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Management of Business

School Based Assessment

Unit 1

An investigation to determine how the lack of group and team management impacts
productivity at Bryan’s Pharmacy and the implications this has for the profitability of the

Candidate Names: Candidate’s Number:

Venus Palmer 1001180531
Daynia Deer 1001180132
Daina Howell 1001180728

Center Number:100118
Year: 2022
Institution: St. Thomas Technical High School
Territory: Jamaica
Contents Pages


Background/Overview of the Project…………………………………………2-3

Literature Review……………………………………………………………..4-6


Presentation of Data…………………………………………………………...8-13

Analysis and Interpretation of Data…………………………………………...14-16

Conclusion and Recommendations…………………………………………..17



Topic Statement

An investigation to determine whether the lack of group and team management impacts
productivity at Bryan’s Pharmacy and the implications this has for the profitability of the

Aims and Objectives

1. What are the factors influencing a lack of teamwork at Bryan’s Pharmacy?

2. What are the benefits to be gained from positive teamwork at the business?
3. How can management ensure that all employees are engaging with their team to
increase productivity and profitability?

Background/Overview of the Project

Bryan’s Pharmacy operates as a small business in the town center of Morant Bay offering

pharmaceutical and general personal healthcare services and products to the residents of St

Thomas. Bryan’s Discount Pharmacy is owned and operated by a registered pharmacist,

alongside four other employees. The venture was founded in 2015 by Bryan Koesy, he aimed to

create a pharmacy that valued their customers and provided a personalized service that couldn't

be found at any large chain pharmacies, for example, having in store shopping at a pharmacy.

“At Bryan's Pharmacy we measure our success by the happiness of our customers, making your

satisfaction our top priority. We strive to continue meeting Bryan Koesy's goal of creating a

healthcare experience that makes each customer feel genuinely cared for,” said Koesy.

This lack of team and group management has the tendency to negatively impact not only

employee relations, but also extend to customers and other stakeholders.

A team is made up of two or more people who work together to achieve a common goal.Team

management is a manager or organization's ability to lead a group of people in accomplishing a

task or common goal. Effective team management involves supporting, communicating with and

uplifting team members so they perform to the best of their abilities and continue to grow as

professionals. It goes without saying that having a cohesive group and team management within

a business is critically important to every business’ success. A recent study conducted by

Sampson Quain (2019) found that one of the most important team-building strategies you can

implement is allowing open and honest communication between members of your team.

Effective teams are the foundation of every successful organization. Companies without teams

that work well together often struggle, while effective teams help to improve quality, facilitate
the completion of projects and increase productivity and efficiency.

Poor teamwork inhibits your small business, wastes potential and hurts your profitability. For

example, instead of working toward a project's goals, your employees might waste time fixing

mistakes due to poor communication and ineffective organization.

The researchers wish to learn whether the lack of group and team management impacts

productivity at Bryan’s Pharmacy and by extension its profitability. This topic is important to us

as students because we can garner knowledge as it relates to group and team management and to

endeavor. Also, we can develop stronger communication skills.

Literature Review

Bryan’s Discount Pharmacy is a small business operated in the parish of St. Thomas where

employees work closely with primary healthcare providers to ensure the health and wellness of

their consumers as a priority.

According to Leonard ( 2021) teamwork in business involves a group of individuals working

together to complete a task or a large goal. A recent article by Indeed Editorial Team outlined

some types of teams that businesses should enforce. He mentioned functional teams, cross

functional teams and self-managed teams. Leaders typically delegate responsibilities to members

depending on their individual skill sets. In self-managed teams, employees working within the

same organization collaborate to accomplish a common goal. Self-managed teams share both

leadership and responsibilities.

