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Differentiate between commercial and non-commercial energy sources with

suitable example of each.

What do you mean by ECO? Discuss its concept. How its feasibility is analysed
based upon SPP
Energy conservation opportunity is the effort made to reduce the consumption of energy by
using less of an energy service. When energy audit is being conducted, the auditor should be
aware about the potential ECOs. Energy auditor should have good knowledge about available
energy efficient technologies that can accomplish the same job with less energy and less cost.
The potential ECOs should be identified during walk-through audit so that later it will
become easier to analyze the data and decide final ECO recommendations. After the energy
audit visit to facility, the data collected from visit is examined, organized and reviewed for
completeness. If any data is missing, then it is obtained from facility personnel or from revisit
to facility. The preliminary ECOs identified during the audit visit are then reviewed for actual
analysis of equipment and operational changes to be carried out. This analysis process
involves determining the costs and benefits of the potential ECOs and making a judgment on
the cost effectiveness of that potential ECO. For measuring this cost effectiveness, “Simple
Pay back Period” (SPP) is used which is calculated by considering the initial investment
(cost) and dividing it by the annual savings. This helps to find a period for savings to repay
the initial investment without using a time value of money.
What do you mean by Photoelectric sensors used in lighting system and how they
save the energy?

What is the significance of Energy Profile and what are different types of Energy
Explain in one or two lines each, how following techniques helps in saving the
1. Interlocking all the equipment’s associated with same process
2.Installing Occupancy sensors or Photoelectric sensors in Lighting system of
3. Installing Steam traps on condensate return system which is open to

In India, why Energy Intensity is high?

How the energy intensity of any country is calculated? What is the significance of
energy intensity?
Energy Intensity is measured by the quantity of energy required per unit output or
activity, so that using less energy to produce a product reduces the intensity.
Discuss the various safety instruments to be carried in energy auditor’s tool box
while conducting energy audit of any facility.
Explain how cooling tower operation can be made more energy efficient.

Write about any 2 types of energy sub-audits.

What are VSDs and how they help in making cooling tower operation more
energy efficient?
Same answer as cooling tower operation
Write any 4 energy efficient practices to be followed to improve the energy
efficiency of “Steam System”
What is “energy audit”? Discuss the various advantages (direct and indirect) of
energy audit of industry.

Write any 3 energy efficient techniques/steps to improve energy efficiency of

motor-belt-drive system.
Differentiate between Primary and Secondary energy sources with at least one
example of each.
In steam generation system, what is the meaning of “Blowdown of Boiler”?
Explain how it is energy deficient operation? How this operation can be made
energy efficient?

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