ESD-Module 2 Energy Efficient Technologies

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Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar


Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar



So far we have studied the concepts of energy management and energy audit.
While analyzing the energy audit report, we come across various energy
conservation opportunities (ECOs). These ECOs helps in saving the energy and
reducing the energy cost. While analyzing various energy consuming systems at
facility, we need to calculate energy efficiency of all equipments, operations and
technologies concerned with that system and then have to compare whether the
technology being applied there is energy efficient or not. If it is not energy
efficient, then energy auditor has to suggest some alternate technology which
can prove more energy efficient than old one. To implement new energy efficient
technology, energy auditor must know the certain facts related to that system. He
has to examine certain in built and operational characteristics related to that
system and check whether that system is working as per specifications
mentioned at time of implementing that system. If system is violating from its pre
fixed specifications, then energy auditor has to suggest new energy efficient
technologies. This job can be made easy if energy auditor prepare a certain
questionnaire related to that particular system or equipment and try to find the
proper answer for each question. We will study here some basic systems that are
common in many industries. Let us study these systems one by one.


(i) Check If:

 Lights are on in unoccupied areas?

 Exterior lighting is on during the day time?
Yes -----
 Install occupancy sensors or photovoltaic sensors ---- operates multiple
light fixtures
 Manually turn off ---- no investment

(ii) Check If -----

 HPS lamps installed -----on low use areas or photo controls have turned
 Replace HPS lamps with Fluorescent lights (quick on-off control)
 HPS Lamps (highly energy efficient)—but---takes long time to warm up
 Replace faulty photo controls

(iii) Check If -----

 Existing lighting levels are higher than recommended levels?
Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar
 Use hand held light-meters to measure illumination levels---compare with
reference table
 Reduce the lighting levels wherever appropriate (lamp removing, rewiring
the fixtures, partial or full lighting)
 Install task lighting

(iv) Check If -----

 Incandescent lamps are installed?
 Replace with T8 fluorescent lamps (power factor>90%) (incandescent
lamps emit light as a result of being heated)
 Replace with CFL (shows 80% rise in efficiency)
 Replace incandescent lamp fixtures with higher efficiency metal halide
fixtures (especially in areas where color is important such as product
grading areas)

(v) Check If -----

 Standard fluorescent lamps are installed?
 Replace standard fluorescent lamps with magnetic ballasts with T8
fluorescent lamps with electronic ballasts (gives 30 to 40% rise in
efficiency) (Ballast – passive component used in electric circuit to
moderate changes in current)

(vi) Check If -----

 Mercury vapor lamps are installed?
 Replace with high efficiency metal halide fixtures, (especially in product
grading areas (will increase efficiency by 80%)
 Mercury vapor lamps (long lamp life but as they age, their o/p decreases
but consume same energy and hence efficiency decreases)


Motors have relatively constant power factor and efficiency down to

approximately 50% of full load (within +/- 5%). Larger motors are typically more
efficient than smaller motors.

For improving the efficiency of motors, belts and drives system, energy auditor
need to check the following facts related to this system:

(i) Check if –

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

 Standard efficiency motors are installed

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace standard motors with high efficiency motors because –
for 5 to 30 HP motors, such replacement will estimate 5 to 3.5 % rise in
for 40 to 125 HP motors, such replacement will estimate 3 to 3.5% rise in
for motors above 150 HP, such replacement will estimate 2% rise in
Annual energy savings (ES) from such motor replacement activities can
be estimated by following formula:

ES = 0.746 × motor HP × %L × N × C × ( 1 / Estdeff - 1 / Ehigheff)


ES = Annual energy saving in terms of cost (Rs. / year)

motor HP = Motor horsepower
%L = Percent motor load divided by 100
N = Annual operating hours at this load
C = Cost of electricity (Rs. / kWhr)
Estdeff = Efficiency of standard efficiency motor (as a fraction)
Ehigheff = Efficiency of high efficiency motor (as a fraction)

(ii) Check if –

 Standard drive belts (V-belts) are installed

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace standard drive belts (V-belts) with high torque drive (HTD) V-belts
which are more energy efficient.

(iii) Check if –

 Motors are running during periods when the equipment or process they
are driving is idle

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Reduce the equipment operation time to minimum required. This can be

done simply by turning the motors off during lunch breaks or any other
breaks or at any other time when they are actually not required.