"Teamwork is essential to a company’s success", says John J. Murphy (2016), author of

Pulling Together. In the article he mentioned ten rules for high-performance teamwork. “Each

individual has unique gifts, talents and skills. When we bring them to the table and share them

for a common purpose, it can give companies a real competitive advantage.” Whenever the work

is completed in an orderly fashion and consists of a team effort that does not benefit one person it

goes as far as boosting the company’s bottom line. When working in a team sometimes

arguments may come up because everyone has their own opinion on the topic. This is where the

benefits of teamwork occur. Some of these benefits are problem solving skills, an increased

potential of innovation, this is where new ideas formulate , enhance personal growth because

there's no "I" in teamwork and productivity in the workplace. 4

Culin (2018) stated that “most productivity studies have shown that even those shining
superstars need the help of a strong team in order to succeed.” She quotes a short saying that “if

you want to go quickly, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” This was also supported

by Jain (2022) who highlighted that “To have the best results, the team has to help each other

and work together. These tasks can be completed effectively and efficiently, and the outcome

would be better.” Team members should be supportive in and outside the workplace. The team

will feel like one instead of a working group. Management should also ensure that the employees

are happy with their work and responsibilities.

Team communication is one of the most fundamental aspects of collaboration. Communication

in teams is more than just efficient work. It allows everyone on the team to be educated on any

topic that may affect their work. Moreover, it develops trust, builds camaraderie among the team

members, boosts morale, and helps employees stay engaged in the workplace. In order for the

workplace to be successful it must have efficient communication throughout the team.

Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using

some other medium. If it is poor there is likely to be unnecessary tension, misterpretation, waste

of time and anxiety. Whenever the tasks are manipulated correctly it gives you time to move on

with your tasks or gives you some free time. Whether in the workplace or even when dealing

with consumers, communication is a necessity.

In order for Bryan’s Pharmacy to have good group and team management they would have to

learn the Do’s and Don'ts of practicing group and team management styles in order to improve

productivity and profitability of the business. The advantage of practicing good group and team

management styles is that working together facilitates idea generation and creativity, teamwork

improves productivity and brings better business results and working together improves

customer service. It’s limitations are that conflicts may arise due to differing communication
styles or approaches to work, or because members of the team are competing with each other in

unhealthy ways, when something goes wrong, there can be a tendency for team members to

blame one another and because a team functions as a group and a group has communal

responsibility, it can be difficult for managers and supervisors to assess the relative strengths and

weaknesses of individual team members. Adopting good group and team management styles at

Bryan’s Pharmacy will enhance productivity and profitability of the business.


In conducting SBA researchers used information from Bryan’s Pharmacy to find out how the

lack of group and team management impacts productivity at Bryan’s Pharmacy and the

implications this has for the profitability of the business. This information was gathered using

both primary and secondary sources. The primary source consisted of a questionnaire along with

an interview session.The secondary sources included information from the internet and


A sample size of five (5) random individuals were used for this research project. Questionnaires

were used as a research instrument to gather qualitative data. The advantages of applying this

was that a large amount of information can be collected from a large number of people in a short

period of time. Questionnaire also has its shortcomings, such as there is no way to tell how

truthful a respondent is. Within this questionnaire there were a total of thirteen (13) questions

consisting of both close and open ended questions. The questionnaires were distributed on

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 and collected on Friday, January 14, 2022. The interview

consisted of four (4) open ended questions, directed at the manager . The interview was used as a

qualitative research method. The advantages of using this method of research is a much more

flexible approach, allowing for posing of new questions or checking of questions if such a need


Presentation of Data

Figure 1 Below is a Pie Graph showing the responses of employees on whether staff and

management have good team management skills.

Figure 1 illustrates the view of the respondents when asked if staff and management have good

team management. 1 (20%) of the respondents said always, 1 (20%) of the respondents said the

team management style need improvement , another 1 (20%) of the respondents said that staff

and management never have a good group and team management, 2 (40%) respondents said

sometime while none of the respondents selected often. 8

Figure 2. Below is a table which illustrates the responses of employees in regards to the

suggestions recommended to improve team work.

