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‘TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE Publications Affected: Learjet 24 (FM-00) Laat 24 ECR 736 Learjet 244 (FM-005) —_ (FM-008) Learjet 248 (FM.008) Leal 25 (FM-Ot4) Learjet 240 (FM-008) Learjet 258/C (FN-O16) Learjet 24E (FM-O11) Lait 25D/F (FM-018) Learjet 24F (FM-012) Learjet 28/29 (FM-100) Description of Change: Rovises ASTM D1655 JET A and JET A-1 fuels, in the applicable APPROVED FUELS or FUEL GRADES section of Limitations. Insort this temporary change in the affected AFM adjacent to the applicable APPROVED FUELS or FUEL GRADES section of Limitations and retain untl further notes, Filing Instructions: Revise the following fuels in the applicable APPROVED FUELS or FUEL GRADES section in Limitation: APPROVED FUELS ASTM D685 -Jet A ASTM DIGSS- Jet AL ALVW _patetsori2021 FAA Approved KEITH JOHNSTON ODA - administrator ‘ODA-501508-CE ‘TM 2020-13, Page 1 of 1 sora BOMBARDIER Subject: Learjet 24/25 Series Temporary Flight Manual Change HIGHLIGHTS The flowing summary desonbes he changes that are incorporated with his change EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Now ‘Adds tho Cabin Auxiliary Hester Fells ON (Auxiliary Cabin Hester if installed and $8 24/25-21-9 has not boen incorporated) procedure to the EMERGENCY PROCE- DURES Section. TEM 2015-02 Highlights-1 TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE, Publication Affected: The following Leatjet AFMs ate affected: 1. FM.008 24) 6, PMN @4e) 2, FM-005 244) 7. FMoReA) 3, FM005 (248) & PMo14 25) 4, FMOS IEC — 9. FMLOIBRSB:C) 5, FM 24D) Jo, Fao18 @sDm) Description of Change: Added the Cabin Auxiliary Heater Fails ON (Auxiliary Cabin Heater if installed and SB 24/25-21-9 has not been incorporated) procedure to the EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Section. ling Instructions: Insert this temporary change in the affected AFM adjacent to the last page of the Emergency Procedures Section and retain until. further notice. Record this temporary change in the “Log of Temporary Flight Manual Changes” at the front of the AFM, When Learjet SB 24/25-21-9 has been aecom- plished, this temporary flight manual change does not apply and may be removed from the affected AFM, Add the Cabin Auxitiary Heater Fails ON (Auxiliary Cabin Heater ifinstatted and SB 24/25.21-9 has not been incorporated) procedure 0 the EMER- GENCY PROCEDURES Section on the following page: FAA APPROVED oon Jor MARGARET KLINE, MANAGER AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION OFFICE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION \WICHTTA, KANSAS ‘TPM 2013.02 Page tof 2 ry Heater Fails ON (Auxiliary Cabin Heater if installed and -9 has not been incorporated) If Auxiliary Cabin Heat continues to heat with AUX HT Switch in the OFF po- sition, a control relay may have feiled in the closed position. Use cabin blower for remainder of flight to prevent the auxiliary cabin heaters from overheating. 1, AUX CABIN HT Circuit Breaker (pilot's citcuit breaker panel) — Pull Uf Auxiliary Cabin Heat continues to heat: 2. CABIN BLOWER Rheostat [copilot side pane!) — Full speed. After Landing: ‘a, Donot opea the Damper Control Knob (on blower duct in cabin). b. Donot conneet ground power. ¢. Obtain maintenance for the Auxiliary Heater prior to next flight. Page 2 of2 ‘TeM 2013-02 ‘TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE tions Affected: Learjet 24 (FM-004) _Leayt 34 (FM-112) Learet 244 (FM-005) Learjet 314 (FM-121) Learjet 248 (FM-006) _Learot 35/96 (F¥-019) Learjet 24D (FM-099) _Learet 954/364 FC-200 Loar 246 (FM-OT1) —(FI-102) Learjet 24F (FW-012) Learet 354/368 FC-530 Leayjet 24 ECR 736. (FA 108) (F-008) Learjet 85 (FM-103) Learjet 25 (FM-O14) Learjet S58 (FM-110) Learjot 25B/C (FM-016) Learjet SSC (FM-114) Learjet 25D/F (FM-O18) Learet 60 (FM-123) Learjet 26/29 (FM-100) Learfet €OXR (FM-133A) Description of Change: Adds a NOTE to the applicable APPROVED FUELS or FUEL GRADES section of Limitations, Filing Instructions: Insert this temporary change in the affected AFM adjacent to the applicable APPROVED FUELS or FUEL GRADES section of Limitations and relain until further notice. Insert the “Log of Temporary Flight Manual Changes" immediately following the List of Effective Pages at the front of the AFM. ‘Add the following NOTE to the applicable APPROVED FUELS or FUEL GRADES section in Limitations: APPROVED FUELS STP Jet fucls which contain aerospace industry applicable SP concentrations of synthesized fuel are approved. KEITH JOHNSTON ODA - administrator ‘ODA501508-CE ‘Tem 2016-02 Page Lof1 i228 LEAR JET MODEL 25 FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL men Fee wo LLG ucla be mages 15 JAN 1968 oa i ie THIS MANUAL SUPERSEDES MODEL 25 FLIGHT MANUAL DATED OCTOSER 10, 1967 ‘ontes EAE comrOnATION iS ees FMO14 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS SQUAWK SHEET “The Bombardier Leaot Technical Publications Team is continual svg to make or eae puse te toae ne fle We wetoane your cornet, etch, urlcaons more vsti o hose eo Learerpusicason Tre ten wens ~—- BOMBARDIER Fo ae conan we ted below at @ copy eur to you Thi om tere LeafeYoenicalPubicaton using busiess relma {eee rovrsh or xt to (01) S46 2002 Technical Publications (MS #53) Tesay’s Date Publication Information Customer Information Tite Your Name Revichg No. IssueiRev Date DeptTite ‘Chap/SectSub Mailing Address Page No Page Date Aircraft Information Telephone Model Fax No, ‘Soria No. E-mait CommenvSuggestion Date Received Assign To ‘Action Taken: ___THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR LEARJET USE ONLY ‘Answered By Date BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO.2928_ WICHITAKS POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE ATTN: TECHINCAL PUBLICATIONS (MS #53) LEARJET INC. PO BOX 7707 WICHITA KS 67277-9801 (Mt NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED, INTHE UNITED STATES Learjet 25 ‘Temporary Changes LOG OF TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGES ‘This list is intended to assist the flight crew in determining the applicable AFM temporary flight manval changes for Model 25 aircraft. It isthe responsibitity ‘of the aircraft owner and operator to maintain their basic AFM with the tem- porary changes applicable to thei aircraft. Insert this lst after the ttle page. TM | Secon Date | ora Deseo suas BaP Yon [oadTznaraap te RECOVER RON | Rena Saves | #6 [RapverrmroveRsresD possi | oye vi BEFORE STARTING EROS OF 807] 21a fersyumcisnasucns loses) femme is selecied on crew mask regulators. Peer wi ienvel SEL aa _faatepraon ot sew oven cane S15 | gy Proinraed Oop Daan ooh] — Renmed oo | +52 Eempanza osc oren mas | oy ch 35 Faris tae af ney Ds pe ws enw 340 firtemnnetibe oXtieteel ren aoe descent from all altitudes, Peer io | py fa Ege Ot ale CoS | — Read 13-86 i 0 EXTERIOR INSPECTION, by Chg 26. fs cosy an Cnn gana si | 4, ffectontaranienoningsSK520" | Removes Ties |" [fepiceenartanigdcninuaee | yeas Kiara) a0] on aa Sew | — Red el ere ee crac ep ai Ca Eno suis | frestoctoranraticaponingsSio2"” | Removed Hiro | ™ fRoieenerottandarGeetnuame | | syeana8 fier) Bae] Papa oe vg STEN Ree Hire | pins ch a6 Teams 325 | a9 [disney opaen_ |! Seas | ai a i a Rap EBs) 2 [haa pans r830) Ate sean Tao Sy Fe ae 60 | 55 [Retr arasn mcmemess202838. | Ache sine | 2? fe 3630-5 apy Le 712-96 | "3 _ ions Section. ore Continue ‘Temporary Changes Learjet 25 “rat | Seon Dred | or Pe Deception sia SEH cr ator pang Fn An | Spe ey | 8 ena paren Fa star Deng PAT Dos gemini hy 13 | aio [stioapetentenoaies ding wr], Samet win sine aa fees nan FES Wig Ra] pa 41699 | 154 Ian i-kcing Additive, Act ants |, Papas be een Sian RRO] pares rostor| 3% |eedure. = Sa BOLE TS Ga aque ae Bacgency Doce prcciee | Ae a 230126), eve red ih nate a 230.2) etna aia ‘aire Saat BOTT Sq fesse gc Laig posse. | Ate : san wre aa anos! 14 [Sinaienettcnmmewtecottone| Ae tn free aaa ee tate. S|) am CROTON Coma ROSY 114-08 i ture. oe SiO | Ra ees TRODUCTION Nal | 1119.10 Proce, LEARJET MODEL 25, UST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Use this List of Etfective Pegs to determine the cure status ofthe Airplane Fight Mac Ul Pages affected by the curentrevsion are indeated by an asters (immediately pre- contig the page number. Dates of issue for Original and Revised pages are: O@URER UI O ad F w H 2 : v1 11/5/84 12 2/5/93 128 3/20/70 11/5/84 ISNT LATEST GAANGED PAGES. DESEO SUPERSEDED Pcs 7 SMroven PPA are L272. {for EVERETT W_ PITTMAN, MANAGER. "AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION OFFICE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINSTRATION ‘WICHITA, KANSAS| FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 A LEARJET MODEL 25, LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Revised Date SERREBBRERECS apron goto no tere none none geno tots 83 1 1 1A. 2 28 2B 2C 2D 3 FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 LEARJET MODEL 25 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES B10 ce 8/5/84 gion 3/5/84 11/5/84 11/5/84 sue 43 10/14/68 44 oe 9/1/68 46 and 86 000 loaves 4-7 and 48 Original 49... 