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

 Interlock the equipments with a related process ( If a particular piece of
equipment is dedicated to a specific process that requires additional
equipments, then in such cases, all these equipments related to that
process can be interlocked so that all equipments will be deenergized at a
time when the operator will turn off one piece of equipment).
 Operate the equipments such as grinder in batches and then shut it off ( A
piece of equipment like a grinder don’t required to run continuously but
sometimes it may run continuously although material runs through it
occasionally only). So in such case, an alternate approach with no
installation cost is to allow material to collect and assign some person to
periodically turn it on to process the material.
 Install timers, level sensors, material sensors or any other sensors or
controls for automatic operation or automatic shut off the equipment as
and when required.

(iv) Check if –

 The facility utilize DC generator sets to provide variable speed control of


If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace the DC generator sets with solid state variable speed drives
(VSD). (Solid state VSDs are typically more efficient and will provide soft
starting of equipment. Also solid state VSDs estimate 25% increase in
overall efficiency).

(v) Check if –

 Facility use eddy current drives for variable speed control

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace eddy current drives with solid state VSDs. Due to this 10%
efficiency rise is estimated. Also eddy current drives are older and less
efficient method of achieving variable speed control, eddy current clutches
can be high maintenance items and some of its parts are expensive to
replace and difficult to locate.

(vi) Check if –

 Installed motors operate continuously at part load

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

 Replace oversized motors with properly sized energy efficient motors
Motors consume the least amount of energy when they operate at their
highest efficiency. % motor load can be calculated by formula –

% Motor load = ( Measured kW / Calculated kW at full load) × 100

Calculated kW at full load = (HPrated / Motor Efffull load) × (0.746 / HPrated)

Thus, we can increase efficiency of motors, belts and drives system

following these various techniques.


Actual efficiency of the particular pump can easily vary from 50% to 80% for
optimum operation. While modifying or replacing pumps and fans or adjusting
their rpm, we have to assure that they can operate under all conditions
anticipated for a given system. System pressure or head should not exceed the
maximum pressure or head that the fan or pump can sustain.

For improving the efficiency of fans and pumps system, energy auditor need to
check the following facts related to this system:

(i) Check if –

 The pumps or fans that are installed are not correctly sized for the given

(Pump or fan efficiency is very much dependent upon the flow, pressure
and their operating characteristics. For a given rpm, there is one optional
operating point of flow and pressure. As the pressure changes, flow also
changes and operating efficiency is also affected. If system conditions
have changed since the initial selection of the pump or fan, they may be
operating at a higher rpm than required and hence they are wasting
energy. An oversized pump or fan often works continuously against a
throttle or damper causing even greater inefficiencies.)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Reduce speed of pump or fan using a sheave (wheel with grooves)

adjustment or motor replacement.

(It may be possible to tune the speed of a fan or pump so that it can
operate more efficiently in a given system. If fan or pump is belt driven, the

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

sheaves can be modified in order to change the rpm. A motor that
operates at a different rpm may also be installed)

 Trim (cut off or reduce unwanted part) or replace pump impellers.

(Operating characteristics of pumps can be adjusted by resizing the

impeller. On a given system, it may be possible to achieve greater
efficiency with a different pump impeller)

 Replace fan or pump with a more energy efficient model.

(ii) Check if –

 The facility have cooling towers installed

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install solid state VSD control on cooling tower fans.

(The cooling tower fans typically run at a constant speed (60 Hz) or a two
speed motor may drive them. Depending upon the ambient weather
conditions at the tower location and cooling load placed on tower, the
installation of VSDs on the cooling tower fan motors can produce
significant energy savings. Air is forced or drawn through the tower in
order to cool the incoming water. The wet bulb temperature is an
indication of the amount of moisture in air that flows through the tower.
The VSDs will vary the fan speed to maintain the set point temperature of
the cooling water leaving the tower. During periods when the cooling
demands are at minimum, such as during 2nd or 3rd shifts, the tower fans
run at minimum speed and consume less energy. The tower fans can be
turned off during periods when the ambient air conditions are sufficient to
cool the water without the aid of the fans and thus reduce the energy
consumption significantly)

 Replace the tower fill material with cellular film fill to improve the heat
transfer efficiency.
 Install non-clogging, non-corroding spray nozzles to improve water
distribution through the tower.
 Install energy efficient air foil fans
 Install energy efficient motors on cooling tower fans and pumps.