Suggestions to improve Number of Responses Percentages(%)


Management should 5 100

encourage teamwork among

Employees should listen to 5 100

each other view on issues in
the workplace

Management should listen to 5 100

and act on employee feedback

Teamwork is not necessary in 1 20

the world of work

Figure 2 showing the responses of employees in regards to the suggestions recommended to

improve team work. All 5 (100% ) of the respondents ticked the option that management should

encourage teamwork among employees, 5 (100% ) of the respondents ticked the option that

employees should listen to each other views on issues in the workplace, another 5 (100% ) of

the respondents ticked the option that management should listen to and act on employee

feedback and the remaining 1(20% ) of the respondents said that teamwork is not necessary in

the world of work.

Figure 3. Column Graph showing employees' views on whether management retains an

overview of team and project progress to ensure productivity.

Figure 3 illustrates the views of the respondents on does management retain an overview of

team and project progress to ensure productivity Bryan's pharmacy. 2 (40%) of the respondents

selected always, 1 (20%) of the respondents selected often , another 2(40%) of the respondents

selected sometime while none of the respondents selectednever or unsure.

Figure 4: Bar graph Illustrates the views of the respondents on “Do you believe the

management/leadership style is a contributing factor in why the business has an experience in

lack of teamwork?”

Figure 4 above shows the views of the respondents on whether they believe the management

style is a contributing factor in why the business has a lack of teamwork. 1(20%) of the

respondents selected unsure, another 1(20%) of the respondents said yes and the remaining

3(60%) of the respondents said no. 11

Figure 5 below shows the responses of employees on their suggestions to improve teamwork

within the business to increase productivity.

Responses Number of Respondents Percentages(%)

Promote effective 1 20
communication methods

Management should set clear 3 60

team goals

Management should ask team 1 20

members for feedback

Figure 5 above shows suggestions of employees to improve teamwork within the business to

increase productivity. 1(20%) of the respondents said that promoting effective communication

methods will help to improve teamwork , another 3 (60%) of the respondents said that

management should set clear teamwork goals and the remaining 1 (20%) of the respondents said

that management should ask team members for feedback.

Figure 6 below represents a pie chart which shows the responses employees gave when asked

“Do you think the goals and objectives set at your workplace will encourage success?”

Figure 6 above shows the response respondents gave when asked “Do you think the goals and

objectives set at your workplace will encourage success?” 1(20%) of the respondents disagreed,

another 1 (20%) of the respondents agreed, a maximum of 3(60%) of the respondents strongly

agreed while none of the respondents strongly disagreed or were undecided.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Data is one of the most valuable resources a researcher could have. The more data is made

available, a better understanding is gained from the research carried out. An experiment was

carried out using five employees from Bryan’s Pharmacy where an investigation was done to

determine how the lack of group and team management impacts productivity and the

implications this has for the profitability of the business.

Figure 1 is a Pie Graph which captures the responses of employees on whether staff and

management have good team management skills. The data reveals that 1(20%) of the

respondents said always, another 1(20%) of the respondents said the team management style

need improvement , another 1(20%) of the respondents said that staff and management never

have a good group and team management, a maximum which is 2(40%) of the respondents said

sometime while none of the respondents selected often. As reflected on the graph, the results

show that most of the employees believe that staff and management have good team

management skills.

Figure 2 illustrates the responses of employees in regards to the suggestions recommended to

improve team work. All 5(100%) of the respondents ticked the option that management should

encourage teamwork among employees, 5(100% ) of the respondents ticked the option that

employees should listen to each other views on issues in the workplace, another 5(100%) of the

respondents ticked the option that management should listen to and act on employee feedback

and the minimum of 1(20%) of the respondents said that teamwork is not necessary in the world

of work. 14
Figure 3 illustrates the views of the respondents on whether management retains an overview of

team and project progress to ensure productivity at Bryan's pharmacy. There was a tie with two

of the responses. 2(40%) of the respondents selected always, another 2(40%) of the respondents

selected sometimes. 1(20%) of the respondents selected often while none of the respondents

selected never or unsure. In explaining this result, it can be seen that most of the respondents

believed that management retains an overview of team and project progress to ensure


