Required Practical 3 Electrolysis

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Required Practical 3 Electrolysis

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Electrolysis is used in industry to extract metals when the metals are more reactive than


Name the pieces of equipment:

1. anode

2. cryolite

3. cathode

Which ions are present in molten sodium chloride?

Sodium 1+ , Chlorine 1-
Which ions are present in an aqueous solution of sodium chloride?
OH- H+ Na+ Cl-
Look at the reactivity series: which is more reactive, sodium or hydrogen?
Which ion will be reduced and where?

Why is this reduction?

Sodium gains an electron

Which anion will be oxidized?
How can you test for this gas?

Complete the table below to show what would be observed and formed at the
electrodes in each example

Solution Positive electrode (anode) Negative electrode (cathode)

Observations Element formed Observations Element formed

Copper (II) Bubbles, turns chlorine Brown / black copper

chloride blue litmus white deposit on
(ie bleaches it), electrode
acrid smell

Copper (II) Bubbles, when Hydrogen Brown / black copper

sulfate mixed with deposit on
barium chloride electrode
makes white

Sodium Bubbles, Bromine Bubbling Hydrogen

bromide contains bromibe

Sodium Bubbles, when Hydrogen Bubbling Hydrogen

sulfate mixed with
barium chloride
makes white

Half equations
Write word and symbol equations, two half equations and a redox (ionic) equation for the
electrolysis of an aqueous solution of Copper (II) Chloride

2. Predict, with explanation, what will happen to the rate of electrolysis over time[2]
It will slow down as the solution will be less concentrated hence less ions will be moving
towards the electrodes

3. Explain why the colour of the copper(II) chloride solution changes over time [2]
As the electrolysis occurs the copper within the solution will increase hence becoming more
concentrated and the colour will change

Exam Questions
Q1. What are the products of electrolysing potassium iodide solution?

Highlight one row.

Product at cathode Product at anode

Hydrogen Iodine
Hydrogen Oxygen
Potassium Iodine
Potassium Oxygen (1)

Q2. Diagram 1 shows the apparatus used to electrolyse magnesium sulfate solution.
Diagram 1

Gases were given off at both electrodes.

(a) The gas collected at the anode was oxygen.

Draw one line from the test for oxygen to the correct result. (1) (write the correct answer)

Place a glowing splint in the tube of the gas and the splint relights

(b) (i) The gas collected at the cathode was hydrogen. Describe how to test the gas to show
that it is hydrogen.

Test ... collect hydrogen within a upside down test tube and place a glowing splint inside
Result .........a pop will be heard...........................................................................................
............................................................................................................... (2)

(ii) Why is hydrogen, and not magnesium, produced at the cathode? .........magnesium is
more reactive than hydrogen so will displace the hydrogen in the reaction so the less
reactive hydrogen is given off...................................................
............................................................ (1)

(c) A student wanted to use electrolysis to silver plate a metal spoon. (i) Give one reason
why metal spoons are sometimes silver plated. improve appearance

(ii) Diagram 2 shows the apparatus the student used. The student did not set the apparatus
up correctly.

The student found that the metal spoon eroded and a thin layer of copper formed on the
pure silver electrode. Suggest two changes that the student must make to his apparatus to
be able to silver plate the metal spoon. Give a reason for each change. ........

reverse the battery to make the metal spoon the cathode, this will make the metal attract to
the spoon. The student also needs to change the solution to a silver sulfate solution with a
carbon electrode this will make the silver plate the spoon
............................................................................................................ (4)

(iii) Why is it difficult to electroplate plastic spoons? .............the metals can not easily bind to
the spoon............. ............................................................................................................... (1)

Q3. Aluminium is extracted by electrolysis, as shown in Figure 2

(i) Why can aluminium not be extracted by heating aluminium oxide with carbon? ..........
aluminium is more reactive than carbon so wont be
............................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Explain why aluminium forms at the negative electrode during electrolysis.
.......................................... The aluminium becomes an ion and Positively charged the
potassium ion then attracts to the negative electrode as opposite charges attract, the
potassium is then discharged........
............................................................................................................... (3) 0

(iii) Explain how carbon dioxide forms at the positive electrodes during electrolysis. .........the
negative ions move towards the positive electrode(oxygen ions), the oxygen reacts with the
carbon electrode to produce carbon dioxide which is
............................................................................................................... (3)

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