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Section: Subject:
The Life and Works of Rizal
A. Who was the Ilustrados and how did various 19th century development create them? At
least 7 sentences (10 pts)
Nationalism is defined by Andres Bonifacio as the highest and purest kind of love, thus
the rise of nationalism begun at the moment that the Filipino people realized that they are
Filipinos and that they own the Philippines. The individuals who led our drive for freedom
includes the Illustrados, illustrados were described as the people of reason or the enlightened
ones. There are four developmental factors that led to the rise of Illustrados in the country, first is
the opening of economic opportunities for the Filipinos because of the Industrial Revolution, the
opening of Suez Canal gave way to the easy transportation from Europe to Asia. The
international trade led to tremendous development of the Philippine economy, thus Hacienderos
and Inquilinos were able to participate in the trade, and that became the reason for them to send
their children to Europe for education. Next is the Political development in the country, the
Spanish were given absolute power, in which they were threatened by Liberalism, the
government imposed additional tax to the people, the leaders were incompetent and corrupt,
leading for the people to thirst for governmental changes. Third, is the Religious Development,
there two types of priest during that time, the regular priest and the secular priest, the regular
priest were the Spanish priest, and the secular priest were mostly Filipino Priest. The closure of
churches in the Europe caused Spanish priest to go to the Philippines and replace the secular
priest in the Philippines, which led to the Secularization Movement. Lastly, the socio-cultural
development, the rapid rise of education for wealthier Filipinos led to better of understanding
when to comes to speaking and writing in Spanish, Latin, and French.
B. Summarize the Calamba Agrarian Trouble of 1880s. (short answers only. One sentence
 Cause
o The Hacienda Management in the town of Calamba ordered unjust rules such as
the unreasonable increase in rentals, land confiscation, and worker exploitation.
 Reaction from Rizal's family and Tenants
o These changes in rules led to continuous hardship for the tenants, as specifically
poor harvest, and crop destruction.
 Actions taken by the tenants
o The tenants asked Rizal to conduct an investigation regarding the lands owned by
the Dominican friars.
 Rizal's findings (provide two)
o Rizal found out that the owner of the hacienda never gave a single centavo to the
town in matters such as Fiesta, education, and agriculture.
o He also found out that tenants were given charges for delayed renal payment, and
improper confiscation of carabaos, tools and homes when the tenants failed to pay
the rent.
 Aftermath
o After the discovery of Rizal, the tenants filed a suit and refused to pay, the
Dominican won the suit and Rizal’s brother together with his brother in laws were
deported to Mindoro.
C. Modern Day Cabesang Tales: Search for some news about a modern day Cabesang Tales
(individual or group) and summarize the news. Year 2000 and up only.
 Where and when:
o The case of Hacienda Luisita is in Tarlac City, La Paz and Concepcion. (year
 Name of land are they fighting for?
o Hacienda Luisita
 What was their claim of ownership?
o The farmers in Hacienda Luisita wants to claim the piece of land they are using.
 Who are they fighting against (corporation, rich clan, or gov't) and why?
o The farmers were fighting against the Conjuancos who the current owner of the
Hacienda Luisita at that time are.
 How is the individual/group similar to Cabesang Tales? At least 3 sentences.
o The farmers in Hacienda Luisita were very much like Cabesang Tales, they are all
fighting for their right on the piece of land that gives them support for everyday
living. Thus, these farmers were fighting so hardly, that the Hacienda Luisita
Massacre happened last 22 of July 1987, which resulted to the death of a number
of farmers as they were shot as they marched to the Malacanang Palace.
Manyange, V. (2021, April 19). Full explanation of the Hacienda Luisita problem.

Kami.Com.Ph - Philippines News. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

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