Figure 4 shows the views of the respondents on whether they believe the management style is a

contributing factor in why the business has a lack of teamwork. 1(20%) of the respondents

selected unsure, another 1(20%) of the respondents said yes and the remaining of maximum

3(60%) of the respondents said no. From the responses, it can be seen that the majority of the

respondents believed that the management style is not a contributing factor in why the business

has a lack of teamwork.

Figure 5 shows suggestions of employees to improve teamwork within the business to increase

productivity. 1(20%) of the respondents said that promoting effective communication methods

will help to improve teamwork , a maximum of 3(60%) of the respondents said that management

should set clear teamwork goals and the remaining 1(20%) of the respondents said that

management should ask team members for feedback. As observed, there were indeed some good

suggestions by the employees. 15

Figure 6 shows the response respondents gave when asked “Do you think the goals and

objectives set at your workplace will encourage success?” 1(20%) of the respondents disagreed,

another 1 (20%) of the respondents agreed, a maximum of 3(60%) of the respondents strongly

agreed, while none of the respondents strongly disagreed or were undecided.In explaining this

result it can be stated that most of the respondents agreed that the goals and objectives in their

workplace will encourage success.

Conclusion and Recommendations

From the information collected, the researcher has found it fit to conclude that the organization’s

management style is very effective which has led to the generating of many customers to the

company which is the major cause of the high income earning to the business. The researcher

also came to the conclusion that through this management style most of the employees of the

organization are satisfied and thus work to the best of their abilities to retain productivity and

profitability to the business. In closing, the researcher wishes to outline that good group and

team management style is being practiced at Bryan’s Pharmacy which is leading the business to


The researcher will recommend that the business continues to use their management style, as it

has benefited them throughout the years and has caused productivity and profitability to the

business. However, the researcher wishes to inform management in doing some research and

adjust to the fact that not every employee is comfortable with the team and group management

style practiced in the business. The researcher will also recommend that the business keep their

current mission statement and business objectives as it has made the business strive in

accomplishing goals.


`1. An article entitled “6 Different Types of Teams (With Teamwork Examples) |


2. An article entitled “Brian's Pharmacy”

3.An article entitled “ The Definition of Teamwork in the Workplace”

4. An article entitled “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work | Tips & Benefits”

5. An article entitled “ 9 Steps to Building a Strong and Efficient Team: How to Build a Strong

Team - 2022 - MasterClass”

6. An article entitled “ The Advantages of an Organizational Structure”

7. An article entitled “Teamwork builds the dream work”


Letter to Respondents

Dear Respondents,

We are students from the St. Thomas Technical High School conducting research to complete

our Management of Business (SBA). The topic of our research is “An investigation to determine

how the lack of group and team management impacts productivity at Bryan’s Pharmacy and the

implications this has for the profitability of the business.”

We are respectfully asking for your cooperation and time for answering the quesionnaire. It will

be valuable in the completion of our IA. We assure you that all the data gathered will be kept in

the highest level of confidentiality.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers.

Questionnaire for Employees

A group of students are conducting a research in partial fulfillment for the Management of
Business SBA to find out how the lack of group and team management impacts productivity at
Bryan’s Pharmacy and the implications this has for the profitability of the business.

INSTRUCTION:Please place a simple tick beside the response which best suits your view.

a) Gender

{ } Male

{ }Female

b) Which age group do you belong to?

{ } 20-25

{ } 26-35

{ } Other

c) How long have you been working at Bryan’s Pharmacy?

{ }0-12 Months

{ } 1-5 Years 20

{ } 6-10 Years
{ } Over 10 Years

d) Which position are you currently employed in ?

