P.E. Lesson Plan 2017

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Thomas Technical High School

Excellence Through Education

Lesson plan

Teacher’s name: Jomo Mckoy

Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning: March 24, 2022
Form: 4V2
Topic: Control/passing with the inside of the foot

Aim: For students to develop a positive attitude towards proper skill execution and to
appreciate drills which will improve their coordination and motor skills

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Show proper body alignment when executing skills

2. get behind moving ball
3. Pass the ball in a straight line
4. Show willingness in assisting classmates who are slow in grasping the skill

Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity

Equipment: Playfield, Footballs, cones, whistle

Activities: Warm-up, stretching, skill activity (control and passing with the inside of
the foot), climax (game), cool down

Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points

Warm-up xxxxxxxxx 1. Jog on the balls of the When jogging
 Light jogging xxxxxxxxx feet swing arms from hip
 Jumping jacks 2. Do not bounce while going forward
 stretching T stretching

Skill Training x x x 1. Ball should be passed 1.keep eyes on the

Passing with the x x x with the insdie of the ball
inside of the foot x x x ↑ foot 2. place non-kicking
o o o 2. after passing the ball leg beside the ball,
↓ T go to the back of your point it in the
x x x line direction in which
you want the ball to
3. use the inside of
the foot to make
contact with the ball
Skill Training x x 1. Pass the ball with the 4. Get body behind
cont’d x x inside of the foot the ball when
x x 2. Run to the back of the controlling
o→ ↓ line you pass the ball to 5. Carry the foot
backward to cushion
↑ the ball when
x controlling
Game Situation ∆ ∆ 1. Students shall form 1.keep eyes on the
x x x x two teams ball
x x x x 2. Only two touches of 2. Move into space
the ball will be 3. Cushion the ball
allowed with backward
o 3. students must control movement of the
and pass with the foot when
x x x x inside of the foot controlling
x x x x 4. Follow through
with kicking foot
∆ ∆ when passing

Cool Down ← 1.Jog around the cones 1. Jog on balls of

1. Jog one lap ↓ ∆ ∆ feet
2. Walk one lap 2.Walk the second lap 2. Swing arms
3. Stretch ↑ backward and
∆ ∆ 3.Students shall stretch forward from the
xxxxxxx → ↑ while doing deep hip
breathing 3. Hold each stretch
for counts of ten

Evaluation :
St. Thomas Technical High School

Excellence Through Education

Lesson plan

Teacher’s name: Jomo Mckoy

Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning: March 10, 2022
Form: 4V2
Topic: Dribbling (Outside of the foot)

Aim: For students to develop a positive attitude towards proper skill execution and to
appreciate drills which will improve their coordination and motor skills

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Show proper body alignment when executing skill

2. Maneuver the ball in and out of markers using the inside and outside of the foot
3. keep eyes on and off the ball i.e. to look up and can the field
4. Respond favorably to correction by teacher and peers

Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity

Equipment: Playfield, Footballs, cones, whistle

Activities: Warm-up, Stretching, Skill Activity (Dribbling -Outside of the foot),

Climax (game), Cool Down
Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points
Warm-up 1. ← 1.Jog on the balls of 1. When jogging
 Light jogging ↓ ∆ ∆ the feet swing arms from hip
 Jumping jacks 2.Jog around going forward
 stretching ↑ marked out area 2. When stretching,
∆ ∆ 3. Stretch following hold each stretch for
xxxxxxx → ↑ the commands of counts of ten
2. xxxxxxx the teacher (T)

Skill Training ∆ ∆ 1.Students shall 1. Push the ball

(Dribbling with the ↓↑ ↓↑ form two lines gently with the
outside of the foot) x x 2. Dribble to cone outside of the foot
x x using the outside of 2. Keep the ball as
x x the foot close as possible to
3. dribble around the feet
the cone and head to 3. While dribbling
the back of the line take occasional
looks at the field
Skill Training ∆ ∆ 1. Students shall 1. Push the ball
cont’d ∆ ∆ dribble in and out of gently with the
∆ ∆ cones outside of the foot
↑ ↑ 2. After reaching the 2. To maneuver
x x last cone turn and through cones
x x dribble to the line switch between
x x inside and outside of
the foot
Game Situation ∆ ∆ 1. Students shall 1. Keep eyes on the
x x x x form two teams ball
x x x x 2. They will play a 2. Use outside of the
o game where foot to dribble
x x x x dribbling with the
x x x x outside of the foot is
∆ ∆ encouraged