Cooling tower optimization reduces the cost to provide cold water for cooling.

(iii) Check if –

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

 Pumps or fans are being throttled in order to control the flow rate

(One of the most common and inefficient methods to control a fan or pump
is to restrict its flow. As the pressure is increased, the flow is reduced.
However, work required to deliver the reduced flow is greater than would
otherwise be required)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace throttle control on pump with on-off control.

(On-off control works when a pump is maintaining a reservoir level instead

of a constant flow. The pump can be set to operate only at optimum

 Replace throttle control on pump or fan with solid state VSD control.

(VSDs can provide significant energy savings)

 Replace throttle control on fan discharge with inlet vane control.

(Inlet vanes are good options for applications like dust collection systems
where the air volume required changes, while air velocity and associated
pressure drop must remain relatively constant. By pre-spinning inlet air,
inlet guide vanes can reduce air flow without affecting the pressure that
fan must overcome)

Thus, we can increase efficiency of fans and pumps system by

implementing above various techniques.


For this system, observe the following things:

(i) Check if –

 Large compressors are serving minimal system needs during off-hours

such as maintaining the minimum pressure requirements for a dry fire
suppression system

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install smaller air compressor dedicated to serve minimal after hour needs
and isolate from main plant air system

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

(It is a common practice in so many industries to leave a large compressor
on continuously (~7 days a week) to serve a small use such pressurizing a
dry fire suppression system. Due to this, compressor operates for a long
period at an extremely inefficient part load condition. Sometimes, system
leaks also consume air and energy continuously. So to avoid such
wastage of energy, it is generally cost effective to install a separate
dedicated compressor for such small needs and separate it from the main
compressed air system to avoid loosing air and energy to system leaks
during non-production time)

(ii) Check if –

 The facility have centrifugal screw compressors that operate at less than
full load capacity for more than 70% of the time
 The throttle control is used to moderate the compressor output capacity

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace throttle control with load-unload control

(It is not energy efficient for a throttle controlled screw compressor to

operate below 70-80% capacity. Throttle controlled compressor consumes
approximately 70% of its full load power when delivering no air)

* (Mechanism of throttle control and load-unload control is as below:

Throttle control:
Throttle control itself is usually a butterfly valve or a slide valve that is
installed upstream of the compressor inlet. When the system pressure
sensor perceives that the pressure is decreasing, the valve opens and the
compressor begins to build pressure. When sensor perceives that
pressure is increasing, the valve starts to close. This creates a partial
vacuum at the compressor inlet. Consequently, the air entering the
compressor is less dense and less air mass enters the compression
chamber between the screws. This reduces the mass flow rate of air
delivered to the system.
This method of control is often inefficient because compressor constantly
works against system pressure at the discharge port, the motor never
really gets a chance to unload. As the compressor capacity drops below
70%, the compressor efficiency declines rapidly, hence consuming
considerable energy while producing minimal air.

Load-unload control:

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

Load-unload controls on screw compressors allow the compressor to
operate only at two points i.e. fully loaded at 100% capacity, maximum
efficiency and unloaded at 0% capacity. This control strategy is similar to
on-off control except that the motor and compressor never completely shut
off. When a system pressure falls below its maximum pressure set point,
the compressor runs at full power and maximum efficiency with the inlet
valve 100% open until the system pressure increases to maximum
pressure. Then the inlet valve is fully closed and unloading valve at the
compressor discharge opens and the air leaving the compressor is vented
to lower pressure.
Load-unload control allows a compressor to operate either at full output
and maximum efficiency or unloaded. As the compressor doesn’t turn off,
motor is not damaged. Wherever appropriate, this method of control has
very good energy savings characteristics since it only produces air at
100% capacity and idles while low energy use at other times.)

(ii) Check if –

 Turn valve control is used

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace turn valve control with load-unload control.

( Turn valve control:

They are composed of spirally threaded shaft and discrete ports placed
along the compression chamber wall. The shaft lies parallel to the rotors.
When the system pressure falls below its maximum pressure set point
(usually 100-120 psig), the valves are closed and the compressor runs at
full capacity until the maximum pressure is maintained.)
This type of control is more efficient than throttling but, as compressor
works against system pressure at all times, it is still relatively energy-

Turn valves are effective controls when overall plant demand is high,
when receiver size must be small or when acceptable range for system
pressure is small.