7 3/1/68 410 seonnane 10/24/69 4-108". 10/24/69 a1 ania’. 412... 413 413A". "6/28/68 417 and 448 Original 418A. ~ H0y2/ea FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 c LEAR JET MODEL 25 INTRODUCTION ‘THIS AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL MUST BE CARRIED IN THE AIR CRAPT AT ALL TIMES. THE MANUAL ‘Thie manual ts divided into six baste sections as follows; Section I - LIMITATIONS containing FAA approved operating limita~ Hons which must be observed, except where a deviation is specifically authorized, during operation of the alreraft. Section I - NORMAL PROCEDURES containing FAA approved opera- tion procedures for the alrcraft and Ite systems which may be con- ‘sidered routine in day-to-day operations, Section I - EMERGENCY PROCEDURES containing FAA approved ‘operating procedures requiring the use of epectal systems and/or reg- lular syeteme in order to protect the occupants and the atreraft {rom hharm during a critical condition requtring immediate response or to ‘maintain an acceptable level of alrworthiness or reduce operational lek rosulting from a failure condition. Section IV - PERFORMANCE contalning FAA approved data defining, the alroraft performance under standard performance conditions. Section V - SUPPLEMENTS containing FAA approved Alrplane Flight ‘Manual Supplements. ‘These supplements contain operating limltations, procedures, and performance data and other necessary data for alr- raft conducting special operations anc/or equipped with specific equipment requiring the supplement. Section VI - WEIGHT AND BALANCE DATA contains data intended to assist the operator in ensuring that the aircraft is properly loaded. Section I through Section IV is composed of material approved by the Fedoral Aviation Administration and together with the FAA Approved Atrplane Flight Manual Supplements in Section V constitute the FAA ‘Approved Alrplane Flight Manual. Section VI (Weight and Balance Data) is not FAA Approved matertal but fe included in thie manual for the operator's conventence. FAA APPROVED 3/5/84 ' LEARJET MODEL 25, THE MANUAL (CONT) Note Section VI (Weight and Balance Data) is complete tithin tteelf and includes a List of Effective Pages. ‘Therefore, Section VI may be revised in the same manner in whlch the FAA Approved Alrplane Flight Manual portion is revised. REVISING THE MANUAL ‘The data presented In this manual {9 the result of extensive Night tests ‘and has been approved by the Fedoral Aviation Administration, How- ever, development docs not atop with the issuance of this manual and ‘a8 new procedures are developed they will be forwanted to the holder fof this mamual, Revised material will be in the form of Temporary Flight Manual Changes or Numbered Revisions. Tt ts the responsibility of the operator to ensure that the Flight Manual is current at all times. ‘Therefore, it is vory important that Temporary Changes or Numbered Revisions he incorporated in the manual as soon as they are received. TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGES ‘Temporary Flight Manual Changes may be issued against the Flight ‘Manual when required. ‘These changes generally contain material that 1s not so extensive as to require a Numbered Revision and allows Gates, Learjet Corporation to transmit revised data to tho operator faster ‘than with the Numbered Reviston system. ‘Temporary Flight Manual ‘Changes are printed on yellow paper and inclute all nocessary infor- ‘mation {Publication Affected, Description of Change, and Filing In- structions) on tho change itself. Temporary Flight Manual Changes are to be retained in the Flight Manual until removed by some other authority - usually a euperseding Temporary Change or a Numbered Roviston. NUMBERED REVISIONS Numbered Revisions issued against the Flight Manual differ from Tem- porary Flight Manual Changes In that the pages contained in the Num- ered Revisions supersede like pages in the Flight Manual. Each page ‘In @ Numbered Revision has a Revision date located adjacent to the FAA APPROVED date. Portions of the text affected by the Revision are indicated by a vertical bar at the outer margin of the page. Tho ertical bars may not appear on pages that contain Revisions to graphs or tables. Additionally, when a Revised page is the result of a re~ arrangement of material due to a Revision on a previous page, no vertical bar will appear. FAA APPROVED 9/5/84 LEAR JET MODEL 25 NUMBERED REVISIONS (CONT) “The List of Effective Pages provides the user with a gulde to establish the current effective date of each page tn the Flight Manual and an in~ struction sheet for incorporating the latest Numbered Revision into the Flight Manual, Information included in the List of Effective Pages states the current Revision Date for each page, the dates of Original Issue and Revisions, and the Temporary Flight Manual Changes the ‘current Revision supersedes. An asterisk (* ) next to a page mmber {indicates pages revised, added, or deleted by the current revision. Note ‘Numbered Revistons do not automatically supersede all outstanding Temporary Flight Manual Changes. Follow instrustions given in "Note" on List of Effec~ tive Pagos to determine which Temporary Flight ‘Manual Changes to remove when incorporating a ‘Numbered Revision. RETENTION OF FLIGHT MANUAL PERFORMANCE DATA ‘The performance data in Section IV of this manval provides perfor- mance data for all alroraft with the same model designation rather than performance data for a specific serial number aircraft. ‘There~ fore, due to sertal number changes or the incorporation of Airplane ‘Modification Kits (AMK's), Airplane Accessory Kits (AAK's) oF Ser vice Bulletins, performance charts may be issuod against this Flight ‘Manual which are not applicable to the specific alreraft asigned to the Flight Manual. It 1s permissible to relocate performance data not applicable to your specific aircraft to the rear of the manual, Note Retention of relocated performance data is required ‘5 all pages listed on the List of Effective Pages constitute a complete FAA Approved Almplane Flight ‘Manual, Additionally, even though some data may be relocated, all Revisions must be incorporated the manual kept current. FAA APPROVED 3/5/84 my LEARJET MODEL 25 NOTES, CAUTIONS, AND WARNINGS "Notes, Cautions, and Warnings are used throughout this manual to focus alen- tion on special conditions or procedures as follows: Note Nols ae used to highightspetie operating cond tons or steps of a [exarion} ‘Cautions are used {0 call attention to operating proce- dures which, Ifnot strictly observed, may result in dam- ‘age to equipment. ‘Warrings ae used to cal attention to operating proce dives uiizh, i not sina sdbered toy may etal in Personal njry or loss of ie. OTHER PUBLICATIONS ‘The following Is a list of Learjet publications referenced in this Airplane Fight ‘Manual, Such references in this manual are made by number and do not con- {ain any revision indication. However, such references are to be understood as "the latest revision” AIRPLANE ACCESSORY KITS (AAK) ‘AAK 73-6 — Depressurization Lighting Kit ‘AAK 74-8 — Installation of Engine Fuel Drain Collector Tank. ‘AAK 75-1 — Anti Sid Transducer Drive Assembly Improvement ‘AAK 83-4 — Installation of Yaw Damper Force Sensor. ‘AIRPLANE MODIFICATION KITS (AMK) ‘AMI 80-16 — Instaaton of Adopt Plch Tem Moctr Test Sitch, Aik 81-10-— flotaontal Sabie frm and Autepot improvement AM 85.4 Hodling Quali provement tor Arr ft Eapped wth K B45 — 1 oe ening othe Sal Waring Ste for Arlt AMK 845 — Adusimet nt Teting othe Sal Waring Str fo Arce "dia Reduced Appreath Speed Wing, ENGINEERING CHANGE RECORDS (ECR) ECR 771 — Antiee Systems Retrofit Model 25. EGR 791 — Antilee Systems Insalation. ECR 996 — im Auger & Auto Fght Con Sabiy tem Rett FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 6/13/90 wv LEARJET MODEL 25 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (CONT) ‘SERVICE BULLETINS (SB) ‘$8 24/25-267 — Addition of Limitation Mark on DC Ammeters. ‘SB 23/24/25-339 — Installation of Placard Adjacent to Battery Switches. ‘SB 23/24/25-340 — Replacement of Landing Gear Hydraulic Selector Valve. ‘SPECIAL SPARES KIT (SSK) SSK 921 — Replacement of Landing Gear Hydraulic Selector Valve FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 6/13/90 vy LUMITATIONS ‘TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE Publication Affected: The following Learjet AFMs are affected: 1. 23-001) 7. 