Cool Down ← 1.Jog one lap 1. Swing arms from

 Jogging ↓ ∆ ∆ around the cones hips
 Walking ↑ 2. Walk one lap 2. Jog on balls of
 Stretching ∆ ∆ around the cones feet
xxxxxxx → ↑ 3. Stretch following 3. Hold each stretch
2. x x x x x x x the teacher for counts of ten
Evaluation :
St. Thomas Technical High School

Excellence Through Education

Lesson plan

Teacher’s name: Jomo Mckoy

Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning: March 24, 2022
Form: Nine
Topic: Heading (Attacking)

Aim: For students to develop a positive attitude towards proper skill execution and to
appreciate drills which will improve their coordination and motor skills

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Head the ball using the correct technique

2. Contact the ball with the forehead
3. know the importance of keeping the mouth shut
4. display proper body alignment
5. help students in groups who display poor technique
Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity
Equipment: Playfield, Footballs, cones, whistle

Activities: Warm-up, stretching, skill activity (control and passing with the inside of
the foot), climax (game), cool down
Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points
Warm-up 1. ← 1. Jog around 1. Jog on balls of
 Light jogging ↓ ∆ ∆ marked out area feet
 Jumping jacks 2. Stretch following 2. Swing arms back
 stretching ↑ the commands of and forth from the
∆ ∆ the teacher hips
xxxxxxx → ↑ 3. When stretching,
2. xxxxxxx hold each stretch for
T counts of ten
Skill Training x x x 1. Students shall 1. keep eyes on the
(Heading) x x x form three groups ball
x x x 2. They will hold 2. make contact
o o o the ball in their with your forehead
↑ ↑ ↑ T hands and head to a 3. keep your mouth
x x x team leader closed when
heading the ball
Skill Training 2 x x x 1. In three lines the 1. Keep eyes on the
(Heading) x x x students will head ball
x x x the ball back to a 2. Make contact
o o o thrower. with forehead
↑ ↑ ↑ T 2. The thrower will 3. Keep your mouth
x x x throw the ball at closed when
different heights heading the ball
Game Situation ∆ ∆ 1.Students shall 1. Keep eyes on the
xxxxxxxxxx form two teams ball
xxxxxxxxxx 2. They shall use 2. Make contact
≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ their heads to pass with forehead
xxxxxxxxxx the ball around and 3. Keep your mouth
xxxxxxxxxx over the net closed when
∆ ∆ heading the ball
4. Bring head back
then forward to
propel the ball with
Cool Down ← 1.Jog one lap 1. Swing arms from
 Jogging ↓ ∆ ∆ around the cones hips
 Walking ↑ 2. Walk one lap 2. Jog on balls of
 Stretching ∆ ∆ around the cones feet
xxxxxxx → ↑ 3. Stretch following 3. Hold each stretch
2. x x x x x x x the teacher for counts of ten
Evaluation :
St. Thomas Technical High School
Excellence Through Education
Lesson plan

Teacher’s name:
Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning:
Form: Seven
Topic: Control/passing with the sole of the foot

Aim: For students to develop a positive attitude towards proper skill execution and to
appreciate drills which will improve their coordination and motor skills

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Show proper body alignment when executing skills

2. get behind moving ball
3. Pass the ball in a straight line
4. Show willingness in assisting classmates who are slow in grasping the skill

Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity

Equipment: Playfield, Footballs, cones, whistle

Activities: Warm-up, stretching, skill activity (control with the sole of the foot,
passing with the inside of the foot), climax (game), cool down

Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points

Warm-up xxxxxxxxx 3. Jog on the balls When jogging
 Light jogging xxxxxxxxx of the feet swing arms from hip
 Jumping jacks 4. Do not bounce going forward
 stretching T while stretching

Teacher will ask students about the stepping action involved in controlling with the
sole of the foot.
Possible questions:
1. Have you ever seen anybody control the ball with the sole of the foot?
2. Have you ever seen it (sole of the foot control) done on television?