On-off control:
The compressor runs at 100 % capacity until the system pressure reaches
the maximum set point pressure. Then both compressor & motor
completely shut off. A check valve prevents the flow of air back through
the compressor. When compressor shuts off, an unloading valve opens so
that air in discharge port is released to atmospheric pressure. This

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

reduction in discharge pressure makes it easier for the compressor to

This control strategy is actually the most effective mode. Since the
compressor operating in this mode only produces air while running at
100% capacity & never idles, performance approaches the “ideal”. This
type of control strategy is best when user is confident that there will be
long periods either very high or very low use & when the maximum &
minimum pressures are not close together.)
(iii) Check if –

 The facility have more than one compressor feeding into a common
header and these compressors are operating at less than full o/p capacity

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Manually sequence the multiple compressors

(Set existing controls to load compressors sequentially so that unneeded

compressors can be turned off manually)

 Install automatic compressor sequencing controls

(Sequence compressors to avoid operating several compressors at part

load and poor efficiency. The largest savings come from the sequence
turning unneeded compressors off)

(iv) Check if –

 Compressors are operating at zero capacity for extended periods of time

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Manually shut off air compressors

 Install shut off timers on air compressors

(v) Check if –

 Discharge pressure of the compressor is higher than 110 psig

(If compressors are operating in a range higher than 90-110 psig,

determine if this much higher pressure is really required. Common end
uses frequently require not more than 80 psig. It is also common to
operate from 100-110 psig to overcome any potential line losses. It is
possible to have end use air requirement greater than 110 psig, but need

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

to verify it. Even 90-110 psig can be higher than required to ensure
adequate air delivery to the end use. It wastes energy to compress air to a
higher pressure unnecessarily. Higher system pressures also cause
unregulated air uses to expand more air.
The power required to compress air increases by about 0.5% for each psi
increase in system discharge pressure)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Reduce pressure delivered by air compressor to the minimum required by

the system.
 Install looped piping system because it balances pressure throughout the
plant. End uses are served from both directions, with line losses at
different points balancing out in the two paths.
 Install larger pipes because they reduce the pressure loss in the
distribution lines while providing additional surge capacity to reduce
pressure fluctuations.
Both of these effects reduce system pressure and thus reduces energy

(vi) Check if –

 High pressure air is being used for tasks that actually do not require high
pressure air

(Compressed air may be used for inappropriate applications such as part

drying or aeration. But for such works, low-pressure blower or fan may be
a better choice. Power is wasted to compress the air to higher pressure
than required)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Meet and use requirements with low pressure air delivery sources such as
a blower, fan or smaller horsepower air compressor.

(vii) Check if –

 The compressed air system have significant air leaks

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Repair air leaks

(Leaks are easiest to find when the plant is quiet i.e. plant is not in
production operation. To quantify total air leaks in a plant, take note of air

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

compressor loading and/or air delivery during breaks or other times when
there is no air use. To locate the air leaks, ultrasonic tools are used;
common places of air leaks are valve packing, pneumatic cylinders,
hoses, etc. Air leaks exceeding 35% of air used are excessive in any

(viii) Check if –

 The facility have rotary vane air compressor

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace rotary vane air compressor with energy efficient centrifugal screw
compressor that are computer controlled to allow sequencing and

(ix) Check if –

 The facility have desiccant air dryers

(Desiccant air dryers use hygroscopic substance as a drying agent. They

can produce very dry air, however they use more energy than refrigerated
dryers. Determine if increased drying capacity is necessary because
desiccant dryers purge the most amount of air and thus wastes the most

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace desiccant air dryers with refrigerated air dryers

 Install a capacity controlled regenerative dryers
 Install internally heated desiccant air dryers. Because internally heated
desiccant air dryers require only 3-5% of total air flow for purging moisture.

(x) Check if –

 The compressor cooling water is discharged to the sewer

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Instead of discharging compressor cooling water to the sewer, use it to

replace warm water for other uses, such as cleaning or preheating the
boiler make up water.
(xi) Check if –

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

 The pressure drop (ΔP) across auxiliary equipment such as dryers, oil
separators, filters is excessive

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace filters, overhaul equipments to reduce pressure drop

 Size the equipments to accommodate air flow with acceptable pressure

(xii) Check if –

 Compressed air is the best utility for a given application

(Though compressed air is convenient, safe in explosive situations and
has comparatively high energy density, it can be an inefficient method of
getting the work done)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Replace compressed air use with any another utility, such as replace
pneumatic motor with an electric motor or hydraulic motor.
 Replace venturi type vacuum generator with vacuum pump.