24D (FM-009) 2. 23.w/ Jet Pumps (FM-003)_ 8, 24E (FM-O11) 3. 24 (EM-004) 9. 24F (FM-012) 4, 244 FM-005) 10. 25 (FM-014) 5. 24B (FM-006) M1, 25BIC (FM-016) 6, 24 ECR 736 (FM-008) Description of Change: Revises Approved Oils. Filing Instruetions: Insert this Temporary Change in the Limitations section of the affected AFM adjacent tothe first “Approved Oils” page and retain until further notice, Replace the existing Approved Oils section with the following Oil Limits Section. OIL LIMITS OIL TEMPERATURE ‘Maximum il temperature is 185°C. Minimum of! temperatue'for starting using Type 2 oils is 40°C (-40°F) Minimum oil temperature for stating using Type | ils is -54°C (-65°F) Ol PRESSURE Continually monitor engine oil pressure. Pressures that deviate more than +10 psi from normal are reason to inspect the lubrication system prior to the next ‘ight for possible malfunction. The oil pressure for each engine shall be estab- lished at normal continuous engine speeds and used 2s @ bass for determining, pressure changes discussed above. = ‘Type 1 oils havea lower viscosity than Type 2 oils. There- eal fore, stabilized oil pressures under similar RPM and oil temperature conditions can be expected to indicate 5 to 10 psi lower when using Type 1 oils than when using Type 2 oils. ‘TPM 2001-26 age of? OIL LIMITS (CONT) APPROVED OILS: Oils conforming fo General Electric Specification DSOTFI (current revision) ate approved. Refer to Addendum — Engine Oil Servicing for a listing of approved ols. AbrnoveD Brust 7 Laan — oo tilafa! {for RONALD K. RATHGEBER, MANAGER "AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION OFFICE ( FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ‘WICHITA, KANSAS Page 2 of? TEM 2001-26 LEARJET MODEL 25 SECTION | UMITATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Weight Limitations, Center of Gravity Envelope (Aircraft Not Mosdilied per ECR 936 AFC/SS System) (Figure 1-1), Center of Gravity Enyelope (Aircraft Modified per ECR 936 AFC/SS System) Figure 1-14). Performance Configuration Limitations ‘Takeoff and Landing Operational Limits. Enroute Operational Limits Flight Load Acceleration Limits. Certification Status. ‘Type of Operation... ‘Minimum Flight Crew Maximum Operating Altitude (Cabin Pressurization Limitations Se Yaw Damper Engine Limitations. Engine Operational Limits. Fuel Limitations. Fue! Temperature AntHlee Adetive Approved Fuel. Unusable Foe... Fuel Densiy Adjisimenis ‘Aation Gasoline. Biocide Adative Fuel Usage Limitations Aantiice Pi... on (Oi Pressure Limits Figure 116). Engine Speed Limits (Figure 1-2) Exhaust Gas Temperature Limits Figure 13). Airspeed Limitations Maximum Operating Speed Vigo/MN4O Maneuvering Speed Vj Maximum Landing Gear Extension Speed VLQ. Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed VLE, Flap Extended Speed VEE. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 eee ee ee BeELESOOERSES s8ebeczScs8 LEARJET MODEL 25 SECTION | LIMITATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Minimum Control Speed Alr VMiCA Minimum Contiol Speed Ground VIC. Engine Faire Speed Vy Rotation Speed Vit Takeo Safety Speed V2 Maximum Nose Wheel Steering Speed Crosswind Enis Stick Pull ‘Oxygen Masi Ava ‘Arpad Latins ‘Altea not Modied per ECR 936 'AEC/SS System (Figure 1-4), Ainged Laon Aca Ned per ER 986 Wy AEC/SS Stem gure 14 ‘Stall Waring Sysiem.. SpOHRE enn ‘Trim Systems Autopilot Monitors... Autopilot Trim Monitor ‘Autopilot Roll Monit... Instrument Markings. Placards, FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 12 Liz hie ie 2 Liz rary Liz 112A, 13 1138 1138 1138, 1B Vac 4136 4136 113C rid 41S LEARJET MODEL 25, UMITATIONS WEIGHT LIMITATIONS RAMP WEIGHT .. Maximum Ramp Weight shall not exceed Maximum Allowable Takeot! Weight (as determined below) by more than 500 pounds. MAXIMUM TAKEOFF WEIGHT ... MAXIMUM LANDING WEIGHT ++ 13,300 Pounds MAXIMUM ZERO WING & TIP FUEL WEIGHT . 11,400 Pounds wo Aneadin gout mln Seat stort mace TAKEOFF WEIGHT Me eee et ning phe Maximum Certified Takeoff Weight srsvseees 15,000 Pounds Maximum Takeoff Weight for Altitude and Temperature as de- fermined from figure in Section IV entitled TAKEOFF WEIGHT LIMITS, Climb and Brake Energy Limits as determined from figure in ‘Section IV entitled ‘WEIGHT LIMITS. Takeoff Feld Length as determined from figure in Section IV ‘eniitled TAKEOFF DISTANCE. LANDING WEIGHT Landing weight s limited by the most restrictive of the folowing requirements: Maximum Certtied Landing Weight sense 18,800 Pounds (Perform Hard of Overweight Landing Inspection if (Rstiman coed ovina wah se Maximum Approach Climb, Balked Landing Climb, and Land tng Weight or Aiud ard Temperate at determined for, applicable figures in Section IV entitled LANDING FELD i LENGTH, APPROACH CUMB, and BALKED LANDING Brake Energy Limits as determined from applicable figure in ‘Section IV entitled LANDING WEIGHT LIMITS. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 6/13/90 wa LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS “(wists gs /a¥) 9¢6 Yom zed parpour you es03Te 0p aygeoytdde aay SUL sen AdOTZAN3 ALIAVYS JO YaLN3D Figure 1-1 12 0/10 FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 3, LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMETATIONS -(worshs s5/2.a) 906 HOT aod parpour yyesoare oy ataeortdde aay stu, nen AdOTZANT ALAVYS 40 831N3> 12a 0 FAA APPROVED 3/20, ‘TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE Publications Affected: The following Learjet AFMs are affected: Lamon 2. 23(F18.00 wide Pam 3. 2e¢rm.08) 4 Manns) 5.2m rs06) 6 oso 2 EMO, 8 armor 8 ahcR 76 F008) Description of Change: Filing Instructions: seniors 2sa1c eat) sor eNo1N) 2529 M100) svomeniay sinner ssa5craai9) 1 0 2 sara, F200 F102) sa, FC90 (EM I08) ssemi0s) ssBeA.110) scenes cagizy ‘Adds paved runway restriction to Limita- tions Section. Insert this Temporary Change in the appro- priate AFM as indicated below and retain until further notice. 3 2 230etFamps . om 4 oma 5a 6 mp Me en 9. m4 (ECR 738) wo 2H TRM 96-10 a a sss S864 0-20) 386A C530) ss 558 ssc 140 110 he ry 12 h0 140 10 110 Page 1 of 2 ‘Add the following to TAKEOFF AND LANDING OPERATIONAL LIM- ITS or OPERATIONAL LIMITS/REQUIREMENTS (as appropriate): RUNWAY CONDITIONS Takeoff and landing is limited to paved runways. oven A UBahe— ore 7p 2ltlo ‘Jor SVERETT W. PITTMAN, MANAGER "AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION OFFICE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ‘WICHITA, KANSAS. Page 2 0f2 TFM 96-10 LEAR JET MODEL 26 LIMITATIONS PERFORMANCE CONFIGURATION LIMITATIONS: ‘The atrplane configuration as presented under Standard Performance ‘Conditions in Section IV must be observed. TAKEOFF & LANDING OPERATIONAL LIMITS ‘Temperature lmits 450°C ( +122" F) and -54°C (-85° F) at sea i love” for to Fuel Temperature Limitations) Note When OAT a below -25°C (13°), engine should bef operated for 3 minutes prior to takeoff to bring the hydraulic system up to normal operating temperature should OAT be below the lowest temperature shown ‘on the performance charts, use the performance at the lowest temperature shown, B. Maximum Altitide Limit (Pressure Altinide) ---- 10,000 Feet ©. Maximum Tatlwind Component 10 Knots D. Do uot operate if wator and/or slush accumulation on runway exceeds 3/4 Inch (19 mm). 1 BE, Fuel Load ~ Minimom 600 pounds in each wing required for take off and intentional go-around, F. Do not take off or land with the cabin pressurized. Adhere to PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM OPERATION, Section Il. Beat belts and shoulder harnesses must be worn during takeoff | and landing, ENROUTE OPERATIONAL LIMITS [AL ‘Temperature Limits 450°C 0122" F)and -54°C (65°F) at sea level. 3. Maximum Altiode Limit (Pressure Aldtade) -—-~ 48,000 Feet, ©. Gu alrcratt maified por ECR 995, if AFC/SS fa inoperative, operation st speeds faster thn 0,78 My is prohibited, FLIGHT LOAD ACCELERATION LIMITS A. Flaps Up - B. Flaps Down 48 0g to -1. 0g 42. 0g to 0.05 Note ‘These acceleration values limit the bank angle in a coordinated turn to 70°, aps up; and 60°, flaps down, 1m addition, pullups and pushovers must be limited to these values. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/84 a3 TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE Publication Affected: The following Learjet APMs are affected 1 2 Mec) 5, UB MOL) 11, 25729 4100) 2, 4A EMO05) 7. 24P (ENON) 12 5EMAI03) 3.248 @7M-006), 8 25¢M4014) 1 SsBEM LO, 4. 248CR 736 M008) 9, ISIC EME O16) M4 sscuMt, 5.24 M008 in 25D MOB) 15. 