The teacher will put students in groups of five and allow them to demonstrate how
they think the sole of the foot control should be done.
The teacher will explain using information gathered from the students’ demonstration
and resource materials.
Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points
Skill Training x x x 3. Ball should be passed 1.keep eyes on the
Passing with the x x x with the insdie of the ball
inside of the foot x x x ↑ foot 2. place non-kicking
o o o 4. after passing the ball leg beside the ball,
↓ T go to the back of your point it in the
x x x line direction in which
you want the ball to
3. use the inside of
the foot to make
contact with the ball
Skill Training x x 1. Pass the ball with the 4. Get body behind
cont’d x x inside of the foot the ball when
x x 2. Run to the back of the controlling
o→ ↓ line you pass the ball to 5. Step on the ball
with the sole of the
↑ foot when
x controlling
Game Situation ∆ ∆ 4. Students shall form 1.keep eyes on the
x x x x two teams ball
x x x x 5. Only two touches of 2. Move into space
the ball will be 3. Step on the ball
allowed when controlling
o 6. students must control 4. Follow through
and pass with the with kicking foot
x x x x inside of the foot when passing
x x x x

∆ ∆

Cool Down ← 1.Jog around the cones 1. Jog on balls of

1. Jog one lap ↓ ∆ ∆ feet
2. Walk one lap 2.Walk the second lap 2. Swing arms
3. Stretch ↑ backward and
∆ ∆ 3.Students shall stretch forward from the
xxxxxxx → ↑ while doing deep hip
breathing 3. Hold each stretch
for counts of ten

After the lesson the students will gather around the teacher. There will be a short
discussion about the activities done in class and their views on the use of the sole of the
control in matches.
Evaluation :
St. Thomas Technical High School
Excellence Through Education
Lesson plan
Teacher’s name:
Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning:
Form: Eight
Topic: Turning (Outside of the foot)

Aim: For students to develop a positive attitude towards proper skill execution and to
appreciate drills which will improve their coordination and motor skills

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Show proper body alignment when executing skill
2. Turn sharply and change direction using the outside of the foot
3. keep eyes on and off the ball i.e. to look up and can the field
4. Respond favorably to correction by teacher and peers

Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity

Equipment: Playfield, Footballs, cones, whistle

Activities: Warm-up, Stretching, Skill Activity (Turning -Outside of the foot),

Climax (game), Cool Down

Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points

Warm-up 1. ← 1.Jog on the balls of 1. When jogging
 Light jogging ↓ ∆ ∆ the feet swing arms from hip
 Jumping jacks 2.Jog around going forward
 stretching ↑ marked out area 2. When stretching,
∆ ∆ 3. Stretch following hold each stretch for
xxxxxxx → ↑ the commands of counts of ten
2. xxxxxxx the teacher (T)

Teacher will ask students about the movements involved in turning with the outside
of the foot
Possible questions:
1. Have you ever seen anybody turn the ball with the outside of the foot?
2. Have you ever seen it (outside of the foot turn) done on television?

The teacher will explain using information gathered from the students’ demonstration
and resource materials.
The teacher will put students in groups of five and allow them to demonstrate how
they think the outside of the foot turn should be done.
Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points
Skill Training ∆ ∆ 1.Students shall 1. Push the ball
(Dribbling with the ↓↑ ↓↑ form two lines gently with the
outside of the foot) x x 2. Dribble to cone outside of the foot
x x using the outside of 2. Keep the ball as
x x the foot close as possible to
3. turn the ball the feet
sharply using the 3. Use the outside of
outside of the foot at the foot to stop the
the cone ball then push as in
dribbling in the
opposite direction
Skill Training ∆ ∆ 1. Students shall 1. Push the ball
cont’d ∆ ∆ dribble in a straight gently with the
∆ ∆ line outside of the foot
↑ ↑ 2. make two turns at 2. Use the outside of
x x each cone the foot to stop the
x x ball then push as in
x x dribbling in the
opposite direction
Game Situation ∆ ∆ 1. Students shall 1. Keep eyes on the
x x x x form two teams ball
x x x x 2. They will play a 2. Use outside of the
o game where foot to dribble
x x x x dribbling and 3. Use the outside of
x x x x turning with the the foot to stop the
∆ ∆ outside of the foot is ball then push as in
encouraged. dribbling in the
opposite direction
Cool Down ← 1.Jog one lap 1. Swing arms from
 Jogging ↓ ∆ ∆ around the cones hips
 Walking ↑ 2. Walk one lap 2. Jog on balls of
 Stretching ∆ ∆ around the cones feet
xxxxxxx → ↑ 3. Stretch following 3. Hold each stretch
2. x x x x x x x the teacher for counts of ten

