranteed composmon, and
b) Name of the manufacturer, d) Directions for use ( m case ofType 2 mmeral
mixtures the quantity of salt required to be
c) Batch or Code number, and added before use shall also be mdicated )
d) Net mass III kg 7.2.3 The product may also be marked with the
Standard Mark
7.2.2 Each contamer shall also be marked with the
followmg rnformanon This may be done by enclosmg The use of the Standard Mark IS governed
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Murugesan Palanivel -
Kallakurichi( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1664: 2002

b} the provisrons of the Bureau ofIndian Standards 8 SAMPLING

Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulauons made
thereunder The details of condmons under which the Representative samples of the material for resnng Its
licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be conformity to this specification shall be drawn
granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained accordmg to the method prescrrbed in Annex E of
fi orn the Bureau of Indian Standards IS 5470

( Clause 4 )

A-I The following are the Ingredients that shall be II Zinc chloride
used for compounding mineral mixtures
12 Zmc sulphate ( dned/monohydrate )
Calc: um carbonate 13 Potassium iodide ( stabihzed )
2 Ground limestone ( with low magnesium 14 Sodium Iodide
15 Potassium Iodate
3 Calcite powder
16 Calcium Iodate
4 Dolomite limestone
17 Cupnc sulphate
5 Oyster shell grit
18 Cuprtc chlonde
6 Drcalcrum phosphate (conforming to IS 5470 )
19 Cobalt sulphate
7 Magnesium carbonate 20 Cobalt chlonde
8 Magnesium oxide (calcined magnesite) 21 Common salt ( see IS 920 )
9 Manganous sulphate ( dried/monohydrate) 22 Sodium thiosulphate ( anhydrous)
10 Zinc carbonate 23 Ferrous sulphate ( dried/monohydrate)

[ Table I, Sf No (xiii) 1

B-1 APPARATUS concentrated HCI, 300 ml drstilled water, 100 ml

ethyl alcohol ( 95 percent) and 75 g sodium chlonde
B-1.1 Magnetic Stirrer

B-1.2 Spectrophotometer B-2.2 Bariu m Chloride - A R grade crystals

B-I.3 Measurmg Spoon ( 0.2 to 0.3 ml ) B-2.3 Standard Sulphur Solution

B-I.4 250-ml Flasks Dissolve 5 438 g reagent grade potassium sulphate

m I litre water to make a standard stock solution Dilute
B-1.5 Stirring Bars
10 ml of the stock solution to 100 mt, This solution
B-2 REAGENTS contain 001 mg sulphur/ml

B-2.1 Conditionmg Solution B-3 PROCEDURE

MIx 50 ml glycerol With a solution contammg 30 ml Take 5 to 10 ml aliquot ofHCI extract m a 250-ml flask
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Murugesan Palanivel -
Kallakurichi( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1664 : 2002

and add water to bnng the volume to 9S ml Add S ml 8-4 CALCULATION

of condrnonmg solution Place the flask on the magnenc Tx Vx 100
stirrer and add a magnetic stirrer bar The snrnng speed Sulphur, percent by mass
Ax Wx I 000
should be constant for each run While snrrmg add a
spoonful of barium chloride crystals and stir for exactly where
1 nun Just alter surrmg measure the absorbance at T mg of sulphur m test sample,
3'\0 nm A blank rn which no banum chloride IS added
V Volume of extract made,
IS run parallel Prepare a suitable standard curve
cxtendmg from 0 to I 2 mg of sulphur per 100 ml A Aliquot taken, and
solution W Weight of sample, In g

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Murugesan Palanivel -
Kallakurichi( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 1664: 2002

( Foreword)
Livestock Feed Secuonal Committee FAD 5
Or"'flll''''I1/()}1 Represeruanvet ~)

N.uion.i! D.UTy Development Bo.1I d DM AMM!TA PATII (Chairperson)

DM M R GAM! (AI'una,e)
StlWI P N NARKttl DI (Alternate)

Cenu al ln ..unue. to! Rcvc uc h on Hutt iloe s HI",o;;,1I Dw. T R C'Ul\ltHlI.N

DM B S PUNIA ( Al'unare )

Mchvann DI\i1l COOplI.IIIVL MIll-.. Producers UnIOn Ltd Ow. A H JCll;jHI

Mehvan.i DM D P PAMMAM ( Alrerna'e )

Pf(m N N PI\rHtH<
DR R C KAl TIYAI( ( Alternate)

PunJ.IO 'ittllC Cuopcrattvc Milt.. Pioduc ei s Feder.uion LId 01< H M MII.HAJAN

Cb.mdrg.nh Stnu A K DIIAWAN ( Alrernate )

The (omp LIVL\hH.k "-LLd Manut.ntunng Associnuon of TUI C'IIAIRMhN

Indl I Mumb.u

Pun! III Ag1H.U1t1l111 Umvcr vny Ludhiana OM G S MAKKAM

Tanul Nadu Agrn ulture Uruver vu y Cbenn,n


lL1I1111 \hLL-P and Wool Rc ...l-IILh l nstuuu. Avrk.mag ar DI{ R C JAKUMOI A

DI{ S KJ\HIM (Alrernare )

Th , Hh u ny I AgiO l ndu etr-n.v Poundauon Puru, SHf<l RAMI \H RAWAI

lndtm Counc rl of Agi rc R~'lL.IILh New Delhi DH AklN VI RMA


N IV M.lhal,I'II,1 Chak,In Orts Mrlls Lid Pune DM ~ V V""YA

DK M R KliMBHAK ( Alternate)

GUI,lrlll Agr«... uhure Umvei ";IlY Anand 01{ PM TAIIi\lM

D. M C DI 'AI ( Atternate )

Ccnu al AVid" ReSeJH.h l nsnture Izatnagar DM T s JOH"

D. A K SHM!VA'TAV ( A/rernare )

Cenual Drug Research l nstrtute Lucknow SHM! P Y GUM(

Membt'r Sec retary


Deputy Director BI~

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Murugesan Palanivel -
Kallakurichi( [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

SIS IS a statutory msntuuon estabhshed under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the acnvines of standardizanon, marking and quality certiflcanon of goods and
atrendrng to connected matters m the country


BIS has the copyrrght of all ItS pubhcations No part ofthese pubhcations may be reproduced m any form without
the pnor permission m wntmg of BIS This does not preclude the free use, m the course of rmplementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and SIzes, type or grade designauons Enqumes relatmg to
copyrrght be addressed to the DIrector (Pubhcanons), BIS

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are Issued to standards as the need anses on the baSISof comments Standards are also reviewed
penodrcally, a standard along with amendments ISreaffirmed when such review mdicates that no changes are
needed If the review mdrcates that changes are needed, It IS taken up for revision Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edmon by referring to the latest Issue
of 'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards Monthly Additrons'

This lndian Standard has been developed from Doc No fAD 5 ( 1057 )

Amendments Issued Since Publlcahon

Amend No Date of Issue Text Attected


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