31M) Deseription of Change: Adds additional limitation to ensure that all eritical surfaces of the airplane are free of frost, ice and snow for takeoff Filing Instructions: Insert this Temporary Flight Manual Change in the the affected AFMs adjacent (0 pages indicated below and retain until further notice a sm tote rr) 179 BC RTI a 2 ma re) 14 | i suman u 3 nase) re ao exci “i A mecensemooy| 14 | rz seman Hi 5m as) re | sseemeiny 4 1 aaron is siaaen2) Ht 5 asemory ‘Adid the following paragraph to TYPE OF OPERATION: When icing or frost conditions exist, this airplane must be in spectesl and operated in accordance with the Cold Weather Op- eration procedures of Section II. These procedures include the requirement to assure that all critical surfaces of the airplane (wing, vertical and horizontal stabilizers, flight control surfaces, spoilers and flaps) are free of frost, ice and snow for takeoff. Con- ducting only a visual inspection may not detect very small levels of contamination; therefore, a tactile (hand on suriace) check of the wing leading edge and adjacent wing upper surface is re- quited when the ambient temperature is less than 10°C (50°F), ~ pare 10/27/06 KLINE, MANAGER AIRCRAFT CERTISICATION OFFICE FRDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION WICHITA, KANSAS ‘TEM 2006-04 Page 1 of 1 FAA APPROVED. LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS CERTIFICATION STATUS ‘This airplane is certified in accordance with FAR 25. TYPE OF OPERATION ‘This atrplane is eligible for the following types of operation when the required equipment is installed: VFR and IFR day and night operation, Flight into known icing conditions is approved if the Horizontal Stabt~ Mzer Anti-Ice System (ECR 791 or 771) is installed. MINIMUM FLIGHT CREW ‘The minimum flight erew shall consist of a pilot and copilot, MAXIMUM OPERATING ALTITUDE ‘The maximum operating altitude for this airplane {5 45,000 feet. This 4a the highest altitude for which acceptable flight characteristics and systems operation have been demonstrated. (See Stick Puller Limita- tons. ) CABIN PRESSURIZATION LIMITATIONS A. Maximum 8,77 (+.16/~0, 00) pal differential BL Safety Valve Setting 9.12 (40.20) pst differential FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 11/5/84 14 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS YAW DAMPER Both yaw dampers must be operative. To assure proper yaw damper ‘operation, the YAW DAMPER OPERATIONAL CHECK in Section II of this manual must be successfully completed before each flight. HM landings are attempted in turbulent air conditions ‘with the yaw damper OFF, the airplane may exhibit undesirable latoral-directional (Dutch-Holl) charac- teristics. ‘These characteristics are improved as the wing/tip fuel is consumed. The pllot shall ob~ serve the NOTE relative to turbulence contained in the BEFORE LANDING procedure in Section It and Increase alrapeed as required. ‘Aircraft not modified per AK 89-4 - One yaw damper must be ON ff ‘and operating for all light conditions except takeotf, trimming rud- der, and landing touchdown. For trimming rudder, disengage yaw damper, accomplish rudder trim, then re-engage yaw damper, For a normal landing the following procedure shall apply: 1, The airplane shall be configured for landing at least 500 feet AGL. ‘The yaw damper chall be disengegod durtng the landing flare. ‘@Atroraft modified per AAK 83-4 - One yaw damper must be ON and ‘operating for all flight conditions except takeoff and trimming rud~ der. For trimming rudder, disengage yaw damper, accomplish rudder trim, then re-engage yaw damper. FAA APPROVED 11/5/84 Anta LEARJET MODEL 25, UMITATIONS ENGINE LIMITATIONS Engine Speed - See ENGINE SPEED LIMITS figure, this section Ente Opting Terpertire ~ See EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE fur, is section, Engine Pressure Ratio - Seo applicable ENGINE PRESSURE RATIO vs ‘COMPRESSOR INLET TEMPERATURE figure, Section IV. ENGINE OPERATIONAL LIMITS RPM Temperature Limit JOperating Condition | See Figure 1-2 | (Gee figure 13)_| Time Limit [Takeott 101.2% AGC 5 Minutes [Maximum Continuous | 100% 702°C Continuous, [Starting 950°C Momentary FUEL LIMITATIONS FUEL TEMPERATURE DO NOT take off with Kerosene or JP 5 type fuel at fuel temperature below 29°C (20°H), DO NOT take off with JPa type fuel at fue temperature below -54°C (65°F), FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 ‘TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE Publication Affected: The following Learjet AFMs are affected: 1. Mon) 6 2ECRTIG(FM.O08) 1. 258/C MOB, 2. w/JotPumps (MON) 7. UD EMI) 12 25D /FEMAB) 3 MeOH 8 28 EMaT) 12, 28/29 M100) 4. 244 (34-005) 9. uF e012) 5. 246 MOK) 10. 25@Mo1) Description of Change: Revises limitations pertaining to Blending, Fuel Anti-lcing Additives. Filing Instructions: *For the Mode! 248, insert this temporary ‘change as indicated below and retain until further notice ‘*For all other models listed, this Temporary ‘Change supersedes and replaces TFM 96-14. Remove superseded Temporary Change and insert this Temporary Change in the affected AFM as indicated below and retain ‘until further notice. APM Insert Adjacent ARM Insert Adjacent to page topage 15 2aF 15 0. 3 15A, W 28/C 15a 2 D/P 128 13. 28/29 1a Bwi/jotPamps % 8 2A 15 28 18 2AECR 796 260 Replace the existing ant-icng additive discussion in the Fuel Limits section with the following dat ANTI-ICING ADDITIVE Anticicing additive conforming to MIL-1-27686 or MIL-L85470 is re- quired. Lack of anti-icing additive may cause fuel filter icing and sub- sequent engine fameout. Fuels having the required ant-icing additive blended at the refinery need no additional treatment. However, some fuels do not have the required additive blended at the refinery, Prior to refueling, always check with the fuel supplier to determine if the fuel contains the required ant-icing additive. Any approved fuel not con- taining the required anti-icing additive must have it blended during re- fueling, Refer to Section I for the aerosol method blending procedure. TRM 99-04 Page tof 2 ‘Any anti-icing additive blending process which achieves the specified concentration and does not damage the aircraft is acceptable. Follow equipment ‘manufacturers instructions when using blending ‘methods not described in this flight manual. ‘The anti-icing additive concentrations by volume are as follows: ‘Additive ‘Concentration by Volume Type Minimum Maximum MiL-27686 0.06% O1S% 0.10% 015% Use not less than 20 fluid ounces of MIL/1-27686 per 260 gallons (984 liters) nor more than 20 fluid ounces per 105 gallons (397 liters) of fuel Use not less than 20 fluid ounces of MIL-I-85470 per 155 gallons (587 liters) nor more than 20 fluid ounces per 105 gallons (397 liters) of fuel. ‘QUALIFIED AEROSOLS ‘The following aerosol products have been qualified for blending MIL--27686 additive over-the-wing: ‘+ HiFlo Prist (20 fluid ounce aerosol blender) ++ Quell 20 fluid ounce aerosol blender) ‘+ Dice (20 fluid ounce aerosol blender) The following aerosol products have been qualified for blending MIL-1-85470 additive over-the-wing: ‘© Hi-Flash Prist (20 fluid ounce aerosol blender) *® D-lce Flash 190 (20 fluid ounce aerosol blender) Wow Q0TEln. __ oat fb. for EVERETT W. PITTMAN, MANAGER "AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION OFFICE. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ‘WICHITA, KANSAS. Page20f2 TEM 99.08 LEARJET MODEL 25, LIMITATIONS ANTI-ICE ADDITIVE Fuel antiicing additive meeting the requirements of MIL-127686 or MILI ‘85470 is requlted, The additive concentration by volume, shall be a minimum (of 0.06% and a maximum of 0.15%. Use not less than 20 fluid ounces (1 can) of additive per 260 gallons (984.2 l- ters) nor more than 20 fluid ounces (1 can} per 104 gallons (393.7 liters) of a cAUTION| Lack of antticing additive may cause fuel fiter icing and subsequent engine flameout. Fuels having the required anttcing additive blended atthe refinery need no ad- dlifonal treatment. However, some fuels do not have the required additive blended at the refinery. Prior to refueling, check with the fuel supplier to deter- ‘mine ifthe fuel contains the required anticing additive. Any approved or emer- cy fuel not containing the required antticing addltive must have it blended refuckng, Refer to Section Il for proper additive blending procedure, ‘The following products have been qualified for blending MIL-+27686 additive overthe wing: ‘* HiFlo Piist 20 fluid ounce aerosol blender. + Quell 20 fluid ounce aerosol blender, © DICE 20 fluid ounce aerosol blender. To date, no products have been qualified for blending MIL4-85470 additive ‘over the wing. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 158, LEARJET MODEL 25 FUEL LIMITATIONS (conn, poaueer APPROVED FUELS 1 Pitne Canadian Fuel 3-GP-22 British Fusl DENG. R.D. 2496, AVTAG MIL~T-5624G JP-4 Union JP-4 ‘Texaco Avjet B Standard Turbine Fuel B ‘Atlantic Arcojet B British Petroleum BP A.7.G. Caltex Jot B Conoco JP-4 Esso Turbo Fuel Enco Turbo Fuel B Philjet JP-4 ‘Acroshell Turbine Fuel JP-4 Chevron Turbine Fuel B ‘Mobil Jet B Mobil Jet 4 ASTM Jet B Alreraft Turbine Fuel NATO F-40 (JP-4) NATO F-45 (IP-4) ‘Kerosene snd JP5 Type BP AVCAT 48 ‘American Jet Fuel Type A ‘American Jet Fuel Type A-2 Atlantic Aroojet A-1 ‘British Petroleum BP A.T.K. Caltex Jet A-1 Cities Service Turbine Type A ‘Conoco Jet ~40 ‘Conoco Jet ~50 Conoco Jet ~60 ‘Atlantic Arcojet A Empire State SMC Esso Turbo Fuel A-1 and Beso Turbo Fuel A Gulf Jet A Gulf Jet A-1 Enco Fuel A Enco Fuel A-1 Esso Turbo Puel 5 Enco Turbo Fuel 5 FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 11/5/84 16 LEARJET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS FUEL LIMITATIONS (cont) Kerosene, and JP-5 Type (Cont) ‘Air Total Turbine Fuel, Land 1A ASTM Jet A Aircraft Turbine Fuel UNUSABLE FUEL ‘The fuel remaining in the fuel tanks when the fuel quantity indicator reads zero {snot usable in fight. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 17 LEARJET MODEL 25, LIMITATIONS FUEL LIMITATIONS (cont) FUEL DENSITY ADJUSTMENTS Wf optimum engine acceleration is desired, the density knob on the front of the fuel control unit should be readjusted to the fuel density setting for the fuel type belng used. Recommended fuel control adjustment knob postions ensity setting) for fuel types are given in the following table. The fuel type is determined from the Approved Fuss lst in this section. the CAUTION! Engine stall margin may be reduced during high: altitude operation ifthe fuel control density adjustment ob ‘see fi Either of two types of fuel control units may be installed on the engines. The fuel control density adjustment knobs are different on each of these units and: are deanated Type A ard Type B inthe fare bow, To male an adh FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 1A LEARJET MODEL 25 FUEL LIMITATIONS (cont) AVIATION GASOLINE When using any aviation gasoline in the fuel mixture, ‘operation is limited as folows: ‘A. DO NOT take off with fuel temperoture lower than 54°C (65°). B._ Restrict airplane fights to below 15,000 feet. C. Both JET PUMPS and both STANDBY PUMPS: ‘Switches must be ON and the pumps must be op- erating, “The use of aviation gasoline lowest octane available) is permitted as an EMER- GENCY FUEL only hen JP-4, JP, or oer approved et a re taal Use of aviation gasoline is imited to no more than 25 hours between engine overhauls, Keep an accurate record of engine operating time when using ava: tion gasoline, Mixing aviation gasoline with Jet fuel is allowed; however, all op- ‘eration with aviation gasoline in excess of 50% by volume must be recorded in the Engine Log. “Switch Fueling” should be accomplished in accordance with, FAA Order 8110.34. “The fuel control density adjustment knob should be set according to the follow- Ing table (also see figure 1-16), depending upon the mixture of aviation g2s0- line and JP-4, or JP-5 type fuels LIMITATIONS ‘WAVIATION GASOLINE] DENSITY: (BYVOLUME) | TYPE A KNOB, [Below 20% wath 3P4 Typel ZARA) wth JP5 Type| 5) laos - 2596 3586-5036 |Above 50% BIOCIDE ADDITIVE BIOBOR JF isa for use asa biocide ative when premixed in the fuel supply faclity. Concentration isnot to exceed 270 ppm. Refer to REFUELING, Section Il, and Service Marwal for ational information, FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 18 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS FUEL USAGE LIMITATIONS ‘Maximum tp tank fuel for landing Is 800 pounds each tip tank. ANTI-ICE FLUID Alseraft Certified for Ie Operation: ‘A total of 2.26 gallons of methy! alcohol (Methanol) per Federal Specification O-M-232, Grade A, is required. Asreralt Not Certified for fee Operation: ‘One gallon of methyl alcohol (Methanol) per Federal Specification (0-M-232, Grade A, (s required. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 11/5/34 daa Ol LEARJET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS. ‘The following oll, fitered through a 10-miron fier, are approved (EAUTION, ‘The intermixing of ciferent brands of Type 2 or Type ols is authorized. The intermixing of fypes is not au thorized, ln the event of non-availability or inadvertent mixing of approved oll types, the engine oll system should be drained, flushed, and refiled with the oil nor- mally used at the earliest opportunity. The. change {rom a Type 1 to 2 Type 2 oil during engine TBO may reaul in @ marked changed in oll color ~ sometimes black. This condition is caused by carbon particles in suspension and will be influenced by engine TBO at the ime of the oll change. Should this occur, the sys- tem should be drained, fished and closely monitored. Use of only approved is a condition of Engine Warranty. All communications relating to oil approval should be directed to: General Electric Company (C3610 Engine Programs Business Aircraft Engine Operation P.O. Box 196, Mail Zone N45, Evendale, Ohio 45212 U.S.A, ‘The following oils, filtered through a 10-mieron filter, are approved: ‘Type 2 Oils (Conforming to General Electric Specification DSOTF1) Turbine Oil 500 ‘Shel Oil Company ‘Aeroshell Turbine Oil 555 Shell Oll Company ‘Aeroshell Turbine Ol 560 Shell Ol Company. AVTUR Oil Synthetic Dillons Chemical Company Castrol 205 Stauffer Chemical Company Castrol Lid Caltex RPM Jet Engine O15 Chevron Petroleum Company Caltex 7388 Caltex Petroleum Company Chevron Jet Engine Oil Chevron Internation Oil Company Enco Turbo Ol 2380 Humble Oil & Refining Company Esso Turbo Oil 2380 Humble Oil & Refining Company Mobil Jet Engine Oil ‘Mobil Oi! Company Mobil Oil 254 ‘Mobil Ol Company Royco Turbine Oil 560 Royal Lubricants Sinclair Turbo-S Type 2 Sindatr Refining Company Stauffer Jet I Stauffer Chemical Company Texaco SATO 7388 Texaco, Incorporated Texaco Start 5 Texaco, Incorporated Caltex Start 5 Caltex Petroleum Corporation Exxon Turbo Oil 2380 Exxon Company FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 188 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS BIL(CONT) ‘Type 2 Oils (Cont) 1. Stauffer Jet Il, AVTUR Ofl Synthetic, and Castrol 205 are identi- eal olls. 2, Texaco SATO 7388 and Caltex 7988 are identical oils. 3. Chevron Jet Engine Oil 5 and Caltex RPM Jet Engine O11 9 are identical oils. 4. Enco Turbo Ol 2380, Exxon Turbo Ol! 2980, and Esso Turbo O11 2380 are identical olls. 5. ‘Texaco Starjet 5 and Caltex Starjet 5 are identical oils. ‘Minimum oll temperature for starting using Type 2 oils is -40"C (-40°. : It fe recommended that the engine lubrication system bbe serviced only with the approved Type 2 olls, since ‘they are capable of withstanding higher operating tem= peratures than Type 1 oils and have improved anti~ coking characteristics. Tepe 1 Oils (Conforming to General Electric Specification DSF. - current revision.) ‘Note ‘Type 1 olls have @ lower viscosity than Type 2 oils. Therefore, stabilized ofl pressures under similar [RPM and of! temperature conditions can be expected to indicate 5 to 10 PSt lower when using Type 1 oils than when using Type 2 oils. 2369 Turbo Ot! Humble Oil & Refining Company RM 1640, Mobil O11 Company Shell Airoraft O11 807 Shell Oil Company ‘The minimum oll temperature for starting using Type I oils is -54°C (0sR). FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 11/5/84 Lac LEAR JET MODEL 25 LMrraTions OIL PRESSURE LIMITS [OPLIATING RANGE ‘OPERATING RANGE SAARC OFL PRESSURE aT ot pela tee [EAGINE RPM ~ PERCENT Figure 1-1 FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 11/5/84 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS ENGINE SPEED LIMITS St i reed Figure 1-2 "AA APPROVED 1/15/68 ce LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMETATIONS EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE LIMITS Start temperatures should never exceed the solid Line temperature curve. At ambient temperature of approxi imately 96°F (30°C) and above, normal start temperature may exceed 800°C but should be less than 820°C. SHEET § i Slt ete stiie tee sete FAA APPROVED 1/15/88 REVISED 2/29/80 110 LEAR JET MODEL 26 LIMITATIONS AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS MAXIMUM OPERATING SPEED Vmio/MMO. ‘These speeds shall not be deliberately exceeded in any Aight conditi except where Nghe sped is spacial auoriel for Might test or {m approved emergency procedures. Do not extend the spoilers, or operate with the spoilers doployed, at speeds above Vio/Mayo due to significant nose-down pitching moment associated with spoiler aoa WS diccincicaiaracecnaaic. SMM SNS Myo (Atreraft moc "AFO/SS operating. « ted per ECR 936) veces 082M 0,SLM AFC/SS not operating « O78 My 077M ‘yo with any missing Boundary Layer Boer- Gizers (Airoraft incorporating AK 83-4). 