After the lesson the students will gather around the teacher. There will be a short
discussion about the activities done in class and their views on the use of the outside of
the foot turn in matches.
Evaluation :
St. Thomas Technical High School
Excellence Through Education
Lesson plan

Teacher’s name:
Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning:
Form: Nine
Topic: Heading (Defensive)

Aim: For students to develop a positive attitude towards proper skill execution and to
appreciate drills which will improve their coordination and motor skills

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Head the ball using the correct technique

2. Contact the ball with the forehead
3. know the importance of keeping the mouth shut
4. display proper body alignment
5. help students in groups who display poor technique
Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity
Equipment: Playfield, Footballs, cones, whistle

Activities: Warm-up, stretching, skill activity (Heading Defensive), climax (game),

cool down

Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points

Warm-up 1. ← 1. Jog around 1. Jog on balls of
 Light jogging ↓ ∆ ∆ marked out area feet
 Jumping jacks 2. Stretch following 2. Swing arms back
 stretching ↑ the commands of and forth from the
∆ ∆ the teacher hips
xxxxxxx → ↑ 3. When stretching,
2. xxxxxxx hold each stretch for
T counts of ten
Teacher will ask students about the actions involved in heading the football
Possible questions:
1. What is the difference between a defensive header and an attacking header?
2. In which situations would a defensive header be used?

The teacher will explain using information gathered from the students’ demonstration
and resource materials.
The teacher will put students in groups of five and allow them to demonstrate how
they think the defensive header should be done.
Activities Formation Instruction Coaching Points
Skill Training x x x 1. Students shall 1. keep eyes on the
(Heading) x x x form three groups ball
x x x 2. They will hold 2. make contact
o o o the ball in their with your forehead
↑ ↑ ↑ T hands and head (pushing the ball
x x x upwards to a team upwards)
leader 3. keep your mouth
closed when
heading the ball
Skill Training 2 x x x 1. In three lines the 1. Keep eyes on the
(Heading) x x x students will head ball
x x x the ball back to a 2. Make contact
o o o thrower. with forehead
↑ ↑ ↑ T 2. The thrower will 3. Keep your mouth
x x x throw the ball at closed when
different heights heading the ball
Game Situation ∆ ∆ 1.Students shall 1. Keep eyes on the
xxxxxxxxxx form two teams ball
xxxxxxxxxx 2. They shall use 2. Make contact
≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ their heads to pass with forehead
xxxxxxxxxx the ball around and 3. Keep your mouth
xxxxxxxxxx over the net closed when
∆ ∆ heading the ball
4. Bring head back
then forward to
propel the ball with
Cool Down ← 1.Jog one lap 1. Swing arms from
 Jogging ↓ ∆ ∆ around the cones hips
 Walking ↑ 2. Walk one lap 2. Jog on balls of
 Stretching ∆ ∆ around the cones feet
xxxxxxx → ↑ 3. Stretch following 3. Hold each stretch
2. x x x x x x x the teacher for counts of ten

After the lesson the students will gather around the teacher. There will be a short
discussion about the activities done in class and their views on the use of the defensive
header in matches.
Evaluation :
St. Thomas Technical High School
Excellence Through Education
Lesson plan

Teacher’s name:
Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning:
Form: Seven
Topic: Dimensions of the football field

Aim: For students to develop a positive attitude towards proper skill execution and to
appreciate drills which will improve their coordination and motor skills

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Draw a football field with the different markings and zones

2. Explain the purpose of the different marked zones/areas on the field
3. Show willingness to assist classmates who have problems drawing and labeling the

Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity

Equipment: White Board, markers, blank papers, pencils

Activities: Introduction to football field dimensions, drawing of the football field in

groups, presentation of the correct version of the football field with dimensions,
individual assignment


Teacher will ask students about the football field

Possible questions:
 What is the shape of the football field.
 Are there other lines on the football field than the outer ones?
 What purpose do these other lines serve?