(xiii) Check if –

 The facility utilize any air nozzles and these air nozzles have been
designed for maximum efficiency

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install engineered nozzles

(xiv) Check if –

 Air compressors are on a regular maintenance schedule

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Review maintenance logs to verify if the following tasks are being carried
out on a scheduled basis or not:
(i) Maintaining modulating controls (ii) Lubricating compressors
(iii) Cleaning or replacing intake filters

Thus, we can increase efficiency of compressed air system by

implementing above various techniques.

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar


To improve the performance of the steam system, look for the following

(i) Check if –

 The stack temperature is too high

(Optimum stack temperature is typically 50 to 100 oF above saturated

steam pressure at high fire in a saturated steam boiler. Stack temperature
higher than these suggest poor heat transfer or too much combustion air)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Tune the boiler to reduce excess combustion air; preheat combustion air
and clean the boiler to remove waterside and fireside fouling.

(ii) Check if –

 The boiler is operating at incomplete combustion

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Tune the boiler (for checking combustion levels, stack gas should be
analyzed and O2 and CO2 levels should be compared to optimum levels
for efficient operation)

(ii) Check if –

 The blow-down of boiler water is manually controlled

As water in the boiler evaporates to steam, solids in water remain in
solution. To keep dissolved solids from building up to excessive levels, the
boiler water is drained and replaced with fresh water. This is called as
“blow-down” of boiler. So here, the difference between temperature of
replacement water and hot boiler water represents an energy loss.
Therefore to reduce this loss, blow-down should be set to the minimum
required to keep dissolved solids at an acceptable level)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Set the blow-down based upon amount of total dissolved solids

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

(iii) Check if –

 The condensate return system is open to the atmosphere

(Hot condensate has tendency to travel in the direction of high ‘P’ to low
‘P’. When the feed tank is vented to atmosphere, as the condensate
enters the feed tank, it will flash to steam due to the sudden drop in ‘P’
and steam escapes through the vent to atmosphere. Thus steam and
associated energy gets lost.)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install properly designed steam traps to reduce the amount of steam lost
through the open system
 Install pressurized condensate return system to reduce flash steam
 Insulate condensate storage tanks

(iv) Check if –

 An open condensate return system is utilized

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install a condensate return loop

(If condensate is not returned to the boiler, all of the energy stored in hot
condensate return gets lost. Since this condensate may also contain water
treatment chemicals, these chemicals have to be replaced. This will
increase the cost of energy and waste-water treatment)

(iv) Check if –

 The boiler cycles frequently

(Boiler efficiency is reduced due to frequent cycling and also continuous

cycling indicates an oversized boiler)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install multiple smaller boilers

 Match steam load to the boiler output.

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

(v) Check if –

 The efficiency and the performance of the steam system is being

monitored manually

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install a boiler stack gas thermometer with a maximum indicating band

 Install a meter to measure the amount of boiler make-up water being

(vi) Check if –

 The flow rate of the induced draft and forced draft fans is being controlled
by throttling methods

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install VSD control on boiler induced draft and forced draft fans

(vii) Check if –

 There are any opportunities for heat recovery

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install heat exchangers to use the stack gases to preheat the boiler make-
up water. Waste heat from air compressors or other equipments can be
used for this application. Use high pressure condensate to create flash
steam for low pressure heating services.

Thus, we can increase efficiency of steam system by implementing above

various techniques.


To make the refrigeration system more energy efficient, check the following
aspects related to this system and find the energy efficient solution for them.

(i) Check if –

 The operation of the existing refrigeration system can be optimized by

implementing any of the following measures:

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

If YES then follow these energy efficient measures:

 Optimize inter-stage pressure

(2-stage system has 3 separate pressures maintained by high and low

stage compressors. Choose intermediate pressure such that each
compressor has approximately the same pressure ratio to minimize
compressor energy use)

 Economized single stage system

(For applications that require extremely low temperature such as blast

freezer, a 2-stage compressor is usually preferred. An “economized”
single stage system may allow operation at slightly lower suction
temperatures while providing the necessary cooling and avoiding the cost
of 2-stage system)

 Install 2-speed or VSD control on condenser and evaporator fans.