0.78My —0.77M MANEUVERING SPEED Va Refer to Figure 1nd or 1-44 ‘Va is the speed that full aileron and rudder control can be applied without overstressing the alrcraft and the speed at which the aircraft will stall with the mit load factor of 3.0 g's. Therefore, maneuvers {nvolving full control travel or pusher angles of attack should be eon fined to speeds below this value. suas Keas MAXIMUM LANDING GEAR EXTENSION SPEED Vig. 200 200 MAXIMUM LANDING GEAR EXTENDED SPEED Vig ed 260 FLAP EXTENDED SPEED Ve Full Flaps (40°) 153 150 ‘Takeotf Flaps 0°) 200 200 FAA APPROVED 1/15/08 REVISED 3/5/84 aan LEARJET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS (conn) LIMITATIONS KIA, KCAS MINIMUM CONTROL SPEED AIR Vmica, 102 104 ‘The minimum speed at which the air plane is controlable in fight with sud- den failure of one engine and maxi ‘urn takeoff power on one engine. MINIMUM CONTROL SPEED AIR Vic 100 98, The minimum speed on the ground at which the takeoff can be contiqued, Ulizing aerodynamic, controls alone, with sudden fallure of on engine and ‘maximum takeoff power on the en: gine, ENGINE FAILURE SPEED V {See figures 4-17 thru 4-170) ROTATION SPEED Vr. (See figure 4-18) ‘TAKEOFF SAFETY SPEED V2 (See figure 4-19) MAXIMUM NOSE WHEEL STEERING SPEED Pr Steer 19 Wheel Master 45 CROSSWIND LIMITS The limiting crosswind velocity is 28.5 knots {reported tower winds measured at S0-foot height) and is velocity of the crasswind component for which adequate Control ofthe airplane was actually demonstrated during certification tests. STICK PULLER I stick puller is inoperative, maximum operating altitude is 30,000 feet FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 12 LEARJET MODEL. 25 LIMITATIONS OXYGEN MASK AVAILABILITY One crew member must wear oxygen mask around his neck above 25,000 feet, At fights above 41,000 feet, pilot, copilot and passengers must wear sae ‘+ Passenger masks are intended for use during an emer ‘gency descent to an altitude not requiring supplemen tal oxygen, + Passenger masks will not provide suicient oxygen for prolonged operation above 34,000 feet cabin altitude. Prolonged operation above 25,000 feet cabin alitude with passongers on board isnot recommended. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 112A LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS SLONM - GaadSuI¥Y GSLVOIINT oF oe 007, oot © — “poodeave wnuxratas FETT ouraznop uonezedo aaysnd TE gue saneys “s9pmmqe 390} WV “2 + Se1-1as Towest $ wonertersat a0 woss St a0yT “Y = ury unexodo ours ‘S47 oon01) Jed 000T ~ daNLILTY aZLVOTONT (ig y9°0) ORW. ‘966 UO 190 pey|poW TOU yeIONy ‘SNOLLVLINGT G33dSuly Figure tt Las FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 11/5/84 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS SIONM - G¥adSUIV GFLVOIINT oor o0e 002 oor ° ‘uonoas si ‘Sonar reuonexado ainosud 0) sso. -poodszye wnararut aupaaep uonesedo asysnd pur zoqeys ‘sopmante xomO IV “z ‘9et-1a TENGEN uonetimsuy 9 woas st ourT “yt eury Suneredo ouySug > La 000T - BaNLLTY aaLVOION! DNILViESaO JON 88/03 Cpu ex-0) OF. ‘ONILVIga0 55/03¥ FO ze-0) Ofte, "96 HOR 10d PONIPOW WEIN SNOLLVLINI7 § “WdSHIV Figure 1-44 haga FAA APPROVED 3/20/70 REVISED 11/5/85 LEARJET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS MANEUVERS No aerobatic maneuvers, including spins, are approved. Intentional sts are prohibited above 18,000 feet with flaps and/or landing gear extended, STALL WARNING SYSTEM On Aireralt not modified per AMK 81-10. tentionally ff the alplane slower than initial stall warn- ing (shaker) onset. Both stall waming systems must be ON and operating for all normal fight oper- ations. The systems may be turned off for emergency operations per EMER: GENCY PROCEDURES in Section ll of this manual and for stall warning sys- tem maintenance per the Service Marual procedures. Note ‘Waring lights for both stall warning systems are inop- grate when the generator aed batery stich are To assure proper stall warning system operation, the EXTERIOR INSPECTION and AFTER TAKEOFF stall waming system operation and comparison checks in Section Il ofthis manual must be completed on each fight. SPOILERS Do not extend spoilers with Naps extended while aitbore, Do not extend spoilers, or operate with spoilers deployed, at speeds above VMo/MMo. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 1-138 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS TRIM SYSTEMS ‘@.0n siroralt not modified por AMK 81-10. itch trim system runaway fralning thal acwally involves rumning the trim in flight to simulate malfunctions 1s prohibited. _ ‘To assure proper trim aystems operation, the BEFORE STARTING ENGINES Trim Chocks, Section Il, must be successfully completed Failure to conduet the prescribed pitch trim preflight check prior to each flight increases the probability af ‘an undetected system failure. An additional single failure could result in a trim runaway. In certain critical flight conditions, an unrestrained pitch trim runaway could result in high speeds, severe buffet, wing roll olf, loads in excess of structural limit, and extremely high forces necessary for recovery. ©0n alreraft modified per AMK 81-10. ‘To assure proper tri systom operation, the BEFORE STARTING ENGINES Trim Checks, Seotion Il, must be successfully completed before each fight. ‘The complete TRIM SYSTEMS OPERATIONAL CHECK in Section it of this manual shall be completed a minimum of once every 10 hours of airplane Might operation. Fallure to conduct the prescribed pitch trim preflight ccheck prior to each flight increases the probability of an undetected system failure, An additional single failure could result in a trim runaway. AUTOPILOT MONITORS AUTOPILOT TRIM MONITOR. On Aircraft incorporating AMK 80-16, the BEFORE TAXING Autopilot ‘Trim Monitor Check in Section Il of this manual must be successfully completed prior to each flight if use of Autopilot is intended. AUTOPILOT ROLL MONITOR. (On Airoraft incorporating AMK 61-10, the BEFORE TAXING Autopilot Roll Monitor Check in Section Il of this manual must be successfully completed prior to each Mlight if use of Autopilot is intended, FAA APPROVED 4/15/82 REVISED 3/5/84 A-ise LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS INSTRUMENT MARKINGS EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE Green Are 200" - 702°C Yellow Are 702" - 716" C Red Line 716° and 950° C (for start only), refer to figure 1-3. For overtempera~ ture, refer to G.E, 86, Manial SEI-| RPM TACHOMETER Green Arc $8.5 - 1008 Yellow Are 100 - 101.2% Red Line 101.2% FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 4/15/82 aad LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS instrument Markings (cont) AIRSPEED / MACHMETER Red bine. 81 Myt Red Line, 82 Mq* Red Line 308 KNOTS + Aireraft not modified per ECR 996 (AFC/SS). ++ Aircraft modified per ECR 936 (AFC/SS). OWL PRESSURE Green Are 5 - 60 PSI Yellow Arc 61 - 10 PSI Red Line 4 PSI (MIN.) Red Line 61 PSI (MAX, NORM. ) Red Line 70 PSI(MAX, for 12 Min, Above 95% RPM) HYDRAULIC PRESSURE Green Are 1250 - 1500 PS Yellow Are 0 ~ 500 PSI Red Line 1750 PSE FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 3/20/70 114A LEARJET MODEL 25, Instrument Markings (COND EMERGENCY AIR UMITATIONS “Green Are 1800 to 3000 pst Green Are...» 1550 to 1850 psi Red Line wenennenne3000 psi Yellow Ar 0 to 300 psi Red Line. 2000 psi * air bottle is serviced near low end of green arc, pres- ‘sure may drop during fight as system cools; satistacto- ry gear extension and braking can sill be expected. PITCH TRIM AC VOLTMETER Green sn 110 to 130 Vos Green ‘Aircraft not modified per ECR 936 (AFC/SS) “Aircraft moditied per ECR 936 (AFC/SS) ‘OIL TEMPERATURE DC VOLIMETER . O*to 184°C Red Line 35 Volts Red Line .. 185°C AMMETER Reed Line sr snsonsons 300 ARDS *Red Line 225 Amps * Aircraft equipped with sound suppressors and complying with SB 24/25- 267A only this kat ust not be exceeded when ying above 35,000 feet FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 6/13/90 1148 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS ‘acards (SEATS MUST FACE FORWARD AND RIGHT REAR SEAT MUST BE IN FWD POSITION DURING TAKEOFF AND LANDING. Ateohal Fark ao, ‘A/C 25-002 thru 25-024 ‘excopt when certitied for fce operation. ‘THis AIRPLANE 18 ELIGIBLE FOR DAY & NIGHT VFR AND IFR OPERATIONS, REFER TO AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL, FOR LIMITATIONS AND REQUIRED OP- ERATING PROCEDURES. 