1. In groups of five draw a football field and put in all the markings that you think
should be there
2. Discussion
The teacher will look at each drawing. If necessary the teacher will draw a
football field on the board highlighting the similarities with their drawings and the
one on the board, then showing the lines and areas that they may have left out.

3. Each student will be encouraged to draw the corrected version in their note books.
The teacher will walk around to see that each student has done so.

4. The teacher will have another discussion asking students about specially marked
areas on the football field and their purpose; the touch lines, goal lines, 18 yard
box, six yard box, penalty spot, penalty arc, etc.
5. The teacher will write these areas on the board with their purpose beside them

6. Climax
Students will be given a class test where they will have to draw the football field
without referring to their notes

Evaluation :
St. Thomas Technical High School
Excellence Through Education
Lesson plan

Teacher’s name:
Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning:
Form: Eight
Topic: Dimensions of the football field

Aim: For students to develop a positive attitude towards proper skill execution and to
appreciate drills which will improve their coordination and motor skills

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Draw a football field with the different markings and zones

2. Explain the purpose of the different marked zones/areas on the field
3. Show willingness to assist classmates who have problems drawing and labeling
the field

Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity

Equipment: White Board, markers, blank papers, pencils

Activities: Introduction to football field dimensions, drawing of the football field in

groups, presentation of the correct version of the football field with dimensions,
individual assignment


Teacher will ask students about the football field

Possible questions:
 What is the shape of the football field.
 Are there other lines on the football field than the outer ones?
 What purpose do these other lines serve?

1. In groups of five draw a football field and put in all the markings that you think
should be there
2. Discussion
The teacher will look at each drawing. If necessary the teacher will draw a
football field on the board highlighting the similarities with their drawings and the
one on the board, then showing the lines and areas that they may have left out.

3. Each student will be encouraged to draw the corrected version in their note books.
The teacher will walk around to see that each student has done so.

4. The teacher will have another discussion asking students about specially marked
areas on the football field and their purpose; the touch lines, goal lines, 18 yard
box, six yard box, penalty spot, penalty arc, etc.
5. The teacher will write these areas on the board with their purpose beside them

6. Climax
Students will be given a class test where they will have to draw the football field
without referring to their notes

Evaluation :
St. Thomas Technical High School
Excellence Through Education
Lesson plan

Teacher’s name:
Subject: Physical Education
Week beginning:
Form: Nine
Topic: Football History (Jamaica at the 1998 World Cup)

Aim: For students to develop an appreciation for Jamaica’s football development

Specific Objectives: At the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Name at least five players who represented Jamaica at the 1998 World Cup
2. Explain how Jamaica’s World Cup appearance helped the country’s football
3. Assist classmates in groups in chronicling the events

Strategies: Discussion, Lecture, Demonstration, Group activity

Equipment: White Board, markers, blank papers, pencils

Activities: lecture/discussion of Jamaica’s football before 1998, Changes to the

programme with the introduction of Rene Simoes, Opportunities available to the team
after its world cup appearance


Teacher will ask students about the 1998 World Cup

Possible questions:
 Do you know where this World Cup was held?
 Do you know of any player’s who represented Jamaica at this World Cup?
 What opportunities do you think would be available to a team after appearing at
the world cup?

Students will watch a short documentary on Jamaica’s journey to qualify at the

1998 World Cup.
In groups of five they should answer the following questions

1. Who was the coach of the national team during the 1998 campaign?
2. Name five players who represented the country at this time?
3. Do you think the country could have qualified to the world cup without the presence
of an overseas coach?


After answering the questions in groups, the teacher will use the video as reference to
discuss the challenges Jamaica faced in qualifying for the world cup and the pride of a
nation as they fought their way through each round.

Students will be given a Home Work assignment where they will have to answer the
1. List the squad of players who went to the world cup and the management team.
2. List the English based players who were on the team
3. Which striker played a major role in the team’s qualification in the later rounds?
4. Name local based players that got overseas contracts after the world cup and the
clubs to which they were assigned?
5. Does having players representing the country overseas benefit the national
football programme?
Evaluation :

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