(By reducing fan speed when full capacity is not needed, the energy
consumption of the fan motors is significantly)

 Cycle evaporator and condenser fans

(Evaporator fans move air across refrigeration coils to condition the space.
Condenser fans remove the heat generated during compression of
refrigerant. Evaporator fans can turn off when not required for temperature
control. Cycling fans save fan and compressor energy)

(ii) Check if –

 Refrigeration compressors are being operated manually or semi-


If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Install computer controls to allow the compressors to operate at their

highest efficiency point.

(iii) Check if –

 It is necessary to operate at lower suction pressures in order to maintain

production rates or to maintain the desired storage temperature

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(Poor insulation of cooler/freezer, undersized and dirty evaporators require
lower suction pressure and thus wastes energy)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Consolidate and re-pipe loads with similar suction requirements. Dedicate

a compressor to these loads. (Compressors operating at their maximum
suction pressure are more energy efficient)
 Reset suction pressure. (raise suction pressure to match actual pressure
required to meet the cooling loads. When the suction pressure drop
increases, compressor work increases)
 Add evaporator capacity to reduce evaporator approach ‘T’ and raise
suction pressure. (the compressor savings resulting from operating at
higher suction pressure often offset the additional evaporator fan energy
(iv) Check if –

 The back pressure regulators (BPRs) are used in order to control suction
pressure to accommodate a significant portion of the load

( BPRs control system branch pressure)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Eliminate BPRs.

(BPRs control various refrigeration loads on a single system. Loads

requiring a lower suction pressure could be separated from loads requiring
a higher suction pressure)

(v) Check if –

 The timing of heavy process or other refrigeration loads can be distributed


If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Consider load shifting during the periods of high energy use and or
thermal storage during periods of low energy use to reduce the total
energy demand.

(vi) Check if –

 The head pressures are significantly higher than rated pressure

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Set the system to operate at lower head pressures.

(Flash gas caused by system losses at low discharge pressure can be

avoided with a liquid pressure amplifier (LPA) pump. LPA pump is a small
horsepower pump with a magnetically driven impeller installed at the outlet
of the condenser to increase the pressure and sub cool the refrigerant
before it enters the expansion valve. This allows the compressor to
operate with a lower discharge pressure)

 Install the Thermosyphon cooling system to cool the compressor oil

(a thermosyphon system cools the oil with a heat exchanger by

transferring the heat from the oil to the refrigerant, which causes it to
change from a liquid to a vapor. The refrigerant vapor rises to a condenser
when it condenses to a liquid and cycle is repeated. This process requires
less energy to cool the oil than liquid refrigerant injection (LRI) because
LRI system uses 5-15% of compressor power to recompress refrigerant)

 Install additional condensing capacity to reduce discharge pressure.

(Additional condensing capacity will bring the liquid refrigerant

temperature closer to the wet bulb temperature, therefore increasing the
heat transfer efficiency)

(vii) Check if –

 The compressors are on regular maintenance schedule

If YES then verify that the following work is being done on a scheduled basis:

 Maintain evaporative condensers

(Water evaporates as it absorbs heat from condensing refrigerant. The

heat exchange surface must be clean and free of corrosion. Air must pass
through freely for efficient heat transfer. Water should be treated to reduce
scale and corrosion and reduce biological growth)

 Purge non-condensable gases

(Non-condensable gases such as air or CO2 reduce the effective surface

area of the condenser used to condense refrigerant vapor, thereby
decreasing heat exchanger efficiency. In general, non-condensable enters
the system when the low stage suction pressure is less than atmospheric

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

pressure. Automatic purging controls are readily available. The system
can also be purged manually when an operator notices increase in the
discharge pressure. A refrigeration logs helps in identifying the changes in
operating conditions)

(viii) Check if –

 The evaporator defrost control can be optimized

(Evaporator coils must be free of ice for maximum heat transfer)

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Avoid excessive defrost times – reduce defrost times

(Warm fluid i.e. refrigerant gas or water is commonly used to defrost

evaporators. Heat will warm the space after the ice has melted. Air flow
sensors and thermocouples can control the defrost system to stop as soon
as the ice has melted)