2.2GAt. CAP. tity ALCcowor, Pa One Aiveraft Not Certified for Ice Operation a ‘Aeotal Tank Cap ‘A/C 25-025 and subeequent Espo] © fe] we dicts [TURN OFF STROBE LIGHTS WHEN TAXING IN VICINITY OF OTHER AIRCRAFT OR DURING FLIGI THROUGH FOG OR CLOUDS. POSITION LIGHTS TO BE TURNED ON FOR ALL NIGHT OPERATIONS. ‘Applicable to Aircraft With Strobe Lights Installed, OXYGEN CONTROLS: PASSENGER OXYGEN - N NORMALLY "ON" ("OFF" - CREW ONLY). NORMAL) ANEROID BYPASS - NORMALLY "OF" ("ON" ~ ‘our EMER. TO PASSENGER) DEFOG, Alreraft 25-002 thru 25-009 OXYGEN CONTROLS: PASSENGER OXYGEN - NORMALLY - NORM (OFF - CREW ONLY). PASSENGER MASK - NORMALLY - AUTO ‘Aireraft 25-010 and Subsequent FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 4/28/69 1-15 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS Placards (con't) [AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS: MAX OPR SPEED - 308 KIAS/.81 MACH MAX MANUY SPEED - 225 KIAS @ S. L. IMIN CONTROL SPEED - 102 KIAS FLAPS T.O, /APP. 202, DN 153 KIAS LAND GEAR OPERATING - 200 KIAS LAND GEAR EXTENDED - 265 KIAS DO NOT EXTEND SPOILERS WITH FLAPS EX- [TENDED WHILE AIRBORNE. Applicable to A/C Not Modified per ECR 936 (AFC/S8). TOTAL MAX CAPACITY THIS [SHOULDER STATIC| ‘CABINET 32 LBS, PUSH TO DRAIN PrTOT STATIC TABLE MUST BE STOWED DURING] PUSH TO DRAIN TAKEOFF AND LANDING. DEFUEL RH TR FILL Located on RH Tip Tank if Single Point Fue}ing System is installed, ‘SYSTEM PRECHECK |PRECHECK, FILE Located on Rii Tip Tank if Single Point Fueling System is installed. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 3/20/10 116 LEARJET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS: Placards (COND ‘AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS: ‘MAX OPR SPEED - 306 KIAS/.82 Mj MAX MANUV SPEED - 225 KIAS @ MIN CONTROL SPEED - 102 KIAS FLAPS T.0. /APP. 202, DN 153 KIAS LAND GEAR OPERATING - 200 KIAS LAND GEAR EXTENDED - 265 KIAS. DO NOT EXTEND SPOILERS WITH FLAPS EX- TENDED WHILE AIRBORNE ‘Applicable to A/C Modified per ECR 936 (AFC/SS). ‘Applicable to A/C Which Seren ated oa le to Single Seat Faotation, Installed "0" HYD PRESS BEFORE BAT OFF tee 25/24/05 959 ba fol incorporating $B 23/24/25-340, FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 6/13/90 116A, LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS Placards (CONT) [369 GAL, TOTAL (EXCLUDES FUS. TANK) [587 GAL, TOTAL (INCLUDES FUS. TANK) FUEL MUST CONTAIN PFASSMB ADDITIVE SEE PLIGHT MANUAL FOR TYPES OF FUEL, QUANTITY OF ADDITIVE AND FUELING PRO-| CEDURE. Lift Tip Tank A/C with fuel dump and taxi Light in RH tip tank, i 718 GAL, TOTAL (EXCLUDES FUS. TANK) 913 GAL. TOTAL (INCLUDES FUS. TANK) FUEL MUST CONTAIN PFASSMB ADDITIVE SEE FLIGHT MANUAL FOR TYPES OF FUEL, QUANTITY OF ADDITIVE AND FUEL SERVICING. REMOVE BOTH FILLER CAPS FOR DEFUELING. LH Tip Tanke Applicable when single point refueling Is installed. 356 GAL, TOTAL, RH Tip Tank FUEL MUST CONTAIN PFASSMB ADDITIVE |SEE FLIGHT MANUAL FOR TYPES OF FUEL, QUANTITY OF ADDITIVE AND FUELING PRO-| CEDURE. A/C with fuel dump and taxi light in RH tip tank, Applicable to A/C with Britain Tura Coordinator installed FUEL - JP4 OR EQUIVALE! DOORS MUST BE IN EMER, BRAKE - PUSH DI STOWED POSITION DURING TAKEOFF Applicable to A/C with toilet, AND RH FWD SEAT AFT DURING TAKEOFF AND Engraved on Pedestal Applicable to A/C with tollet, A/C with taxd light 1n RH ip tank 1 FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 5/25/70 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS Placards (cont) 364 GAL, TOTAL (EXCLUDES FUS. TANK) 859 GAL. TOTAL (INCLUDES FUS, TANK) | Li Tip Tani FUEL MUST CONTAIN PFASSMB ADDITIVE |SEE FLIGHT MANUAL FOR TYPES OF FUEL, QUANTITY OF ADDITIVE AND FUELING PRO-| |CEDURE, A/C without fuel dump and taxi light in RH ‘ip tank, 364 GAL, TOTAL FUEL MUST CONTAIN PFASSMB ADDITIVE QUANTITY OF ADDITIVE AND FUELING PRO- CEDURE. A/C without fuel dump and taxi Light in RH | ‘Engraved on Pedestal A/C without taxt light in RH tp tank | EMER CAB PRESS EXT DEFOG - ON A/c 25-002 thru 25-024 except when ‘certified for all weather operation, FAA APPROVED 1/15/69 REVISED 5/25/70 1-18 LEAR JET MODEL 25 LIMITATIONS Placards (cont) [362 GAL. TOTAL [FUEL MUST CONTAIN PFASSMB ADDITIVE | RH Tip Tank SEE FLIGHT MANUAL FOR TYPES OF FUEL, QUANTITY OF ADDITIVE AND FUELING PRO- CEDURE. A/C with fuel dump ond without taxi light in RH | tip tank, EMER, GEAR EXT. ‘PUSH DOWN EMERGENCY EXIT OPEN CURTAIN FOR TAKEOFF AND LANDING. A/C 25-002 thru 25-02 (OPERATION OF THIS AIRPLANE. IN KNOWN ICING CONDITIONS 1S [PROMIBITED, “Applicable to aircraft not ‘certified for fee operation, ‘THIS AIRPLANE 1S APPROVED FOR DAY, NIGHT, VFR, IFR AND ICING CONDITIONS - REFER TO AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL FOR LIMITATIONS RED OPERATING PROCEDURES, Aireratt Certified for Ice Operation FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 5/25/70 1-19 TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE, Publication Affected: The following Learjet AFMs are affected: 1.23 M001) (6. 24BCR 736 FM-008) 10,25 (FM-O14) 2.23 w/Jot Pumps (FM-003)_7.24D(FM.009) 1. 25BIC (FM-016) 3.24 FM.008) 8.246 (FM-O11) 12. 25D/F FM-018) 4, 244 (FM-005) 9. 24F (FM-012) 13, 28/29 (FM-100) 5.248 (FM-006) Description of Change: Revises refueling information Filing Instructions: Insert this Temporary Flight Manual Change in the Normal Section of the affected AFM adjacent to the first refueling page and retain until further notice. Where applicable, replace TFM 96-15 with this ‘Temporary Flight Manual change. ero Replace existing REFUELING information with the following. REFUELING Refer to Addendum — FUEL SERVICING for refueling procedures, ele UE pate_l/23/0 / Jor, RONALD K. RATHOEDER, MANAGER ‘AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION OFFICE [FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ‘WICHITA, KANSAS ‘TPM 2001-29 Pagel off LEARJET MODEL 25 SECTION fl NORMAL PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS Interior Windshield Defog.. Pressurization System Opera ‘Before Takeoff Yu Damper Operational Check Ignition System Operation, Stall Warning System Operation FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 Te LEARJET MODEL 25, SECTION ll NORMAL PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS SSSSSRSSSSSSSIIIAR Nacelle Heat 2: Wing Antitce (Aircraft 23 ‘ints Sysam rere esd fore Operation 2-23) Exterior Windshield Delos, Antic, and Ran Real. ~223 238 "1223C 2.236 2-230 224 CTB24A 1225 229 B29 FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 we TEMPORARY FLIGHT MANUAL CHANGE Publications Affected: The following Learjet AFMs are affected 1. M001 23) 9, PMLOI2 24m) 2 FMON323WAET — 10, PMOI45) 3. PM-004 24) 1, PAOI6 5B) 4. Foon (240) 1, FALOI8 @sDME) 5. FM.006 7240) 1, FM-100@829) 6 FMLOGROMECRTIG) Md, FMNDESSRY 7. F008 (4D) 15, FREI SC) 8 PMOI MB) Description of Change: Adds oF replaces INTRODUCTION in Normal Procedures Filing Instr tions: Insert this Temporary Change into the affected ‘APM at the beginning of Normal Procedures and retain until further notice. Add or replace the following at the beginning of the Normal Procedures INTRODUCTION ‘The procedures in this section of the manual have been developed by Learjet Inc. for the certification of this aircraft. This section contains those procedures which may be considered routine in day-to-day oper ations. The presentation includes, but isnot limited to, detailed checklist procedures by flight phase. These normal procedures are provided as guidance and should not be construed as prohibiting the operator from developing equivalent normal procedures in accordance with applica: ble operating rules, FAA APPROVED pare for MARGARET KLINE, MANAGER AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION OFFICE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION WICHITA, KANSAS ‘TPM 2010.03, Page of LEARJET MODEL 25 NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES ~ EXTERIOR INSPECTION A. Pitot Covers — Check removed. 'B. Static Ports — Check clear of obstructions. Drain any accumulation of water from quickedrain valves on both sides of nose section, Note Required only when moisture in the pitt-tatic system is known or suspected. If pilotstatic valves, are ‘Opened, ascure thet valve stem returns to the closed position. C. Nose Wheel, Tire and {if installed) Splash Skirt — Check for condition CAUTION] t-a chined tire Is installed, the chine on the tire must bbe a minimum of 3/4 inch (19 mm) off the ground to ‘operate safely with an accumulation of 3/4 Inch (19 ram) of water on runway. Nose Gear — Check for hydraulic leaks. Main Wheels and Tires — Check for condition, Main Gear and Brakes — Check for hydraulic leaks. * ‘Stall Fences, Leading Edge Trian- ips and Bou ;gzers — Condiiion. “ = Condition Tan Tan Cops Choc orconton Fue Sump Drain Vales (14) — On ir tht of dy, drain any crus lation of water from each quick dain valve, Bre er Dises — Check, tt — Check for condition. Engine Turbine & Exhaust Area — Check for obstructions and condition. Note ‘On alrcraft incorporating AAK 74-8, drain fuel from the Fuel Collector Tank info a suitable container after ‘ach third shutdown of each engine, Drain valve locat- == ammo Re ed on bottom of each engine nacele. M. Engine Oil Goth engines) — Cheek, normal. (Fst fight of day) Note Engine oil level indications are most accurate when checked immediately after engine shutdown. If pre- fight olf level checks low, motor the engine for 30 sec: fds and recheck of vel If thre is noo eel india. tion, add enough oil 10 obiain an indication before motoring engine to recheck ol! level. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 6/13/90 at LEARJET MODEL 25 NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES EXTERIOR INSPECTION (CONT) IN. Engine Oi Diptck Filer Cap and Access Door (oth engines) — Sacur © Tallone Access Door — Open . Talkone Interior — Check for fluid leaks, socuity and condition of In stalled equipment. Q, Thermuie Accumulator Pressure Gage — Check for 750 pt minimum, {Girat fight of day) R, Talkone Access Door — Close and secure. S. Sil Waming System (Pusher Sheker) ~~ Check operation; applicable ‘witch ON, (See STALL WARNING SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK, this section) Applicable Suitches — ON, use eaution andi touch static ports, phot tubes, and sll vanes for heat, Soitchos — OFF UU, Fusl Vent Masts (each sie of talone) — Cheek for obstruction. 4 INTERIOR INSPECTION A. Baggage — Secure, B. Emergency Escape Window — Check cutain open. €. Bite! passengers. Beefing to Include seat belt operation, oxygen system ‘operation, ile vest location and operation, emergency evacuation, and fire extinguisher location. Inform passengers that smoking in the lavatory area ‘when the privacy curtains are closed is prohibited. D. Auxtiory Heat Switch Gf installed) — As required. The auxiliary cabin heater must be powered by generator or APU. The Cocl Sys fan auto- ‘matieally comes on when the auxiliary heater is used FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 24a, LEARJET MODEL 25 NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES BEFORE STARTING ENGINES Controls Lock - Remove and stow. ‘Safety Belt and Seat - Secure and ads. Flight Controls - Check, opp ‘Be sure that during full rudder pedal movement, foot ‘wear does not hinder movement of rudder pedals. Onygen System: Le 2 jer Onygen Valve - ON or NORM, Vae - OFF or Passenger Masks Valve - AUTO. 3. Crew Masks - Check flow is availabe. Select 100% OXY. All Switches - OFF except Firewall Shutoff, Pitch Trim, and Jet Pumps. (Greuit Breaker Panel - Breakers depressed. Landing Gear Switch - GEAR DOWN, Battery Suitch - ON. Zomm Note With Battery Switch ON, check DC voltmeter indi- ‘ates more than 23 volts, Do not attempt a battery star with loss than 23 volts Setting Battery Suatch ON also energizes instar ont sate pnt ners ae wes dete ts. IL Check that both windshield tce detect lights are on by placing an object ‘between lights and windshield. Landing Gear Lights ~ Three (9) gran; Test Mute ustch ~ TEST; check Tights Fire Detect Test Switch - TEST. ‘Warning Lights Test/Hom Silence Switch - WARN LTS TEST. ree FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 1/9/95 22 LEARJET MODEL 25, NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES. BEFORE STARTING ENGINES (CONT) Note On aircraft with warning lights on the glareshield, ‘check that photoelectric cells are functioning by cover: ing both calls and noting that lights are full dim, then allernately uncover and cover cells to assure waming lights dim and come on fll bight M, Cabin Altitude/Mach Test Switch - MACH TEST, then CABIN: ALTE ‘TUDE TEST; check hom. IN. Stick Puller - Check: 1. Left STALL WARNING Suitch - ON. 2: Cabin Alt/Mach Test Switch - MACH TEST. Control column wall ‘move aft with approximately 18 pounds force and hom wil sound, fr 10, repeat step (2) with Contral ‘Wheel Masfer Suitch (MSW) — Depressed. Stick Puller wll not actu- ate and hom wil sound, 0, Oxygen Pressure - Check. P. Hydraulic Pressure - Check. lf prossure is below 1000 pst (HYD PUMP Swrtch - On until sufficient pressure is obtained, (2) HYD PUMP - OFF. Q_ Emergency Air Pressure - Check. R. Parking Brake - Set S._Defog Suitch - OFF; check amber light out T. Fuel Quantity - Check. U. Fuol Counter if installed) - Set V. Trim Checks: : 1 Aircraft.nol modified ner AMK 81-10. PITCH TRIM Selector Suitch - EMER, EMERGENCY Pitch Trim Switch (pedestal - Operate NOSE UP and NOSE DOWN. Check horizontal stabilizer movement in both direc lions. Siabilzer movement wil be approximately one half the rate of jormal (NORM) trim. her Contro! Wheel Trim Suitch (arming button depressed ~ Operaie NOSE UP and NOSE DOWN. Trim motion shal not occur. 4, PITCH TRIM Selector Suitch » OFF, 5, Pilot's and copllot’s Control Wheel Trim Suitches (arming button de- pressed) and EMERGENCY Pitch Trim Switch (pedestal) - Operate NOSE UP and NOSE DOWN trim motion shall not occu. 6. PITCH TRIM Selector Switch - NORM. FAA APPROVED 1/15/68 REVISED 2/5/93 220 LEAR JET MODEL 25 NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES BEFORE STARTING ENGINES (conn 7. EMERGENCY Pitch ‘Trim Switeh (pedestal) - Operate NOSE UP and NOSE DOWN, Trim motion shall not occur. 6. Pilot's Control Wheel Trim Switch (without depressing arm- {ng button) - Operate LWD, RWD, NOSE UP, and NOSE DOWN; trim motion shall not occur. Then depress arming ‘button and operate LWD, RWD, NOSE UP, and NOSE DOWN; trim motion shall occur. 8, Repeat step 8 for copilot’s Control Wheel Trim Switch. 10, ‘Trim by positioning coptlot’s Control Wheel Trim Switch (arming button depressed), then trim in opposite direction using the pilot's Control Wheel Trim Switch (arming button depressed), Pilot's trim shall override copilot's trim. Repeat for LWD, RWD, NOSE UP and NOSE DOWN, 11, YAW TRDM Switch (aft pedestal) ~ Operate each half sepa- rately to NOSE LEFT and NOSE RIGHT, Trim motion shall not occur. 12, YAW TRIM Switch ~ Operate both halves simultaneously to NOSE LEFT and NOSE RIGHT, Trim motion shall occur. 13, Trim Set all axes for takeotf. @ Aircraft modified por AMK 81-10, Note The following Trim Check accomplishes the minimum ‘preflight trim check. For a full trim systems opera~ onal check, refer to TRIM SYSTEM OPERATIONAL (CHECK fn this section ‘eThroughout the following check, verify that the trim= n-motion audlo olicker sounds approximately 1 second after initiating pitch trim when the flaps are up. The trim-in-motion audio clicker indicates movement of the horizontal stabilizer, The clicker may also sound during autopilot pitch trim. 1, Flaps - uP. 2. PITOH TRIM Selector Switch - EMER, 8, EMERGENCY Pitch Trim Switch (pedestal) ~ Operate NOSE UP and NOSE DOWN. Check horizontal stabilizer movement in both directions, Wile trimming, depress either Control Wheel Master Switch; trim motion shall stop while Control Wheel Master Switch 1s held, 4, PITCH TRIM Selector Switeh - NORM, FAA APPROVED 4/15/82 REVISED 3/5/84 2-28 LEAR JET MODEL 25 NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES BEFORE STARTING ENGINES (conn 5, Pilot's and copilot’s Control Wheel Trim Switches (arming Dutton not depressed) - Individually aemate NOSE UP, NOSE DOWN, LWD, and RWD, Trim motion shall not occur. 8. Pilot's and copitot’s Control Wheel Trim Switches (arming ‘utton depreased) ~ Individually actuate NOSE UP and NOSE DOWN, Check horizontal stabilizer movement in both dir Hons, While trimming, depress either Control Whee! ‘Master Switehs trim motion shall stop. The pitch trim ‘cannot be reactivated until the arming button and the Control Wheel Master Switch are released. 1, Trim Speed ~ Check: (a) Flaps ~ 7.0. (20°). (b) While trimming NOSE-UP or NOSE-DN with either Control Wheel Trim Switch, hold PYTCH TRIM OVSP. TEST Switch (forward pedestal) to TEST. Amber PITCH TRIM OVSP shall illuminate. Verily that pitch trim indicator needle moves more rapidly with the flaps lowered. 8, Pilot's and copilot'a Control Wheel Trim Switches (arming ‘button depressed) ~ Individually actuate LWD and RWD. ‘Check roll trim movement in both directions and audio clicker does not sound. 9, YAW TRIM Switch - Operate both halves simultaneously to NOSE LEFT and NOSE RIGHT. Yaw trim motion shall occur. 10, ‘Trim - Set all axes for takeoff. Check TAKE-OFF TRIM Light extingutshed. Note (olt 4a not a requirement that takeoff trim be set within the green band for takeoff. However, in no event should a takeoff be attempted with the TAKE-OFF “TRIM ight illuminated, ‘*0n aireraft not incorporating ECR 936, trim sottings at forward edge of green band should be used for take- off at aft C.G, loadings and trim settings at aft edge of ‘green band should be used for takeoff at forward C.G. Toadting ‘90n aireralt incorporating ECR 936, trim settings for- ‘ward of the green band should be used for takcotf at aff C.G. loadings and trim settings near the aft portion of the green band chould be used for takooff at for~ ward C.G, loadings. FAA APPROVED 4/15/82 REVISED 3/6/84 zac

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