( please specify)

1) Would you agree that group teamwork is critical to a business success?

Yes ( )

No ( )

Maybe( )

2)Does staff and management have a good team relationship?

Always ( ) Sometimes ( )

Often ( ) Never ( )

Need improvement ( )

3) On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, how would you rate the relationship among

team members?

1() 2() 3() 4() 5()


4) What suggestions would you recommend to improve teamwork? ( Tick all that apply)
Management should encourage teamwork among employees ( )

Employees should listen to each other view on issues in the workplace ( )

Management should listen to and act on employee feedback ( )

Teamwork is not necessary in the world of work( )

5) Does management hold regular team meetings or give information in a clear and

timely manner?

Strongly Agree ( ) Agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly Disagree( )

Undecided ( )

6) Are team members working together to achieve a common goal that has been clearly defined?

Strongly Agree ( ) Agree ( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly Disagree( )

Undecided ( )

7) Does management ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner?

Always( ) Often ( ) Sometimes ( ) Never( )

Unsure ( )

8) Do you think the goals and objectives set at your workplace will encourage success?

Strongly Agree ( ) Agree( ) Disagree ( ) Strongly Disagree( )

Undecided ( )
9) On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, how would you rate the level of communication at

your workplace?

1() 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( )

10)Are you satisfied with how teams are chosen or the tasks assigned?

Always( ) Often ( ) Sometimes ( ) Never( ) Unsure ( )

11) Does management retain an overview of team and project progress to encourage team


Always( ) Often ( ) Sometimes ( ) Never( ) Unsure ( )

12) Would you agree the business needs to improve its teamwork to increase


Yes ( ) No ( ) Unsure ( )

If yes, what are your suggestions?



13. Do you believe the management/ leadership style is a contributing factor in why the business

has an experience of lack of teamwork?

Yes ( ) No ( ) Unsure ( ) 23

Questionnaire for Manager

A group of students are conducting a research in partial fulfillment for the Management of
Business IA to find out how the lack of group and team management impacts productivity at
Bryan’s Pharmacy and the implications this has for the profitability of the business.

INSTRUCTION:Please place a simple tick beside the response which best suits your view.

a) Gender

{ } Male

{ }Female

b) Which age group do you belong to?

{ } 20-25 { }36-45

{ } 26-35 { } 46-55

{ }Other

1) On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the spirit of teamwork within the organization?

1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( )

2) How satisfied are you with your employees' performance as it relates to good team


Extremely Satisfied ( ) Very satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) Dissatisfied ( ) Unsure ( )


3) Do employees on the team complete tasks on time?

Yes ( )

No( )

Sometimes( )

Never( )

4) Do employees display good communication among teams?

Always( )

Often( )

Sometimes( )

Never( )

Unsure ( )

5)What measures are put in place to motivate your teams? (Tick all that apply)

● Include your employees in goal setting

● Ask employees for feedback

● Recognizing the employees achievements

● Offer flexible scheduling

● Offer employee rewards

● Being a respectful, honest and supportive manager 25

● I do not motivate my employees

6) What type of leadership style is utilized in carrying out team/group activities within the


● Authoritarian

● Participative/Democratic

● Delegative

● Laissez faire

7)How would you describe the level of communication within your organization?

Excellent( )

Good ( )

Satisfactory ( )

Need improvement( )

Unsure ( )

8)How does management ensure that the team conducts business in an effective and efficient


( ) Provides in person supervision 26

( ) Provide instructions or objectives to be met

( ) Invest in my employees

( ) Employees make decisions freely. I do not check up

( ) Use technology to your advantage

( ) Ensure that recording is done

9) How do you deal with challenges that may arise in the team?

( ) Identify multiple solutions with design thinking

( ) Seek input from your team

( ) Use a decision making framework

( ) Conduct market research and customer outreach

( ) Define the problem

( ) We do not solve problems within our organization


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