 Use hot gas defrost instead of electric defrost

(High pressure refrigerant is more efficient than electric heaters)

 Use water defrost instead of hot gas defrost

(Hot process water can also defrost the evaporator. Additional compressor
energy is not required. This can be more efficient and faster in a blast

(ix) Check if –

 There are any opportunities for heat recovery

If YES then follow the energy efficient steps below:

 Utilize waste heat off of condensers. Use waste heat to preheat process
 Insulate cooler/freezer area. Unnecessary heat gain decreases system


Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

The following options should be considered when exploring opportunities to save
energy with material handling fans and blowers:

(i) Check if –

 The facility utilizes high or low pressure blowers to convey material

If YES then following energy saving opportunities should be evaluated:

 Reduce the speed of blower or fan to capture the energy savings and
reduce the wear and tear on the distribution piping by reducing the velocity
 Replace Dust Collection System Material Handling fans with High
Efficiency Clean side fans
 Replace Pneumatic chip transfer with conveyors or vibrating transfer

(ii) Check if –

 The facility have more than one baghouse and multiple distribution lines
feeding into these baghouses

If YES then following energy saving opportunities should be evaluated:

 Determine if these distribution lines can be valved or knifed off when not
operating to reduce the load on the fan and baghouse
 Determine if these distribution lines should be re-routed to allow a
dedicated fan that requires less horsepower to perform the same task.
(Quite often the plant distribution lines, fans, and blowers have been
modified over the years and are not operating under the design conditions
and could be wasting a lot of energy)


(i) Check if –

 The manufacturing process utilizes hydraulic pumps

If YES then following energy saving opportunities should be evaluated:

 Install accumulators.

(Accumulators can improve the efficiency of the hydraulic system by

maintaining system pressure and allowing the pump to unload or to do
other work. This reduces the amount of times the pump cycle on and off.

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

They also compensate for changes in pressure due to leaks and thermal
expansion of the working fluid)

 Install a variable speed drive on hydraulic pump.

(The VSD varies the pump speed to match the hydraulic oil needs of the
system. This provides smooth response and can result in significant
energy savings)

 Install variable displacement pump for variable hydraulic loads.

 Install pressure compensation to unload the hydraulic pump.


(i) Check if –

 The manufacturing process involve the use of Veneer Dryers

If YES then following energy saving opportunities should be evaluated:

 Perform an air balance on the dryer (provide uniform drying, sufficient air
circulation, optimize air contact with product)
 Install electronic dryer controls (VSD) to control drying time
 Install VSD fan control if there is significant variation in species and
moisture content of the product being dried.
 Plastic bearings reduce friction loss and last longer than carbon/steel
 Investigate alternate drying methods; like, infra-red, microwave, radio
 Preheat dryer make-up air with heat from exhaust.

(ii) Check if –

 The manufacturing process involve kiln drying

If YES then following energy saving opportunities should be evaluated:

 Retrofit kiln fans to maintain optimum speed throughout the drying cycle
by installing VSD fan control
 Repair baffles and trim ends to prevent the airflow from short circuiting the
 Install zone temperature control to save energy and improve uniformity of
 Install steam recovery

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar


(i) Check if –

 The manufacturing process involve Extrusion and Injection Molding

If YES then following energy saving opportunities should be evaluated:

 Install a variable speed extruding machine (the drive runs at minimum

speed necessary for the product being produced. The input signal to the
drive is typically 4 to 20 mA control signal that maintains the desired set-
 Insulate heater bands to reduce thermal losses
 Grind and reuse reject parts and trim pieces

(ii) Check if –

 The cooler is used to cool the hydraulic oil

If YES then
 Cool the hydraulic oil with a closed loop cooling tower circuit.




For a better energy management of the facility, in general we have to consider

following energy saving opportunities:

 Have the utility explain how the total energy consumption, demand
charges, and power factor penalties are determined for the facility.
Discuss options to reduce these charges.
 Switch to a different billing schedule if applicable
 Consolidate accounts
 Install power factor correcting capacitors-individual capacitors on motors,
or automatically switching banks at the facility service entrance to
minimize power factor penalties

Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

 Install demand controller / load shedder to reschedule / distribute high
demand loads to reduce demand charges
 Install temporary or permanent meters to validate the billing data for
electricity and water consumption


Compiled by Prof. Prasad J. Parulekar

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